[Royal Mistress] Engraving, head and shoulders (slightly decolletage) SIGNED Mary Anne Clarke

Mary Anne CLARKE, (1776?-1852). Royal mistress.
Publication details: 
Published as the Act directs March 10th 1810 by E. Chapple No.66 Pall Mall.

Circa 14 x 22cm, faintly stained, laid down on larger card, good condition. A bold signature. Note: Mrs Clarke, as she was known, had been the mistress of Frederick, Duke of York, and had used her influence with him to obtain preferment and promotion for those in her large circle for a consideration. After her estrangement from the duke and his resignation as commander-in-chief she became involved in a number of libel actions and was for a time imprisoned.

[Joan of Arc: Rev. Dr Walter Sidney Scott of Shortfield House, Frensham.] Autograph and Typescript material by him relating to Joan of Arc (talk, paper, article, dramatic ‘Reverie’), with material relating to his family pedigree.

[Joan of Arc] Walter Sidney Scott (1900-1980) [Rev. Dr W. S. Scott of Shortfield House, Frensham], English cleric, author and biographer of Joan of Arc [Jeanne d’Arc]
Publication details: 
Between 1956 and 1974. (Genealogical material earlier?)

Scott was the author of books on subjects as diverse as the bluestockings and metaphysical poets. He produced two works on Joan of Arc: first, in 1956, the Folio Society published his edition of ‘The trial of Joan of Arc, being the verbatim report of the proceedings from the Orleans Manuscript’; then, in 1974, appeared his biography ‘Jeanne d’Arc’, published by Harrap. With regard to the present material, Items One to Five are all typed, and Item Seven contains exclusively-autograph material.

[The Abdication Crisis, 1936: Sir Osbert Sitwell.] Mimeographed copy, marked ‘Private’, of the unexpurgated version of the satirical poem ‘RAT WEEK. / by Osbert Sitwell’, the cause of a legal action with ‘Cavalcade’.

The Abdication Crisis, 1936: Sir Osbert Sitwell [Sir Francis Osbert Sacheverell Sitwell, 5th Baronet] (1892-1969) [King Edward VIII and Mrs Wallis Simpson; Abdication, 1936; Cavalcade]
Publication details: 
Undated, but circa 1936. On paper watermarked 'BELFAST BOND / MADE IN CANADA'.

See Sitwell’s entry in the Oxford DNB. In his 1999 biography Philip Ziegler describes how the ‘doggerel polemic Rat Week’ ‘excoriated’ the supporters of the Edward VII and Mrs Simpson: ‘Osbert realised that this diatribe, if published, might land him in a flurry of libel actions, but he could not resist having a few copies made and distributed to his closer cronies; Mrs. Greville, Lady Aberconway, Lady Cholmondeley and Philip Frere among them.

[Princess Sophia of Gloucester, niece of King George III.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Sophia Matilda’) [to Sir Herbert Taylor, Private Secretary to George IV], regarding ‘the kind Legacy from the late Queen at Wirtemberg’.

Princess Sophia of Gloucester [Sophia Matilda] (1773-1844), daughter of the Duke of Gloucester, niece of King George III [Lieut-Gen. Sir Herbert Taylor (1775-1839), Private Secretary to the Sovereign]
Publication details: 
‘Bagshot Park / Septr. 16th. [1829]’.

See Taylor’s entry, and that of Princess Sophia’s brother William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh (1776-1834), in the Oxford DNB. Bagshot Park was the residence of her brother the duke (Silly Billy’), to whom she was very much attached. The siblings were not entirely accepted by the Royal Family due to the unequal nature of their parents’ marriage. 3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Taylor, who is not named but is clearly the recipient, has marked the letter as ‘Private’. Good firm signature ‘Sophia Matilda’.

[Wilfrid Pippet, member of noted Solihull family of ecclesiastical artists and designers.] Eleven signed original illustrations for Thomas Wright of Olney’s ‘Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire Ballads’ (including 'The Three Men of Yardley Chase').

Wilfrid Pippet (1873?-1946?), illustrator and designer, member of Solihull family that worked with Gothic Revival firm Hardman & Co. [Thomas Wright (1859-1936) of Olney]
Publication details: 
Three editions, Olney, [1924? and] 1925.

The Pippets of Solihull were a Roman Catholic family that worked closely on ecclesiastical designs with the Gothic Revival firm Hardman & Co (whose archives are held by the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery). Wilfrid also collaborated with J. B. Trinick on the striking illustrations to A. E. Waite’s rosicrucian ‘Album of the Great Symbols of the Paths’ (1917-21; copy in the British Museum Department of Prints and Drawings). Eleven attractive illustrations in black ink (over pencil draft).

[Princess Frederica of Hanover [Friederike Sophie Marie Henriette Amelie Therese], Anglo-German aristocrat.] Autograph

Princess Frederica of Hanover [Friederike Sophie Marie Henriette Amelie Therese] (1848-1926), wife of Luitbert Alexander George Lionel Alphons von Pawel-Rammingen (1843-1932), Anglo-German aristocrats
Princess Frederica of Hanover
Publication details: 
‘Xmas 1909.’ No place.
Princess Frederica of Hanover

Written on both sides of an 11.5 x 9 cm card, which has her armorial crest printed in black and gold at the top right of the first page. In a large flowing hand reads: ‘For my dear little Godchild Fredericà Taylor with affte. xmas Greetings / from her loving God-mother / Fredericà / Xmas 1909.’ See Image of verso (signature).

[Alfred, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, second son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.] Manuscript text of an 1862 telegram from ‘Prince Alfred to The Queen / Osborne’, asking for ‘the Fairy’ to be sent to Southampton.

Alfred, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha [Alfred Ernest Albert, Duke of Edinburgh; 1844-1900], second son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert
Alfred, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Publication details: 
Dated from Rugby, 26 February, with '1862' noted in blue pencil.
Alfred, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

An amusing piece of Victorian memorabilia. Written in pencil on one side of a slip of paper, roughly 14 x 7 cm, torn from the bottom of a leaf. Both sides of the paper are ruled, with the ruling on the reverse wider spaced. Confirming the fact that the item is a telegram is the fact that the word ‘Clerk.’ is printed at bottom right of the reverse, with the word ‘Railway’ in pencil at top right.

[Hanoverian London: T. Cecil, Thomas Mulcaster, William Adair.] Autograph Letter Signed by ‘T. Adair’, to William Adair, requesting ‘part of my Quarteridge’, with receipt for the same witnessed by Thomas Mulcaster.

Hanoverian London: T. Cecil; Thomas Mulcaster; William Adair
Publication details: 
London, 7 April 1745.

The writer is presumably a member of the prominent aristocratic family, but none of the parties has been positively identified. 1p, landscape 12mo. On laid paper. Letter signed ‘T Cecil’ and receipt signed ‘T. Cecil’. The The document reads: ‘Sr / I have just receivd yours, but sd. be obligd to you, if you cd not Send me forty Pounds, you wd. Twenty: as I am to go out of Town to morrow & have not money to Carry me, I have wrote a Receipt, & hope as it so [sic] pressing a thing, you’ll Comply, which will very much obilge Yrs. T Cecil / London April 7th: 1745 / Receivd Of Willm Adair Esqr.

[John Ruskin, prominent art critic, etc.] Autograph Note Signed J Ruskin to My dear Con (presumably one of his circle called Constance) wishing her (conversationally) a happy Christmas and anicipoating a visit.

John Ruskin (1819-1900), prominent Victorian art critic, author, artist and thinker
Publication details: 
Xmas day 63

One page, 12mo, good condition, laid down on part of an album page (see note below). Text: My dear Con, | Many and many a Happy Christmas to you- & to all who love you - that's a wide wish I know. | Now - when & how do you & mama want me to come to yoy. I will be at your [underlined] orders, (provided they are peremptory-) any day after New Years day. | Thank mama for her kind note. | Ever affectionately Your | J Ruskin. Note: Item detached from Meredith family album containing letters from distinguished contemporaries such as Henry James, Thomas Hardy, Clemenceau, etc etc.

[‘No-one under 80 probably likes my books & they will all die out’.] Autograph Letter Signed by novelist Winifred Peck, sister of E. V. Knox and Ronald Knox, sending Adam Dickson an autograph.

Winifred Peck [née Knox] (1882-1962), prolific novelist and biographer, sister of E. V. Knox and Ronald Knox
Publication details: 
8 March [1950]; on embossed letterhead of 19 George Square, Edinburgh 8.

See the entries of members of her extraordinary family in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage, and accompanied by envelope with stamps and 1950 Edinburgh postmark, addressed by her to ‘Adam Dickson Esq. Junior / 28 Comely Bank Grove | Edinburgh’. Signed ‘Winifred Peck’. Responding to an autograph hunter, she writes: ‘Dear Sir, / How kind of you to like to [sic] my books & to say so.

[Sir Osbert Sitwell, author and brother of the poet Edith Sitwell and art critic Sacheverell Sitwell.] Black and white publicity photograph, supplied by his publishers Macmillan and Co.

Sir Osbert Sitwell [Sir Francis Osbert Sacheverell Sitwell, 5th baronet] (1892-1969), writer, brother of the poet Edith Sitwell and art critic Sacheverell Sitwell
Publication details: 
Dated on back 25 August 1949. ‘From MACMILLAN & Co., Ltd., / St. Martin’s St., London, W.C.2.’

See his entry, and those of his siblings, in the Oxford DNB. A 15.5 x 20 cm black and white print, on glossy paper. Worn at edges, and with staining to blank area at top left. Stamped by the publishers on the reverse with ‘Sir Osbert Sitwell. Bt. / 25. 8. 49.’ There is a possibility that this is a signature by Sitwell, but the letter ‘O’ and other features are not quite right.

[Sir Frank Stockdale, distinguished agronomist and colonial civil servant.] Family photograph album, with a few items of ephemera including his funeral service.

Sir Frank Stockdale [Sir Frank Arthur Stockdale] (1883-1949), distinguished agronomist and mycologist, Colonial Office Agricultural Advisor
Publication details: 
Containing material from the 1920s to the 1940s. Most of the photographs and other material from England.

Stockdale was for decades the leading figure in his field within the British Empire and later the Commonwealth, and his work undoubtedly saved countless lives, and increased the welfare of many thousands. See his appreciative entry in the Oxford DNB, in which he is described as 'in many respects ahead of his time'. The present collection comprises a family photograph album with 86 photographs inserted and loose, with a copy of his funeral service, and few other items. All the material is in good condition, with only light signs of age and wear.

[T. F. Powys [Theodore Francis Powys], novelist and short-story writer,] Neat Autograph Signature for an autograph hunter.

T. F. Powys [Theodore Francis Powys] (1875-1953), novelist and short-story writer, brother of John Cowper Powys and Llewellyn Powys
Publication details: 
No date or place.

For Powys and his two literary brothers see the Oxford DNB. On 11 x 9 cm piece of wove paper. The paper is discoloured with heavy spotting aroudnd the signature. Clearly a response to a request for an autograph, neatly written and centred on the paper, the only writing is the signature: ‘Theodore Frances Powys’. See image.

[Jean Louis Rieu, Commissioner in Sind.] Autograph Letter Signed, providing a reference for ‘Mr. Bhojraj M. Bhambhani’, son of his acquaintance ‘Mr. Mansing Ramsing’, Honorary Magistrate and ‘most loyal subject’.

Jean Louis Rieu (1872-1964), Commissioner in Sind between 1920 and 1925 [The Raj; British India; Bhojraj M. Bhambhani, son of Mansing Ramsing, and grandson of Diwan Ramsing]
Publication details: 
1 July 1922; on his letterhead as the Commissioner in Sind, Government House, Karachi.

Rieu was the son of Charles Pierre Henri Rieu (1820-1902) of Geneva, Keeper of Oriental Manuscripts at the British Museum, and elder brother of Emile Victor Rieu (1887-1972), both of whom have DNB entries. In 1947 he had privately printed (as’J. L. R.’) a ‘Chronicle of the Rieu Family now settled in England’. 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded twice. Signed ‘J. L Rieu / Commissioner in Sind’. An nice sidelight on the workings of the Raj. He has been asked for a letter by ‘Mr. Mansing Ramsing’, on behalf of his son ‘Mr. Bhojraj M.

[Oscar I, King of Norway and Sweden.] Part of document, with Autograph Signature (‘Oscar’), date and large embossed seal under paper.

Oscar I, King of Sweden and Norway (born Joseph François Oscar Bernadotte; lived 1799-1859; reigned 1844-1859)
Publication details: 
'Stockholms Slott [Stockholm Castle] den 6 Maj 1847.'

On 22 x 14 cm piece of laid paper, cut from the foot of a document. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with tiny closed tear to one edge. Folded three times. At head, in the kings hand: ‘[...] terrattelse lander. Stockholms Slott den 6 Maj 1847. / Oscar’. Directly beneath the firm, clear signature, is the embossed circular seal, under paper, 6 cm in diameter, with motto ‘OSCAR SVER NOR GOTH OCH W KONUNG / RATT OCH SANNING’.

[Princess Basma bint Talal of Jordan.] Typed Letter Signed to Lady Monckton, thanking her for sending’Comfrey roots’ for her family the ‘Royal Stables’.

Princess Basma bint Talal (b.1951), daughter of King Talal and Queen Zein of Jordan, sister of Hussein of Jordan and paternal aunt of the current king Abdullah II [Lady Monckton]
Publication details: 
21 October 1986. On her royal letterhead.

1p, 4to. Salutation and valediction in the princess’s autograph. Stylized signature with Roman lettering. Addressed to ‘The Viscountess Monckton of Brenchley’ at her estate in Maidstone, Kent. They are all ‘delighted’ with the ‘Comfrey roots’ which she sent as promised, and ‘look forward to seeing the results on the horses’. ‘My niece, Her Royal Highness Princess Alia was also pleased to receive her share for the Royal Stables’. The letter ends with the usual courtesies. See image.

[Mabel Constandurous, star and writer of BBC radio series ‘The Buggins Family’.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to her agent ‘Miss Booth', discussing the success of her radio work, a fan letter from Compton Mackenzie, future engagements.

Mabel Constanduros [Mabel Tilling] (1880-1957), commedienne and playwright, who wrote and starred in the BBC radio series ‘The Buggins Family’
Publication details: 
Neither item dated (but both after 1928). The first without place, the second on letterhead of Belhaven, Cornwall Road, Sutton.

According to Barry Took’s entry on Constanduros in the Oxford DNB, ‘The Buggins Family’ was ‘the first radio family’, and she played all six parts, writing and performing in more than 250 episodes between and 1928 and 1948: ‘The popularity of the family was such that the Ministry of Food used Mrs Buggins to broadcast recipes during the Second World War.’Constanduros is also credited with having written more than one hundred plays. The recipient of these two letters, 'Miss Booth', is clearly her agent. Two items, the first in good condition and the second fair, on lightly discoloured paper.

[Pandit Nehru, Indira (Nehru) Gandhi and her Sons] Family Photograph of Pandit Nehru, Indira Gandhi and her two sons, Rajiv and Sanjay. With, on reverse, a signed greetings from Indira Gandhi.

Pandit [Jawaharlal] Nehru, Indira [Nehru] Gandhi and her Sons, with dog.
Nehru reverse
Publication details: 
Printed label on reverse, New Delhi 1959-60.
Nehru reverse

Photograph, c.16 x 11.5cm, very good condition, tipped on to card of same size crudely taped,and with wire for hanging as with a picture, with inscription on verso, All good wishes for the New Year | Indira Gandhi. Some philistine has added to the inscription in blue ink and capitals, WITH THE PRIME MINISTER | AND HIS | GRANDSONS. See images. Note: I've not found the image on Google Images.

[Wilfrid Meynell] Autograph Letter Signed Wilfrid Meynell to Massingham (H.J. or H.W.?)

Wilfrid Meynell (1852 – 1948), newspaper publisher and editor.
Publication details: 
[Headed] Greatham, Pulborough, Sussex, 9 July 1915.

Two pages, 12mo, good condition. Your kind thought in writing has been much appreciated [underlined] by all of us. Would that we had really earned the thanks! - some day, somehow you must let us try to do so. Meanwhile you must think of your visit here as a pleasure - conferred. I only wish we had been able to take a longer advantage of it. | 'Share'[?] joins all the family in kindest regards to you both, [...].

[Anna Gurney, philologist and philanthropist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('A Gurney') to Lady Cullum of Hardwick House, discussing the Cullums' European tour, and giving news of their friends.

Anna Gurney (1795-1857), philologist and philanthropist, member of the Gurney Quaker banking family [Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875), wife of Sir Thomas Gery Cullum (1777-1855) of Hardwick House]
Publication details: 
23 October [circa 1842]. 'N Repps [i.e. Northrepps] Cottage [near Cromer, Norfolk]'.

See Anna Gurney's entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient and her husband had spent some time in Rome in 1842, and in 1838 had befriended the Alpinist Henriette d'Angeville at Geneva. 4pp, 4to. Bifolium with mourning border and watermark year 1840. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of glue from label on outsides of gutter. The letter begins: 'My dear Lady Cullum | I think You & Sir Thomas may be home by this time & I must wish to enquire how you both are after your long wanderings.

[King Hussein of Jordan.] Six original unpublished photographs [taken on his State Visit to the United Kingdom?], showing outside an English country house [his own, in Ascot?], posing with staff, security and police.

King Hussein of Jordan [Hussein bin Talal] (1935-1999)
Publication details: 
[Ascot, England?] 1970s? Or during his 1966 state visit to the United Kingdom?

Six colour photographic prints, each 8.5 x 12.5 cm, four matt and two glossy. The indicates that these photographs were not the work of a professional, and the relaxed attitude of all present suggests that they were meant as a souvenir. Highly unlikely to have been published.

[George Douglas, 16th Earl of Morton, Queen's Chamberlain.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Morton') to Viscount Sidmouth, transmitting an address to the Prince Regent on the death of his mother Queen Charlotte.

George Douglas (1761-1827), 16th Earl of Morton [Henry Addington (1757-1844), 1st Viscount Sidmouth; Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, wife of George III; George IV (as Prince Regent)]
Publication details: 
25 December 1818. 39 Wimpole Street [London].

1p, 4to. Bifolium endorsed on reverse of second leaf: 'Ansd. 30th. | Transfg. an Address of Condolence from the County of Fife'. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. The subject of the address is the Prince Regent's mother Queen Charlotte (1744-1818), and is addressed to him rather than her husband George III as the king is incapacitated. Morton served as Queen Charlotte's Chamberlain between 1792 and her death in 1818.

[Earl Talbot, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.] Manuscript (Secretarial) Document Signed ('Talbot'), transmitting condolences to the royal family on the death of the heir to the throne Princess Charlotte from Wexford, Armagh, Limerick.

Earl Talbot, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland [Charles Chetwynd Chetwynd-Talbot, 2nd Earl Talbot, 2nd Viscount of Ingestre, 2nd Baron Dynevor (1777-1849)] [Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales (1796-1817)]
Publication details: 
'Dublin Castle 9th December 1817'.

2pp, folio. In fair condition, aged, worn and with chipping to extremities. Several folds. Begins: 'My Lord, | I hae the honor of transmitting the following Addresses of Condolence to Her Majesty the Queen, His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, and His Serene Highness the Prince Leopold of Sax Cobourgh'. A list of six addresses follows, variously sent to different members of the royal family from noblemen, gentlemen, clergy, freeholders, burgesses, inhabitants. sheriffs, aldermen, of the county of Wexford, and cities of Armagh and Limerick.

[ Andrew Bonar Law, Prime Minister ] Collection of family papers, c. 1890-1930

Andrew Bonar Law, Prime Minister
Publication details: 
C. 1890-1930

A collection of material preserved by his Family relating to Andrew Bonar Law (1858-1923), Conservative Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, 1922-1923, born in Canada of Scottish and Ulster Scots descent, for whom see his entry in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

[Florence Montgomery, Victorian novelist and children's author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Florence Montgomery') to her cousin Lilian Levi (née Yorke), regarding the death and funeral of their relative 'Coutie' [Ormond?].

Florence Montgomery (1843-1923), novelist and children's author
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Cadogan Place, SW [London] 4 January [1921].

Florence Montgomery's 1869 novel 'Misunderstood' was admired by Henry James, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson and George Du Maurier, and was childhood reading of Vladimir Nabokov. It has been adapted for cinema twice (in Italy in 1966, in Hollywood in 1984). The present item is 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In envelope addressed to 'Mrs. William Levi | Woughton Hall | Bletchley'. (The recipient Lilian Maud Levi was the granddaughter of Sir Henry Cunningham Montgomery, and the daughter of the Dean of Worcester Grantham Munton Yorke.) The postmark gives the year as 1921.

[Sir Fleetwood Edwards, Keeper of the Privy Purse, and an executor of Queen Victoria's will.] Autograph Note in the third person, as 'Lieut: Colonel Sir Fleetwood Edwards', informing 'Miss Hogarth' that the Queen has instructed him to return a letter

Sir Fleetwood Edwards [Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Fleetwood Isham Edwards] (1842-1910), Keeper of the Privy Purse, Extra Equerry, and an executor of Queen Victoria's will
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Privy Purse Office, Buckingham Palace, S.W. [London] 25 February 1898.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with stub from mount adhering to one edge. Reads: 'Lieut: Colonel Sir Fleetwood Edwards begs to thank Miss Hogarth for her letter of the 22nd. Inst. and to return the enclosed letter, which The Queen did not desire to keep, as Her Majesty has the one which she intended to retain.'

[Princess Victoria of Schleswig Holstein, granddaughter of Queen Victoria.] Autograph Signature ('Victoria of Schleswig Holstein').

Victoria of Schleswig Holstein [Princess Helena Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein; Victoria Louise Sophia Augusta Amelia Helena] (1870-1948), granddaughter of Queen Victoria
Publication details: 
Dated by her to 2 August 1902.

Written within one of three red rectangular squares on a page on one side of a leaf detached from 'The Meredith Birthday Book'. In good condition, lightly aged. The Princess's inscription reads 'Victoria of Schleswig Holstein Aug. 2. 1902', and the rest of the page is blank. The word 'Victoria' is underlined, and the upper part of the flourish to the 'V' extends over the top of the rectangle, and the date projects into the margin. On the reverse to the leaf are printed quotations from Meredith for the days 4 to 6 May.

[Christopher Fry, playwright.] Fry's own copy of his book 'Can You Find Me: A Family History', with autograph notes, containing correspondence from relatives, photographs, and a typed transcript of a radio interview, with autograph additions by Fry.

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright [Oxford University Press]
Publication details: 
Book: Oxford University Press, 1978. Correspondence between 1982 and 1987. Interview [1979].

The book is 272pp, 8vo. A good copy, lightly aged, with binding sunned along top, in worn dustwrapper. The volume contains – along with autograph corrections of incidentals – a couple of autograph notes in pencil, one of a minor nature and the other reading: 'Daisy & Charles attended the funeral – March 26 – as recorded in Archibald Marshall's diary'; also one minor emendation in ink. The material inserted in the volume is described below. Accompanying the volume is a long typewritten radio script of an interview between Fry and 'Leslie', with autograph additions in pencil by Fry.

[William IV and his asthma.] Autograph Manuscript Signed by 'W. J. Griffinhoofe', royal apothecary, titled 'An Outline of the general treatment of His Royal Highness The Duke of Clarence during his periodical annual attack of Asthma'.

William IV (1765-1837), King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, 1830-1837; W. J. Griffinhoofe, royal apothecary [Sir Andrew Halliday (1782-1839)]
Publication details: 
Without place or date [c.1810?].

William IV ceased to be styled the Duke of Clarence on his accession to the throne in 1830. For 'the family of Griffinhoofe, Saffron Walden', see Charles K. Probert's piece in Notes and Queries, 14 November 1874, which states that 'The first of the family who came to this country was a Mr. Griffinhoofe, who, as Court Apothecary, accompanied George I. from Hanover.' The family clearly continued their connection with royalty, as the author of this document W. J.

[Princess Elizabeth, daughter of George III.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Elizabeth') to Anna Maria Dashwood, regarding an offer from Lord Cathcart to place her father Sir Henry Dashwood's eldest son in the Life Guards.

Princess Elizabeth (1770-1840), daughter of George III, Landgravine consort of Hesse-Homburg, artist [Anna Maria Tottenham-Loftus, Marchionesss of Ely; Sir Henry Watkin Dashwood; Lord Cathcart]
Publication details: 
Weymouth; 15 September 1799.

The recipient Anna Maria Dashwood (1785-1857) was the daughter of Sir Henry Watkin Dashwood (1745-1828), and was fourteen years old at the time the letter was written. In 1810 she would marry John Loftus (1770-1845), 2nd Marquess of Ely. An Anne Dashwood – presumably a relation – had been a maid of honour of Princess Elizabeth's mother Queen Charlotte. The letter is written in the most affectionate terms, and concerns an offer by William Cathcart (1755-1843), 1st Earl Cathcart, to place Sir Henry Dashwood's eldest son Henry George Mayne Dashwood (1782-1803) in the Life Guards. 5pp, 4to.

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