[Lord John Russell and banking in the colonies, 1840.] Colonial Office manuscript circular dispatch by Russell, with printed set of ‘Regulations and Conditions’ regarding ‘Banking Companies’, for governors, legislative bodies and local authorities.
The printed item is excessively scarce: no copy on OCLC WorldCat or JISC. Transcriptions of both items are to be found in The Journal of the Legislative Council of the Province of New Brunswick, 20 January to 26 March, pp.26-28. The two items are in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Disbound from a volume and paginated in manuscript. ONE: Manuscript ‘Circular’ headed ‘Banking Companies’ and dated from Downing Street, 4 May 1840. 1p, 8vo. Paginated in manuscript 15. On W. Horsington paper with watermark date 1839. Reads: ‘Sir, / I transmit to you herewith, for your information and guidance, and that of the Legislative Bodies, and Local Authorities in the Colony under your Government, Copy of certrain rules and conditions prescribed by the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury for observance in Charters on Legislative Enactments for incorporating Banking Companies in the Colonies.’ In another hand (not Russell’s) at foot: ‘/sd/ John Russell’. TWO: Printed ‘Regulations and conditions for the observance of which provision should be made in the charter or legislative enactments relating to the incorporation of banking companies in the colonies’. 4pp, 8vo. Bifolium. Second page paginated in print 2. Paginated in manuscript 17-20. Final page carries repeat title and slug printed lengthwise, for folding into the customary packet. Seventeen regulation on the first two pages, with the third page carrying a ‘Form of Return referred to in Regulation No. 13.’ A ‘modification’ of this document, with printed covering circular by Gladstone dated 30 May 1846, are offered together separately.