[J. Pownall, A. Munro, R. Frewin and Thomas Boone of the Custom House.] Contemporary manuscript copy of letter regarding the 'Incompetency, either from Ignorance or Inexperience of some of the Collectors and Comptrollers in the Out Ports'.
Neatly written out in a contemporary hand on the verso of a foolscap 8vo leaf of laid paper, with 'T TAYLOR' watermark, torn from the letter book of a financial institution. In very good condition, lightly-aged. The names of the four signatories to the original document are given at the foot. The recto of the leaf carries the transcription, in the same hand, of a letter by 'W: Stiles | Secry', with a list of twelve 'Writs dated 6th: Decr: 1787'. The Custom House letter begins: 'Gentlemen, | Having had frequent Occasion to observe the Incompetency, either from Ignorance or Inexperience, of some of the Collectors and Comptrollers in the Out Ports in the Execution of their Duty, and deeming it expedient, for the better carrying on the Service, and for the Security of the Revenue, that all Persons nominated to the Offices of either Collector or Comptroller in the Out Ports should be regularly instructed in the Duties of those Offices, previous to their being admitted thereto; | We acquaint you, that We have therefore resolved, that, in future, no Person shall be admitted to either of the said Offices in England until he shall have been duly instructed at some Port of considerable Business, to be named by Us'. The document continues with reference to 'a Certificate', to 'a blank printed Copy of such Officers Instructions' and to 'the Waterside Business'.