[San Juan Island, Washington State.] Printed paper: 'Correspondence respecting the Island of San Juan. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty. 1860.'

San Juan Island, Washington State; Lord John Russell; Lord Lyons; General Lewis Cass; Captain Pickett; Captain Bazalgette; Assistant-General Pleasonton
Publication details: 
'Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty. 1860.' and 'London: Printed by Harrison and Sons.'

The correspondence concerns the need to prevent a 'collision between the American and British authorities on the island' (the American General Harney is quoted as saying that 'he is satisfied that any attempt of the British Commander to ignore this right of the territory will be followed by deplorable results out of his power to control'). [2] + 4 + [1]pp, foolscap 8vo. Stabbed as issued. On discoloured and worn paper, with slight chipping at head of first leaf. Last page (back cover) printed crosswise in the customary fashion (for folding into a packet).

[Janet Beverdige, wife of Sir William Beveridge, ‘Architect of the Welfare State’.] Typed Letter Signed to V. H. Collins, regarding her sister’s death, her book on the Beveridge Plan, Sir William’s punctiliousness and ‘the kilt’.

Janet Beveridge [born Janet Thomson Philip, later Janet Mair] (1876-1959), second cousin and wife of Sir William Beveridge (1879-1963), ‘Architect of the Welfare State’ [Vere Henry Collins, author]
Publication details: 
20 September 1954; on letterhead of Staverton House, 104 Woodstock Road, Oxford.

See Sir William Beveridge’s entry in the Oxford DNB: 'An overbearing and temperamental Scotswoman, Mrs Mair had come to the school [the LSE] with Beveridge in 1919 (having been his secretary and aide during the war) and was highly unpopular with many of the school's professors. Throughout the 1930s there were complaints about the ‘Beveridge–Mair dictatorship’ and a general sense of relief when Beveridge decided to leave the school to accept the mastership of University College, Oxford, in 1937.' 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with one dog-eared corner. Folded twice for postage.

[A. J. Balfour [Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl Balfour], Conservative Prime Minister.] Lithographed Circular in facsimile of Autograph Letter Signed, urging Parliamentary attendance (of MPs) for ‘the discussion of important questions'.

A. J. Balfour [Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl Balfour] (1848-1930), Conservative Prime Minister who as Foreign Secretary issued the 1917 Balfour Declaration
A. J. Balfour
Publication details: 
24 January 1896; on letterhead of First Lord of the Treasury, 10 Downing Street, Whitehall, S.W. [London]
A. J. Balfour

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. A lithographed document, in facsimile of an Autograph Letter Signed, on a genuine letterhead with embossed motif of First Lord of the Treasury, with mourning border. On aged paper, with the blank reverse carrying unobtrusive glue stains from previous mounting. Folded three times for postage.

[Rochester, New York State.] Manuscript ‘Arbitration Bond’, with ‘the very rare signature of Everard Peck, pioneer printer Father of Wm. F. Peck’ and that of Walter S. Griffith.

Everard Peck (1791-1854), Rochester printer, newspaper editor, father of the historian William Farley Peck (1840-1908); Walter S. Griffith (c.1810-1872) [Lewis Selze; Monroe County, New York State]
Publication details: 
No date [1860s or 1870s?]. [Rochester, Monroe County, New York State.]

Accompanying this item is a piece of paper with the following note in a mid-twentieth-century hand: ‘Interesting because of the very rare signature of Everard Peck, pioneer printer Father of Wm. F. Peck’. He was a bookbinder from Connecticut who moved to Rochester around 1816 and opened a bookstore. He moved into printing and publishing, founded the successful weekly Telegraph newspaper and later became a banker. He was a generous benefactor of the early city, co-founding the University of Rochester and the Rochester Orphan Asylum and becoming a leader in the Female Charitable Society.

[Sir Robert Herbert, first premier of Queensland, Australia.] Typed Letter Signed to S. H. Gatty, marked as ?Confidential?, asking whether Mr. Justice Cook, Puisne Judge in Trinidad is to your knowledge in the habit of drinking to excess?.

Sir Robert Herbert [Sir Robert George Wyndham Herbert] (1831-1905), the first and youngest-ever Premier of the Australian state of Queensland [Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922)]
Publication details: 
15 May 1891. From Downing Street, on embossed letterhead of the Colonial Office [Whitehall].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The item is from the Gatty papers. (Herbert is writing to Gatty in Trinidad, and it is Gatty who will be appointed in place of the subject of the letter.) 1p, 8vo, on good laid paper. In good condition, but with creases from having been folded into packet (not through signature). A good looking item, with ?Confidential? in left-hand margin. Reads: ?Sir, / I am directed by Lord Knutsford to ask you to be so good as to inform him confidentially whether Mr. Justice Cook, Puisne Judge in Trinidad is to your knowledge in the habit of drinking to excess.

[Jeypoor Treasury, Jaipur Government, India (now in Rajasthan State).] Eleven manuscript documents in Hindi script, each with the large seal of the Jaipur Government, and eight each with a Jaipur State 4 Annas stamp and one with an 8 Annas stamp.

Jaipur Government, India [since 1949 part of Rajasthan State], Jeypoor Treasury
Publication details: 
[1940s.] Jaipur Government [Rajasthan State], India. (Each of the documents with large printed design of the ‘Revenue Stamp Jaipur Government’, and two with additional ink stamp of ‘RAJASTHAN STATE’.)

Eleven documents, all foolscap, possibly relating to property. The tax stamps carried by nine of the items, and presence on the two others of a Rajasthan State stamp suggest that they date from the early years of Indian independence. Nine are bifoliums, each with punch-holed large blue oval design of the ‘Court Fee Stamp / Jaipur Government / Four Annas’ taking up much of the upper part of the recto of the first page. These documents are also blind stamped, upside down on the reverse of the second leaf, with an oval ‘Four Annas’ stamp of the ‘Jeypoor Treasury’.

[Pratap Singh, Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir.] Autograph Signature ‘Pratap Singh / Maharaja’ on fragment of letter.

Pratap Singh (1848-1925), Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir, ruler of an Indian salute state under the British Raj
Publication details: 
8 June 1893; on letterhead of The Palace Srinagar [Jammu and Kashmir, India].

Singh was deposed by the British in 1889, with accusations of misgovernment, disloyal dealings with the Russian Empire, and a plot to murder his brothers and the British Resident, but as this was deemed contrary to the 1846 Treaty of Amritsar he was reinstated, but with a new ruling council was forced upon him, under the supervision of the Resident. Two slips of paper cut from a letter for display in an album. Both somewhat discoloured and a little ruckled. All the writing is in the same ink, but it is not clear whether the text of the letter is in a secretarial hand.

[William Ewart Gladstone and colonial railways, 1846.] Printed Colonial Office circular dispatch, laying out ‘some general principles’ regarding ‘plans of Railway communication’ in the British colonies.

W. E. Gladstone [William Ewart Gladstone] as Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1846 [Colonial Office, Whitehall; nineteenth-century railways; Victorian locomotives]
Publication details: 
Dated from Downing Street [London], 15 January 1846.

A scarce item, of which no other copy has been traced. 9pp, 8vo. Disbound from a volume, and paginated in manuscript 57-65. In good condition, lightly aged. Printed in lithograph in facsimile of a manuscript document. Begins by explaining the purpose of the dispatch in true Gladstonian style: ‘I find that the impulse which has been given in every other part of the Civilized World to plans of Railway communication has been felt in many of the British Colonies.

[William Ewart Gladstone and banking in the colonies, 1846.] Colonial Office printed circular dispatch, with printed set of ‘Regulations and Conditions’ regarding ‘Banking Companies’, for governors, legislative bodies and local authorities.

W. E. Gladstone [William Ewart Gladstone] as Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1846 [Colonial Office, Whitehall; banking regulations]
Publication details: 
ONE: Circular dispatch, dated from Downing Street, 30 May 1846. TWO: ‘Regulations and conditions’ [Whitehall, London, 1846].

Both items are scarce: no copy of the first and only two copies of the second on OCLC WorldCat and JISC (at Manchester and Glasgow). Both are in good condition, lightly aged. Disbound from a volume and paginated in manuscript. ONE: Printed ‘Circular’ headed in manuscript ‘Banking Companies’, and dated from Downing Street, 30 May 1846. 1p, 8vo. Paginated in manuscript 67. Thirty-two lines of small print, in a copperplate font. At foot of the page (not in Gladstone’s hand): ‘/sd/ Grey [last word deleted] W. E. Gladstone’.

[Lord John Russell and banking in the colonies, 1840.] Colonial Office manuscript circular dispatch by Russell, with printed set of ‘Regulations and Conditions’ regarding ‘Banking Companies’, for governors, legislative bodies and local authorities.

Lord John Russell as Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1840 [Colonial Office, Whitehall; banking regulations]
Publication details: 
ONE: Manuscript circular dispatch, dated from Downing Street, 4 May 1840. TWO: Printed ‘Regulations and conditions’ [1840]. Slug: ‘LONDON: / PRINTED BY W. CLOWES AND SONS, 14, CHARING CROSS, / For Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.’

The printed item is excessively scarce: no copy on OCLC WorldCat or JISC. Transcriptions of both items are to be found in The Journal of the Legislative Council of the Province of New Brunswick, 20 January to 26 March, pp.26-28. The two items are in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Disbound from a volume and paginated in manuscript. ONE: Manuscript ‘Circular’ headed ‘Banking Companies’ and dated from Downing Street, 4 May 1840. 1p, 8vo. Paginated in manuscript 15. On W. Horsington paper with watermark date 1839.

[Lord Grey and ‘unsteady habits’ of immigrants to Mauritius (and West Indies), 1846.] Three printed items: Colonial Office circular dispatch; copy of dispatch to Governor of Mauritius; ‘Heads of an Ordinance for Promoting Immigration’ to Mauritius.

Lord Grey [Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey] as Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1846 [Colonial Office, Whitehall; Sir W. M. Gomm, Governor of Mauritius; West Indies]
Publication details: 
ONE: Printed circular dispatch, Downing Street, 23 October 1846. TWO: Grey’s Dispatch No. 38, Downing Street, 29 September 1846. THREE: ‘Heads of an Ordinance’ [London, 1846].

All three items are scarce, with no copies on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC. Both in good condition, lightly aged. Disbound from a volume and paginated in manuscript. ONE: Printed ‘Circular’, headed in manuscript ‘Immiration / W. Indies & Mauritius’, and dated from Downing Street, 23 October 1846. Paginated in manuscript 93. At foot of page (not in Grey’s hand): ‘/sd/ Grey’.

[Lord Grey and the ‘Publication of Colonial Papers’, 1849.] Private Circular Dispatch to Colonial Governors, discussing the question.

Lord Grey [Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey] as Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1849 [publication of colonial papers]
Publication details: 
Dated from Downing Street, 15 June 1849.

An interesting indication of the Victorian approach to transparency in government. A scarce item: no other copy traced. Dispatch with ‘Circular. / Private.’ in the margin. Headed in manuscript ‘Publication of Colonial Papers. / (Parliamentary Papers)’. At end in manuscript (not Grey’s handwriting): ‘/sd/ Gray’. In good condition, lightly aged. 4pp, 8vo. Disbound from volume, and paginated in manuscript 175-178. Printed in copperplate font.

[Lord Grey and immigration to British West India Colonies, 1850.] Two printed Colonial Office circular dispatches: on ‘Coloured Emigrants from United States’, and ‘Immigration’ of ‘Coolies’, ‘Kroomen’ and Africans taken from captured Slavers’.

Lord Grey [Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey] as Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1850 [Colonial Office; slavery; the United States]
Publication details: 
ONE: ‘Coloured Emigrants from United States’, Downing Street, 16 October 1850. TWO: ‘Immigration’, Downing Street, 30 October 1850.

Two interesting items from the period leading up to the American Civil War. Both items are scarce: no other copy of either traced. In good condition, lightly aged. Disbound from a volume and paginated in manuscript.Both printed in copperplate font. ONE: Printed ‘Circular’ dated from Downing Street, 16 October 1850. Headed in manuscript ‘Colonial Emigrants from United States’. In manuscript at end (not in Grey’s hand) ‘/sd/ Grey’. 2pp, 8vo. Paginated in manuscript 239-240.

[Lord Grey and colonial postal arrangements, 1850.] Two printed Colonial Office documents: a copy of a letter from W. L. Maberly of the General Post Office to H. Merivale of the Colonial Office; and a covering circular dispatch on ‘Book Posts’.

Lord Grey [Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey] as Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1850 [W. L. Maberly of the General Post Office; Herman Merivale; Royal Mail; book post]
Publication details: 
ONE: W. L. Maberly to H. Merivale; dated from General Post Office, 14 December 1850. TWO: Headed ‘Book Posts’; dated from Downing Street, 27 December 1850.

Both items scarce: no other copies traced. In good condition, lightly aged. Disbound from a volume and paginated in manuscript. ONE: Copy of letter from W. L. Maberly to ‘H. Merivale, Esq., / &c. &c. &c. / Colonial Office’, dated from General Post Office, 14 December 1850. 2pp, 8vo. Paginated in manuscript 257-258.

[Lord Derby [as Lord Stanley] and crime on the high seas, 1842.] Printed Colonial Office circular dispatch laying out the Government’s conclusions on the question of ‘acts done in the High Seas’.

Lord Derby [Edward Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby] as Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1842 [Colonial Office; maritime law; piracy]
Publication details: 
Dated from Downing Street [London], 16 December 1842.

Scarce: no other copy traced. 1p, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Disbound from a volume and paginated in manuscript 37. Printed ‘Circular’ dated from Downing Street, 16 December 1842. Headed in manuscript ‘Crime in the high Seas’. At bottom, in manuscript (not Stanley’s hand): ‘/sd/ Stanley’. Twenty-nine lines in copperplate font.

[Lord Derby [as Lord Stanley] and emigration from West Africa to West Indies, 1843.] Two printed Colonial Office items: Circular dispatch on ‘Emigration from the W. Coast of Africa’ and ‘A circular to all the West India Colonies’ on ‘Emigration’.

Lord Derby [Edward Smith-Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby] as Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1843 [Colonial Office; immigration to West Indies; West Africa; African emigration]
Publication details: 
ONE: ‘Emigration from the W. Coast of Africa.’ Downing Street, 25 February 1843. TWO: ‘A circular to all the West India Colonies.’ Downing Street, 25 February 1843. Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street, for Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.

Important items, reflecting the state of affairs regarding movement of West Africans to the British West India colonies in the period immediately following the abolition of slavery. Both items excessively scarce: no copies traced on either OCLC WorldCat or COPAC. In good condition, lightly aged. The two items disbound from a volume and paginated in manuscript. ONE: Printed ‘Circular’ dated ‘Downing Street, / 25th. February 1843.’ Lithographic reproduction of manuscript text, headed in real manuscript ‘Emigration from the W. Coast of Africa’.

[Sir William Beveridge, ‘Architect of the Welfare State’.] Five Typed Letters Signed to educationalist T. Lloyd Humberstone, discussing Charles Holden’s Senate House design for London University's ‘Bloomsbury Site and, the ‘Toynbee days’,

Sir William Beveridge (1879-1963), ‘Architect of the Welfare State’, Liberal Party social reformer and economist [T. Lloyd Humberstone (1876-1957), educationalist; Beveridge Report, 1942]
Publication details: 
The five letters dating from 1933, 1937, 1948, 1953, 1954. Three from Oxford (Master’s Lodgings, University College; two from Staverton House) and two from London (London School of Economics; Voluntary Social Service Report).

See Beveridge’s entry in the Oxford DNB. Humberstone was a prominent member of the Convocation of the University of London. The five items are in good condition, lightly aged. All five signed ‘W H Beveridge’. ONE: 29 June 1933; The London School of Economics and Political Science, Aldwych, London. 1p, 4to. Folded twice. Thanking him for his book on ‘the Bloomsbury Site’. He does not agree with his ‘objection to Holden’s design (so far as I can judge I think it is very remarkable and very fine)’, but thinks that ‘the stirring up of discussion and interest in the matter is a good thing’.

[Hugh Dalton, Clement Attlee’s Chancellor of the Exchequer: ‘This is a proud honour’.] Two Typed Letters Signed to educationalist T. Lloyd Humberstone, noting that he is the first University of London Chancellor, criticizing ‘Harrovian Chancellors’.

Hugh Dalton (1887-1962), economist, Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1945-7, one of ‘big five’ in Clement Attlee Labour Party postwar government [T. Lloyd Humberstone, educationist; University of London]
Publication details: 
21 September 1945 and 11 March 1946. Both from Treasury Chambers, the first from Whitehall and the second from Great George Street.

See entry in Oxford DNB on Edward Hugh John Neale Dalton, Baron Dalton (1887-1962). Thomas Lloyd Humberstone (1876-1957) was a prominent member of the Convocation of the University of London. Both signed ‘Hugh Dalton’. Both in good condition and lightly aged. ONE (21 September 1945): 1p, 4to. Folded twice. He has found Humberstone’s letter ‘most interesting’, and sends delayed thanks for his congratulations (on Dalton’s appointment as Chancellor). He will also be ‘requiring a cheque in due course’, and notes the ‘suggestion of a tax rebate’.

[T.M. Healy, first Governor-General of the Irish Free State] Autograph Signature Only Faithfully yours | TM Healy.

T.M. Healy [Timothy Michael Healy (1855 – 1931), Irish nationalist politician, journalist, author, barrister ]
Publication details: 
No place given or date.

Clipped signature from letter, 7.5 x 6cm. some staining but autograph clear. On the verso a few words missing connectives, Some caustic critic | the then Prince of | & that this way h | your chance of earl.

[ Bayard Taylor, Poet ] Autograph Note Signed Bayard Taylor to an unnamed correspondent about My subject [...]

Bayard Taylor (1825–1878), American poet, literary critic, translator, travel author, and diplomat.
Publication details: 
Kennett Square, Peoria, 20 Oct. 186[4?].

Piece of paper from lined exercise book, 11 x 13cm, good condition. Text: My subject will be 'Ourselves and Our Relations' [all underlined]. OURSELVES AND OUR RELATIONS.; Lecture by Mr.

[Northbrook Society and National Indian Association headquarters.] Printed Copy of 'Agreement with regard to Cromwell House, South Kensington', between 'The Secretary of State in Council of India and the Northbrook Society'.

Northbrook Society and National Indian Association, headquarters, Cromwell House, South Kensington [Sir James Thomson, K.C.S.I., and Abbas Ali Baig, Esquire, C.S.I.
Publication details: 
'Dated 15th October 1914.' [Slug dated '10/1914'.]

6 + [1]pp, folio. Stab stitched. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with punch-hole at inner margin. An official copy, with 'Northbrook Society' at top right of first page. On four leaves, with the details printed on reverse of last leaf for folding into the customary packet: 'Dated 15th October 1914.

[King Hussein of Jordan.] Six original unpublished photographs [taken on his State Visit to the United Kingdom?], showing outside an English country house [his own, in Ascot?], posing with staff, security and police.

King Hussein of Jordan [Hussein bin Talal] (1935-1999)
Publication details: 
[Ascot, England?] 1970s? Or during his 1966 state visit to the United Kingdom?

Six colour photographic prints, each 8.5 x 12.5 cm, four matt and two glossy. The indicates that these photographs were not the work of a professional, and the relaxed attitude of all present suggests that they were meant as a souvenir. Highly unlikely to have been published.

[The Old Poor Law in the late Nineteenth Century.] Anonymous Manuscript Document, calling in forthright terms for the amending of 'The Plan of the Poor Laws of England', to weed out 'the loose Profligate and those who do not like work'.

[The Old Poor Law; English Poor Laws; eighteenth-century poor relief]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [English, late eighteenth century.]

2pp, foolscap 8vo. On the rectos of the leaves of a bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. On laid paper with indistinct watermark. The context of the document, with the capitalisation and spelling ('mechanick', 'shou'd', 'Publick', 'tyed down', 'lookt', 'Profitt'), points to a late eighteenth-century origin (certainly before the Speenhamland System and Michael Nolan's 1805 'Treatise of the Laws for the Relief and Settlement of the Poor'). No title or heading. A forthright document, whose rhetorical tone suggests that it was intended for public delivery.

[ Virginia Saffold Booth, American playwright. ] Autograph Card Signed ('Virginia S Booth') presenting her book 'Six Plays' to the English author Margaret Forster, on whose novel 'The Travels of Maudie Tipstaff' the first play is based. With the book

Virginia Saffold Booth (1911-2005), American playwright [ Margaret Forster (1938-2016), English novelist and biographer ]
Publication details: 
Card dated 19 December 2000. Book by Vantage Press, New York, 2000.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged, with the card loosely inserted in the book with a paper clip. ONE: Autograph Card Signed. A Christmas card, in which Booth writes: 'Dear Margaret Forster, So sorry I added more confusion to your busy day of welcoming the new baby and congratulations to all. | Virginia S Booth | P.S. Hope to meet you one day - | I like the edition in spite of some errors and hope you do to [sic] ! | V S'. TWO: Book titled 'Six Plays'. [8] + 327pp., 8vo.

[ Roger Kenyon of Peel Hall, (GreaterLancs; his son George Kenyon. ] Annotations by an outraged Jacobite Tory, defending James II, fulminating against the 'usurper' William of Orange, in 2- volume: 'State Trials' and 'a Farther Collection'.

[ Roger Kenyon (c.1627-98) of Parkhead and Peel Hall, Lancashire, Tory Member of Parliament for Clitheroe, 1690-1695; his son George Kenyon (1666-1728), MP for Wigan, 1713-1715 ]
Publication details: 
The two printed volumes are: ONE, 'State Tracts': London, no printer, 1693. TWO: 'a Farther Collection of Several Choice Treatises', 'London: Printed, and are to be Sold by Richard Baldwin near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane. MDCXCII. [1692]'

The first of the two works in the present volume bears on its title-page the ownership signature of 'Ll: Kenyon'. This is either Lloyd Kenyon (1732-1802), 1st Baron Kenyon, successively Master of the Rolls and Attorney General, or (less likely) his father Lloyd Kenyon of Gredington, Hanmer, Flint. The volume comes from the library of George Kenyon of Peel Hall (uncle and father-in-law of Lord Kenyon) and the annotations it contains are either by George Kenyon himself or (more likely given the handwriting) his father Roger Kenyon.

[ Lord George Hamilton, Conservative politician. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to Percy Noble, recommending Ernest Peeke as a footman.

Lord George Hamilton (1845-1927), British Conservative politician, First Lord of the Admiralty, 1885-1886, and Secretary of State for India, 1895-1903
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Deal Castle, Deal. 25 February 1910.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Hamilton can 'confidently recommend' Peeke 'as a reliable honest & capable footman. He is very steady, a trifle slow at taking in <?> but remembers all he is told. He is a good valet. Lord George is sorry to lose him.'

[ Sir Travers Twiss, jurist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Travers Twiss') to C. S. A. Abbott [ the future Lord Tenterden ] regarding 'the United States Courts having limited the criminal consequences of violating neutrality to the Cruise'.

Sir Travers Twiss (1809-1897), jurist who drew up the constitution of the Congo Free State [ Charles Stuart Aubrey Abbott, 3rd Baron Tenterden (1834-1882), diplomat ]
Publication details: 
Temple [ London ]. 21 May 1867.

2pp., 12mo. With mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. When Twiss 'suggested the circumstance', Sir R. Palmer 'had some doubts about the United States Courts having limited the criminal consequences of violating neutrality to the cruise [last word underlined]'. There was also 'some doubt about the effect of a sale by a <?> of a Prize Court to a third party. Twiss thinks 'it might be desirable to print & circulate the enclosed observations bearing upon those two points'.

[ Sir Kenelm Digby of the Home Office. ] Six Autograph Letters Signed and two Typed Letters Signed to Sir Richard Harington, on topics including the Radnorshire Police Enquiry. With letter from secretary F. J. Dryhurst.

Sir Kenelm Digby [ Sir Kenelm Edward Digby ] (1836-1916), lawyer and civil servant, Permanent Under Secretary of State at the Home Office,1895-1903 [ Sir Richard Harington (1835-1911), 11th Baronet ]
Publication details: 
The ten items from the Home Office, Whitehall, S.W. [ London ]. One from 1895, the other nine from 1897.

The collection of ten items (six ALsS, two TLsS, one secretarial letter signed, and one letter from Dryhurst) is in good overall condition, with light signs of age and wear. Digby's two typed letters, both 1897, are both formal letters on behalf of the Home Secretary, regarding the Radnorshire Police Enquiry, the first being the 'official thanks' (see below). The content would appear to largely concern the Radnorshire Police Enquiry.

[ Thomas Colley Grattan, Irish writer and British consul at Boston. ] Autograph Signature ('T. C. Grattan') cut from letter.

Thomas Grattan [ Thomas Colley Grattan; T. C. Grattan ] (1792-1864), Irish writer and British Consul at Boston
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 1 x 5.5 cm slip of paper cut from letter. In fair condition, aged, and with slight discoloration at one end. The signature is present in full, but the underlining flourish hs been truncated.

[ George Bancroft, American historian. ] Autograph signature ('G Bancroft').

George Bancroft (1800-1891), American historian and Democratic Party statesman, 17th United States Secretary of the Navy
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 4.5 x 13 cm piece of paper, cut from a letter. In fair condition, on aged paper, with slight damage (not affecting signature) at outer edges caused by removal from album. Reads: 'Yrs truly | G Bancroft'.

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