[Princess Basma bint Talal of Jordan.] Typed Letter Signed to Lady Monckton, thanking her for sending’Comfrey roots’ for her family the ‘Royal Stables’.

Princess Basma bint Talal (b.1951), daughter of King Talal and Queen Zein of Jordan, sister of Hussein of Jordan and paternal aunt of the current king Abdullah II [Lady Monckton]
Publication details: 
21 October 1986. On her royal letterhead.

1p, 4to. Salutation and valediction in the princess’s autograph. Stylized signature with Roman lettering. Addressed to ‘The Viscountess Monckton of Brenchley’ at her estate in Maidstone, Kent. They are all ‘delighted’ with the ‘Comfrey roots’ which she sent as promised, and ‘look forward to seeing the results on the horses’. ‘My niece, Her Royal Highness Princess Alia was also pleased to receive her share for the Royal Stables’. The letter ends with the usual courtesies. See image.

[King Leopold III and Eton.] Typed Letter Signed (‘Lilian de Belgique’), in French, from Princess Lilian of Belgium to Lord Monckton, discussing her late husband’s connection with Eton, and the 'émouvant hommage' the college has just paid to him.

Princess Lilian of Belgium [née Mary Lilian Baels] (1916-2002), Princess of Réthy, second wife of King Leopold III [Lord Monckton [Gilbert Walter Riversdale Monckton (1916-2006), 2nd Viscount]]
Publication details: 
21 February 1988; on letterhead of the ‘Domaine d’Argenteuil’.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. The typed text of the letter is in French, but the following autograph text is in English: the address (‘Dear Lord Monckton,’), the valediction (‘With the hope of seeing you here soon! | Liliane de Belgique’), and the dating (‘21st. of February 1988’). She has been deeply touched by the ‘émouvant hommage’ which, thanks to Monckton, Eton has just rendered to the memory of the king. Monckton is aware ‘combien celui-ci était resté attaché à son ancien collège, auquel le liaient tant de souvenirs, et dont l’empreinte a marqué toute sa vie’.

[Edmund Boyle, 7th Earl of Cork and 7th Earl of Orrery, Irish peer ] Autograph Signature ('Cork') to part of document addressed to the Duke of York (as Commander in Chief of the British Army).

Earl of Cork [Edmund Boyle, 7th Earl of Cork and 7th Earl of Orrery] (1742-1798), Irish peer, on whose wife Mary Monckton Dickens modelled Mrs Leo Hunter in 'Pickwick Papers'
Publication details: 
[November 1795]; no place.

On one side of 8 x 18.5 cm piece of paper, torn from the end of a letter. In fair condition, aged and worn, with traces of brown paper from mount adhering to the blank reverse. The item would appear to be entirely in the hand of the Earl, but the matter is not quite certain, and it may be in a secretarial hand, with only Cork's signature in autograph. It reads: '[...] | Sir | Your Royal Highness's | very obedient | and very humble Servant | Cork | Col | [Som.?] Reg.] Addressed to 'His R. H. | The Duke of York | &c &c &c'. Annotated, in two separate contemporary hands: 'Novr. 1795' and 'Nov.

[Richard Monckton Milnes (Lord Houghton), poet, author and Liberal politician.] Holograph poem (signed 'Richd M Milnes.'), titled 'The Fifteenth of December, 1840' [published as 'The Funeral of Napoleon']

Richard Monckton Milnes [Lord Houghton] (1809-1885), poet, author, Liberal politician and book collector [Napoleon Bonaparte]
Publication details: 
Dated by Milnes at end: 'Paris. Jan. 1841.'

2pp, 8vo. On a gilt-edged leaf of umwatermarked wove paper. In good condition, lightly aged. A fair copy in Milnes's autograph. A curious poem, in which Milnes's Napoleon-worship wins through over considerations of the futility of war. Retitled 'The Funeral of Napoleon', the poem was first published in 1841 in the Spectator, and in slightly different form in Milnes's 1844 collection 'Poems, Legendary and Historical'. There are a number of differences between the present version and that published in the Spectator. The final stanza is entirely recast.

[Robert Gibb, Scottish painter.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Robert Gibb') to the publisher of 'Black and White Budget', W. J. P. Monckton, re. 'the incident depicted in "Saving the Colours" ["Saving the Colours: The Guards at the Battle of Inkerman"]

Robert Gibb (1845-1932), Scottish painter; Keeper of the National Gallery of Scotland and Painter and Limner to the King [W. J. P. Monckton, publisher of the London magazine 'Black & White Budget']
Publication details: 
8 May 1901. On letterhead of 2 Bruntsfield Crescent, Edinburgh.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Addressed: 'To W. J. P. Monckton Esq. | Publisher | "Black & White," | London'. He has just received Monckton's letter, and is enclosing a 'little pamphlet', which will give him 'a full account of the incident depicted in "Saving the Colours"'. If all is well Gibb hopes to be in London on the Monday or Tuesday of the following week, and will 'have the pleasure of calling upon you as promised'. His address will be the Thackeray Hotel, Great Russell Street.

[Lord Stanhope [Philip Henry Stanhope, 5th Earl Stanhope], historian and politician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Mahon') to Richard Monckton Milnes, regarding writing about Walpole and Queen Caroline, supposedly by the Earl of Chesterfield.

Lord Stanhope [Philip Henry Stanhope, 5th Earl Stanhope] (1805-1875) [styled Viscount Mahon between 1816 and 1855], historian and politician [Richard Monckton Milnes, later Lord Houghton]
Publication details: 
'Grosvenor Place [London] | Friday morning.' No date, but on paper with watermarked year 1852.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with stub from mount adhering to reverse of blank second leaf of bifolium. The subject is an item acquired by Milnes for his celebrated collection of manuscripts, which Milnes considered the present letter worthy of joining. The letter begins: 'My dear Milnes | Of the paper you have sent me, the first paragraph about Queen Caroline & the last about Sir Robert Walpole have already appeared, & you will find them in my Edition.

[Francisco Martínez de la Rosa, Prime Minister of Spain.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. Martinez de la Rosa'), in French, to unnamed (English?) minister, on a piece of writing he has sent, the news of his marriage, and a list of embassy staff.

Francisco Martínez de la Rosa [Francisco de Paula Martínez de la Rosa y Cornejo] (1787-1862), Prime Minister of Spain, the first to be styled President of the Council of Ministers, and dramatistt
Publication details: 
12 October [no year]. Place not stated.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with white paper stub from mount still adhering. From the distinguished autograph collection of Richard Monckton Milnes (Lord Houghton). The letter begins: 'Mon cher Ministre, | J'ai lu avec un vif interêt l'écrit que vous avez eu la bonté de me communiquer'. He had told him, the other day, that it was 'une belle question à traiter', and he was certain that the recipient would deal with it 'supérieurement'.

[Female suffrage; printed French pamphlet, inscribed to Lord Houghton.] Question proposée par la Classe des Belles-Lettres et Arts. ['concernant la condition économique des femmes, leur éducation, leurs salaires, [...]']

[Louis Guillard, Président; Charles Fraisse et E. Faivre, Secrétaires généraux] Académie Impériale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Lyon, France] [women's suffrage; nineteenth-century feminism]
Publication details: 
[Lyons, France.] 'Association typographique lyonnaise. - Regard, rue Tupin, 31.' Undated [1870 or later].

2pp., 8vo. Handbill with drophead title. In fair condition, lightly-aged, unbound, with slight loss to one corner (not affecting text). Inscribed at head of first page: 'Lord Houghton | de la part d'Arlès-Dufour'. Lord Houghton is better known as Richard Monckton Milnes (1809-1885); Jean Barthelemy Arlès Dufour (Barthelemy Francois Arlès Dufour) (1797-1872) was a leading Lyons silk manufacturer.

[ Printed item. ] Souvenir of The Hundredth Performance of Bric-a-Brac. [ With tipped-in photographs of seven actors including Gertie Millar; Teddie Gerrard; Arthur Playfair; Nelson Keys.

Sir Alfred Butt, Managing Director, The Palace Theatre, London [ Norman Keene; Herman Finck; Arthur Wimperis; Basil Hood; Lionel Monckton; Gertie Millar; Teddie Gerrard; Arthur Playfair; Nelson Keys ]
Publication details: 
The Palace Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue, W. [ London ] Wednesday, December 15th, 1915.

Ten unpaginated 26 x 22 cm. leaves, comprising three leaves of letterpress (cover, title and back cover), and seven leaves each with a 17 x 14 cm black-and-white photograph laid down. A frail survival, with the photographic portraits in good condition, but the brittle leaves chipped and discoloured. One bifolium intact (with remains of string binding), all the other leaves detached and loose, making it difficult to ascertain whether the item is or is not complete. (The entry for the only copy traced on OCLC WorldCat, at the Universitätsbibliothek Bayreuth, describes it as ' 6 Bl.

[ Winifred Gordon, W. J. Barwick of Truslove and Hanson, and C. F. Cazenove. ] Autograph Letter Signed by Gordon, two Autograph Letters Signed and Autograph Note Signed by Barwick, and three copies by Cazenove, on her book on Romania.

Winifred Gordon [ Winifred Monckton Campbell Gordon ] (d.1957), author; W. J. Barwick, director, Truslove and Hanson, London publishers; Charles Francis Cazenove (1870-1915), London literary agent
Publication details: 
Gordon's letter on letterhead of the Hotel d'Angleterre, Copenhagen. 24 June 1912. Barwick's three items on letterheads of Truslove and Hanson, 6a Sloane Street, London. June and July 1912.

Gordon is described in The Times, 20 August 1958, as a 'traveller, lecturer, and author', and a resident of Lausanne at the time of her death. All seven items in fair condition, on aged paper, with some rust spotting from a paperclip. The book referred to is 'Roumania, Yesterday and Today' (1918), which has an introduction and two chapters by the Queen of Romania. ONE: Gordon's letter to Barwick. 24 June 1912. 3pp., 8vo. She writes that she has already tried to place 'the little book' with 'Geo. Bell - Jacks - & Gay & Hancock. As to yr.

[Female suffrage; printed French pamphlet, inscribed to Lord Houghton.] Question proposée par la Classe des Belles-Lettres et Arts. ['concernant la condition économique des femmes, leur éducation, leurs salaires, [...]']

[Louis Guillard, Président; Charles Fraisse et E. Faivre, Secrétaires généraux] Académie Impériale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Lyon, France] [women's suffrage; nineteenth-century feminism]
Publication details: 
[Lyons, France.] 'Association typographique lyonnaise. - Regard, rue Tupin, 31.' Undated [1870 or later].

2pp., 8vo. Handbill with drophead title. In fair condition, lightly-aged, unbound, with slight loss to one corner (not affecting text). Inscribed at head of first page: 'Lord Houghton | de la part d'Arlès-Dufour'. Lord Houghton is better known as Richard Monckton Milnes (1809-1885); Jean Barthelemy Arlès Dufour (Barthelemy Francois Arlès Dufour) (1797-1872) was a leading Lyons silk manufacturer.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet containing a speech by John Stuart Mill.] Report of a Meeting of the London National Society for Women's Suffrage, Held at the Gallery of the Architectural Society in Conduit Street, Saturday, July 17th, 1869.

[London National Society for Women's Suffrage] [John Stuart Mill; Rev. Charles Kinglsey; Professor Henry Fawcett; Lord Houghton (Richard Monckton Milnes); John Morley; Professor David Masson]
Publication details: 
[London National Society for Women's Suffrage.] ['London: Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New-street Square and Parliament Street'] [1869.]

34pp., 8vo. Drophead title. Disbound, with front leaf loose, otherwise in good condition, lightly-aged, without wraps. Including a seven-page speech by John Stuart Mill (pp.7-13); a speech of three and a half pages by the Rev. Charles Kingsley (pp.14-17); and others by Mrs Taylor; Thomas Hare; Boyd Kinnear; Lord Houghton; John Morley; Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke, P. A. Taylor; Professor Masson; Mr Stansfield. Three copies on COPAC, and none (other than surrogates) on OCLC WorldCat. No other copy curently on the market.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Victorian author Gertrude Mary Ireland Blackburne ('Gertrude M Ireland Blackburne'), to 'Mr. Parker', concerning autographs, including those of Charlotte Yonge and James Payne.

Gertrude Mary Ireland Blackburne (b.1861), author, daughter of John Ireland Blackburne (1817-1893), M.P. for South-West Lancashire, 1875-1885 [James Payne; Charlotte Yonge; Richard Monckton Milnes]
Letter Signed from the Victorian author Gertrude Mary Ireland Blackburne
Publication details: 
15 September 1886; on letterhead of Roodee Lodge, Chester, Lancashire.
Letter Signed from the Victorian author Gertrude Mary Ireland Blackburne

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. 32 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. In answer to a request for autographs, she has 'some duplicates somewhere, but tonight I send you only three cards', as she has 'no letters of Miss Yonge that I should like to part with'. She names the authors of the 'three signed postcards' (not present) as: James Payne ('Editor of Cornhill, author of many novels'), Charlotte Yonge and Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton.

Autograph Note, in the third person, to his publisher Alexander Macmillan.

Richard Monckton Milnes, Baron Houghton (1809-1885), author and politician [Alexander Macmillan (1818-1896), publisher]
Publication details: 
8 November [no year, but after 1863]; 16 Upper Brooke Street [London].

12mo, 2 pp. 13 lines of text. Good, on light-aged paper. He has been 'asked by many persons for copies of his speech at the Cambge. Union Socy.', and if 'Messrs. Macmillan cared to print it, he would revise it, no report having been correct'. He wonders 'whether the whole proceedings should not be added, with some of the newspaper letters which have been carried'. Milnes was created Baron Houghton in 1863. In 1866 Macmillan published 'The Cambridge Union Society, Inaugural Proceedings', edited by G. C. Whiteley.

Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Monckton.

Henry Kemble
Publication details: 
Sunday 11th June 1887'; on Garrick Club letterhead.

English comedian (1848-1907), grandson of the actor Charles Kemble. Two pages, 12mo. On grubby, spotted and stained paper. 'I was so sorry to have been prevented coming to you on Sunday last, and also that my absence from town has precluded the possibility of my leaving Cards. I hope I may be more fortunate another time.'

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