[‘Now do you understand why authors leave the country?’: Beverley Nichols, novelist and poet.] Typed Letter Signed to ‘Mr. Bryon’, regarding an interview, and conclusion of Typed Letter Signed joking about heavy correspondence.

Beverley Nichols (1898-1983), novelist and poet, author of more than sixty books, writer on gardens and gardening
Publication details: 
ONE (TLS to 'Mr. Bryon'): 6 June 1934; on letterhead of Six New Street, Westminster, S.W.1. TWO (conclusion of TLS): without date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The first letter, and probably the second, were written around the time when his ‘Down the Garden Path’ (1932) and its two sequels had made Nichols wildly popular, eliciting several parodies. ONE (TLS to ‘Mr. Bryon’): 1p, 12mo. Discoloration along top part of outer edge, otherwise in good condition. Folded once. Good clear signature ‘Beverley Nichols’. He thanks him for sending the interview. ‘I think it is admirably written, and expresses my views very clearly.’ TWO (conclusion of TLS): 1p, 12mo. Twenty-nine lines of text. In good condition, lightly aged.

[Sir Osbert Sitwell, author and brother of the poet Edith Sitwell and art critic Sacheverell Sitwell.] Black and white publicity photograph, supplied by his publishers Macmillan and Co.

Sir Osbert Sitwell [Sir Francis Osbert Sacheverell Sitwell, 5th baronet] (1892-1969), writer, brother of the poet Edith Sitwell and art critic Sacheverell Sitwell
Publication details: 
Dated on back 25 August 1949. ‘From MACMILLAN & Co., Ltd., / St. Martin’s St., London, W.C.2.’

See his entry, and those of his siblings, in the Oxford DNB. A 15.5 x 20 cm black and white print, on glossy paper. Worn at edges, and with staining to blank area at top left. Stamped by the publishers on the reverse with ‘Sir Osbert Sitwell. Bt. / 25. 8. 49.’ There is a possibility that this is a signature by Sitwell, but the letter ‘O’ and other features are not quite right.

[Hong Kong; natural disaster] Typed Letter Signed, cover for instructions etc (3 pp) J. B. Keenan, to C. A. A. Nicol, enclosing 'our instructions in the event of a civil disturbance or natural disaster eg Typhoon', map and 'warning signals'.

Major J. B. Keenan, Royal Artillery, Camp Commandant, Land Forces Hong Kong [C. A. A. Nicol (1921-2012), Special Branch, Malayan Union Police Force and Royal Malaysian Police]
Publication details: 
Letter from Camp Office, Headquarters, Land Forces Hong Kong, British Forces Post Office 1; 18 October 1973.

Totalling 4pp., sm.fol. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. The letter (1p., 8vo) is a circular, and in it Keenan writes: 'Do not be alarmed at the sudden appearance of these instructions. Rather accept them as a fact that some one has your interests at heart'. The instructions (2pp., 8vo) are headed 'APPX 3 TO ANNEX D | CAMP HOLF SOP NO 2 | INSTRUCTIONS TO FAMILIES'. Divided into 13 sections, under the headings: Introduction; Wardens; Precautions; Children; Shopping; Special Warning Procedure; Leave; Finally.

[ A British Prisoner of War Camp in the aftermath of the Boer War. ] Mimeographed document headed 'Camp Orders by Major M. L. Ferrar | Comm[an]d[in]g Depot Batt[alio]n | Green Point Camp | 16fh. August 1902'.

Major M. L. Ferrar [ Michael Lloyd Ferrar (1876-1971) ] of the Green Howards [ Green Point Prisoner of War Camp, Cape Town South Africa; Boer War, 1902 ]
Publication details: 
Green Point Camp [ Cape Town, South Africa ]. 16 August 1902.

1p., 8vo. A mimeographed document duplicating fifty lines of handwriting (that of Ferrar himself?). Embossed government crest at top left. A scarce survival, on aged and heavily-worn paper, with closed tears and slight loss to extremities, repaired with archival tape.

[Maxime Du Camp, French writer.] Autograph Note Signed to an unnamed male correspondent ('Ami'), regarding the receipt of a book, "votre [sic] Robert Emmet" with reference to the latter's author, Countess of D'Haussonville.

Maxime Du Camp (1822-1894), French writer and photographer, friend of Gustave Flaubert
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Revue de Paris. 29 October 1857.

1p., 8vo. In fair condtion, on lightly aged and creased grey paper. 'J'ai recu votre Robert Emmet; j'en rendrai compte le plus promptement possible et je ne dirai pas que le <?> est de Madam D'Haussonville.' (The Countess of D'Haussonville is the subject of a celebrated portrait by Ingres. Her novel 'Robert Emmet' was published in Paris in 1858.)

Typescript of 'The Last Month. By Ernie Wilmott' ['Camp Leader, Lager 31, Stalag IVG, Gaschwitz'], with autograph notes by J. L. H. Batt. With copies three articles, by Lieutenant Commander G. S. Stavert (2) and Norman E. H. Litchfield.

Ernie Wilmott, POW Camp Leader, Lager 31, Stalag IVG, Gaschwitz; Jack Lynden Batt (b.1922), of 155th Battery, 172nd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery; Norman E. H. Litchfield; Lieut-Com. G. S. Stavert
Publication details: 
Wilmott's account without place and date (1960s?); describing events in April and May 1945. The other three items from 1970s and 80s.

The four items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. In envelope addressed to Mrs P. E. Batt, Beckenham, Kent. ONE: 'The Last Month' by Wilmott. 13pp., foolscap 8vo. A photocopied typescript on thirteen leaves of paper, stapled together, with five original autograph annotations by Batt. The first reads '"Big funf" was one of the German Guards - had no roof to his mouth - spoke funnily' and the fourth 'We had a "Union Jack" which was used for burials when P.O.W.'s died.' Wilmott's account commences: 'There had been gun fire from the west and the south for the last three days.

Printed 'Information & News Sheet published by British Prisoners of War Funds [...] No. 21 - Far East'.

[Miss Christine Knowles, Founder and Hon. Director, British Prisoners of War Books & Games Fund and Forge-Me-Not League]
Publication details: 
Carrington House, Hertford Street, London, W1. [1944.]

27pp., 12mo. Unbound. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Articles include: Parliamentary News (November 1944); Far East Conditions; Food and Medical Supplies; Minister of Cabinet Rank; Government Inter-Departmental Committee; Telegrams; Radio Message Scheme; Sunk Japanese Transports; List of Names of Prisoners of War and Civilian Internees; Inspection of Prisoners of War Camps; Pay; Leave; Mail.

Typescript titled 'The Last Month', signed 'Ernie Wilmott', describing the author's experiences during the last days of World War Two at Gaschwitz POW camp near Leipzig. With covering ALS from J. L. H. Batt ('Jack') and TLS to Batt from Charles

Ernie Wilmott [J. L. H. Batt [Jack Lynden Batt] (b.1922), of 155th Battery, 172nd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery]
Publication details: 
Without place and date (1960s?). The account describes events in April and May 1945.

13pp., foolscap 8vo. Paginated 1 to 13 and signed at the end 'Ernie Wilmott'. On seven leaves stapled into grey covers, with the title 'The Last Month' typed on the front cover. In good condition, in worn wraps. The account commences: 'There had been gun fire from the west and the south for the last three days. Friday the 13th April 1945 the usual officials did not come to fetch the men, but a little later than usual the Gaschwyz [sic] column was called, so we assembled and left for work, about 20 of us.

Autograph Notebook by Frederick Leman Whelen, containing biographical matter, some on the Stage Society. Including lists of individuals (some Jewish) with whom Whelen was interned at Fort de Romainville and Drancy, Paris, during the Second World War.

Frederick Leman Whelen (1867-1955), Fabian socialist author and founder of the Stage Society [Drancy Internment Camp; Nazi Germany; holocaust; concentration camps]
F.L. Whelen, Fabian author, founder of  Stage Society, Notebook
Publication details: 
1939 to circa 1941.
F.L. Whelen, Fabian author, founder of  Stage Society, Notebook

Small 4to, 140 pp. Paginated by Whelen. Notebook of good laid paper, in boards covered in patterned paper, with the word 'BIOGRAPHICAL' in faded red manuscript at head of front cover. Text neatly written and clear and complete. Good: internally sound and tight on lightly-aged paper; in worn and chipped boards. The flyleaf is dated 1939, with Whelen's addresses given as the Royal Societies Club, St James's St, and 5 Place de la Taconnerie, Geneva.

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