[Milton Sills [Milton George Gustavus Sills], American actor, star of stage and screen, Hollywood matinee idol.] Autograph Inscription Signed.

Milton Sills [Milton George Gustavus Sills] (1882-1930), American actor, star of stage and screen, Hollywood matinee idol
Publication details: 
No date or place.

On a 12 x 6.5 cm piece of paper. In fair condition, lightly discoloured and spotted, with traces of paper from mount on reverse. Central vertical crease. A neat, tight inscription, clearly in response to a request for an autograph, reading, ‘Sincerely / Milton Sills’. Image on request.

[David Masson [David Mather Masson], Scottish biographer of Milton and editor of Macmillan’s Magazine.] Autograph Signature taken from letter, with photographic portrait from magazine.

David Masson [David Mather Masson] (1822-1907), Scottish biographer of Milton and editor of Macmillan’s Magazine
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 6 x 3.5 cm slip of paper, cut from letter. Reads ‘Yours very truly, / David Masson.’ Laid down on piece of 16mo paper, beneath oval photographic portrait of Masson cut from magazine. Biographical details typed at head of page. In good condition, lightly aged. Seee Image

[Fanny Trollope, novelist and abolitionist.] Autograph Signature ('Frances Trollope')

Fanny Trollope [Frances Milton Trollope; Mrs. Trollope] (1779-1863), novelist whose book on the United States caused great offence, and whose abolitionist writings inspired Harriet Beecher Stowe
Fanny Trollope
Publication details: 
'Carlton Hill [i.e. Carleton Hill, near Penrith, Cumbria] / 3d Feby 1843'.
Fanny Trollope

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. Neatly written out on a 6 x 11 cm piece of paper, laid down on a slighty larger piece of card. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Frances Trollope / Carlton [sic] Hill / 3d Feby 1843'. Mrs Trollope had the house named Carleton Hill built in 1840, just outside the village of Carleton. The cold climate proved unbearable, and she sold the residence in the year of this autograph. See Image.

[G. C. Williamson [George Charles Williamson] (1858-1942), art historian ‘Rowley Cleeve’, who advised J. Pierpont Morgan on purchases.] Two Typed Letters Signed to social historian Amy Cruse, praising her books and discussing a Milton portraits.

G. C. Williamson [George Charles Williamson] (1858-1942), art historian and ‘Rowley Cleeve’, who advised J. Pierpont Morgan on purchases [Amy Cruse (1870-1951; née Barter), social historian]
Publication details: 
16 October and 5 December 1941; each on letterhead ‘From Doctor Williamson / Mount Manor House, / The Mount, / Guildford, Surrey.’

Some of Williamson’s papers are held by Boston College. These two items are each 1p, 4to, on aged and worn paper, the first letter with blotting to signature. The two are held together by strip of paper mount. Written little more than a year before Williamson’s death. ONE: 16 October 1941. Begins: ‘Dear Miss Cruse, / I am delighted to have your letter of October 9th, and so glad that my epistle to you gave you any pleasure.’ He finds her books ‘very delightful’, and names ‘the other two’, of whose existence he was ignorant.

[[General Edmund Boyle, 8th Earl of Cork and Orrery.] Autograph Signature ('Boyle') to frank addressed in his Autograph to 'Miss L: Inglis | Milton Bryand | Wooborn'.

General Edmund Boyle, 8th Earl of Cork and Orrery (1767-1856), Irish peer and soldier, styled Viscount Dungarvan, 1768-1798
Publication details: 
'Woolverhampton [sic] July seventeenth 1848'.

The frank is on a piece of paper cut from the front of an envelope. In good condition, lightly aged, laid down on part of leaf from album. The frank is set out in the customary manner, with the signature 'Boyle' at bottom left, and the address reading: 'Woolverhampton [sic] July | seventeenth 1848 | Miss L: Inglis | Milton Bryand [sic] | Wooborn'. The recipient is probably Mary Louisa Inglis (d.1853), sister of Sir Robert Harry Inglis (1786-1855), Conservative politician and Lord of the Manor of Milton Bryant (or Bryan), Bedfordshire.

[Manchester and the John Milton Tercentenary, 1908.] Proof of article [by John Cuming Walters for the Manchester City News] titled 'The Milton "Tercentenary." Manchester Celebrations. Tribute to the Author of "Paradise Lost."

John Cuming Walters (1863-1933), editor of the Manchester City News [Tercentenary of the birth of John Milton, 1908]
Publication details: 
[Manchester: Manchester City News. 1908.]

Laid out in three columns on one side of a 71 x 26 cm piece of newsprint stock. With two illustrations in text ('Chalfont St. Giles: the only remaining Milton home' and 'Facsimile of a Milton Sonnet'). Aged and brittle, with a few words of text lost in two vertical folds which have been repaired with archival tape. Section headings are 'Commemorations', 'Manchester Exhibitions and Addresses', 'A Tribute', 'The English Patriot', 'Milton and Music', 'His Optimism', 'His Self-Confidence' and 'A Poetic Life'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('George Henry Glasse') from the classical scholar Rev. George Henry Glasse [to the editor of the Gentleman's Magazine John Nichols], offering his services 'as corrector of your press for any quantity of Greek'.

Rev. George Henry Glasse (1761-1809), classical scholar, son of Dr Samuel Glasse (1734-1812) [John Nichols (1745-1826), editor of the Gentleman's Magazine; John Milton; James More]
Autograph Letter Signed ('George Henry Glasse')
Publication details: 
7 June 1791; Hanwell Rectory, Middlesex.
Autograph Letter Signed ('George Henry Glasse')

4to, 1 p. 18 lines of text. Clear and complete. Fair, on aged and lightly-stained paper. Neatly laid down on a leaf removed from an album. Lightly marked-up in red pencil by the recipient. After professing respect for Nichols's 'literary character' and his 'valuable miscellany', Glasse offers his services 'as corrector of your press for any quantity of Greek you may incidentally have occasion to publish'.

Typed Letter Signed from the English actor and film director Milton Rosmer to the artist Jean Inglis.

Milton Rosmer (1881-1971), British actor, film director and screenwriter [Gaumont-British Picture Corporation Ltd]
English actor and film director Milton Rosmer
Publication details: 
20 September 1933; on letterhead of the Gaumont-British Picture Corporation Ltd.
English actor and film director Milton Rosmer

4to, 1 p. 15 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. In green ink. He is pleased that her 'footsteps are treading in high places', and hopes that this 'leads to as much golden reward as it seems to suggest'. He will see her friend 'Mr. Kennerley', but he cannot be 'encouraging' as he is not at present 'casting any picture', and will not be doing so for 'a month or so'. His 'activities now never seem to bring [him] to Hampstead', he hopes she will see him when she visits his 'neighbourhood'.

[Manuscript] "Appeal to the Public for the descendents of De Foe" [Daniel Defoe]. With three MS. poems by Landor.

Walter Savage Landor, Author (1775-1864)
Walter Savage Landor, Author
Publication details: 
Walter Savage Landor, Author

One page, 4to, tipped onto larger card, good condition. Forty-five lines excluding signature at base ("Walter Savage Landor"), text, worked over by Landor, as follows: The Public is informed that our gracious queen [sic], among her many acts of judicious beneficence, has granted a pension of 100£ a year to the lineal descendents, in the fourth degree, of Daniel De Foe. These are two aged women reduced to poverty and decrepitude.

First issue of 'John Nichols's Metropolitan Advertiser'.

John Nichols, printer, The Milton Press, Strand [The Metropolitan Advertiser]
Publication details: 
No. 1. 7 January 1836. 'Printed at the Milton Press, 9, Chandos Street, Strand, by John Nichols.'

4to, 4 pp. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged and grubby paper. Engraving of beehive, with motto, beneath title. Given away 'GRATIS'. Begins with a prospectus for what is described as 'a new medium of communicating with the public', concluding, 'for the inconsiderable sum of 5s. an Advertiser may give publicity to his business in FIVE THOUSAND respectable channels inaccessible to every other advertising medium hitherto established'. The rest of the first page carries 'ADVICE TO A YOUNG TRADESMAN' by 'AN OLD TRADESMAN'.

Autograph Signature ('J Bridgewater.') on fragment of document.

John Egerton, 2nd Earl of Bridgewater (1623-1686), English aristocrat who acted in the first performance of John Milton's masque 'Comus', at Ludlow Castle in Wales in 1634
Publication details: 
Without date or place (but docketed on reverse '1679').

On piece of paper roughly 2 x 3.5 cm. Discoloured, and with traces of glue from previous mounting on reverse. Slight loss to one corner and tiny closed tear at head. Attractive calligraphic signature, with tall, closely-spaced, vertically elongated letters. Top loops of initial 'J' trimmed.

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