
[‘The most distinguished marine artist of his day’: W. L. Wyllie [William Lionel Wyllie].] Autograph Letter Signed to S. W. Luard, declining a dinner invitation from the Salters’ Company, as he is starting for Norway at the end of the month.

W. L. Wyllie [William Lionel Wyllie] (1851-1931), ‘the most distinguished marine artist of his day’ [S. W. Luard; the Salters' Company, City of London]
Publication details: 
1 June 1910; on embossed letterhead of Tower House, Tower Street, Portsmouth.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Signed ‘W. L. Wyllie.’ He is sorry that he will be unable to avail himself of ‘the kind invitation to dinner sent me by the Master of the Salters Company’. He is starting for Norway on the last day of the month, and will not return until the end of July.

[W. L. Wyllie [William Lionel Wyllie], distinguished English maritime painter.] Autograph Note Signed to Douglas A. Wenslow, supplying an autograph.

W. L. Wyllie [William Lionel Wyllie] (1851-1931), distinguished English maritime painter
Publication details: 
26 July 1899. On letterhead of Hoo Lodge, Hoo Saint Werburgh, Nr. Rochester.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 16mo, on the first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition. Folded once for postage. Addressed to 'Douglas A. Wenslow Esq'. Reads: 'Dear Sir / Many thanks for your kind letter. / Here is the Autograph / yours truly / W L Wyllie'.

[W. L. Wyllie [William Lionel Wyllie], distinguished English maritime painter.] Autograph Card Signed to 'Miss Swan' (daughter of artist John Macallan Swan) regarding 'the copy of Cape St Vincent' and a roll that is unsuitable for a panorama.

W. L. Wyllie [William Lionel Wyllie] (1851-1931), distinguished English maritime painter [John Macallan Swan (1847-1910), RA, painter and sculptor]
Publication details: 
24 March 1931. Letterhead: 'From / W. L. Wyllie, / Tower House, Portsmouth / Tel. 2598.'

See his entry, and that of Swan, in the Oxford DNB. From the Swan papers. On both sides of an 11.5 x 9 cm card. In good condition, lightly aged, and with faint ink line at foot. Signed 'W L Wyllie'. Begins: 'Dear Miss Swan / Very many thanks for sending me the copy of Cape St Vincent. It is quite fine I will try if I cannot steal a bit for my big picture.' He turns to a 'roll' which is 'not long enough to make a panorama', but which he hopes to be able to 'drive round and look at' when the weather is warmer.

[Burslem Conservative and Unionist Club, Limited.] Printed booklet of ‘Rules and Bye-Laws’, with printed ‘Member’s Ticket, 1929’ made out to H. H. Rose and signed and dated by Bailey.

Burslem Conservative and Unionist Club, Limited, T. L. Bailey, Secretary [H. H. Rose; Staffordshire; the Potteries]
Publication details: 
Booklet printed: ‘BURSLEM / Warwick Savage, Printer and Lithographer, Wedgwood Place. / 1920’. Ticket dated by Bailey to 9 January 1929.

Two nice pieces of Potteries ephemera. No other copies have been traced. ONE: Booklet. In fair condition, on aged paper, in lightly worn and creased wraps. 36pp, 12mo, stitched into red wraps with title repeated on cover in black. Slips with printed emendations have been laid down over text on pp.8, 9 and 32 (the last slip, carrying rule 84, ‘Hours for Consumption’, is amended in manuscript). Eighty-four rules on the first 32pp, with fifteen bye-laws on pp.33-34. TWO: ‘MEMBERS TICKET, 1929.’ A nice item on card, roughly 7 x 9 cm, with central horizontal crease folding it down to 4 1/2 x 7 cm.

[Lord Sankey [John Sankey, 1st Viscount Sankey], judge, Labour politician whose committee drew up the 1940 Sankey Declaration of the Rights of Man.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘[A.G.L.] Rogers’, regarding a 'hostel' and the Bishop of St David's.

Lord Sankey [John Sankey, 1st Viscount Sankey (1866-1948)], High Court judge, Labour politician who chaired the committee that drew up the 1940 Sankey Declaration of the Rights of Man [A.G.L. Rogers]
Publication details: 
1 January 1926. On embossed letterhead of the Royal Courts of Justice.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of Arthur George Liddon Rogers (1864-1944), son and editor of the economist Thorold Rogers [James Edwin Thorold Rogers] (1823-1890), for information regarding whom see his entry in the Oxford DNB. A little grubby, but in fair condition, folded once. Good clear signature. Reads: ‘The 1st. of January 1926. / My dear Rogers, / Many thanks for your letter and information re the hostel. I have already brought it before The Bishop of St. David’s and hope that something may result. / With kind regards and best wishes.

[‘Become an ambassador if you like’: H. A. L. Fisher [Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher], English historian and Liberal politician.] Autograph Letter Signed to Beresford-Hope, congratulating him on his ‘triumph in the Diplomatic Service examination’.

H. A. L. Fisher [Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher] (1865-1940), English historian and Liberal politician; Virginia Woolf’s cousin [Harold Thomas Beresford-Hope (1882-1917)]
Publication details: 
9 June 1907; 34 Norham Road, Oxford.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. At his death in 1917, H. T. Beresford-Hope was Third Secretary at the British Legation at Athens; and he left the enormous sum of £67,167. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘My dear Beresford-Hope’ and signed ‘H. Fisher’. Twenty-eight lines of text. He begins a gently teasing letter by stating that he is delighted to hear of Beresford-Hope’s ‘triumph in the Diplomatic Service examination’, his wife joining him in sending congratulations.

[J. L. Motley, American historian of the ‘Dutch Republic’.] Autograph Letter Signed to the editor of the Times of London, J. T. Delane, discussing his failing health and hope for a review of his latest (and perhaps last) work.

J. L. Motley [John Lothrop Motley] (1814-1877), American historian of the ‘Dutch Republic’, and diplomat in Europe under Lincoln who helped prevent European intervention in the American Civil War
Publication details: 
‘Villa Meissonnier / Cannes / 3 Jany ’74’.

A poignant letter. See Delane’s entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 16mo. Bifolium. In good condition, with neat thin strip from Victorian windowpane mount adhering to edges of second leaf. Folded for postage. 32 lines, closely written. Presumably with reference to his ‘Life and Death of John of Barneveld’, Motley begins: ‘My dear Delane / Just before leaving England ten days ago in search of health (a fugitive very hard to catch) I begged Murray to send you a copy of a work which was to come out almost immediately.

[L. A. G. Strong, English writer and published.] Typed Letter Signed to ‘Miss Murphy’, expressing delight at her enjoyment of his work, and the hope that it will never ‘disappoint’ her.

L. A. G. Strong [Leonard Alfred George Strong] (1896-1958), English writer and publisher
Publication details: 
23 March 1932; on letterhead of 10 Brunswick Gardens W.8. [London.]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. Sixteen lines of text. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Stylized signature: ‘L A G Strong.’ He replies to her letter by saying that he is ‘delighted’ that she enjoys reading his books, ‘and I very much appreciate your kindness in taking the trouble to write and tell me so’. He hopes that she will continue to read his work, and that it will ‘never disappoint’ her. ‘Nothing is more encouraging to a writer than to know that he has numbers of friends, whom he has never seen, but who are following what he does with interest and pleasure.’

[A.. N. L. Munby, Librarian of King’s College and historian of British book collecting.] Autograph Letter Signed to London bookseller Andrew Block, sending a collection of ‘Lyceum ballad-operas’ for his perusal.

A. N. L. Munby [Alan Noel Latimer Munby] (1913-1974), Librarian of King’s College, bibliographical historian and book collector [Andrew Block, London bookseller]
Publication details: 
11 January 1954. On letterhead of King’s College Library, Cambridge.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The obituary of the recipient Andrew Block (1892-1987) in ‘The Private Library’ was subtitled ‘the doyen of booksellers’; his business was established in 1911. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Signed ‘A N L Munby’ and addressed to ‘Dear Block’. Folded twice. He is sending ‘the volume of playbills, all Lyceum ballad-operas’, which he estimates comprises fifty-eight in total. ‘Send me along whatever they are worth to you.’

[Thomas Mann, trade unionist and communist.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both ‘Tom Mann’), as Secretary of London Reform Union, one endorsing a ‘scheme’ which will reduce the death rate; the other about ‘Douglas’ and a meeting of the Stepney Branch

Tom Mann [Thomas Mann] (1856-1941), trade unionist, socialist and communist [A. G. L. Rogers]
Publication details: 
12 and 30 May 1993; both on letterhead of London Reform Union, Granville House, 3 Arundel Street, W.C. [London].

See the entry for Thomas Mann in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of Arthur George Liddon Rogers (1864-1944), son and editor of the economist Thorold Rogers [James Edwin Thorold Rogers] (1823-1890), for information regarding whom see his entry in the Oxford DNB. The second letter in good condition, lightly aged and folded once; the first in fair condition, folded three times with a number of short closed tears along creases. Mann is writing in his capacity as Secretary of the London Reform Union (for whose ‘Object’ see the end of this entry). ONE: 12 May 1893. 2pp, 4to.

[‘Why don’t you ask me to do it for you?’: Sidney Webb, Fabian theorist.] Three Autograph Letters Signed to A. G. L. Rogers, one criticising a pamphlet he has a hand in, another declining to put himself forward for the Liberal candidacy in Stepney.

Sidney Webb [Sidney JamesWebb, Baron Passfield] (1859-1947), Fabian Society theorist and socialist politician, literary collaborator with his wife Beatrice Webb (1858-1943) [A. G. L. Rogers]
Publication details: 
ONE: 22 September 1891; on letterhead of 4 Park Village East, N.W. TWO: 6 February 1892; 4 Park Village East, N.W. THREE: 8 June 1893; on letterhead of the London County Council, Spring Gardens, S.W.

See Sidney Webb's entry in the Oxford DNB, now unaccountably placed within that of his wife. From the papers of Arthur George Liddon Rogers (1864-1944), son and editor of the economist Thorold Rogers [James Edwin Thorold Rogers] (1823-1890), for information regarding whom see his entry in the Oxford DNB. The three items in good condition, lightly aged. Each folded once. All three signed ‘Sidney Webb’; the first to ‘Sir’, the second to ‘My dear Rogers’, and the third to ‘Dear Rogers’. ONE: 22 September 1891. 4pp, 12mo.

[From crow-scarer to Member of Parliament: Joseph Arch, Liberal politician.] Autograph Letter Signed [to A. G. L. Rogers], approving of a ‘rural’ leaflet on behalf of the Liberal Party.

Joseph Arch (1826-1919), agricultural worker who became a prominent trade unionist and Liberal Member of Parliament [A. G. L. Rogers]
Publication details: 
21 February 1892; Barford, Warwickshire.

See Arch’s entry in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of Arthur George Liddon Rogers (1864-1944), son of the economist Thorold Rogers [James Edwin Thorold Rogers] (1823-1890), for information regarding whom see his entry in the Oxford DNB. At the time of this letter the 1892 general election was looming, and the recipient was Secretary of the Publications Department of the National Liberal Federation. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once.

[Francis Schnadhorst, brilliant political organizer with the National Liberal Federation.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to A. G. L. Rogers, one claiming a room to his ‘exclusive use’, the other expressing regret at Rogers’ resignation.

Francis Schnadhorst (1840-1900), English Liberal politician who revolutionized the organisation of British political parties through his work with the National Liberal Federation [A. G. L. Rogers]
Publication details: 
22 August 1892 and 15 January 1893; each on letterhead of the National Liberal Federation, 42 Parliament Street, London, S.W.

See Schnadhorst’s entry in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of Arthur George Liddon Rogers (1864-1944), son and editor of the economist Thorold Rogers [James Edwin Thorold Rogers] (1823-1890), for information regarding whom see his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both items in good condition, lightly aged, and each folded once. In November of 1891 Rogers had been appointed Secretary of the Publication Department of Schnadhorst’s NLF. The first letter indicates the mental instability that would result in Schnadhorst’s complete breakdown before the end of 1894. ONE: 22 August 1892. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium.

[Graham Wallas, Fabian socialist thinker and a co-founder of the London School of Economics.] Autograph Signature to conclusion of Autograph Letter Signed [to A. G. L. Rogers].

Graham Wallas (1858-1932), English socialist thinker, social psychologist, educationalist, a leader of the Fabian Society and a co-founder of the London School of Economics [A. G. L. Rogers]
Publication details: 
May 10 [no year]. 32 Great Ormond Street, W.C. [London.]

See Wallas’s entry in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of Arthur George Liddon Rogers (1864-1944), son and editor of the economist Thorold Rogers [James Edwin Thorold Rogers] (1823-1890), for information regarding whom see his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. On recto of first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. The conclusion of the letter only. Reads: ‘[...] extracts enclosed - / Edgeworth says he will look out for materials for you. / Sincerely / Graham Wallas / 32 Great Ormond St / W. C. / May 10 -’.

[Arnold Morley, Liberal politician.] Three Autograph Letters Signed to A. G. L. Rogers, one defending his comments on Conservative ‘tactics’ in the General Election, another formally appointing Rogers as Secretary to the Publication Department.

Arnold Morley (1849-1916), Liberal politician, Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury under Gladstone, and then Postmaster General [A. G. L. Rogers]
Publication details: 
ONE: 5 November 1891; on letterhead of Liberal Central Association, London. TWO: 10 August 1892; on letterhead of 7 Stratton Street, Piccadilly. THREE: 27 May 1893; from Stratton Street, on cancelled letterhead of Her Majesty’s Post Master General.

From the papers of Arthur George Liddon Rogers (1864-1944), son and editor of the economist Thorold Rogers [James Edwin Thorold Rogers] (1823-1890), for information regarding whom see his entry in the Oxford DNB. The three items in good condition, lightly aged. Each folded three times. All three signed ‘Arnold Morley’. ONE: 5 November 1891. 3pp, 12mo.

[C. L. Graves and Punch editor E. V. Knox.] Autograph Letter Signed from 'C L. G.' to 'Evoe', discussing in detail questions relating to his planned history of Punch, with long autograph 'Notes on your Memorandum'.

C. L. Graves [Charles Larcom Graves (1856-1944), assistant-editor of Punch and the Spectator, uncle of poet Robert Graves [E. V. Knox [Edmund George Valpy Knox] (1881-1971, 'Evoe'), editor of Punch]
Publication details: 
Letter on letterhead of Kent Lodge, Westgate-on-Sea, Thanet. 30 May 1938. Memorandum undated.

For information on Graves see the generous obituary of him in The Times, 18 April 1944. Both items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with minor staining from paperclip to first leaf of letter. The work was not published, and although Graves states in Item One that the greater part of the text is 'in the hands of my typist', there is no record of its survival, or of the thousand related documents he states were sent to him by M. H. Spielmann. ONE: ALS from 'C L. G.' to 'Dear Evoe'. 4pp., landscape 8vo.

[L. A. G. Strong, novelist and critic.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Leonard.') to 'Terence' [BBC Producer Terence Dudley?], discussing a proposed broadcast lecture.

L. A. G. Strong [Leonard Alfred George Strong] (1896-1958), novelist, critic, and poet, a director of the publishers Methuen Ltd [Terence Dudley, BBC producer]
Publication details: 
10 May 1958. On letterhead of Dromore, Old Frensham Road, Farnham, Surrey.

2pp, 12mo. On aged and creased paper, with two torn spike holes resulting in loss of a few letters of text. Date stamp on reverse. The recipient is not named, but is presumably the BBC producer Terence Dudley (1919-1988). Writing three months before his death, Strong begins the letter: 'My dear Terence, | How very kind of you! I [d]on't have any dignity in such matters! and I'd love to have a go, whether live or recorded.

[Mrs Gascoigne [Caroline Leigh Gascoigne], Victorian novelist.] Autograph Letter in the third person, asking Frederic Shoberl for advice regarding the publication of her juvenile novel 'Spencer's Cross; or, The Manor House'.

Mrs Gascoigne [Caroline Leigh Gascoigne, née Smith; Mrs C. L. Gascoigne] (1813-1883), Victorian novelist and author [Frederic Shoberl [Schoberl] (1775-1853), journalist and writer]
Publication details: 
York House, Bognor. 5 November 1851.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight traces of glue from mount adhering to edge on reverse of second leaf. Folded twice. An interesting letter, casting light on publication practices in Victorian London, with reference to a successful female author. Mrs Gascoigne asks Schoberl advice regarding the publication of her book 'Spencer's Cross; or, The Manor House. A Tale for Young People. By the author of "Belgravia"', which would be published by Charles Westerton in 1854. The letter begins: 'Mrs. Gascoigne presents her compliments to Mr.

[Edward Laman Blanchard, playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. L. Blanchard') to 'C. Osborne', explaining his plans for the Era Almanack, while regretfully declining his offer of literary assistance.

E. L. Blanchard [Edward Litt Laman Blanchard] (1820-1889), playwright and author, for 37 years writer of the Drury Lane pantomimes
Publication details: 
London Road, Rosherville, Kent. 27 August 1867.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. 'My dear Sir | The Era Almanack will entirely consist of Theatrical information and general literature is not contemplated in the plan. Otherwise I need hardly say I should have been most happy to have availed myself of your aid.' The Era Almanack ran from 1868 to 1919, and was one of the more reliable theatrical annuals.

[Punch history; C. L. Graves and Punch editor E. V. Knox.] Autograph Letter Signed from 'C L. G.' to 'Evoe', discussing in detail questions relating to his planned history of Punch, with long autograph 'Notes on your Memorandum'.

C. L. Graves [Charles Larcom Graves (1856-1944), assistant-editor of Punch and the Spectator, uncle of poet Robert Graves [E. V. Knox [Edmund George Valpy Knox] (1881-1971, 'Evoe'), editor of Punch]
Publication details: 
Letter on letterhead of Kent Lodge, Westgate-on-Sea, Thanet. 30 May 1938. Memorandum undated.

For information on Graves see his generous obituary in The Times, 18 April 1944. Both items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with minor staining from paperclip to first leaf of letter. The work was not published, and although Graves states in Item One that the greater part of the text is 'in the hands of my typist', there is no record of its survival, or of the thousand related documents he states were sent to him by M. H. Spielmann. ONE: ALS from 'C L. G.' to 'Dear Evoe'. 4pp., landscape 8vo.

[ Georgian pamphlet with parallel text in English and Welsh. ] The Complete Duoglott Letter-Writer; Or, Art of Polite Correspondence: […] Cyfansoddiad Cyflawn O Lythyrau Dwyieithawg'.

[ L. E. Jones of Caernarfon [ Carnarvon ] ]
Publication details: 
Caernarfon: Argraphwyd ac ar werth gan L. E. Jones. 1832.

96pp., 12mo. Disbound and without wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with light staining to last leaf, and some light manuscript annotation. No copy at the National Library of Wales, and the only copies on COPAC at Bangor and Cardiff Universities.

[ Leopold Hartley Grindon, Manchester botanist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Leo. H. Grindon'), explaining his aims in founding the 'Manchester Field-Naturalists' Society'.

L. H. Grindon [ Leopold Hartley Grindon ] (1818-1904), Lancashire botanist whose collections served as the basis of the Herbarium at Manchester Museum on its foundation in 1860
Publication details: 
20 Cecil Street, Greenheys, Manchester. 17 December 1885.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The recipient is not named. Grindon's handwriting is difficult and the reading is in parts tentative. The letter begins with a references to 'The Secretary of our “Manchester Field-Naturalists' Society', who appears to have placed a communication from the recipient in Grindon's hands. Grindon agrees to bring the matter 'very distinctly before our members', but explains that there are difficulties. 'Our members reside, almost wholly, in the town, or, if a few miles away, they come into town by train by 9 a.m. Or so, & remain till eve.

[ Margaret L. Woods, novelist and author. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('M. L. Woods.') to 'Mr Sladen' [ i.e. the author Douglas Sladen ], regarding a bereavement, 'Captain Christmas', Horace Annesley Vachell and the publisher John Lane.

Margaret L. Woods [ Margaret Louisa Woods, née Bradley ] (1855-1945), novelist and poet [ Douglas Sladen [ Douglas Sladen [ Douglas Brooke Wheelton Sladen ] (1856-1947), author ]
Publication details: 
Southwold. 14 November [ 1914 ].

2pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. She condoles with her over her 'sad loss last June. I had no idea of it, or I should have written to express my sympathy at the time. I was so much interested to meet your son, & hear how splendidly he had done.' On receiving Sladen's letter she wrote to her neice Betty Brichenough, and wonders if 'Captain Christmas', i.e. Danish sea captain and author Captain Walter Christmas (1861-1924), has heard from her. Fearing that she has mislaid Christmas's card she asks Sladen to write to him on her behalf.

[ Arthur Calder Marshall, author. ] Typed Letter Signed to Harry L. Spilstead, regarding his edition of the ballads of George R. Sims.

Arthur Calder Marshall (1908-1992), English novelist, essayist, critic, memoirist and biographer [ Harry Leonard Spilstead; George R. Sims (1847-1922), author and bon vivant ]
Publication details: 
3 The Grove, Lower Teddington Road, Hampton Wick, Kingston-upon-Thames. 15 January 1968.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. The main topic of the letter is Marshall's work preparing his book 'Prepare to shed them now. The Ballads of George R. Sims' (London: Hutchinson, 1968). A long and characteristic letter. After references to their meeting at the British Museum and to 'that excellent bookseller, Mr Wallace of The Guild Hall Bookshop' ('he showed me a selection of the Dagonet Ballads – nothing like as good as the copy you saw'), he turns to a 'Sims letter' which Spilstead sent him: 'I cant at the moment date it.

[ Charles Leeson Prince, astronomer, writing from the Observatory, Crowborough, Sussex. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. L. Prince') to Alexander Ramsay, regarding his paper on the 'Climate of Uckfield'

C. L. Prince [ Charles Leeson Prince ] (1821-1899), astronomer, antiquarian, meteorologist, physician [ The Observatory, Crowshurst, Sussex; Alexander Ramsay, editor of the 'Scientific Roll' ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Observatory, Crowborough, Sussex. 6 February 1885.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Begins: 'On looking through your "Bibliography to Climate" I find that you are not acquainted with my work on the Climate of Uckfield, pubd in 1871 - which comprises 28 years uninterrupted obs[ervation]s there'. He refers him to the library of the Royal Meteorological Society in George Street for a copy. He is about to publish 'eleven years observations at my present Observatory'

[ Reginald L. Hine, author and attorney. ] 10 Signed Letters (7 in Autograph; 3 Typed) to Franziska Hyde, regarding his writing and hers, with four letters to her from his wife following his suicide, and copies of Hyde's letters to him.

Reginald L. Hine [ Reginald Leslie Hine ] (1883-1949), author and attorney, local historian of Hitchin, Hertfordshire, author of 'Confessions of an Uncommon Attorney' [ Franziska Hyde ]
Publication details: 
Eight on his letterhead, Willian Bury, Letchworth, Herts. 1948 and 1949. Her letters from 7 Byron Place, The Triangle, Clifton, Bristol.

The collection of 35 items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. A good-natured playful correspondence on both sides, with both parties delighting in literary byways (Hine signs one letter 'Yours in the love of learning'). ONE: 10 Signed Letters (7 in Autograph; 3 Typed) to Franziska Hyde, and one unsigned Autograph Letter Signed, regarding his writing and hers, with four letters to her from his wife following his suicide, and copies of her letters. Between 5 October 1948 and 20 February 1949.

[ Charterhouse; book ] Carthusian Worthies.

J. L. Smith-Dampier [ Shakespeare Head Press, Oxford; Charterhouse ]
Publication details: 
Oxford: Printed at the Shakespeare Head Press, St Aldates, and Sold by Basil Blackwell, Broad Street. 1940.

xxiv + 366pp., 8vo. In rough red cloth with lettering in blue. A good copy, lightly aged and worn, in a chipped and worn dustwrapper with closed tears mended with archival tape. Tastefully printed in the firm's robust style. The blurb on the front of the dustwrapper states: 'The aim of the author, himself an Old Carthusian, is to introduce or recall some of the famous men who have successively peopled the Charterhouse, whether as monastery, mansion or school.

[ L. P. Hartley, novelist. ] Two typewritten drafts of his final short story 'The Ugly Picture', one headed in autograph 'First Version | (with description of <Verdley?> picture)'.

L. P. Hartley [ Leslie Poles Hartley ] (1895-1972), English novelist and short-story writer
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ Circa 1972. ]

'The Ugly Picture' was L. P. Hartley's final short story. It appeared in the Christmas issue of the Spectator, 23 December 1972, a few days before his death. There is a synopsis in Adrian Wright's 'Foreign Country: The Life of L. P. Hartley' (1996). Neither of the two drafts present here corresponds with the published version, whose ending, for example, has been heavily reworked from the ending to the later of the two drafts. The two items are both in good condition, each on loose leaves (one side only) of paper attached with a safety pin.

Printed pamphlet: 'Funeral Oration of the Reverend Father Dom J. L. Shepherd Monk of the English-Benedictine Congregation, delivered [...] in the Abbatial Church of St. Mary, Stanbrook, February IV. MDCCCLXXXV.'

R. R. John C. Hedley, D.D. O.S.B. Bishop of Newport and Menevia [ Dom J. L. Shepherd ]
Publication details: 
Printed at St. Mary's Abbey, Stanbrook, Worcester. 1885.

[2] + 21pp., 8vo. Stitched and disbound. In grey printed wraps. In good condition, lightly aged, in chipped wraps. Now scarce.

[ Charles L. Woodward, New York bookseller. ] Printed catalogue: 'Bibliotheca Bloodandthunder | No. 3. | Trials and kindred Literature, for sale by Charles L. Woodward, Dealer in Rare Books and Pamphlets relating to America, 78 Nassau St., New York'.

Charles L. Woodward, New York bookseller [ Bibliotheca Bloodandthunder ]
Publication details: 
Charles L. Woodward, 78 Nassau Street, New York. Undated [ late nineteenth century ].

18pp., 8vo. Disbound. In fair condition, on aged and brittle paper. 404 items in double column. First page headed 'IX. LXXX. XVII.' An interesting collection of Americana. First entry: 'ABBOT, LIEUT. JOEL. Naval Court Martial. Scandalous Conduct. Printed from Official Record on file in Navy Department. 8vo, pp. 152. Washington, 1822. 75 [cents] | Another, Reported by F. W. Waldo, to which is added an Appendix, containing Sundry Documents in Relation to Management of Affairs on Boston Station. 8vo, pp. 237, boards, uncut. Boston, 1822. 1 00 [i.e. one dollar]'. Last entry: 'ZANE, SARAH.

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