[ Vera Dart, social worker and Labour Party politician. ] Duplicated Typescript of unpublished autobiography titled 'My Six Lives in a Changing World'.

Vera Dart (1892-1984), social worker and Labour Party politician, born in Liverpool [ Women's Voluntary Service for Civil Defence; London County Council ]
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated. [ London, c. 1977. ]

[3] + ii + 152pp., 4to. Perfect bound, with each page on a separate leaf. In fair condition, aged and a little dogeared. Title-page reinforced at fore-edge. Missing the last page or so of the 'Conclusion'.

Eleanor F. Rathbone; Women's Suffrage] Autograph Postcard Signed Eleanor F. Rathbone to Miss M. [D.?] Wells

Eleanor F. Rathbone [Eleanor Florence Rathbone (1872 – 1946) independent British Member of Parliament and long-term campaigner for family allowance and for women's rights]
Publication details: 
Post mark: Berlin, 14 June 1929; Printed heading: 50 Romney Street, Westminster, SW1, 13 June 1929

Postcard, good condition. Text: Very many thanks for your kind congratulations - Kind regards from E[lizabeth] Macadam [See Wikipedia, etc] & myself. We are in Berlin for a women's congress. Note: At this time, one of the few women, she was being elected to Parliament but attending the Congress fof the International Alliance of Women in Berlin.

[Marchioness of Londonderry [Edith Helen Vane-Tempest-Stewart, née Chaplin], society hostess and charity worker.] Autograph Letter Signed music hall entertainer George Robey, asking him to participate in a Women’s Legion ‘Jazz Jumble Sale’.

Marchioness of Londonderry [Edith Helen Vane-Tempest-Stewart, née Chaplin] (1878-1959), society hostess and charity worker [George Robey [Sir George Edward Wade] (1869-1954), music hall artiste]
Publication details: 
22 May [1919]. On letterhead of the Women’s League, 4 Iddesleigh Mansions, SW1 [London].

See her entry and his in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and lightly creased paper. Folded for postage. Addressed to ‘Dear Mr Robey’ and signed ‘E Londonderry.’ Begins: ‘We are holding a gigantic Jumble Sale on the 10th. of July – to help the Legion funds – We are calling it the Jazz Jumble Sale as there is a the dansant as well – A kind of fair we intend to make it & a member of the Royal family is going to open it in the afternoon. Will you be very kind and come and auction some of the things for us at four oclock.

[‘Yes, I suppose the name did come from the Church’: ‘Clemence Dane’ [pen name of Winifred Ashton, English novelist and playwright.] Typed Letter Signed (‘Clemence Dane’) to ‘Mrs. Bagnall’, thanking her for her kind words regarding ‘Broome Stages’.

‘Clemence Dane’ [pen name of Winifred Ashton (1888-1965)], English novelist and playwright
Publication details: 
15 September [no year]. On letterhead of Hunthay, near Axminster, Devon.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, landscape 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with curling to inner edge. Central vertical fold. She thanks her for writing about ‘Broome Stages’, and is glad she enjoyed it. ‘You are quite right, it is a pleasure and an encouragement to hear that a book makes friends.’ She concludes, ‘Yes, I suppose the name did come from the Church: it gave me the idea, but it was pure chance, there is no association.’

[Sarah Trimmer, author, educationalist and editor.] Autograph Signature with valediction to a letter.

Sarah Trimmer [née Kirby] (1741-1810), educationalist, author, educationalist and editor of ‘The Family Magazine’ and ‘The Guardian of Education’
Sarah Trimmer
Publication details: 
No place or date.
Sarah Trimmer

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. On 12.5 x 3 cm slip of paper cut from letter. Aged and worn, with nick lost from left side, and remains of mount on reverse. Reads: ‘I remain / Yours very truly & affectionately / Sarah Trimmer’. See Image.

[Lady Catharine Long, novelist and religious writer.] Latter part of Autograph Letter Signed [to Mr. Harris], discussing her view of the state of the soul after death, and Mrs Jervoise’s ‘troubled married life’.

Lady Catharine Long (1797-1867), novelist and religious writer, daughter of Horatio Walpole, 2nd Earl of Orford
Publication details: 
No date or plafe.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. Twenty-three lines of text. In fair condition, lightly aged, but with slight creasing at head of leaf. Folded twice. Financial calculations written lengthwise underneath signature, with light smudging.

[Two twentieth-century English women novelists: Joanna Trollope to Margaret Forster.] Autograph Card Signed praising Forster's book ‘The Lady’s Maid’ and her garden.

Joanna Trollope (b. 1943), highly-successful English romantic novelist [Margaret Forster (1938-2016), novelist and biographer]
Publication details: 
‘Coln St Aldwyne / Gloucs / 10 : x : 90’ [10 October 1990]

See Forster’s entry in the Oxford DNB. The postcard carries on one side a photograph of a ‘famous entrance hall’, part of the series ‘Simon McBride’s England’. In fair condition, a little browned and worn, with small pin hole at head. Addressed to ‘Miss Margaret Forster / 11 Boscastle Road / LONDON NW5 1EE’. Begins: ‘How nice you are to write about the C4 review of “Lady’s Maid”. She was ‘so pleased’ to see Trollope’s novel ‘The Lady’s Maid’ ‘sitting deservedly in the top ten for so many weeks - roll on the paperback!’ Concludes: ‘And I love the look of your garden. / Joanna T.’

[Christabel Rose Coleridge, novelist and editor of girl’s magazines, granddaughter of Samuel Taylor Coleridge.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Pearson', concerning the nature, her garden, her health and that of others.

Christabel Rose Coleridge (1843-1921), novelist, journalist and editor of girl’s magazines, granddaughter of the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Publication details: 
10 March 1895; Cheyne, Torquay [Devon].

She is noticed in her the entry for her father Derwent Coleridge in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium of grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Addressed to ‘My dear Mr. Pearson’ and signed ‘Christabel R. Coleridge’. Her journey was comfortable and she found ‘all well’ on her return. She does not believe her cold ‘will be of any consequence and the weather is quite fine’. Her ‘two head lady school teachers are laid up with colds’. She ends: ‘I think more things are alive in the garden than I expected to see’.

[Sheila Shannon, poet, and wife of Patric Dickinson; personalised] Copy of her poetry collection 'The Lightning-Struck Tower, inscribed to her husband's mistress Sarah Hamilton, with two ALSs from her to Hamilton, and two printed keepsakes.

Sheila Shannon [Sheila Dunbar Shannon] (1913-2002), poet, wife of Patric Dickinson [Patric Thomas Dickinson] (1914-1994), poet, translator, BBC radio broadcaster
Publication details: 
BOOK: London: Frederick Muller Ltd., 1947. AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED: 19 February 1965 and 16 June 1994.

Sarah Shannon (married name Sarah Dickinson) was a fine poet in her own right (see the blurb quoted in Item One below), and it is unfortunate that she allowed herself to be eclipsed by her husband the self-styled ‘poet and impresario of poetry’, Patric Dickinson. He occupied a central position in the cultural landscape of post-war Britain. As an editor and broadcaster he worked with poets such as Dylan Thomas, Cecil Day Lewis and Roy Campbell, actresses Flora Robson, Peggy Ashcroft and Jill Balcon, and actors Robert Donat, Ralph Richardson, John Gielgud.

[Charlotte M. Yonge, Victorian novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed discussing arrangements regarding proofs over Christmas.

Charlotte M. Yonge [ Charlotte Mary Yonge; C. M. Yonge ] (1823-1901), English novelist associated with the Oxford Movement
Publication details: 
9 December 1893. 'M. U | Elderfield' [Otterbourne, Hampshire].

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On grey paper. In fair condition, with blocks of discoloration. Addressed to 'Dear Madam' and signed ' M Yonge'. She cannot tell her 'how late the final proof must be, as it depends on the printers, and the Christmas week so disturbs arrangements that they generally wish to have all finished earlier than usual'. She suggests sending he a card 'when the proofs come in to me', as there will be a few days to spare, 'while the other ladies are correcting them'.

[Christabel Rose Coleridge, novelist and editor of girl’s magazines, granddaughter of Samuel Taylor Coleridge.] Autograph Letter in the third person regarding the dinner at the Royal Literary Fund.

Christabel Rose Coleridge (1843-1921), novelist, journalist and editor of girl’s magazines, granddaughter of the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Publication details: 
1 June 1921. Cheyne [Torquay, Devon].

See is noticed in her the entry for her father Derwent Coleridge in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, on grey paper. Folded once. In a vigorous and youthful hand, considering the fact that she would be dead in a few months. Reads: ‘Miss Christabel Coleridge presents her compliments to the Secretary of the Royal Literature [sic] Fund, but is compelled to decline the honor they have done her, as she is unable to travel to London. She will endeavour to send a small subscription later on’.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] On the Forfeiture of Property by Married Women. [Reprinted, by kind permission, from the FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW, for the Committee in support of MR. RUSSELL GURNEY'S MARRIED WOMEN'S PROPERTY BILL.] With an Appendix.

Arthur Hobhouse, Q.C. [Alexander Ireland, Manchester printer; Rt Hon. Russell Gurney, QC, MP] [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
Manchester: A. Ireland & Co., Printers, Pall Mall. 1870.

16pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound. Several copies on COPAC, none of this edition on market currently.

[Lady Florence Dixie, Scottish author, traveller, suffragist and war correspondent.] Autograph Signature and conclusion of a letter.

Lady Florence Dixie [Lady Florence Caroline Dixie, nee Douglas] (1855-1905), Scottish author, traveller, suffragist and war correspondent
Lady Florence Dixie
Publication details: 
No place or date.
Lady Florence Dixie

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. On a 9.5 x 3.5 cm slip of paper, cut from a letter and laid down on a slightly larger slip of card. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads '[...] that we should never think from proclaiming. / Yrs. v. truly / Florence Dixie / (Lady)'. See Image.

[Fanny Trollope, novelist and abolitionist.] Autograph Signature ('Frances Trollope')

Fanny Trollope [Frances Milton Trollope; Mrs. Trollope] (1779-1863), novelist whose book on the United States caused great offence, and whose abolitionist writings inspired Harriet Beecher Stowe
Fanny Trollope
Publication details: 
'Carlton Hill [i.e. Carleton Hill, near Penrith, Cumbria] / 3d Feby 1843'.
Fanny Trollope

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. Neatly written out on a 6 x 11 cm piece of paper, laid down on a slighty larger piece of card. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Frances Trollope / Carlton [sic] Hill / 3d Feby 1843'. Mrs Trollope had the house named Carleton Hill built in 1840, just outside the village of Carleton. The cold climate proved unbearable, and she sold the residence in the year of this autograph. See Image.

[Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, English physician and suffragist.] Autograph Initials (‘E. G. A.’) and address to envelope addressed by her to ‘Mrs. J. J. Stevenson / The Red House / 3 Bayswater Hill / W’.

Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (1836-1917), English physician and suffragist, co-founder of the first hospital staffed by women and first female mayor in Britain
Garrett Anderson
Publication details: 
Purple one penny stamp affixed, with postmark dated from London, 2 May 1883.
Garrett Anderson

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient of the letter that this envelope contained was born Jane Omond (1839-1932). She was the wife of the architect John James Stevenson (1831-1908), whose first wife was Elisa Anderson, the cousin of Skelton Anderson, husband of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson. A 13.5 x 7.5 cm envelope, with the flap torn open at the back. Otherwise in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed by Anderson to ‘Mrs. J. J. Stevenson / The Red House / 3 Bayswater Hill / W’, and with her initials ‘E. G. A.’ at bottom right.Mrs. Garret [sic] Anderson’.

Mrs. Henry Wood [Ellen Wood, née Price], English author whose best-known work is ‘East Lynne’ (1861).

Mrs. Henry Wood [Ellen Wood, née Price] (1814-1887), English author whose best-known work is ‘East Lynne’ (1861)
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. The valediction of a letter, cut away for an autograph collector. On a slip of paper, around 7.5 x 1.5 cm. On lightly discoloured paper, with tear through signature, attached to piece of card with archival tape. Reads: ‘Very sincerely yours / Ellen Wood’.

[Elizabeth Missing Sewell, English author of religious and educational texts.] Autograph Signature (‘Elizabeth M Sewell’) cut from a letter.

Elizabeth M. Sewell [Elizabeth Missing Sewell] (1815-1906), English author of religious and educational texts
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

An uncommon signature. See her entry in the Oxford DNB. The valediction of a letter, cut away for an autograph collector. On a slip of paper, around 7.5 x 2 cm. Somewhat aged and worn, backed with discoloured card. Reads: ‘Very truly yours / Elizabeth M Sewell’. See Image.

[Lady Knightley [Louisa Mary Knightley], Anglican churchwoman and Conservative suffragist.] Autograph Letter Signed to ?Phoebe?, asking her to design a bookplate for volumes presented to her by the Girls? Friendly Society, Peterborough Diocese.

Lady Knightley [Louisa Mary Knightley, n?e Bowater] (1842-1913), prominent Anglican churchwoman and Conservative suffragist [Girls? Friendly Society, Peterborough Diocese]
Publication details: 
9 June 1904; on letterhead of Fawsley Park, Daventry.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo, with the first page also bearing the conclusion of the letter and signature ?L M Knightley?, cross-written. On bifolium of grey paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded for postage. She begins by asking for a favour, explaining that she has had ?a most lovely present from my G. F. S.

[‘No-one under 80 probably likes my books & they will all die out’.] Autograph Letter Signed by novelist Winifred Peck, sister of E. V. Knox and Ronald Knox, sending Adam Dickson an autograph.

Winifred Peck [née Knox] (1882-1962), prolific novelist and biographer, sister of E. V. Knox and Ronald Knox
Publication details: 
8 March [1950]; on embossed letterhead of 19 George Square, Edinburgh 8.

See the entries of members of her extraordinary family in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage, and accompanied by envelope with stamps and 1950 Edinburgh postmark, addressed by her to ‘Adam Dickson Esq. Junior / 28 Comely Bank Grove | Edinburgh’. Signed ‘Winifred Peck’. Responding to an autograph hunter, she writes: ‘Dear Sir, / How kind of you to like to [sic] my books & to say so.

[Mary Caroline Hughes, artist, photographer and amateur scientist, wife of the Welsh geologist Thomas McKenny Hughes.] Autograph ms. of an original study by her of the poetry of John Keats.

Mary Caroline Hughes [nee Weston] (1860-1916), artist, photographer and geologist, wife of the Welsh geologist Thomas McKenny Hughes (1832-1917) [John Keats]
Publication details: 
Undated, but written after her marriage in 1882.

The last paragraph of McKenny Hughes’s entry in the Oxford DNB deals with his marriage, noting that his wife was ‘a keen amateur archaeologist, a botanist, and a distinguished artist, and under his tuition she became a valuable geologist’, and that the couple ‘travelled together on field excursions’, being accompanied on a trip to the Balkans by an armed guard. Six boxes of her papers are among the rest of those of the Hughes family in the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge. The present item is 64pp, 4to, mostly on the rectos of a ruled ‘Universal Exercise Book.

[Queen's College, Westminster, London; the first institution in the world to award academic qualifications to women.] The first volume from the College?s own archive; containing around 340 pieces of unique ephemera.

Queen's College, Westminster, London; founded by F. D. Maurice, the first institution in the world to award academic qualifications to women
Publication details: 
Queen?s College, 43 & 45 Harley Street, W. [Westminster; London] Items dating from between 1853 and 1912.

A unique and irreplaceable item in the field of women?s education: the earliest archives of the first institution in the world to award academic qualifications to women (or, as Mrs Alec Tweedie put it in 1898, ?The first College open to Women?), founded in 1848 by theologian and social reformer Frederick Denison Maurice. Consisting of around 340 different pieces of printed ephemera, dating from between 1853 and 1912. Laid down in a nineteenth-century album, with cloth spine and marbled boards, of 102pp, folio. Openings numbered 1-52, with leaf 43/44 lacking.

[Mrs Alec Tweedie [Ethel Brilliana Tweedie, née Harley], travel writer, author and society figure.] Three substantial volumes of newspaper cuttings, collected by her, relating to her life, work and travels in Iceland and Mexico.

Mrs Alec Tweedie [Ethel Brilliana Tweedie, née Harley] (1862–1940), travel writer, author and society figure
Publication details: 
1887-1909. England, Iceland, Mexico, USA. Vol.1: January 1887 to July 1899. Vol. 2: February 1900 to January 1909. Vol. 3: July 1906 to January 1909.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB, which carries a quotation pointing out her ‘unerring sense of admiration for herself’. What the present collection of well over a thousand cuttings assembled by her from newspapers and magazines appears to indicate is that the admiration was to a certain extent also felt by the general public; and taken as a whole the collection serves as a memorial to a once-celebrated English public figure, a woman making her mark on society in the age of suffrage. The first volume (1887-1899) is 117pp, folio: firm and tight in brown leather half binding.

[Agnes Strickland (1796-1874), Victorian historian.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Agnes Strickland / Historian of the Queens of England and Queens of Scotland’), stating her requirements for lodgings in Warwick during the ‘Archaeological Meeting’.

Agnes Strickland (1796-1874), Victorian historian and poet, whose best-known work is 'The Queens of England'
Publication details: 
20 July 1864; [Ipswich].

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. On bifolium In fair condition, lightly aged, with stub from mount adhering to the inner margin of the recto, and obscuring a few words of text. The male recipient is not named: the letter is signed ‘Agnes Strickland / Historian of the Queens of England and Queens of Scotland’. By the advice of the publisher, Daldy, she is enquiring after ‘quiet comfortable lodgings at Warwick next Monday 25th till Tuesday August 2nd during the Archaeological Meeting in your antient historical town at which I have promised to be sent’.

[Jane Elizabeth Hornblower, poet and novelist, daughter of Liverpool abolitionist William Roscoe.] Holograph Manuscript of ‘Sonnet / written in a young lady’s album’, signed ‘J E R.’

Jane Elizabeth Hornblower [née Jane Elizabeth Roscoe] (1797-1853), poet and novelist, daughter of Liverpool connoisseur and abolitionist William Roscoe (1753-1831)
Publication details: 
No date or place, but before her 1838 marriage to Rev. Francis Hornblower.

1p, 12mo. On recto of first leaf of bifolium of pink patterned paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. The sonnet, which does not appear to have been published, begins: ‘Midst the young eyes that on this book shall shine / Kindling with genius or with feeling bright, / Lit up with all youth’s visions of delight, / There yet shall gage no dearer ones than thine!’ Signed at end ‘J E R.’ See image.

[‘Edna Lyall’ (Ada Ellen Bayly), novelist and suffragist.] Autograph Signature on inscription.

‘Edna Lyall’ [Ada Ellen Bayly] (1857-1903), English novelist and suffragist
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. Clearly written in response to a request for an autograph. On 11.5 x 5.5 piece of wove paper, cut from an album. In good condition. Reads: ‘Yours very truly / Ada Ellen Bayly / “Edna Lyall.” ’.

[‘What stirring times these are!’ Eliza Lynn Linton, novelist and pioneering woman journalist.] Autograph Letter Signed, asking Sir Richard Temple to find employment for ‘one of the cream of the Indian Civil Service’, H. A. Acworth.

Eliza Lynn Linton (1822-1898), novelist, pioneering woman journalist and anti-feminist [Sir Richard Temple (1826-1902); Harry Arbuthnot Acworth (1849-1933)]
Publication details: 
24 January [no year, but 1895 or after]. On letterhead of Brougham House, Malvern.

According to her entry in the Oxford DNB, Eliza Lynn Linton moved to Malvern in 1895. (See also Temple’s Oxford DNB entry.) 4pp, 16mo. Bifolium. Sixty-six lines of closely-written text. The two leaves of the bifolium have been separated, and re-attached with archival tape; resulting in slight loss to some text on the third page, otherwise in fair condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Signed ‘(Mrs.) E. Lynn Linton’. While he may not recall that she had the honour of being introduced to him by ‘Mr.

[‘Christopher Marie St John’ [Christabel Gertrude Marshall], author and suffragist in menage à trois with Edith Craig and Clare Atwood.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Christopher St. John.’), proposing an article to ‘Mr Walbrook’ of the Pall Mall Gazette

‘Christopher Marie St John’, assumed name of Christabel Gertrude Marshall (1871-1960), author and campaigner for women’s suffrage, who lived in a ménage à trois with Edith Craig and Clare Atwood
Publication details: 
27 December 1913; 31 Bedford Street, Strand [London].

The subject of the present letter is, as Marshall’s entry in the Oxford DNB explains, her ‘translation of a play by the first female dramatist, Hrotsvit. ‘Paphnutius’ was given a world première by Craig for the Pioneer Players in January 1914.’ The recipient, Henry Mackinnon Walbrook (1865-1941), was the drama critic of the Pall Mall Gazette. 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, on dusty discoloured paper, with slight rust spotting from paperclip.

[Lord Pethick-Lawrence, Labour politician and campaigner for women’s suffrage, husband of Emmeline Pethick.] Autograph Note Signed (‘F W Pethick-Lawrence’) thanking Thomas Lloyd Humberstone for his ‘booklet on the Public Schools’.

Lord Pethwick-Lawrence [Frederick William Pethick-Lawrence, born Frederick William Lawrence] (1871-1961), Labour politician and campaigner for women's suffrage, husband of Emmeline Pethick
Publication details: 
13 October 1944; on letterhead of 11 Old Square, Lincoln’s Inn, W.C.2. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Thomas Lloyd Humberstone (1876-1957) was an educationalist and prominent member of the Convocation of the University of London. The booklet referred to is his ‘The Public School Question’, which he printed himself in 1943. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Reads. ‘Dear Humberstone / Thanks for your booklet on the Public Schools which I have read with interest / Yours truly / F W Pethick Lawrence’.

[‘Lucas Malet’ (pseudonym of Mary St Leger Kingsley), Victorian novelist admired by her friend Henry James.] Autograph Letter Signed (“Mary St Leger Harrison | ‘Lucas Malet’ ”) to ‘Mr. Combe’, sending him her autograph in charming style.

‘Lucas Malet’, pseudonym of Mary St Leger Kingsley (1852-1931), Victorian novelist admired by her friend Henry James, daughter of Charles Kingsley
Publication details: 
10 October 1892. On embossed letterhead of Clovelly Rectory, Bideford.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border (her mother had died the previous December). In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of paper to which the item was glued still adhering to reverse of second leaf. Having been informed by her sister ‘Miss Kingsley’ (her elder sister Rose) that Combe is ‘kind enough to wish for my autograph’, she has ‘much pleasure in sending it you - but I wish my pen was a better one, more befitting this serious occasion!’

[Caroline Norton, author] Part of an Autograph Letter Signed Caroline Norton presumably to an editor or publisher about some scraps.

Caroline Norton [Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton, Lady Stirling-Maxwell (née Sheridan; 1808 – 1877), social reformer and author]
Publication details: 
No place or date (lost in clipping).

Piece of paper, 12.5 x 8cm, verso has black (mourning) border, good condition. Part of letter, text as follows: Please let me know if these scraps are welcome.

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