[‘Christopher Marie St John’ [Christabel Gertrude Marshall], author and suffragist in menage à trois with Edith Craig and Clare Atwood.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Christopher St. John.’), proposing an article to ‘Mr Walbrook’ of the Pall Mall Gazette

‘Christopher Marie St John’, assumed name of Christabel Gertrude Marshall (1871-1960), author and campaigner for women’s suffrage, who lived in a ménage à trois with Edith Craig and Clare Atwood
Publication details: 
27 December 1913; 31 Bedford Street, Strand [London].

The subject of the present letter is, as Marshall’s entry in the Oxford DNB explains, her ‘translation of a play by the first female dramatist, Hrotsvit. ‘Paphnutius’ was given a world première by Craig for the Pioneer Players in January 1914.’ The recipient, Henry Mackinnon Walbrook (1865-1941), was the drama critic of the Pall Mall Gazette. 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, on dusty discoloured paper, with slight rust spotting from paperclip.

[Gertrude Ward, Matron at Eton College, who trained under Florence Nightingale.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Miss Wright’, discussing their forthcoming meeting at Eton.

Gertrude Ward (c.1862-1950), Matron at Eton College, who trained under Florence Nightingale at St Thomas’s Hospital, London
Publication details: 
3 October 1903; on letterhead of ‘Eton College, Windsor.’

Gertrude Ward trained under Florence Nightingale at St Thomas’s Hospital in London (see below), after which she became a district nurse, and then sister at the Medical Mission, Zanzibar. She was appointed to the position of Matron at Eton in 1901. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium, folded twice. In good condition. Nineteen lines of text. Signed ‘Gertrude Ward.’ She confirms the day of an appointment, but wishes to change the hour, as ‘unfortunately another UMCA Candidate has arranged to come at 3.30 on that day’.

[ Sarah Gertrude Millin, South African author. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs. Magraw' [ children's author B. I. Magraw ], regarding her biography of Cecil Rhodes, the film version, and the recipient's 'play' of it.

Sarah Gertrude Millin (1889-1968), South African author, born in Lithuania [ Beatrice Irene Magraw [ B. I. Magraw, born Beatrice Irene May ] (c.1888-1970), author ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 34 Pallinghurst Road, Westcliff, Johannesburg. 22 March 1940.

1p., 4to. She is 'very happy that RHODES gave you pleasure when you so badly needed it'. She hopes she will 'use your play in any way you wish. I hope it will go very well. It should.' She points out that there is 'a film made from the book - not much to my liking'. The letter ends: 'I hope your eyes are well again.'

[ S. Gertrude Ford, poet and suffragist. ] Holograph poem ('Compensation') and four Autograph Letters Signed to editor ('Wilson') and illustrator ('Robinson') of 'B. M. T[elegraph].' Topics include her writing, publication, and views on bereavement.

S. Gertrude Ford, poet, journalist, suffragist and methodist, born in the Rossendale Valley, Lancashire [ probably sister of Cicely Ford (1876-1960) of Girton College, social worker and deaconess ]
Publication details: 
The first three letters from Chelmsford Cottage, Pine Rd, Winton, Bournemouth. 20 November 1905, and 4 and 11 January 1906. Fourth letter from Heather Cottage, Withermore Rd, Winton, Bournemouth, 20 July 1907. Poem dated October 1903.

Ford's first book of verse was 'Sung by the Way', published in Blackburn in 1905. She published several volumes of patriotic poetry: 'Poems of War and Peace' (1915), 'A Crown of Amaranth' (with Erskine Macdonald, 1915), 'Our Heroes' (1916); 'A Fight to a Finish' (1917). Other volumes include 'Lyric Leaves' (1912) and 'The England of my Dream' (1928). She edited the series of 'Little Books of Georgian Verse', 1915-1916. Her 'Lessons in Verse-Craft' was published in 1919 with a second edition in 1923. Her song 'In the Twilight' (1923) was set to music by Harry Brookes.

[Vance Palmer, Australian poet and critic.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Vance Palmer') to an unnamed correspondent, discussing his political work, and praising writing by Bernard Shaw, John Galsworthy and J. M. Synge.

Vance Palmer [Edward Vivian Palmer] (1885-1959), Australian poet and critic, who collaborated with his wife Nettie Palmer [Janet Gertrude Palmer, née Higgins] (1885-1964)
Publication details: 
A<?>, <Chelsea?>. [1907.]

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. 72 lines of text. For more about Palmer, see his entry in the Australian Dictionary of Biography. The start of the letter indicates its tone: 'Dear old man, | I was exceedingly glad to get your interesting newsy letter last week - more glad than I can say. The "New Age" did not turn up, for which I was sorry as I was looking forward to seeing the good old paper again, but this writing of Bernard Shaw for the "Pall Mall Gazette" delighted me. What a splendid dialectician he is!

[St James's Theatre, London.] 'Treasury Sheet' completed in manuscript, giving accounts for seven performances of '"By Candlelight" - Southampton', with 'Artistes' Salaries' including Leslie Howard and expenses for Max Miller and Gertrude Lawrence

St James's Theatre, Duke Street, St James's, London [Leslie Howard; Max Miller; Gertrude Lawrence]
Publication details: 
St James's Theatre [Duke Street, St James's, London]. 'Treasury Sheet for Week ending 31st August 1929'.

On one side of a piece of 33 x 52 cm paper. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. A form printed in black and red, completed in manuscript. Divided into sections on: Artiste's Salaries; Advertising; Stage Expenses; Front of House Expenses; Gas and Electricity; Printing & Stationery; Author's Fees; Miscellaneous; Receipts; Summary of Expenses. The 'Artiste's Salaries' were: Leslie Howard £20; Reginald Owen £40; Betty Schuster £20; Adrienne Allen £40; Robert English £15; Duncan McRae £15; Jack Carlton £8.

Autograph Letter Signed by the Scottish poet Thomas Campbell, author of 'Gertrude of Wyoming', writing in memorable style on presenting a book to an American visitor about to return home.

Thomas Campbell (1777-1844), Scottish Romantic poet, author of 'The Pleasures of Hope' and 'Gertrude of Wyoming'
Publication details: 
61 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. 16 July 1840.

2pp., 4to. An excellent letter, stylish and charming, and a lucky survival. In poor condition, apparently as a result of fire damage: with wear and chipping repaired with archival tape.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Victorian author Gertrude Mary Ireland Blackburne ('Gertrude M Ireland Blackburne'), to 'Mr. Parker', concerning autographs, including those of Charlotte Yonge and James Payne.

Gertrude Mary Ireland Blackburne (b.1861), author, daughter of John Ireland Blackburne (1817-1893), M.P. for South-West Lancashire, 1875-1885 [James Payne; Charlotte Yonge; Richard Monckton Milnes]
Letter Signed from the Victorian author Gertrude Mary Ireland Blackburne
Publication details: 
15 September 1886; on letterhead of Roodee Lodge, Chester, Lancashire.
Letter Signed from the Victorian author Gertrude Mary Ireland Blackburne

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. 32 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. In answer to a request for autographs, she has 'some duplicates somewhere, but tonight I send you only three cards', as she has 'no letters of Miss Yonge that I should like to part with'. She names the authors of the 'three signed postcards' (not present) as: James Payne ('Editor of Cornhill, author of many novels'), Charlotte Yonge and Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton.

[Booklet] Honey and Gall (Studies in Mystic Materialism)

Llewellyn Powys, author
Honey and Gall (Studies in Mystic Materialism)
Publication details: 
Little Blue Book No.534, Haldeman-Julius Company, Girard, Kansas, [1924]
Honey and Gall (Studies in Mystic Materialism)

64pp., c.8.5 x 12.5cm, fair condition, covers faded to beige rather than blue. Inscribed (slightly faded) on front cover Gertrude M. Powys | Easter 1945 | from Alyse. Alyse Gregory, American suffragist and writer, wife of Llewellyn Powys. Gertrude Powys, artist sister of the Powys brothers. The title-page has been inscribed by the husband of a member of the Powys Society who was giving the booklet to Margaret Eaton, bookseller (Peter Eaton), also a member of the Powys Society. Enclosed: Photograph, 15 x 8cm, probably of aged Llewellyn Powys reading a book

Correspondence about Gertrude Stein and related matters, and related photographs and other material.

[Gertrude Stein] Robert E. Finlay, collector of Steiniana
Publication details: 

A. CD, "Finley Stein Holdings 2009". A catalogue of the Finley Stein Collection. B. Letters from Addison M. Metcalf, also a major Collector of Steiniana: Three Autograph Letters and Three Typed Letters Signed with full name, "Addison" only, or humorously ("Baron de Thou" etc) or is it "camply", to Finley, 6 Sept. 1957- [c.6 Nov. 1962 from postmark), with original envelopes, headed "Addison M. Metcalf's Collection of Gertrude Steiniana", total 7pp., 4to.

Typed Note Signed by Carl Van Vechten to 'Miss Lucha', thanking her for a copy of the Gertrude Stein number of the Academic Observer.

Carl Van Vechten (1880-1964), American author and literary executor of Gertrude Stein [Margaret Lucha; the Academic Observer]
Typed Note Signed by Carl Van Vechten
Publication details: 
15 April 1937; on Van Vechten's 101 Central Park West, New York, letterhead.
Typed Note Signed by Carl Van Vechten

8vo, 1 p. Typed and signed in light-blue, beneath green letterhead, and with 'CARL VAN VECHTEN' 'watermark' at centre of page. Text clear and complete. On lightly aged paper, worn and dogeared at extremities. He thanks her for the copy of 'the Academic Observer (Gertrude Stein number) which intererested me so much that I am writing to ask if I may have another copy for a friend of mine, Please.' Autograph note explains that the 'friend' is one 'who also collects Steiniana'. Docketed in pencil on reverse: 'Miss Mallory | Keep this until I call - someday I will. | [signed] M. Lucha'.

[sheet music] Letter to Freddy. For voice and piano. Words by Gertrude Stein. Music by Paul Bowles.

Gertrude Stein; Paul Bowles
Letter to Freddy. For voice and piano. Words by Gertrude Stein.
Publication details: 
1946 (first separate printing). G. Shirmer, Inc. New York. ['Copyright, 1935, by New Music. Copyright assigned, 1946, to G. Shirmer, Inc.']
Letter to Freddy. For voice and piano. Words by Gertrude Stein.

4to, 3 pp. Loose leaf inserted in bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Front page printed in black and red. Advertisements on reverse of last leaf.

[sheet music] Pigeons On The Grass Alas. Recitation and Air for Barytone. From the Opera Four Saints in Three Acts. Text by Gertrude Stein. Music by Virgil Thomson. As sung by Edward Mathews.

Gertrude Stein; Virgil Thomson [Edward Mathews]
Stein, Pigeons On The Grass Alas.
Publication details: 
1935. J. Fischer & Bro., New York, N.Y. [Limited edition 'printed especially for the Berkshire School Musicale Association']
Stein, Pigeons On The Grass Alas.

4to, [i] + 4 pp. On two loose bifoliums, in tan printed wraps. No. 73 of 110 copies (one of the hundred numbered copies and NOT one of the ten copies signed by author and composer). Limitation inside front wrap. Title-page states 'This arrangement is dedicated by the composer to the Berkshire School Musicale Association'. No copy on COPAC.

Autograph Signature.

Noel Coward (Sir Noel Pierce Coward, 1899-1973), English actor, playwright and song writer
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On leaf of light blue paper, 8.5 x 12 cm, removed from an autograph album. Very good.

Autograph Signatures ('Gertrude Lawrence.', 'Ivy St. Helier' and 'Joyce Carey').

Gertrude Lawrence (1898-1952), Ivy St Helier (1886-1971); Joyce Carey (1898-1993); English actresses associated with Noel Coward
Publication details: 
Dates and places not stated.

On a leaf of cream paper, 8.5 x 12 cm, part of a bifolium taken from an autograph album. Very good. All three signatures are bold and clear. The signatures of Lawrence and St Helier are on one side of the leaf, and that of Carey is on the other. Lawrence's signature is in ink, and the other two in pencil. Three signatures,

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