
[Fitzroy Kelly; attempted murder is as bad as murder] {Part of?] Autograph Letter OR Note Signed with initials (probably a Postscript?) 'FK [FitzRoy Kelly]', later Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, to an unknown correspondent defining murder.

Sir Fitzroy Edward Kelly (1796-1880), Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, judge and Conservative politician [Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd (1795-1854), writer, judge and politician]
Publication details: 
No place or date. See Image.

One page, 8vo, strip on left edge from origins in an album(?), fair condition, completely legible if hasty. Text: I will let you off now - but you had better let me ask Gunning whether he has further occasion for you.| I think too that an attempt to murder is as bad as murder - But inasmuch as punishment is not to revenge [underlined] but to deter [underlined]; as long as murder is punishable with deat you have all the security that you can have against attempts to murder. | JK.

Manuscript Fee Book of E. G. M. Carmichael, Worcestershire barrister and 29th Chief of the Clan Carmichael, covering over fifty years [1895-1947].

Evelyn George Massey Carmichael (1871-1959), 29th Chief of the Clan Carmichael, barrister at law of the Inner Temple and Worcestershire cricketer [Harrow; Oriel College, Oxford]
Publication details: 
In 'Partridge & Cooper's Improved Fee Book.' Entries dated from 1 January 1895 to June 1947.

4to, 168 pp. Text clear and complete, in a number of different hands. Internally tight, on lightly-aged paper. In loose buff calf half-binding, with the front of the green cloth boards stamped in gilt with 'FEE BOOK [in scroll] | E. G. M. CARMICHAEL'. Every opening in a spread of seven columns across the two pages: Date, Solicitor, Name of Cause or Matter, Description, Fee, When paid, Remarks. Giving a rounded picture of the activities of a well-connected provincial solicitor. (Represented Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin - another Worcestershire man, M.P.

[Thomas Clark.] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir William Horne, threatening to 'Impeach Sir John Nicholl' over his 'Judgment in Dern & Clark'

Thomas Clark [Sir William Horne (1774-1860), barrister and politician; Sir John Nicholl (1759-1838), Welsh judge]
Publication details: 
5 Farringdon Street, London. 12 April 1834.

3pp., 8vo. 72 lines. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Clark is writing again 'at the instigation of Friends', and hopes that 'in a Case of such vast public as well as private Importance, involving the Rights the Liberty & the Property of the Subject, you will extend to me your generous & powerful aid, at the Bar, or in the Senate'. His petition to the king (regarding 'Slotts Well'), certified by Horne, was suppressed, and he 'applied to Lord Eldon to present a Petition for me to the House of Peers'.

[Offprint.] English Law Reporting, A Paper read by Sir Frederick Pollock of London, England, at the Twenty-sixth Annual Meeting of The American Bar Association held at Hot Springs, Virginia, August 26, 1903.

Sir Frederick Pollock [The American Bar Association]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from the Transactions of the Association.' [Philadelphia: Dando Printing and Publishing Company, 34, South Third Street. 1903.]

13pp., 8vo. Stitched, in grey printed card wraps. In very good condition. Originally printed as an appendix to the 'Report of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Bar Association held at Hot Springs, Virginia, August 26, 27 and 28, 1903.' Scarce: no copy on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

['The Overseers of the Poor of Leeds' (near Maidstone, Kent).] Itemised manuscript bill to the Overseer Mr Bottle from Burr, Hoar & Burr, attornies, King Street, Maidstone

Burr, Hoar & Burr, attornies, King Street, Maidstone, Kent [Mr Bottle, Overseer of the Poor of Leeds, near Maidstone, Kent]
Publication details: 
[Burr, Hoar & Burr, attornies, Maidstone, Kent.] Undated, but covering the period April 1817 to July 1821.

3pp., folio. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Mr. Bottle | Overseer | Leeds', with Maidstone postmark, and docketted 'Burr's Bill | £24 14s 8d'. In good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Headed 'The Overseers of the Poor of Leeds'. Closely and neatly written, with the forty itemised entries going into unusual detail. The first entry, for 6s 8d, reads: '[April 1817] Att[endin]g. you on Stonham's Son in law hav[in]g. applied to a Magistrate for an Order for relief of his Grandchildren & aftwds upon the Magistrate with you & him & advis[in]g.

Five documents relating to the application of Lord Chorley for the lectureship in Evidence, Procedure and Criminal Law at the Inns of Court School of Law, including letters of recommendation from Lord Wright and Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders.

Robert Alderson Wright (1869-1964), Baron Wright [Lord Wright, Master of the Rolls, 1935-37]; Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders (1886-1966) [Robert Samuel Theodore Chorley (1895-1978), 1st Baron Chorley]
Publication details: 
London. 1952.

The five items are in good condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Items One and Two: Typed drafts of a 'Statement of Qualifications', headed 'Lord Chorley's application for appointment to the lectureship in Evidence, Procedure and Criminal Law.' Both 2pp., 4to. Slightly different in layout, and with few (if any) textual differences. After describing his career Chorley writes: 'Although my chief legal study has been commercial law I had experience of teaching Evidence, Procedure and Criminal Law at the Law Society's School.

Signed Autograph legal opinion of Sir William Atherton ('Wm. Atherton'), regarding an action for breach of convenant in 1841 between a Mrs Cox and a farmer named Braddick, with reference to a Mr. Hussey.

Sir William Atherton (1806-1864), lawyer and Liberal Member of Parliament [Cox; Braddick; Hussey]
Publication details: 
'Wm. Atherton, Temple, 16. Octr. 1841.'

On both sides of a piece of paper 33 x 41.5 cm. 39 lines. Text clear and complete. In good condition, on laid paper. The lower part of the last leaf laid down on piece of card, with no loss of Atherton's text. Atherton gives his response to three queries, the latter part of the second, and whole of the third of which are present, in another hand (totalling twelve lines), at the head of the first page. Atherton ends his statement: 'Until however it shall have been ascertained what course Braddick means to pursue on the 20th., and also whether Mr.

Manuscript 'Appointment of Frank Cockburn Esqr. as Clerk of Assize of the Midland Circuit', signed by Sir Alexander Cockburn ('A. E. Cockburn'), Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench.

Sir Alexander James Edmund Cockburn (1802-1880), Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench and Liberal Solicitor-General (1850) and Attorney General (1851-1852) [Frank Cockburn]
Publication details: 
6 June 1862.

On one side of a piece of vellum, 34.5 x 42.5 cm. Folded into a docketed 9 x 21 cm packet. In good condition, lightly-aged. Signed by 'A. E. Cockburn', and by two witnesses: 'J H Brewer' of Curzon Street, Mayfair, and 'Henry William Frayling | Clerk to the said Sir A E. Cockburn', with remains of his red wax seal. Also signed at foot by the Queen's Remembrancer 'W H Walton'.

Signed Autograph legal opinion of Sir Alexander Cockburn ('A. E. Cockburn'), regarding an action between H. D. Kingdon and a 'Mr. Newman' in 1841.

Sir Alexander James Edmund Cockburn (1802-1880), Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench and Liberal Solicitor-General (1850) and Attorney General (1851-1852) [H. D. Kingdon, author]
Publication details: 
'A. E. Cockburn | Temple | Decr. 16. 1841.'

On both sides of a piece of paper 25.5 x 41 cm. 44 lines. Fair, on aged paper. The upper part of the first page laid down on card, resulting in loss of text. Begins 'I am of opinion that no partnership was created between Mr. H. D. Kingdon & Mr. Newman by the Indenture of 1838 sufficient to bar the former on an action upon that deed.' The document dates from the year in which Cockburn took silk. H. D. Kingdon was author of 'The Old English Mastiff' (London, 1873).

Signed Autograph legal opinion of Sir George Jessel ('G. Jessel'), regarding an 1849 action regarding the 'Title to Haskins Orchard in Payhembury Devon' between Elizabeth Harbin Gooddin, John Gooddin, Mrs Wain.

Sir George Jessel (1824-1883), English judge and Liberal Member of Parliament, Master of the Rolls from 1873 to 1883, the first Jew to achieve high judicial office [Goodden family, Payhembury, Devon]
Publication details: 
'G. Jessel | 5 Stone Buildings | Lincoln's Inn | 26 Feby 1849'.

Folio, 3 pp. On two pieces of paper, 33 x 41 cm. 84 lines. Clear and complete. Fair, on aged and lightly-discoloured paper. The reverse of the last leaf is docketed '1848 | Abstract of the Title to Haskins Orchard in Payhembury Devon'. The upper part of the first page carries the last part of a deed of covenant, transcribed in another hand, with a query in the left-hand margin in Jessel's autograph, initialed by him. Beneath this, and continuing to the end of the third page, is Jessel's opinion, beginning 'I have perused this abstract on behalf of Mrs.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Cockburn') from the Scottish judge and author Henry Cockburn, Lord Cockburn, to Benjamin Bell, Advocate, 20 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh.

Henry Thomas Cockburn (1779-1854), Lord Cockburn, Scottish lawyer, judge and author, Solicitor General for Scotland, 1830-1834 [Edinburgh Review]
Scottish judge and author Henry Cockburn
Publication details: 
14 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh; 8 November 1833.
Scottish judge and author Henry Cockburn

12mo, 1 p. On recto of first leaf of bifolium. Addressed, with broken red wax seal, on verso of second leaf. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Knowing of Bell's 'attachment to the Civil Law', he invites him to a breakfast, where he will 'meet with Justinian, & a few select jurists'.

Autograph Signature ('Romilly') of John Romilly, 1st Baron Romilly, Master of the Rolls, on fragment of letter.

John Romilly, 1st Baron Romilly (1802-1874), English judge, the last Master of the Rolls to sit in Parliament
Autograph Signature ('Romilly') of John Romilly
Publication details: 
4 August 1868; 14 Hyde Park Terrace.
Autograph Signature ('Romilly') of John Romilly

On slip, 5 x 9.5 cm, cut from the head of a letter. Fair, on lightly-discoloured grey paper. The reverse reads '14 Hyde Park Terrace | 4 Aug 1868 | Sir | I regret that my engagements at the end of September & the beginning <...>', and the reverse reads 'the promotion of Social Service | I am your obedient | [signed] Romilly'.

Rules of the Mediterranean Club. [proof copy, with autograph emendations by Sir Stephen H. Gatty, Chief Justice of Gibraltar]

[The Mediterranean Club, Gibraltar; Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, 1895 to 1905]
Rules of the Mediterranean Club. [proof copy]
Publication details: 
[Gibraltar, c.1900. Name of printer not given.]
Rules of the Mediterranean Club. [proof copy]

12mo, 9 pp. Stapled. In original plain green wraps. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with rusted staple. Folded once, vertically. Wraps creased and discoloured. Divided into 29 rules and 9 bye-laws. The club is said, in Rule 1, to be 'open to Officers of the Army and Navy and Colonial Services, and Gentlemen residing at or visiting Gibraltar'. Emendations by Gatty in pencil, including, on the front wrap, 'Proof' and 'Rules as altered at the meeting carried!' A few minor emendations in text, and additional rule by Gatty, seven lines in length, on the back wrap.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Eldon') to Twining, based on a misapprehension. With memorandum by Twining, initialled 'R T'.

John Scott, 1st Earl of Eldon (1751-1838), Lord Chancellor [Richard Twining (1749-1824)]
Publication details: 
Undated. [London, post 1801.]

8vo, 1 p. Eleven lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with a couple of spots from the leaf to which it was attached adhering to the blank reverse. Docketed at head in ink: 'Mem I know not to what application this refers.'; and at foot in pencil: 'Mem I was not the writer of the Letter referr'd to! | R T'. Eldon has received the recipient's letter, 'with a paper inserted from Mrs <?> Campbell or Clark. This paper is addressed to me under a very common Misapprehension of the Chancellors powers & duties'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('T. N. Talfourd.') to an unnamed male correspondent.

Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd (1795-1854), English writer, judge and politician
Publication details: 
19 May 1834; 2 Elm Court, Temple.

12mo, 2 pp. Good, on lightly aged paper, with traces of a paper stub neatly adhering to the blank bottom right-hand corner of the verso. Apologising for his 'long neglect of the subject of your last notice - the Mill Hill Medal. The truth is I am scarcely able to find strength and spirits for the work I have to do, and so am constantly involved in difficulties as to time like those to which extravagant people fall into as to money'. He hopes 'to be able to enjoy the pleasures of our anniversary dinner', although he does not feel he deserves them.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed correspondent.

John Romilly, 1st baron Romilly
Publication details: 
L[aw]. C[ourts]. 13 Ap. 1839'.

Lawyer and Member of Parliament (1802-74), Master of the Rolls, 1851-73. On scrap of paper roughly three and a half inches square. Grubby and stained. Reads '<...> In Chancery | F. 131 <...> | L. C. 13 Ap. 1839 | Will [last word deleted] see minutes of judgment back of pp. 3 & 4. Will give final judgment on Monday. next, 15 Ap./ | John Romilly. | 10/- | <...> In the Matter of the <...>'

Part of Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

John Scott, 1st Earl of Eldon
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Lord Chancellor of England (1751-1838). Dimensions roughly four and a half inches square. Paper spotted and discoloured. Traces of previous blue-paper mount adhering to blank reverse. Unobtrusive archival-tape repair to closed tear. Reads 'May God support him in the Time of his great Calamity! | I shall be infinitely obliged by your allowing me to hope that thro' you I may occasionally hear of his Health | I remain, Dear Sir, | Yr obliged Servant | Eldon'.

Autograph Letter Signed to '<George?>'.

Sir John Duke Coleridge, 1st Baron Coleridge
Publication details: 
15 July 1865; 6 Southwick Crescent W.

Lord Chief Justice of England (1820-94). 2 pages, 16mo. In poor condition. Stained, creased, discoloured and with damage to blank second leaf of bifoliate. Difficult handwriting. 'My dear - | The Broomfield is for Monday at 9.30. I go down to Winchester again for it tomorrow (Sunday) night & if you will come to my lodgings Westgate House near the Monument just before 9.30 I dare say I can get you in by myself a clerk. | In haste | Ever affectionately yours | J D Coleridge'.

Autograph Signature on Frank.

Sir William Bolland
Publication details: 
18 December 1836; Bakewell.

Lawyer and bibliophile (1772-1840), Baron of the Court of Exchequer. Front part of envelope, dimensions approximately 3 1/2 inches by 5 inches. In good condition. With red postmark. Reads 'Bakewell December Eighteen | 1836 | C. A. Thiselton Esq | 4 Cambridge Place | Camberwell New Road | London | Bolland'.

one autograph letter signed to [?] Lanyon,

Sir Edward Macnaghten, Baron Macnaghten
Publication details: 
23 June 1887, with embossment of the House of Lords.

Judge (1830-1913), formulator of the celebrated "Macnaghten rules" of criminal insanity. 3 pp, 12mo. He makes interesting comments on the process of public appointments. "I am sorry to say it is out of my power to comply with your wishes. It is not considered proper in a person holding a judicial office as I happen to do to ask for anything or to put himself in the way of coming under an obligation to any body.

Autograph note signed to the solicitor [Sir John] Hollams (1820-1910),

Sir George Essex Honyman
Publication details: 
17 January [1873], no place.

Judge (1819-75). One page, 12mo. "Jany 17. / My dear Hollams / I have with some hesitation accepted the Common Pleas." Honyman became a judge in the Court of Common Pleas on 23 January 1873. Dreadful sprawling handwriting. Paper worn, torn, grubby and creased, with blank second leaf repaired and with four pieces of gummed tape adhering to it from previous mounting.

Autograph letter signed to an unnamed male correspondent,

Sir John Duke Coleridge, 1st Baron Coleridge
Publication details: 
17 June 1891, with embossment of the royal crest.

Lord Chief Justice of England (1820-94). 2 pp, 12mo. "I could have asked to be silent to-night but I cannot refuse to answer for the guests on an occasion so interesting & on which I am very proud to be present". Postscript: "Can you give me any idea of who the guests are, & about what time I shall have to speak as I am desirious if I can to go on to the Royal Society to-night?". Creased and with four pieces of gummed paper from mounting adhering to verso of blank second leaf.

Autograph letter signed to Mrs [?] Peacock,

Sir John Hollams
Publication details: 
11 January 1903, with letterhead Dene Park, Tonbridge.

Solicitor (1820-1910). 3 pp, 12mo. An informal letter. "We were all much pleased at hearing of your good husband's promotion and we were glad to find you are in a pleasant part of the country. [...] All are I am thankful to say well - Fred recently had a very alarming accident in London". Four pieces of gummed paper from mounting adhering to blank verso of second leaf.

Autograph note signed to unnamed correspondent,

Sir Samuel Martin
Publication details: 
without date or place.

Judge (1801-83), Baron of the Exchequer. One page, 12mo. "What is the true state of things at Belfast / Sam Martin". Martin was born in County Londonderry. Four pieces of gummed paper adhering from mounting adhering to the otherwise blank verso.

Autograph letter signed to J. F. Ellis,

John Leycester Adolphus
Publication details: 
10 December [no year], no place.

Barrister and author (1795-1862). One page, 12mo. "Dear Ellis, / Doe v.

Autograph note signed to [Frederick W.] Hollams,

Farrer Herschell, 1st Baron Herschell
Publication details: 
15 June [no year], with letterhead 46 Grosvenor Gardens.

Lord Chancellor of England (1837-99). One page, 12mo. Marked "Confidential". "I send for your perusal a letter I have recd fm. Sir F. - you will of course treat it as quite confidential & destroy it when you have read it. It will at least serve to shew that I have done what I cd." Traces of gummed paper from mounting adhering to blank verso.

one autograph letter signed to the civil engineer and politician Sir Charles Lanyon (1813-89),

Hugh McCalmont Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns
Publication details: 
21 October 1876, with letterhead 5 Cromwell Houses.

Lord Chancellor of England (1819-85). 2 pp, 12mo. "I am much obliged to you for sending me the resolutions adopted at the large & influential meeting which assembled under your presidency at Belfast to express the opinions entertained in that part of the Kingdom on the Questions of Foreign Policy which now occupy so deeply the public mind.

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