[Janet Beverdige, wife of Sir William Beveridge, ‘Architect of the Welfare State’.] Typed Letter Signed to V. H. Collins, regarding her sister’s death, her book on the Beveridge Plan, Sir William’s punctiliousness and ‘the kilt’.

Janet Beveridge [born Janet Thomson Philip, later Janet Mair] (1876-1959), second cousin and wife of Sir William Beveridge (1879-1963), ‘Architect of the Welfare State’ [Vere Henry Collins, author]
Publication details: 
20 September 1954; on letterhead of Staverton House, 104 Woodstock Road, Oxford.

See Sir William Beveridge’s entry in the Oxford DNB: 'An overbearing and temperamental Scotswoman, Mrs Mair had come to the school [the LSE] with Beveridge in 1919 (having been his secretary and aide during the war) and was highly unpopular with many of the school's professors. Throughout the 1930s there were complaints about the ‘Beveridge–Mair dictatorship’ and a general sense of relief when Beveridge decided to leave the school to accept the mastership of University College, Oxford, in 1937.' 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with one dog-eared corner. Folded twice for postage.

[Joan Sutherland, one of the greatest opera singers of the twentieth century.] Autograph Signature.

Joan Sutherland [Dame Joan Alston Sutherland] (1926-2010), Australian coloratura soprano, one of the greatest opera singers of the twentieth century
Publication details: 
No date or place.

Underlined signature on 9 x 1.5 cm piece of wove paper, apparently cut from letter. In good condition. Reads ‘Joan Sutherland.’ Reverse blank. See image

[Rudyard Kipling to his secretary Janet Coates.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Rudyard Kipling'), from Switzerland, giving instructions regarding his home Bateman's, and describing his wife's indisposition.

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936), English author and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Hotels Cattani, Engelberg [Switzerland]. 5 January 1910.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, and folded twice. Small blot affecting two words on second page. Unpublished. According to Pinney, Coates had started work as Kipling's secretary in June 1909. Written in a hurried hand, in parts difficult to decipher. The letter begins 'Dear Miss Coates | I enclose herewith a note for Moore [the Kipling's chaffeur] which will you please forward to his address.' Kipling suggests that if Moore should 'care to come down & vote at Burwash' he will 'pay his travelling expenses'.

[Dame Margot Fonteyn, the Royal Ballet and Rudolf Nureyev.] Indexed volume from the editorial office of the magazine 'Ballet Today', containing reviews and photographs of Fonteyn, some with Nureyev, with typed and manuscript annotation.

'[Dame Margot Fonteyn, the Royal Ballet and Rudolf Nureyev] Ballet Today', London dance magazine, founded by P. W. Manchesterr [Janet Sinclair]
Publication details: 
'Ballet Today', London. Between 1954 and 1970.

Ballet Today was a monthly magazine founded in 1946 by Phyllis Winifred Manchester (1907-1998). In 1951 Manchester settled in New York, leaving four colleagues, one of whom was Janet Sinclair (c.1922-1999), in joint charge of the magazine. The present item is a volume from the editorial office of 'Ballet Today', containing numerous cuttings of photographs and reviews from the magazine, with typed captions and manuscript annotations, also a few photographic prints, laid down over 104pp., 4to, of a scrapbook bound in green cloth.

[ Sophia Neate. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Sophia Neate') [ to the actor Charles Charrington ], regarding a lecture in Woking on 'A People's Theatre'.

Sophia Neate (1832-1908) of Heatherside, Woking [ Charles Charrington (1854-1924), actor-manager, and his wife the actress Jane Achurch (1863-1916); Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ('Lewis Carroll') ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Heatherside, Woking. 12 June 1897.

Sophia Neate took on the care of Sally Sinclair and her siblings – 'child-friends' of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson – when their parents died. Neate received financial support from Dodgson and the actor Lionel Brough. On first meeting Mrs. Neate (26 June 1879) Dodgson wrote in his diary that he ‘found her so interesting that I stayed 4 hours!' He occasionally visited her and noted the progress of the Sinclair children as they grew. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Aged and worn, with light staining at foot of gutter.

[ Laura Henderson, founder of the Windmill Theatre. ] Autograph Letter Signed to an actress [ Janet Achurch ], praising her performance in 'A Doll's House'

Laura Henderson [ born Laura Forster ] (1863-1944), founder of the Windmill Theatre, London [ Janet Achurch, stage name of Janet Sharp (1863-1916), actress ]
Publication details: 
14 Hill Street, Berkeley Square [ London ]. 'Sunday' [ 1889 ].

4pp., 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Achurch's entry in the Oxford DNB explains the context: 'In 1889, when she was still only twenty-three, she undertook the management of the Novelty Theatre, London, where on 7 June she appeared as Nora in the first English production of Ibsen's A Doll's House.

[Vance Palmer, Australian poet and critic.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Vance Palmer') to an unnamed correspondent, discussing his political work, and praising writing by Bernard Shaw, John Galsworthy and J. M. Synge.

Vance Palmer [Edward Vivian Palmer] (1885-1959), Australian poet and critic, who collaborated with his wife Nettie Palmer [Janet Gertrude Palmer, née Higgins] (1885-1964)
Publication details: 
A<?>, <Chelsea?>. [1907.]

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. 72 lines of text. For more about Palmer, see his entry in the Australian Dictionary of Biography. The start of the letter indicates its tone: 'Dear old man, | I was exceedingly glad to get your interesting newsy letter last week - more glad than I can say. The "New Age" did not turn up, for which I was sorry as I was looking forward to seeing the good old paper again, but this writing of Bernard Shaw for the "Pall Mall Gazette" delighted me. What a splendid dialectician he is!

[Pamphlet in the University of Liverpool series 'The Social Survey of Merseyside'.] No. 5. Social Factors in Secondary Education.

[David Caradog Jones and Janet E. McCrindell] [The Social Survey of Merseyside, University of Liverpool.]
Publication details: 
Daily Post Printers, Wood Street, Liverpool. 1932.

44pp., 8vo. Stapled. In red printed wraps. With shelfmark, stamps and label of the Ministry of Education Reference Library, otherwise in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn and lightly-creased wraps. No copy at the British Library; copies on COPAC at Leicester, Leeds, Liverpool, the LSE and Institute of Education.

[Janet Leeper, writer on ballet.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Janet') to the theatre director E. Martin Browne, giving a detailed analysis of productions at Aldeburgh and Southwark of Benjamin Britten's opera 'Noye's Fludde'.

Janet Leeper, writer on ballet [E. Martin Browne (1900-1980), English theatre director; Benjamin Britten (1913-1976), English composer; the Aldeburgh Festival]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 30 Bramham Gardens, [London] S.W.5. 15 January 1959.

4pp., 8vo. 102 lines of neatly and closely written text. With original envelope addressed by Leeper to 'E. Martin Browne Esq | 99 Claremont Avenue | New York 27 | U.S.A.' Leeper begins by expressing her pleasure that Browne is 'going to do the first American performance of Noye's Fludde', which she describes as 'a great work - big & simple & satisfying, & very moving'.

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