[Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd, author, judge and Radical politician.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘T Davis Esq’ regarding the acting of Henry Thomas Betty, son of 'the young Roscius'.

Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd (1795-1854), author, judge and Radical politician, friend of Charles Dickens and framer of modern British copyright law
Publication details: 
‘Serjeants’ Inn [London], 20 May, 1841’.

Talfourd’s entry in the Oxford DNB notes that he was ‘particularly loved’ by Dickens, and that he ‘provided the archetype of the idealistic Tommy Traddles in David Copperfield; his children Frank and Kate gave their names to two youngsters in Dickens's Nicholas Nickleby.’ The subject of the letter is the actor Henry Thomas Betty (1819-1897), son of ‘the young Roscius’ Henry Betty (1791-1874), whose entry in the ODNB also see. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, and with slight traces of mount on reverse. Folded for postage. Begins: ‘My dear Sir, / Mr.

[Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd, dramatist, judge, and friend of Charles Lamb, dedicatee of Pickwick Papers.] Autograph Letter in the third person to ‘Mrs Walter’, presenting a copy of ‘a little dramatic poem’ (i.e. his celebrated play ‘Ion’).

Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd (1795-1854), dramatist, judge, Radical politician, friend of Charles Dickens (dedicatee of Pickwick Papers) and Charles Lamb, advocate of copyright reform
Publication details: 
21 October 1835; Reading [Berkshire].

It is hard to overestimate the impact of ‘Ion’ on Victorian audiences in Britain and America. According to Talfourd’s entry in the Oxford DNB, the play was ‘first performed at Covent Garden Theatre, London, on his birthday, 26 May 1836.

Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd (1795-1854), dramatist, judge, Radical politician.] Autograph Letter in third person [as 'Mr. Serjeant Talfourd'] to the actress Helen Faucit, sending best wishes on her illness while describing his contribution to her album.

Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd (1795-1854), dramatist, judge, Radical politician, friend of Charles Dickens and Charles Lamb [Helen Faucit [Helena Saville Faucit, Lady Martin] (1817-1898), actress]
Publication details: 
3 Serjeant's Inn [London]. 9 January 1841.

1p, 16mo. On 14 x 11 cm piece of paper, with margins apparently cut down. Aged, and with slight damage to two words of text caused by removal from mount.At the time of writing Faucit's successful career had been interrupted by the recurrence of a lung condition, necessitating recuperation at a seaside resort. She has evidently asked Talfourd to contribute to an autograph album, soliciting the following response: 'Mr.

Speech of Sergeant Talfourd on Literary Property delivered in the House of Commons, on the 18th of May, 1837.

Sergeant Talfourd [Thomas Noon Talfourd] (1795-1854), English judge and writer [Copyright Bill, 1837]
Speech of Sergeant Talfourd on Literary Property
Publication details: 
[1837.] London: Published by Sherwood and Co., Paternoster-row. [Bradford , Red lion-ct. Fleet-st.]
Speech of Sergeant Talfourd on Literary Property

8vo, 16 pp Disbound. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with the final page a little discoloured. Ownership inscriptions of 'Charles Hall Hemphill' and 'James | May 1837'. A significant work: a milestone in the history of copyright law. According to the eleventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, this speech introducing Talfourd's Copyright Bill 'was considered the most telling made in the House during that session'. No copy listed on COPAC, and WorldCat lists three copies (all foreign).

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'A Keith') to 'Major Noon'.

Sir Arthur Keith (1866-1955), Scottish palaeoanthropologist [Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
17 and 19 March 1917; both on letterhead of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

Both good, on aged paper. Letter One: 12mo, 1 p. With stamped envelope. Thanking Noon for the 'notes & very instructive X-ray of your case of syringomyelia', about which 'Shattock', who is 'pulling up the W. O. Collection', is 'very keen'. Letter Two: 12mo, 2 pp. Thanking him for 'two very welcome additions to the W. O. Collection': 'You have no idea of how much an X-ray enhances the value of a specimen - we get an opportunity of comparing the shaddow [sic] with the real thing'.

Typed Letter Signed ('Heneage Ogilvie') to Noon.

Sir Heneage Ogilvie (1887-1971), British surgeon [Sir Hedley Atkins (1905-1983), Professor of Surgery at Guy's Hospital; Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
5 February 1952; on letterhead with the addresses of his London residence and consulting room.

4to, 1 p. Seventeen lines of text, clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with small area lacking in top left-hand corner. Concerning Hedley Atkins, who, '[a]s a Guy's man', Ogilvie is keen to have replace him on the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons, from which he is retiring after sixteen years. The condition with which Ogilvie is related, Ogilvie's Syndrome, was first reported by him in 1948.

Five Autograph Letters Signed and four Typed Letters Signed (all 'J Paterson Ross') to Noon.

Sir James Paterson Ross (1895-1980), Professor of Surgery at St Bartholomew's Hospital London, and Surgeon to the Royal Household [Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon, Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
Between 1951 and 1955; six on St Bartholomew's Hospital letterhead and three on that of Ross's Oakleigh Park address.

Five of the nine items in 4to, and the rest 12mo. All texts clear and complete. Collection in good condition on lightly-aged paper. Occasional minor traces of brown-paper mounts, and most items with punch-holes to top left-hand corners. A cordial correspondence between two colleagues. Several letters relate to Noon's soon Charles, training under Ross to be a surgeon. On 26 June 1952 (12mo, 3 pp) Ross writes discussing the son's failure in an examination..

Typed Note Signed ('Robert Woods') to Noon.

Sir Robert Stanton Woods (1877-1954), first Director of the London Hospital Department of Physical Medicine [Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
2 July 1942; with his Wimpole Street stamp.

Landscape 12mo, 1 p. Fair, lightly-aged and with a punch-hole to the top left-hand corner. 'You will be grieved to learn that Walton excised my boy's sigmoid on June 19 and that he died of acute ileus on June 23.'

Two Autograph Letters Signed ('B Pollock.' and 'B P.') and one unsigned Autograph Letter, all written during his final illness.

The Rt Rev Bertram Pollock (1863-1943), Bishop of Norwich [Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
6 August, 12 October and undated; Norwich and London.

The three items are good, on aged paper. Letter One: Undated. Signed 'B Pollock'. 4to, 1 p. In pencil. Headed 'please forgive stationery'. On reverse is a cancelled carbon page of autobiographical typescript. He is travelling to London and asks for the addresses of a couple of doctors. 'I have had very slight bleeding from the prostate, but this has become much greater in the last 24 hours. Pulse and temperature quite normal, some constipation, no pain. I dont know whether my walks should be reduced'. Letter Two: Dated 26 August 1943.

Typed Letter Signed ('Douglas Harmer') to Noon.

William Douglas Harmer (1873-1962), surgeon, of St Bartholomew's Hospital, pioneer in radium treatment of throat cancer [Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
19 November 1945; The Radium Institute (on his cancelled Harley Street letterhead).

4to, 1 p. Nineteen lines. Text clear and complete. On aged paper with slight staining, and punch hole to top left-hand corner. Pressing the claims of his son Michael ('also a Bart's man') for a post at Noon's hospital. 'He has done very well at Bart's, is a Fellow of the College, missed M.Ch. (Cambridge) by a few marks just before the war, was Harold Wilson's Assistant for the first two years and has been Squadron Leader in the Air Force in charge of the surgical wards at a big hospital at Hoylake since.'

Two Typed Letters Signed ('Moran') to Noon.

Charles McMoran Wilson, 1st Baron Moran [Lord Moran] (1882-1977), Sir Winston Churchill's personal physician [Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
1 March 1951 and 1 March 1955; both on his Harley Street letterhead.

Both items good, on lightly-aged paper, each with a punch-hole to the top left-hand corner. Letter One: 12mo, 1 p. Concerning 'the Committee' and two surgeons. Letter Two: 4to, 1 p. Twenty-three typed lines and a four-line autograph postscript. Possibly relating to the Royal College of Physicians. Discussing his concerns 'about our means of getting C's in the Region'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Harold. W. Wilson') to Noon.

Harold W. Wilson [Harold William Wilson] (1880-1959), consulting surgeon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital [Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
31 January 1946; on his Great Yarmouth lettehead.

12mo, 2 pp. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with two punch-holes to the top left-hand corner. Noon 'won't regret' employing Michael Harmer. 'Please give me news of yourself; I hear nothing but vague, disturbing rumours'.

Typed Letter Signed to Noon.

Herbert Williamson (d.1924), Physician Accoucheur to St Bartholomew's Hospital [Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
6 September 1924; on his Queen Anne Street letterhead.

4to, 1 p. Nine lines of text. Good, on lightly-aged and creased paper, with punch hole to top left-hand corner. Explaining why it is impossible for him to accept the invitation of the Norwich Medico-Chirurgical Society.

Autograph Note Signed ('Horder') to Noon, on his father's death.

Mervyn Horder (1910-1997), Lord Horder of Ashford, publisher and composer [Thomas Jeeves Horder (1871-1955), 1st Baron Horder, physician to the British royal family; Charles Noon (d.1957)]
Publication details: 
10 August [1955]; on letterhead of Ashford Chace, Petersfield, Hampshire.

12mo, 2 pp. Twenty-one lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with punch-hole to the top left-hand corner. As a colleague of Horder's father (senior surgeon and the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital) Noon has offered a 'collection of aphorisms', which Horder feels will be 'of the greatest value, indeed it is exactly what I want'. He asks for Noon's memories of 'personal dealings': 'These are especially useful in the early days, when of course my own memory does not serve.' Concludes: 'We all thought he'd have another 10 years ahead, so it has been a sad shock.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Norman Tanner') to Noon.

Norman Tanner [Norman C. Tanner] (1906-1982), gastric surgeon to Charing Cross Hospital [Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
6 February 1952; on his Streatham Park letterhead.

12mo, 2 pp. Good, on aged paper, with two punch-holes to top left-hand corner. Describing the qualities of his former 'chief assistant Mr Colin Craig who has taken up your Lowestoft appointment', including the comment 'I would be quite happy for him to operate on myself or one of my family'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Alfd Webb-Johnson') to Noon.

Sir Alfred Webb-Johnson (1880-1958), President of the Royal Society of Medicine and surgeon to Queen Mary [Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
15 March 1945; on Royal College of Surgeons letterhead.

12mo, 2 pp. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with slight smudging in a couple of places. Thanking Noon for his 'generous gift to the Restoration Fund'. Describing the 'response' and urging Noon to 'interest patients & friends, particularly grateful medicos'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('T. N. Talfourd.') to an unnamed male correspondent.

Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd (1795-1854), English writer, judge and politician
Publication details: 
19 May 1834; 2 Elm Court, Temple.

12mo, 2 pp. Good, on lightly aged paper, with traces of a paper stub neatly adhering to the blank bottom right-hand corner of the verso. Apologising for his 'long neglect of the subject of your last notice - the Mill Hill Medal. The truth is I am scarcely able to find strength and spirits for the work I have to do, and so am constantly involved in difficulties as to time like those to which extravagant people fall into as to money'. He hopes 'to be able to enjoy the pleasures of our anniversary dinner', although he does not feel he deserves them.

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