[Philip Hermogenes Calderon, genre painter and Keeper of the Royal Academy.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Miss Towgood’ [Mary Ethel Young Towgood], student at the RA Schools, asking for names of authors of ‘Cartoons’ and ‘Creswick’.

Philip H. Calderon [Philip Hermogenes Calderon] (1833-1898), British historical genre painter of Franco-Spanish descent, Keeper of the Royal Academy [Mary Ethel Young Hunter [née Towgood] (1878-1936)]
Publication details: 
20 November 1896; on letterhead of Burlington House, Piccadilly [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On a leaf of grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. The recipient was studying at the Royal Academy Schools. Begins: ‘Dear Miss Towgood / Thanks for your letter and enclosed statement by Mr Percy Young.’ He asks to be sent ‘the names of the authors of the various “Cartoons” and “Creswick”’, so that he may have all his material ‘ready for the Council on Tuesday next’. He intended to ask her for the names in ‘the Schools’ (of the Royal Academy at Burlington House), ‘but a sudden attack of Influenza confines me to my room by the Doctor’s order’.

[Sir John Charles Robinson, as Hon. Sec. of the Fine Arts Club, London.] Letter, in a secretarial hand, signed by Robinson ('J C Robinson'), informing Rev. James Beck that he has been elected a member.

Sir John Charles Robinson [J. C. Robinson] (1824-1913), painter, etcher, art collector, curator at the Victoria and Albert Museum, first President of the Burlington Fine Arts Club, London [James Beck]
Publication details: 
Fine Arts Club, 13 Foulis Terrace, Brompton, S.W. [London] 23 February 1863.

2pp, folio. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice.

[ Philip Hermogenes Calderon), historical genre painter, ] Autograph Letter Signed and two Autograph Notes Signed (all 'Philip H Calderon') to Dr W. H. Allchin, one about a medical appointment and another Allchin's electinon as an Athenaeum member.

Philip Hermogenes Calderon (1833-1898), English historical genre painter, of Spanish and French extraction
Publication details: 
One from Burlington House, and another on letterhead of the Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall, London. None dated with year.

The three items in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: ALS. 'Saturday' [no date]. Burlington House. 1p., 12mo. On grey paper with mourning border. Addressed to 'Dear Doctor'. Allchin arranged to go to see him on the following Monday or Tuesday. 'I find I shall be receiving new students from 9.30 to 11 on Monday - Can you therefore keep your visit for Tuesday?' TWO: ANS. Addressed to 'Dear Dr Allchin'. Monday, 23 April [ no year ]. On Athenaeum letterhead, and clearly concerning Allchin's election as a member.

[ Frederic Shields, artist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Fredc. Shields') to 'Mrs Stephens'

Frederic Shields [ Frederic James Shields ] (1833-1911), English artist and illustrator associated with the Pre-Raphaelites
Publication details: 
7 Lodge Place, London N.W. 8 June [no year].

1p., 12mo. In good condition, with tiny remains of labels from mount adhering to corners. He returns her 'Burlington Club permit', with 'thanks for the opportunity of seeing so brilliant a Collection', before concluding with regards to her husband and 'Holly'.

[ Sir Lionel Cust, art historian. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Lionel Cust') to 'Lucas', regarding a trip to Ostend, problems with luggage and the Belgian railways, and a lost umbrella.

Sir Lionel Henry Cust (1859-1929), British art historian, director of the National Portrait Gallery and editor of the Burlington Magazine
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Oliphant House, The Crescent, Windsor. 26 July 1907.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition. He has been 'clinging' to Lucas's umbrella since the return from a trip to Ostend, where Cust had 'an awful quart d'heure with the luggage people, who were very unwilling to send it on, [...] but by bribery and threats of weeping and pcitures of you all shivering on deck, I <?> them to entrust the 16 or 17 packages to the guard of the train next due'. The letter continues in much the same chatty tone.

[Richard Bentley, publisher.] Two copies (one proof) of his pamphlet 'Death of the Broad Gauge', describing a Great Western Railway journey during the switch to Narrow Gauge, in a series of letters to his father George Bentley. With printed envelope.

Richard Bentley the younger (1854-1936), member of celebrated firm of London publishers, son of George Bentley (1828-1895) and grandson of Richard Bentley (1794-1871) [Great Western Railway]
Publication details: 
[Privately printed for Richard Bentley the younger, of Richard Bentley & Son, New Burlington Street, London. 1892 and 1893.]

All three items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: Untitled proof, with 'Proof 6.12.92 [i.e. 6 December 1992]' in manuscript at foot of first page. 20pp., 8vo. Unbound and unstitched. Two manuscript corrections, and two indications of where maps are to be placed. The first letter is written from 'Dawlish, S. Devon, | May 20, 1892', and the last from 'Clifton, | May 31, 1892'. A passage, on pp.5-8, is under the heading 'The End of the Broad Gauge', the first paragraph reading: 'On Thursday the men arrived from all parts of the G.W.

Autograph Letter Signed ('V. D. Vroom') from the Democratic Party Governor of New Jersey, Peter Dumont Vroom, to the State Treasurer Charles Parker, informing him that he has issued travel warrants for two women, Hannah Alloways and Mary Ann Daniels.

Peter Dumont Vroom (1791-1873), Governor of the State of New Jersey, 1829-1832 and 1833-1836; Democratic member, House of Representatives, 1839-1841 [Charles Parker, Treasurer of New Jersey]
Publication details: 
Somerville [New Jersey]. 29 May 1835.

1p., 4to. Bifolium, with address on reverse of second leaf: 'Charles Parker, Esqr. | Treasurer | Trenton. | N.J.', together with red circular Somerville postmark, and docketing. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with light contemporary staining to second leaf, from which the seal has been cut away. The letter begins: 'I have issued warrants for the two following visitors - vizt. | 1. Hannah Alloways. Burlington Co. Warrant dated 20 May '35. | 2. Mary Ann Daniels - Cumberland - [Warrant dated] 29 May '35.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H: B: Fielding') from Henry Borron Fielding, inviting the recipient to join the Earl of Burlington, Earl Stanhope and Professor Owen as trustees on presentation of his herbarium and library to London Royal Botanical Society.

Henry Borron Fielding (1805-1851), botanist [Fielding Herbarium, University of Oxford; London Royal Botanical Society; Earl of Burlington; Earl Stanhope; Sir Richard Owen; James De Carl Sowerby]
Publication details: 
Bolton Lodge, Lancaster. 6 January 1842.

2pp., 12mo. 29 lines. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of previous mounting, and the annotation '13/19' in a contemporary hand. A significant letter relating to an important collection. Fielding bequeathed his herbarium and botanical library to the University of Oxford where, as the Oxford DNB explains, they formed for many years 'one of the key resources for the study of botany'.

[Prospectus or Commemorative Catalogue of] Bentley's Standard Novels & Romances |Bentley's Favourite Novels

[Richard Bentley & Son, publishers].
Bentley's Standard Novels & Romances
Publication details: 
[New Burlington Street, London], Printed January 1882.
Bentley's Standard Novels & Romances

One Hundred Copies only. [16]pp., cr.8vo, sewn as issued, unopened, tastefully printed in brown with decoration on hand-made paper, good condition. Sadleir, in XIX Century Fiction, describes this as A Prospectus of the Standard and Favourite Novels issued in January 1882. Given it's date, I would suggest it's a Commemorative Catalogue of a series which has great significance in publishing history. It gives the information present in Sadleir (II.100-4), but it calls the phantom Second Series (Sadleir) Bentley's Standard Novels. The Re-Issue. 1854-1859?.

Offprint of letter to the editor of The Times, headed 'MR. DICKENS AND MR. BENTLEY. | To the Editor of "The Times." '

George Bentley (1828-1895), London bookseller; son of Richard Bentley (1794-1871) [Charles Dickens]
Publication details: 

8vo (21.5 x 14 cm), 4 pp. Unbound bifolium. Good, on lightly aged and foxed paper. The item is well-printed, paginated with two footnotes. The subject is laid out at the start: 'In the first volume of Mr. Dickens' Life, just published, I read an account of Mr. DICKENS' literary connexion with my father, which it is impossible for me to leave without remark. The biographer therein presents my father in a character which all who knew him would repudiate as belonging to him.

Some Account of the Character of the late Right Honourable Henry Bilson Legge (DNB, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Irish Secretary, etc)

[John Butler (1717-1802), Bishop of Hereford]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for J. Almon, opposite Burlington-House in Piccadilly. 1764.

4to, 20 pp. The last page carries advertisements for the publisher Almon. Unbound; stitched. Good, with first and last leaves somewhat aged and chipped. Central vertical fold. A relatively uncommon item, with most of the entries on COPAC turning out to be for a microfilm reproduction.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W H Harrison') to 'Mr Green, Messrs Stewart & Co, Old Bailey'.

William Henry Harrison (1795?-1878), English physician and author, best-known for his book 'The Humorist', published by Rudolph Ackermann in 1832
Publication details: 
Monday' [no date, but docketed 'Dec 1837']; '33 New B. S.' [i.e. 33 New Burlington Street, London].

12mo, 1 p, 10 lines. On worn, discoloured paper, with slight loss due to the breaking of two seals. Text clear and entire. The letter has been readdressed in another hand (hence the two seals) to 'Mr Price, Crease & Sons, Smithfield'. Harrison quotes his 'friend of the L. G. [i.e. the Literary Gazette]' as follows: 'Your D'Israeli paper may be useful as there is a new Edition. May I do as I like with its matter?' He asks for 'an answer as soon as possible'.

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