
[Sir Frank Stockdale: agriculture in Britain's African colonies, 1929-37.] Four official Autograph Journals by Colonial Office Agricultural Advisor Sir Frank Stockdale, describing in detail tours in Crown Colonies in East and West Africa and Cyprus.

Sir Frank Stockdale [Sir Frank Arthur Stockdale] (1883-1949), distinguished agronomist and mycologist, Colonial Office Agricultural Advisor
Publication details: 
Written between 1929 and 1937. Entries relating to England, East and West Africa, Cyprus, Sudan and Egypt. [Uganda, Kenya, Tanganyika, Zanzibar, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, Ghana, Gambia.]

Stockdale’s entry in the Oxford DNB provides an excellent commentary on the present four items: ‘An assumption that colonial economies should continue to be dominated by the export of cash crops, and a faith in Western scientific agriculture led in 1929 to the establishment of the colonial agricultural service with a colonial advisory council of agriculture and animal health, and a full-time agricultural adviser, a position to which Stockdale was appointed.

[Sir Frank Stockdale, distinguished agronomist and colonial civil servant.] Family photograph album, with a few items of ephemera including his funeral service.

Sir Frank Stockdale [Sir Frank Arthur Stockdale] (1883-1949), distinguished agronomist and mycologist, Colonial Office Agricultural Advisor
Publication details: 
Containing material from the 1920s to the 1940s. Most of the photographs and other material from England.

Stockdale was for decades the leading figure in his field within the British Empire and later the Commonwealth, and his work undoubtedly saved countless lives, and increased the welfare of many thousands. See his appreciative entry in the Oxford DNB, in which he is described as 'in many respects ahead of his time'. The present collection comprises a family photograph album with 86 photographs inserted and loose, with a copy of his funeral service, and few other items. All the material is in good condition, with only light signs of age and wear.

[Percival Stockdale, author, editor of the Critical Review and radical abolitionist.] Stipple engraving by James Fittler from portait of Stockdale by John Downman.

Percival Stockdale (1736-1811), author, editor of the Critical Review and Universal Magazine, and radical abolitionist [James Fittler (1758-1835), engraver; John Downman (1749-1824), portrait painter]
Publication details: 
[London, 1809.]

Sitter, artist and engraver all have entries in the Oxford DNB. No copy in the National Portrait Gallery. In good condition, lightly aged, on good paper with small embossment of castle. Dimensions of paper, 14.25 x 22.5cm. Dimensions of print, 12.5 x 17.75cm. Oval portrait, 10 cm wide and 13 cm high. Without date or place, but produced as the frontispiece to Stockdale’s 1809 memoirs. A half-length portrait of Stockdale, his face turned to the left, with white cravat and powdered hair, loosely wrapped in a coat.

[Oriental Customs and Manners, as viewed in Georgian England.] Two original hand-coloured copperplate engravings, both published in London by John Joseph Stockdale, and both ‘A Freschi sculpsit’: ‘INDIAN INK’ and ‘MONKEYS GATHERING TEA.’

Andrea Freschi (1774-1815), Italian engraver active in London [John Joseph Stockdale (c.1770-1847), London publisher and pornographer [Oriental customs and manners]
Publication details: 
One of the two ‘Pubd. 25 April 1812 by I. I. Stockdale [i.e. John Joseph Stockdale], 41 Pall Mall’. The other from same period.

Two attractive small original hand-coloured copperplate engravings. Both in good condition, lightly aged, and each with slight traces of previous mount on blank reverse. ONE: Captioned at foot ‘A Freschi sculpsit | MONKEYS GATHERING TEA. | Pubd. 25 April 1812 by H. Stockdale, 41 Pall Mall’. Portrait: 10.5 x 17.5 cm. Depicts a Chinese man beneath a tree taking leaves from a monkey on the ground, whilst three other monkeys in the tree collect more leaves. TWO: Captioned at foot ‘A Freschi sculpsit | INDIAN INK.’ No place or date. Landscape: 17.5 x 10.5 cm. Depicts three men preparing the ink.

[James J. Davis ['Iron Puddler', 'Puddler Jim'], Welsh-born United States Republican Party Senator from Pennsylvania.] Typed Letter Signed ('James J Davis') to Sir Arthur Cope, introducing journalist (and spy?) 'Mr. William Edward Cope of New York'.

James J. Davis [James John Davis] (1873-1947), Welsh-born United States Republican Party Senator from Pennsylvania, nicknamed 'Iron Puddler' and 'Puddler Jim' [Sir Arthur Stockdale Cope, artist]
Publication details: 
21 December 1925. On embossed letterhead of the Secretary of Labor, Washington.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper. Addressed to 'Sir Arthur Cope | London'. The letter reads: 'My dear Sir Arthur: | This will introduce Mr. William Edward Cope of New York, a member of the National Press Club, who is going abroad to do some newspaper work. He desires a brief interview with you and I bespeak for him such courtesies as you may find it convenient to render him.' The subject of the letter W. E. Cope would appear to have been a government agent.

[James J. Davis ['Iron Puddler', 'Puddler Jim'], Welsh-born United States Republican Party Senator from Pennsylvania.] Typed Letter Signed ('James J Davis') to Sir Arthur Cope, introducing journalist (and spy?) 'Mr. William Edward Cope of New York'.

James J. Davis [James John Davis] (1873-1947), Welsh-born United States Republican Party Senator from Pennsylvania, nicknamed 'Iron Puddler' and 'Puddler Jim' [Sir Arthur Stockdale Cope, artist]
Publication details: 
21 December 1925. On embossed letterhead of the Secretary of Labor, Washington.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper. Addressed to 'Sir Arthur Cope | London'. The letter reads: 'My dear Sir Arthur: | This will introduce Mr. William Edward Cope of New York, a member of the National Press Club, who is going abroad to do some newspaper work. He desires a brief interview with you and I bespeak for him such courtesies as you may find it convenient to render him.' The subject of the letter W. E. Cope would appear to have been a government agent.

[Sir John Lavery, Irish artist, to Sir Arthur Stockdale Cope, portraitist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('John Lavery'), regarding the Artists' General Benevolent Institution and a man who has 'pestered' him 'by his visits and letters'.

Sir John Lavery (1856-1941), RA, Irish painter [Sir Arthur Stockdale Cope (1857-1940), RA, portrait painter; Artists' General Benevolent Institution, London]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 5 Cromwell Place, S.W.7 [London]. 30 January 1918.

2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Addressed to 'My dear Cope'. After thanking him for his letter Lavery writes: 'Our “friend” [Braynard?] when he called to ask for my signature told me many things, amongst others that the A. G. B. I. had already given him a grant some time back and that [Charleton?], Brangwyn and I were his sponsors | I had a hazy recollection of him and made up my mind that I would sign his paper and let the Secretary of the A. G. B. I. know the circumstance, which I did do that same day.

[ Sir Frank Stockdale, agriculturist: offprint. ] The Work of the Caribbean Commission.

Sir Frank Stockdale [ Sir Frank Arthur Stockdale ] (1883-1949), agriculturist and colonial civil servant [ The Caribbean Commission ]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from April 1947 issue of International Affairs. Published Quarterly for the Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, by the University of Toronto Press.

8pp., 8vo, paginated 213-220, with separate title page. In fair condition, aged and worn, with rusted staples. Address given at Chatham House on December 17, 1946.' Stockdale explains how 'The Anglo-American Commission was established on March 9, 1942, for the purpose of encouraging and strengthening social and economic co-operation between the United States of America, its territories and bases in the Caribbean and the United Kingdom and the British West Indian Colonies. [...] President Roosevelt [...] was largely instrumental in the formation of the Commission and selected Mr. Charles W.

Autograph Receipt Signed (J. Stockdale, publisher)

T. Bensley.
Publication details: 

Printer (d.1833). One page, c.7 x 3", signs of laying down, some marking but text decipherable. "Recd Jany 31, 1795, of Mr. John Stockdale by a Note at Ten Months) the Sum of Four Hundred & Seventeen Pounds 18/- for Printing & Hotpressing Perry's Pocket Dictionary, as per Bill delivered./ T. Bensley./ £417.18.0" Prob. William Perry's "General Dictionary of English Language" (Stockdale, London, 1795).

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