[Aylmer Bourke Lambert, disgtinguished botanist, vice-president of the Linnaean Society of London.] Autograph Letter Signed to ?Captn. Ross? [the future Sir James Clark Ross], asking him to show his drawings to the King and Queen of New Zealand..

Aylmer Bourke Lambert (1761-1842), distinguished English botanist, vice-president of the Linnean Society of London [Sir James Clark Ross (1800-1862), Antarctic explorer]
Publication details: 
?Friday Eveng. 4th. April [no year or place].?

See his entry, and that of Ross, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo, on first leaf of bifolium. Aged and worn, with small sections torn away at top corners, damaging the first letter of the text. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to ?Captn. Ross.? Neatly written in an elegant hand with a good firm signature. Unusually punctuated. The letter presumably relates to botanical illustrations made during Ross?s Antarctic explorations, from 1839 onwards. Reads: ?My Dear Sir / There are some friends of mine Lord Mountnorris & his Sister & The King & Queen of New Zealand.

[‘Reeking of the dungheap’: Sir Claude Phillips, first Keeper of the Wallace Collection.] Anonymous original manuscript poem in Latin, with English translation in same hand, attacking him as a ‘lustful’ user of ‘language planted with dirty refuse'.

Sir Claude Phillips (1846-1924), first Keeper of the Wallace Collection, art critic of the Daily Telegraph [Albert Curtis Clark (1859-1937), Corpus Christi Professor of Latin at Oxford?]
Publication details: 
No date [circa 1920?] or place, but circa 1920? On paper watermarked ‘The Club Note | Thomas & Sons | London’.

The circumstances surrounding this extraordinary original composition in Latin verse are obscure. See Phillips’s entry in the Oxford DNB, which notes that there was ‘an air of Proust’ about him, and quotes Oliver Brown’s description of him as ‘a stout man, immaculately dressed and heavily scented, who talked continuously while he looked at the pictures'. It may be that Phillips and the author of the poem had been educated together, or that they were members of the same club (the Athenaeum for example).

[Sir James Clark, Physician-in-Ordinary to Queen Victoria.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ja Clakr') regarding a dinner engagement with German chemist Justus von Liebig, with reference to Dr John Gardner.

Sir James Clark (1788-1870), Physician-in-Ordinary to Queen Victoria, and to St George's Infirmary. [John Gardner (1804-1880); Justus von Liebig, chemist]
Publication details: 
Brook Street [London]; 'Saturday eveg' [1843 or after].

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to reverse of second leaf. The recipient is not identified. Begins: 'My Dear Sir, | I would have had much pleasure in accepting your invitation, & meeting Professor Liebig [Justus von Liebig (1803-1873), German chemist], but while you are enjoying yourselves, I expect to be a hundred miles at least on my way to Scotland in the Royal yacht.' He hopes to be able to make Liebig's acquaintance on his return.

[Sir James Clark, Physician-in-Ordinary to Queen Victoria.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ja Clark MD'), 'To the Curators of the library of the College of Surgeons', a reference for 'Mr. Fergus' who wants to read in the library.

Sir James Clark (1788-1870), Physician-in-Ordinary to Queen Victoria, and to St George's Infirmary
Publication details: 
George Street [London]; 10 October 1832.

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to blank reverse. Folded several times. Addressed at bottom left 'To the Curators of the library of the College of Surgeons'. Reads: 'Gentlemen, | Mr. Fergus, who is desirous of obtaining the advantage of reading in the library of the College of Surgeons, is known to me as a most respectable young man, and the permission to carry on his researches in your library will be bestowed on a very deserving person.'

[Sir James Clark, Physician-in-Ordinary to Queen Victoria.] Autograph Note Signed ('Ja Clark') to 'Mr Owen', i.e. Sir Richard Owen, regarding 'Mr Combe' sending Owen his work.

Sir James Clark (1788-1870), Physician-in-Ordinary to Queen Victoria, and to St George's Infirmary [Sir Richard Owen (1804-1892), palaeontologist; George Combe, Scottish phrenologist]
Publication details: 
No place; 14 May [no year].

1p, 16mo. In fair condition, aged and grubby, with remains of glue from mount on reverse. Reads: 'Dear Mr Owen, | I have sent your note to Mr Combe & hope he may be able to send you the work - | Yours truly | Ja Clark'. The note has a light stamp at top left of page, stating that it is 'Ex. Litt. Ricardi Owen', and a gift to Sherborne from 'R. S. Owen'.

[William Clark, Professor of Anatomy in the University of Cambridge.] Autograph Letter Signed ['Wm. Clark. M.D.'], a glowing reference praising C. J. Johnstone of Caius College, with whom he has collaborated on dissections.

William Clark (1788-1869), Professor of Anatomy in the University of Cambridge [C. J. Johnstone (d.1838) of Caius Collegte]
Publication details: 
[Cambridge postmark.] 22 June 1836.

1p, 4to. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with two postmarks and seal in black wax, to 'C. J. Johnstone Esqre | M. B – | 53 Tavistock Square | London'. Twenty-two lines of neatly-written text. He is pleased that Johnstone has declared himself 'a candidate for the vacant office of Lecturer in Chemistry at St. Bartholomew's hospital', and assures him that he has his 'warmest wishes' for his success.

[Sir James Clark, Physician-in-Ordinary to Queen Victoria.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ja Clark') [to Robert Dunn], praising his 'views on Physiological Psychology, the only sound Psychology'.

Sir James Clark (1788-1870), Physician-in-Ordinary to Queen Victoria [Robert Dunn (1799-1877), surgeon]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 22B Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, W. [London] 7 May 1858.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Dunn is not named as the recipient, but his 'Essay on Physiological Psychology' was published in 1858. He is 'glad to find' that Dunn has 'brought out your views on Physiological Psychology, the only sound Psychology', and he thanks him for 'the Copy you have kindly sent me'. He continues: 'I wish we had more such Psychology in our Ethnological Society.' and concludes: 'I hope you will not desert us'.

[Francis Godolphin Osborne, 5th Duke of Leeds, Foreign Secretary who antagonised Thomas Jefferson and damaged relations with United States.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Leeds') to 'Mr Alderman Clark', regarding Duke of Rutland and Bethlem Hospital.

Francis Godolphin Osborne, 5th Duke of Leeds [Marquess of Carmarthen] (1751-1799), Foreign Secretary who antagonised Thomas Jefferson and damaged relations with the United States [Richard Clark]
Publication details: 
St. James's Square [London]. 5 April 1796.

1p., 4to. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to revese of second leaf, which is endorsed '5. April 1796 | Duke of Leeds.' Folded twice. Reads 'Dear Sir. | The Duke of Rutland & some of his friends being desirous of seeing Bethlem Hospital, I shall be much obliged to you for an order of admittance for His Grace & his Company. | Believe me Dear Sir | very sincerely yours | Leeds.' Richard Clark (1739-1831) was Treasurer of the Royal Hospitals of Bethlem and Bridewell.

[ William Clark Russell, nautical author. ] Offprint of article about him by 'Capt. W. J. Ward (Cardiff)', titled 'A National Asset'. With photographic portrait of Russell, and reproduction of sonnet to him by Julia D. Young.

Capt. W. J. Ward (Cardiff), Author of "A Lady Skipper," "S.S. Grauck, or The Scheme That Failed," Etc. Etc. [ William Clark Russell (1844-1911), English nautical author; Julia D. Young ]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from "The Maritime Review."' No place or date (but during the reign of King George V).

2pp., 4to. Printed on the same side of one piece of shiny art paper, folded to make a bifolium. Aged and stained, with wear and slight loss to extremities. Photograph of Russell beneath title, alongside 'Sonnet | To W. Clark Russell', reprinted 'From "English Sea Pictures." By Julia D. Young, Author of "Barham Beach, the President's Poem." - New York.' The author laments that '[i]n this country, it is not the fashion to ennoble those who really do something for their time and generation', such as Russell, whose 'stupendous output' consists of 'fifty-seven books everyone [sic] of them good'.

[ Queensland Bureau of Industry, Brisbane, Australia. ] 'Specimen Issue' of printed 'Review of Economic Progress'

Colin Clark (1905-1989), Anglo-Australian economist and statistician [ Queensland Bureau of Industry, Brisbane, Australia. ]
Publication details: 
[ Queensland Bureau of Industry, Brisbane, Australia. ] Vol. I, Number I. January 1949.

5pp., 4to., with the last page a double-page fold-out on card, mainly comprising a table. Unbound. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Stamp of the Leplay House Library in the top right-hand corner. 'SPECIMEN ISSUE' printed in the top left-hand corner of the first page. The full article is titled 'International Comparisons of the Purchasing Power of Money', with headings: 'Sources of Data on Prices', 'Other Sources', 'Re-Calculation of Purchasing Power of the £ in I.U., 1938', 'International Comparisions of the Purchasing Power of Money, 1946-47'.

'The Chinese Bridge & Pagoda, | Erected in the Park, in commemoration of the Glorious Peace of 1814.' [Handcoloured engraving by John Heaviside Clark from Matthew Dubourg.]

Matthew Dubourg (fl.1786-1838), artist; John Heaviside Clark (c.1771-1836), Scottish engraver; Edward Orme (1775-1848), London printseller [Chinese bridge and pagoda, St James's Park, London, 1814]
Publication details: 
'Published and Sold Augt. 12th. 1814, by EDWD. ORME, Publisher to his Majesty and H.R.H. the Prince Regent, Bond Street (corner of Brook Str.) London.'

In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with discoloration to the reverse showing through slightly at corners. Dimensions: paper 23 x 32 cm; plate 20 x 30 cm; image 15 x 23 cm.

[John Francis Clark of Newmarket, architect and 'racing judge'.] Three unpublished Autograph lectures, one a vivid account of a visit to 'Naples and Mount Vesuvius' in 1841, the second a similar account of Rome; the third a history of architecture.

John Francis Clark (1816-1898) of Newmarket, Suffolk architect and 'racing judge' [Horse Racing]
Publication details: 
The first paper signed 'J. F. Clark | Newmarket | Feb. 2. 1852 read at Kirtling [Suffolk]'. The second dated 'Jan. 1860'. The third without date or place.

For more information on Clark, see the account by Eric C. Graham, privately printed in 2010. All texts clear and legible, on aged and worn paper (especially the outer ones). ONE: Headed 'J. F. Clark | Newmarket | Feb. 2. 1852 read at Kirtling'. 30pp., foolscap 8vo. Saddle stitched.

[Thomas Clark.] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir William Horne, threatening to 'Impeach Sir John Nicholl' over his 'Judgment in Dern & Clark'

Thomas Clark [Sir William Horne (1774-1860), barrister and politician; Sir John Nicholl (1759-1838), Welsh judge]
Publication details: 
5 Farringdon Street, London. 12 April 1834.

3pp., 8vo. 72 lines. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Clark is writing again 'at the instigation of Friends', and hopes that 'in a Case of such vast public as well as private Importance, involving the Rights the Liberty & the Property of the Subject, you will extend to me your generous & powerful aid, at the Bar, or in the Senate'. His petition to the king (regarding 'Slotts Well'), certified by Horne, was suppressed, and he 'applied to Lord Eldon to present a Petition for me to the House of Peers'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the actor and playwright Henry Leslie to the actor John Clark, sending a copy of a play ['The Village Blacksmith'] which Ellen Terry 'wanted to take to Webster', and commending Clark for the lead role.

Henry Leslie (1830-1881), English actor and playwright [John Clark, actor; Dame Ellen Terry (1847-1928), actress; Benjamin Webster (1798-1882), actor-manager]
Publication details: 
36 Queens Crescent, Haverstock Hill, NW [London]. 25 March 1867.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with small hole through both leaves. He will be too busy over the following days to visit Clark in person, 'and so I send you the first act of the MSS I talked to you about - I may say I read the 1st. act one afternoon to Miss Terry who wanted to take it to Webster - but I was disinclined'. If Clark 'had anything to do with it - the Blacksmith would be the [last word underlined] part'. He asks Clark to return it as soon as he can: 'as this is the American copy - and they expect it (but of course won't get it) by next mail'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the writer Robert Innes-Smith, friend of British Union of Fascists leader Sir Oswald Mosley, to James Royston Clark, tried for treason at end of war as 'Number Two' broadcaster in Berlin to 'Lord Haw Haw' [William Joyce].

Robert Innes-Smith, friend of Sir Oswald Mosley [British Union of Fascists; James Royston Clark (b.1923), son of Dorothy Eckersley, 'Number Two' to Nazi collaborator 'Lord Haw Haw', William Joyce]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Old Vicarage, Swinburne Street, Derby. 20 March 2000.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He begins by enquiring whether the recipient is 'the J. R. Clark who appeared recently on TV', whom he 'would love to meet'. 'In 1934 my two aunts were in Germany and wrote letters home. They were keen Nazis and my older aunt met Goering & Goebbles. My grandparents and younger aunt were given luncheon by the Mussolinis when in Rome.' He was 'rivetted' by the television programme, as he was 'transcribing the letters sent to their mother by my aunts when the programme was broadcast'.

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