[Oriental Customs and Manners, as viewed in Georgian England.] Two original hand-coloured copperplate engravings, both published in London by John Joseph Stockdale, and both ‘A Freschi sculpsit’: ‘INDIAN INK’ and ‘MONKEYS GATHERING TEA.’

Andrea Freschi (1774-1815), Italian engraver active in London [John Joseph Stockdale (c.1770-1847), London publisher and pornographer [Oriental customs and manners]
Publication details: 
One of the two ‘Pubd. 25 April 1812 by I. I. Stockdale [i.e. John Joseph Stockdale], 41 Pall Mall’. The other from same period.

Two attractive small original hand-coloured copperplate engravings. Both in good condition, lightly aged, and each with slight traces of previous mount on blank reverse. ONE: Captioned at foot ‘A Freschi sculpsit | MONKEYS GATHERING TEA. | Pubd. 25 April 1812 by H. Stockdale, 41 Pall Mall’. Portrait: 10.5 x 17.5 cm. Depicts a Chinese man beneath a tree taking leaves from a monkey on the ground, whilst three other monkeys in the tree collect more leaves. TWO: Captioned at foot ‘A Freschi sculpsit | INDIAN INK.’ No place or date. Landscape: 17.5 x 10.5 cm. Depicts three men preparing the ink.

[Spencer Perceval, the only British Prime Minister to be assassinated.] Autograph Rough Notes, titled 'Parliamentary | Miscellaneous', for a House of Commons debate on Customs and Excise duties, with reference to 'the Brandy act of last year'.

Spencer Perceval (1762-1812), Tory Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer [William Pleydell-Bouverie, 3rd Earl of Radnor [Lord Folkestone] (1779-1869); Customs and Excise duties]
Publication details: 
[Houses of Parliament. 1808.]

On both sides of a 37 x 24 cm piece of paper (i.e. half a 'pinched post' folio leaf), with 1806 fleur-de-lys watermark. Folded twice, to make eight 24 x 9 cm panels (four on each side), in seven of which Perceval has written his notes in a close and neat hand. The eighth panel forms the outside of the folded paper, and on this Perceval has written 'Parliamentary | Miscellaneous'. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn.

[ Henry Ferne, Receiver General; Secret Service ] Autograph Signature ('Hen: Ferne') on manuscript receipt of payment from fund 'for Secrett Service'.

Henry Ferne, Receiver General, and Cashier of His Majesty's Customs [ Richard Porter; English secret service; Stuart spying; espionage ]
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Customs, London. ] 24 December 1701.

1p., on 24 x 16cm. piece of paper. The first part of the document reads: 'Recorded 24 Decembr 1701 | Received of the Lord ffitcharding three hundred pounds part of an Order of ten thousand two hundred pounds out of the 4½ P Cents for Secrett Service'. Below this, in the right-hand margin, Ferne has written: 'Three Hundred Pounds | Hen: Ferne | ple of 10200 | Pr Secret Service | 22 Decr. 1701'. At the foot of the page, in another hand: 'Witness. | Rd: Porter'.

[ Captain Basil Cochrane, Commissioner of Customs in Scotland. ] Autograph Signature ('Basil Cochrane') on an Exchequer pension receipt.

Captain Basil Cochrane (d.1788), Deputy Governor of the Isle of Man and Commissioner of Customs in Scotland, brother of Thomas Cochrane, 8th Earl of Dundonald
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 7 June 1788.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. With printed text, headed 'PENSIONS', completed in manuscript. Recording payment to him of £8 6s 8d. Signature at foot of witness 'A Dickie'. Signed within months of Cochrane's death, and a little shaky.

[ Henry Ferne, Receiver General; Secret Service ] Autograph Signature ('Hen: Ferne') on manuscript receipt of payment from fund 'for Secrett Service'.

Henry Ferne, Receiver General, and Cashier of His Majesty's Customs [ Richard Porter; English secret service; Stuart spying; espionage ]
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Customs, London. ] 24 December 1701.

1p., on 24 x 16cm. piece of paper cut from Customs' ledger. The first part of the document reads: 'Recorded 24 Decembr 1701 | Received of the Lord ffitcharding three hundred pounds part of an Order of ten thousand two hundred pounds out of the 4½ P Cents for Secrett Service'. Below this, in the right-hand margin, Ferne has written: 'Three Hundred Pounds | Hen: Ferne | ple of 10200 | Pr Secret Service | 22 Decr. 1701'. At the foot of the page, in another hand: 'Witness. | Rd: Porter'.

[ Log book of a Yorkshire publican, 1910 to 1940. ] Autograph 'Spirit Stock Book' of A. E. Hoyle of the Bull's Head Hotel, Halifax (dealing with Webster's Brewery), with seven associated Excise documents.

Arthur Ernest Hoyle of the Bull's Head Hotel, Halifax, Yorkshire, publican and retailer of spirits [ Samuel Webster & Sons Ltd, Yorkshire brewers ]
Publication details: 
[ Arthur Ernest Hoyle, Bull's Head Hotel, Bull Green, Halifax, Yorkshire. ] 1910 to 1950, with accompanying documents dated 1923, 1928, 1936 and 1939.

ONE: Spirit Stock Book. 116pp., 4to. Internally in good condition, on aged paper, in heavily-worn cloth binding, with worn paper label on front cover. (The purpose of the book is given in the description of Item Two, below.) Detailing the sale (or return?) of spirits, exclusively to Samuel Webster & Sons, between 1910 and 1950. The entries on each page are divided into eight printed columns: 'Date when the Spirits were Sent out', 'No.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] Du Nouveau Système de Douanes Français, considéré dans son développement progressif; ou De la ruine totale du commerce de la France avec les États du Sud-ouest de l'Allemagne. Traduit de l'Allemand.

[ Karl Friedrich Nebenius (1784-1857), Baden minister and author of the 1818 constitution ] [ F. G. Levrault, Strasburg printer ]
Publication details: 
Paris, Chez les marchands de nouveautés. 1822. [ Strasbourg, De l'imprimerie de F. G. Levrault.]

viii + 69 + [3]pp., 8vo. In original grey wraps, uncut. A good copy, lightly aged and foxed. Accompanied by a slip carrying an entry for this item from a printed catalogue, including: 'Not in Goldsmiths; Kress C.930 recording the German edition only.' No copy on COPAC, WorldCat or Bibliotheque Nationale.

[ Board of the Inland Revenue, Excise Department, London.] Late-Victorian Manuscript Notebook, compiled by several parties, with sections of questions and definitions, and others treating allowances, 'Liverpool Allowances' and 'Quarantine Practice'.

A. C. Collyer [ Board of the Inland Revenue, Excise Department, London ]
Publication details: 
[ Board of the Inland Revenue, Excise Department, London. Circa 1891. ]

169pp., 12mo. Covering the whole of a ruled notebook in black waxed cloth binding. In fair condition, aged and worn, in like binding with some damage to spine. Ownership signature of 'A. C. Collyer' on front free endpaper, with the word 'Notes' written under it, and beneath that a seal (hand holding a sword) in red wax. The notebook has been compiled by at least three different parties (with a couple of notes in shorthand), and is certainly the work of instructors rather than students, possibly Scottish.

[J. Pownall, A. Munro, R. Frewin and Thomas Boone of the Custom House.] Contemporary manuscript copy of letter regarding the 'Incompetency, either from Ignorance or Inexperience of some of the Collectors and Comptrollers in the Out Ports'.

J. Pownall, A. Munro, R. Frewin and Thomas Boone of the Custom House, City of London
Publication details: 
Headed 'No: 337 Custom Ho: London | 29th: December 1787'.

Neatly written out in a contemporary hand on the verso of a foolscap 8vo leaf of laid paper, with 'T TAYLOR' watermark, torn from the letter book of a financial institution. In very good condition, lightly-aged. The names of the four signatories to the original document are given at the foot. The recto of the leaf carries the transcription, in the same hand, of a letter by 'W: Stiles | Secry', with a list of twelve 'Writs dated 6th: Decr: 1787'.

[Sir Alexander Young Spearman (1793-1874), Assistant Secretary to the Treasury.] Secretarial Letter, signed by Spearman ('A Y Spearman'), to the Directors of the Bank of Scotland, regarding the remittance of Scottish Revenue to London.

Sir Alexander Young Spearman (1793-1874), Assistant Secretary to the Treasury [Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh]
Publication details: 
Treasury Chambers [Whitehall]. 28 June 1837.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. On aged and worn paper, with slight loss to one edge from disbinding. On mourning paper (for King William IV).

Printed order of British Privy Council, 'At the Court at Windsor, the 26th day of September 1846', describing 'the several duties of Customs' to be levied 'upon all goods, wares, and merchandize, imported into the district of Natal for consumption'.

William L. Bathurst [British Privy Council; Natal, South Africa; HM Customs and Excise]
Publication details: 
'At the Court at Windsor, the 26th day of September 1846. Present, The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.'

Drop-head title: 'At the Court at Windsor, the 26th day of September 1846. | PRESENT, | The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.' 12pp., foolscap 8vo. Paginated 1-12 and in two columns. No printer's slug. Signed in type at end 'Wm. L. Bathurst.' In fair condition, on aged paper with chips and short closed tears to central vertical fold. Spine repaired with archival tape. The first page headed in black ink manuscript 'Natal', and in red ink '144'. No other copy traced.

Autograph Signature ('C Godolphin.') of Charles Godolphin, Member of Parliament for Helston, and brother of Sidney, Earl of Godolphin, on printed Exchequer Receipt, made out by him in autograph.

Charles Godolphin (c.1651-1720), Member of Parliament for Helston and one of the Commissioners of the Customs, buried in Westminster Abbey, brother of Sidney, Earl of Godolphin
Publication details: 
[Her Majesty's Court of Exchequer, London.] 22 January 1707.

1p., small 4to. On aged and lightly damp-stained paper, with wear and closed tear to extremities. Three counter-signatures in bottom left-hand corner faded with damp. The document begins (with manuscript additions in square brackets): 'Record [15 Janry 1707] | Numb.

Autograph Signature ('Wellesley') of Richard Wellesley, Marquess Wellesley, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, on printed warrant appointing Walter Redmond of Ballycotton [Baile Choitín], County Cork, a Customs and Excise 'Preventive Officer (Water Guard)'.

Richard Wellesley [formerly Wesley], Marquess Wellesley (1760–1842), Lord Lieutenant of Ireland [Walter Redmond of Ballycotton [Baile Choitín], County Cork, Eire; Irish Customs and Excise]
Publication details: 
'Given at His Majesty's Castle of Dublin, the eleventh Day of July 1822'.

On one side of piece of 27 x 38 cm paper. Aged and heavily-creased, with central closed tear. A printed document, with engraved portrait of King George IV in the top left-hand corner, completed in manuscript and signed by Wellesley and three others, with fading to the manuscript parts. The document is headed: 'To all People to whom these Presents shall come Greeting.

Field notebook compiled by J. H. Driberg, later Lecturer in Anthropology, Cambridge University, compiled while a British colonial official, and dealing with local, linguistic and other matters.

Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946), Lecturer in Anthropology, Cambridge University, 1934-42; and brother of the Labour MP and gossip columnist 'William Hickey' Tom Driberg (1905-1976); Uganda; Africa]
Publication details: 
The earliest dated entry from Longarim, Uganda, 27 March 1923; and the latest from Loriya HIll, 15 January 1925.

A significant item, written, as his biographer Roy Abrahams explains, by a man who was 'almost single-handedly responsible for keeping academic social anthropology, and one might add the place of African research within it, alive in the small Archaeology and Anthropology Department in Cambridge in those otherwise rather barren days of the 1930s'. 45pp., 12mo. In a ruled, stitched notebook without cover. Written in pencil on stained and aged paper. Some of the text is faded.

[Victorian satire in form of mock Act of Parliament.] Cap. CCXXXVIII. An Act for the Reform and Regulation of Female Apparel and to Amend and Refrenate the Customs relating to Crinoline and other Artificial Superfluities and the Profusion thereof.

Publication details: 
'This proposed Act is Published by WILLIAM CONEY, 61, Wardour St., Oxford St., London and Sold by all Booksellers. [Session 1859]

4pp., folio. Bifolium. On worn and aged paper. Nicely printed, with royal crest at head of first page, above the words 'ANNO VICESIMO SECUNDO & VICESIMO TERTIO | VICTORIAE REGINAE.' The full title reads: 'An Act for the Reform and Regulation of Female Apparel and to Amend and Refrenate the Customs relating to Crinoline and other Artificial Superfluities and the Profusion thereof, with the Powers, Provisions, Clauses, Regulations and Directions, Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties to be observed, applied, practised and put in execution for securing the proper observance of the same.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Pennsylvania politician Joel Barlow Sutherland to the soldier and playwright James Nelson Barker.

Joel Barlow Sutherland (1792-1861), Jacksonian member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania [James Nelson Barker (1784-1858), soldier, playwright and politician]
Pennsylvania politician Joel Barlow Sutherland
Publication details: 
16 April 1833; Philadelphia.
Pennsylvania politician Joel Barlow Sutherland

4to, 2 pp. Fourteen lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper neatly repaired with archival tape. Addressed to Barker as 'Collector &c'. Recommending the appointment of 'Colonel Freeman' as 'an Inspector of the Customs for the City of Philadelphia'. Freeman is 'a very active Democrat' and 'a very estimable man'. Should Barker appoint him, he will be 'gratifying the Democrats of the City of Philadelphia & will also oblige - | Yours truly | [signed] J B Sutherland'. In 1844 Sutherland himself received a similar letter from Edgar Allan Poe, recommending Robert Travers.

Sketches of New South Wales', parts I to IV, extracted from four issues of 'The Saturday Magazine', each part illustrated, with three of the five illustrations depicting aboriginal Australians.

W. R. G.' [William Romaine Govett] [The Saturday Magazine; New South Wales, Australia; aborigines]
Publication details: 
Numbers: 247 (7 May 1836); 250 (28 May 1836); 252 (4 June 1836); 255 (25 June 1836). All four: 'LONDON: Published by JOHN W. PARKER, WEST STRAND; and sold by all Booksellers.'

On loose 8vo leaves, disbound from a volume. All articles clear and complete. The first three parts good, on aged paper; fourth part fair, on grubby paper with wear to extremities. The first four of a total of twenty articles. Part One (no.247, pp.177-179) is entitled 'Scenery of the Blue Mountains. - Govatt's Leap.' Signed in print 'W. R.

Autograph Letter Signed to William Smith.

Robert Saunders Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville
Publication details: 
2 July 1820; Wimbledon.

Statesman (1771-1851); First Lord of the Admiralty, 1812-27, after whom Melville Sound was named. Three pages, quarto. Very good if a tad grubby.

Anno Regni Georgii II. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, quarto ('An Act to prevent Frauds in the Revenue of Excise, with respect to Starch, Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate.' p.3).

Great Britain, Act of Parliament, George II
Publication details: 
1731; London: Printed by the Assigns of His Majesty's Printer, and of Henry Hills deceas'd.

24 pages, 16mo. In poor condition: grubby and with wear to extremities and closed tear to second leaf. Pencil marks to verso of last leaf. Stitched into grubby, worn vellum binding, bearing pencil and ink notes at front and rear.

Two Autograph Signatures on fragments of letters.

Thomas Francis Fremantle, 1st Baron Cottesloe
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Conservative politician (1798-1890). Both stained by glue from mounting, and with traces of mount adhering to reverse. The first, on paper roughly two inches by half an inch, reads 'Thos. F. Fremantle'. The second, on paper roughly four and a half inches by one inch and a quarter, reads ' | Sir, | Your obedient Servant. | Tho F Fremantle | J. J. Kaune Esq.'

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Henry Hobhouse
Publication details: 
No date; Basseterre, Guadaloupe.

English historian and archivist (1776-1854; DNB) who superintended the publication of the 'State Papers of Henry VIII'. Fragment of letter, 2 inches by four, in good condition, on laid paper signed 'H. Hobhouse' beneath part of salutation 'Yr obed. Sert.' with 'Basseterre | Guadaloupe' beneath.

Autograph Letter Signed, 4pp., 8vo, to "Mr Payne"

Lord Granville Somerset
Publication details: 

Statesman (1792-1848). He explains, as a Commissioner of Revenue and at length, why he cannot personally support someone's application for promotion in the Customs. He advises a direct application to the Board of Customs.

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