[Philip James Bailey, Victorian ‘spasmodic’ poet.] Autograph Document Signed, giving a ten-line extract from his celebrated poem, ‘Festus’.

Philip James Bailey (1816-1902), Victorian poet, author of ‘Festus’ and considered the father of the ‘spasmodic’ school of verse
Publication details: 
‘Blackheath / May 14th. 1888.’

Bailey’s entry in the Oxford DNB describes the ‘remarkable popularity’ of the second edition of Festus in America: ‘seventeen ‘editions’ of a version pirated in Boston were called for in the first nine years, and it was also reprinted numerous times in Philadelphia, Louisville, and New York. Bailey became something of a 'lion' for visiting Americans of the transcendental stamp’, with Hawthorne visiting in the 1850s. 1p, 8vo. On brittle woodpulp paper, now discoloured with chipping to edges (resulting in loss to the word ‘Festus’ at the head) and with closed tears to the two folds.

[Burslem Conservative and Unionist Club, Limited.] Printed booklet of ‘Rules and Bye-Laws’, with printed ‘Member’s Ticket, 1929’ made out to H. H. Rose and signed and dated by Bailey.

Burslem Conservative and Unionist Club, Limited, T. L. Bailey, Secretary [H. H. Rose; Staffordshire; the Potteries]
Publication details: 
Booklet printed: ‘BURSLEM / Warwick Savage, Printer and Lithographer, Wedgwood Place. / 1920’. Ticket dated by Bailey to 9 January 1929.

Two nice pieces of Potteries ephemera. No other copies have been traced. ONE: Booklet. In fair condition, on aged paper, in lightly worn and creased wraps. 36pp, 12mo, stitched into red wraps with title repeated on cover in black. Slips with printed emendations have been laid down over text on pp.8, 9 and 32 (the last slip, carrying rule 84, ‘Hours for Consumption’, is amended in manuscript). Eighty-four rules on the first 32pp, with fifteen bye-laws on pp.33-34. TWO: ‘MEMBERS TICKET, 1929.’ A nice item on card, roughly 7 x 9 cm, with central horizontal crease folding it down to 4 1/2 x 7 cm.

[Kevin Bailey, editor of 'HQ Poetry Magazine', to playwright Christopher Fry.] Three Typed Letters Signed and one Autograph Letter Signed, discussing his magazine, its poets, his own poetry, Fry's work. With extract from one of his plays.

Kevin Bailey (b.1954), poet and editor of 'HQ Poetry Magazine', Swindon [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright, with Auden and Eliot a leading exponent of twentieth-century verse drama]
Publication details: 
HQ Poetry Magazine, 39 Exmouth Street, Swindon. Between 11 November 1998 and 20 July 1999.

A total of 8pp of closely-typed text. In good condition. Also present are an additional four-page copy on pink paper of the first letter and its enclosure. First letter signed 'Kevin Bailey', two others signed 'Kevin B.' aq2 One letter lacks its last page and signature.

[Henry Fauntleroy, banker and forger.] Autograph Letter Signed ('H Fauntleroy') to Sir Cuthbert Sharp, written from Cold Bath Fields Prison a few weeks before his hanging at Newgate in front of a crowd of 100,000.

Henry Fauntleroy (1784-1824), banker and forger, hanged before Newgate after a trial at the Old Bailey [Sir Cuthbert Sharp (1781-1849), soldier and antiquary]
Publication details: 
'C. B. Fields [i.e. Cold Bath Fields Prison, London] October 14th 1824'.

See Fauntleroy's entry in the Oxford DNB. Although accounts of his depravity are exaggerated, Fauntleroy led a dissolute life, and appropriated securities worth around £360,000. During his trial at the Old Bailey he called seventeen merchants and bankers to testify to his integrity, but his defence was unsuccessful, and he was hanged outside Newgate, before a crowd of 100,000. The present item is 1p, 4to. Bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Sir Cuthbert Sharp | &c &c', with endorsement.

[John Mortimer, author and barrister, creator of 'Rumpole of the Bailey'.] Two Typed Letters Signed and one Autograph Card Signed to the playwright Christopher Fry, suggesting meetings and commenting on his busy schedule

John Mortimer [Sir John Clifford Mortimer] (1923-2009), author, dramatist and barrister, creator of 'Rumpole of the Bailey' [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]
Publication details: 
All three on letterheads of Turville Heath Cottage, Henley-on-Thames. Letters dated 11 November 1995 and 1 March 1997. Card undated.

All three items in good condition, with both letters lightly-creased at the foot. ONE: TLS. Signed 'John Mortimer'. 11 November 1995. 1p, 8vo. He was delighted to receive Fry's letter and would 'like to visit a writing group with which you're connected. If I'm free on May 10th I'll come. I'm just waiting to hear about a trip to Florida – so do let the committee write to me. I'll know by then more clearly what I'm doing.' TWO: TLS. Signed 'John', with Mortimer deleting the typed word 'sincerely'. 1 March 1997. 1p, 8vo. He found it 'a delight' to hear Fry's 'lecture at the RSL'.

[ Christ's Hospital, London. ] Endowed Schools' Act, 1869. Scheme For Christ's Hospital, prepared by the Governing Body of the Hospital, to be submitted to the Commissioners under the above Act.

Christ's Hospital, London (the Bluecoat School) [ Endowed Schools' Act, 1869 ]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted and circulated amongst the Governors, by Order of the General Court, 21st July, 1870.' Printed by Winter & Bailey, 24, Chancery Lane, London.

[7] + 69pp., 4to. In grey printed paper wraps, with brown faux-leather spine. Aged and worn. In six parts: 'Preliminary'; 'Governing Body'; 'Endowments'; 'Application of Endowments'; 'Regulations relating to Schools'; and 'Final', with pp.47-69 carrying twelve 'Schedules', ranging from 'I. - Metropolitan Parishes, Districts and Precincts affected by the abrogation of Trusts for the admission of Children therefrom' to 'XII.- Endowments for Special Prizes'. No other copy traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC.

[ Sir Allen Lane, publisher. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Allen Lane') to 'Mr Bailey', describing the 'original concept' behind Penguin Books, and giving his view of 'the book business'.

Sir Allen Lane [ Allen Lane Williams ] (1902-1970), founder of Penguin Books
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 'El Fenix . Carvajal . Malaga . Spain'. 31 March 1969.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The letterhead, printed in red and black, features the illustration of a phoenix in fire which featured on the covers of some Penguin Books publications of works by D. H. Lawrence. He begins by stating that Malcolm Kelly has sent him Bailey's letter 'with its very flattering reference to me'. He explains that he has 'always regarded the book business as a whole & not as two camps as it were, book-sellers & publishers'.

[ Frederick William Pomeroy, sculptor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. W. Pomeroy') to Douglas Sladen, declining an invitation to a 'delightful Gathering'.

F. W. Pomeroy [ Frederick William Pomeroy ] (1856-1924), English sculptor responsible for statue of 'Justice' on the Old Bailey [ Douglas Sladen (1856-1947), author and academic ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 14 Kensington Square, W.8 [ London ]. 7 June 1921.

2pp., 16mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and with slight smuding at head of first page. There is nothing he should have liked more than to accept Sladen's invitation to 'what will be a delightful Gathering, at your house at Richmond on the 9th.', but he has a previous engagement. 'Some other time, if you extend the hand of friendship in this charming way I shall be delighted to come and see you.'

[ The Camden Town Murder, 1907. ] Printed Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) press card, signed by sheriff Charles Cheers Wakefield, and annotated by representative of the Pall Mall Gazette.

Charles Cheers Wakefield (1859-1941), 1st Viscount [ The Camden Town Murder, 1907; Emily Dimmock; Robert Wood; the Central Criminal Court [ Old Bailey ]; Edward Marshall Hall; Walter Sicket ]
Publication details: 
The Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey), London. Stamped first day of trial, 12 December 1907.

On one side of a 10 x 12.5 cm piece of card. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Signed 'C C Wakefield' and granting admission to 'the representative of the [ Pall Mall ]', the trial beginning on 12 December 1907. Annotated around Wakefield's signature: 'For the trial of Robert Wood for the murder of Emily Dimmock, of St Paul's Road, Camden Town | Judge - W Justice Grantham | Leading Conuncil - Sir Charles Mathews for the prosecution; Mr Marshall Halll for the defence. | Verdict - Not guilty.'

[ Edward Hodges Baily, sculptor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('E H Baily'), giving his 'charges for Busts in Marble'.

Edward Hodges Baily (1788-1867), English sculptor
Publication details: 
11 York Place, Portman Square. 23 July 1855.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to an unnamed recipient. He gives his prices for 'a head in Marble', a 'Torso bust', and a 'pale draped bust'. Docketed on reverse with biographical details in a nineteenth-century hand.

Autograph manuscript of the poem 'To Helena on her Birth day' by the English author Thomas Haynes Bayly, addressed to his wife, and apparently unpublished.

Thomas Haynes Bayly (1797-1839), English poet, after Thomas Moore the most popular songwriter of his period in England
Publication details: 
Without place. [1830]

1p., 4to. On laid paper watermarked 'G & R TURNER | 1829'. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Docketed on the reverse 'Bayley [sic] | 1830' and 'By Thomas Haynes Bayly, Poet | Author of "I'd be a butterfly etc etc'. The poem is sixteen lines long, and begins: 'My own Love! my true Love! here's health & joy to you Love, | A happy year without a tear & sweet smiles not a few Love! | Of all my anniversaries, I prize your Birth day best.

Autograph Letter Signed and three Autograph Cards Signed from the American geologist Bailey Willis to 'Mr. Anthony', discussing a report following a joint trip, and presenting a pamphlet by which he may approach 'the limits of knowledge'.

Bailey Willis (1857-1949), American geological engineer [United States Geological Survey; Mount Rainier]
Publication details: 
Letter dated from Buenos Aires [Argentina]. 19 June 1914. One card dated from the 'Hotel Cecil | Julio 8 - 1914'. The other two cards undated.

The four items are in good condition, lightly-aged and with slight creasing to the extremities of the letter. The letter is 1p., foolscap 8vo. Willis writes that he is 'forwarding the report at the earliest moment practicable. If in any respect it should fail to cover the ground agreed upon, I will gladly supplement it to the best of my ability'. He is waiting for Anthony's instructions over his 'reports': 'I understood that you did not wish them sent by mail.' He ends by expressing his 'sincere appreciation of your courtesy during our trip together'.

Press Pass, signed by Leslie Boyd, Clerk of the Central Criminal Court, to the Old Bailey trial of the Soviet spy John Vassall.

Leslie Boyd (1914-1998), Clerk of the Central Criminal Court, London [John Vassall [William John Christopher Vassall] (1924-1996), British Admiralty clerk who spied for the Soviet Union]
Publication details: 
Central Criminal Court, London. Undated [October 1962].

Crisply printed on one side of a piece of 9 x 14 cm card, with Boyd's signature in blue ink, and Vassall's name typed. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Headed in gothic letters 'Central Criminal Court', with the rest reading: 'PRESS PASS | The holder is authorised, as a Press Representative, to obtain admission to the Court during the trial of [typed: 'WILLIAM JOHN CHRISTOPHER VASSALL'] | This pass does NOT entitle the holder to a seat.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W H Harrison') to 'Mr Green, Messrs Stewart & Co, Old Bailey'.

William Henry Harrison (1795?-1878), English physician and author, best-known for his book 'The Humorist', published by Rudolph Ackermann in 1832
Publication details: 
Monday' [no date, but docketed 'Dec 1837']; '33 New B. S.' [i.e. 33 New Burlington Street, London].

12mo, 1 p, 10 lines. On worn, discoloured paper, with slight loss due to the breaking of two seals. Text clear and entire. The letter has been readdressed in another hand (hence the two seals) to 'Mr Price, Crease & Sons, Smithfield'. Harrison quotes his 'friend of the L. G. [i.e. the Literary Gazette]' as follows: 'Your D'Israeli paper may be useful as there is a new Edition. May I do as I like with its matter?' He asks for 'an answer as soon as possible'.

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