[Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville, Liberal statesman and diplomat.] Autograph Letter Signed to the Belgian ambassador Henri Solvyns, regarding ?a temporary unpopularity of the late King of the Belgians?.

Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville (1815-1891), Liberal statesman and diplomat [Henri Solvyns, Belgian ambassador to the United Kingdom]
Publication details: 
19 February 1879. 'C. H. T.' (i.e. Carlton House Terrace).

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with strip of tape from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded twice. Signed ?Granville?. Begins: ?My dear Solvyns. / Lady G. sends no invitations, but she is at home every Monday Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.? He next asks for ?the date and the cause of a temporary unpopularity of the late King of the Belgians, which he so signally checkmated (excuse talking shop) by an offer to go away?.

[Lady Catharine Long, novelist and religious writer.] Latter part of Autograph Letter Signed [to Mr. Harris], discussing her view of the state of the soul after death, and Mrs Jervoise’s ‘troubled married life’.

Lady Catharine Long (1797-1867), novelist and religious writer, daughter of Horatio Walpole, 2nd Earl of Orford
Publication details: 
No date or plafe.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. Twenty-three lines of text. In fair condition, lightly aged, but with slight creasing at head of leaf. Folded twice. Financial calculations written lengthwise underneath signature, with light smudging.

[Lord Sligo [Howe Peter Browne, 2nd Marquis of Sligo], Governor of Jamaica.] Autograph Letter Signed with regard to payment for a theatre box 'for the remainder of the season'.

Lord Sligo [Howe Peter Browne (1788-1845), 2nd Marquis of Sligo, previously Viscount Westport and Earl of Altamont], Anglo-Irish peer, Governor of Jamaica, abolitionist
Publication details: 
'Mansfield St [London] June 6th [1824?]'

Sligo was appointed Governor of Jamaica in 1834. His efforts on behalf of the recently-emancipated slaves (including the financing of two schools) caused him to become unpopular with the plantation owners, and he was effectively ousted in 1836. 2pp, 12mo. Twenty-one lines of text. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded for postage. Small square of paper with engraving of the family crest laid down at the foot of the second page. Addressed to ‘My Dear Sir’ and signed ‘Sligo’. The Marquis’s handwriting is somewhat opaque.

[Lord Halifax [Charles Lindley Wood, 2nd Viscount Halifax], ecumenist.] Autograph Letter Signed to the editor of the Church Review, regarding a new chapel for Edward King, Bishop of Lincoln, paid for by Halifax’s English Church Union.

Lord Halifax [Charles Lindley Wood (1839-1934), 2nd Viscount Halifax], Anglo-Catholic ecumenist, for fifty years President of the English Church Union [Edward King (1829-1910), Bishop of Lincoln]
Publication details: 
‘88 Eaton Sqr [London] / Jany 3 / 1888.’

See his entry, and that of Bishop King, in the Oxford DNB. For the context of the present item - a chapel ‘built by an ingenious use of a portion of the Old Palace ruins’ - see Randolph and Townroe, ‘The Mind and Work of Bishop King’ (1918), chapter 6: ‘The entire furnishing and decoration of the chapel was undertaken by members of the English Church Union, in response to an appeal made by the President of the Society. The consecration took place in 1888.’ (The Bishop’s letter of thanks to Lord Halifax is quoted.) 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice.

[The man who built Cardiff: John Crichton-Stuart, 2nd Marquis of Bute.] Autograph Letter Signed, explaining restrictions he is placing on the recipient's permission to shoot on his land.

The man who built Cardiff: John Crichton-Stuart, 2nd Marquis of Bute (1793-1848), styled Lord Mount Stuart between 1794 and 1814, Scottish aristocrat and industrialist
Publication details: 
?Mountstuart [Mount Stuart House, Isle of Bute] 21st Septr 1820?.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and spotted paper. Folded for postage. The recipient is not named. Signed ?Bute and Dumfries.? ?I should with pleasure have renewed to you a general permission to shoot upon my lands in Galloway, but having this year restricted other gentlemen in the neighbourhood on account of the condition of my muirs, [sic] I feel myself under the necessity of confining my permission to you within those which [match?] immediately with Mr Adair?s.?

[Frederick, Duke of York, Commander-in-Chief of the British Army and George John Spencer, 2nd Earl Spencer, First Lord of the Admiralty.] Autograph Letter Signed requesting a Royal Navy post for a 'young man', with autograph draft of Spencer's reply.

Prince Frederick, Duke of York and Albany (1763-1827), second son of George III, Commander-in-Chief of British Army during Napoleonic Wars; George John Spencer, 2nd Earl Spencer (1758-1834)]
Publication details: 
ONE (Frederick's ALS): 'York House [London] February 6th 1798'. TWO (Spencer's Signed Autograph Draft of his Reply): 'Adm[iralt]y. [London] 6 Feb: 1798.'

See the two men's entries in the Oxford DNB. Each of the two letters is 1p, 4to, with the Prince’s letter on the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium, and the Earl’s signed autograph copy of his reply on the recto of the second leaf of the same bifolium. Both leaves are discoloured and damaged, with wear and loss from infestation, but the two signatures and the area around them are good and clear. The document has been folded twice for postage. Strip of white tape along gutter of blank reverse of second leaf from mount. ONE (Frederick’s ALS): Fifteen lines.

[Thomas Osborne, 1st Duke of Leeds, or his son Admiral Peregrine Osborne, 2nd Duke of Leeds, as Marquis of Carmarthen.] Drawn note (cheque), signed ‘Carmarthen P:’, directing his banker Sir Francis Child to pay £100 to William Vernon.

Thomas Osborne (1632-1712), 1st Duke of Leeds, or his son Admiral Peregrine Osborne (1659-1729), 2nd Duke of Leeds [Viscount Osborne, Earl of Danby, Marquis of Carmarthen] [Sir Francis Child the elder
Publication details: 
'Febry. ye 9th. 1693/4'.

See the entries on the two Dukes in the Oxford DNB, as well as that of Sir Francis Child the elder. Both Dukes are significant; the first was a leading Tory politician and one of the ‘immortal seven’ who invited William of Orange to England, and the second was a naval adviser to Peter the Great of Russia. The present item is signed ‘Carmarthan P:’, which would seem to suggest it is the signature of the 2nd Duke, Peregrine Osborne, but the Oxford DNB states that he became Marquis of Carmarthen a few months after the present item, on his father being made Duke of Leeds on 4 May 1694.

[‘A very nice little collection’: the 2nd Marquis of Hastings boasts about his picture collection.] Autograph Letter Signed regarding ‘the entry in the Leicester registry’ and a picture sent to him by the recipient.

Marquis of Hastings [George Rawdon Hastings (1808-1844), 2nd Marquess of Hastings, 3rd Earl of Moira, 3rd Baron Rawdon], British peer and courtier [Donnington Park, Leicestershire]
Publication details: 
‘Donnington Park / Novr. 5th / 1836.’

See the entry in the Oxford DNB for his father the 1st Marquis. 2pp, 12mo. On the first leaf of a bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and discoloured, with thin strip of glue from previous mount on reverse of second leaf. The recipient is not named, and he signs ‘Hastings’. The letter begins: ‘Dear Sir, / I made the necessary enquiries as to the entry in the Leicester registry (through a friend of our clergyman) & enclose his reply [not present] - I fear it is not what you wished for.’ He might get ‘more satisfactory information’ if the recipient can give a ‘better clue to go by’.

[Lord Bute, builder of Cardiff Docks: John Crichton-Stuart, 2nd Marquess of Bute.] Autograph Letter Signed to A[lexander]. Milne, regarding legal opinions he has received, and a ‘complete abstract of the title to all the family estates’.

Lord Bute, builder of Cardiff Docks: John Crichton-Stuart (1793-1848), 2nd Marquess of Bute [Lord Mount Stuart, 1794-1814], aristocratic landowner and industrialist, developed the Welsh coal industry
Publication details: 
‘Luton Hoo 24 Novr 1830’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight damage to the blank reverse of the second leaf from mount. Folded three times, with a short closed tear at the edge of one crease. The recipient is named by Bute as ‘A. Milne Esq’ (the Aberdeen merchant Alexander Milne of Crimonmogate?). The letter is signed ‘Bute’.

[‘The best private Collection in the Kingdom’: William Lowther, 2nd Earl of Lonsdale.] Autograph Letter Signed regarding excavations at Moresby Hall, Cumbria, and his ‘collection of Statues in Roman & Greek antiquities’.

William Lowther, 2nd Earl of Lonsdale (1787-1872), styled Viscount Lowther, 1807-1844, Tory politician [Moresby Hall, Cumbria]
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Signed ‘Lonsdale’. Recipient (‘Dear Sir’) not named. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin neat strip of windowpane mount at edges. Folded twice for postage. He has received the recipient’s letter, and is ‘sorry on different accounts the excavations have not arrived at a better success.

[Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville, as Gladstone’s Colonial Secretary.] Confidential unsigned Autograph Letter [to J. T. Delane, editor of ‘The Times’], regarding British involvement in the treaty following the Franco-Prussian war.

Lord Granville [Granville George Leveson-Gower (1815-1891), 2nd Earl Granville], Colonial and Foreign Secretary in Gladstone’s first ministry [John Thadeus Delane (1817-1879), editor of The Times]
Publication details: 
‘July 13 / midnight. [1870]’ On embossed letterhead of the Colonial Office [Whitehall].

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with negligible remains of windowpane mount adhering at edges of reverse of second leaf. Folded for postage. The item - an immediate artifact with the feel of history in the making - is unsigned and headed ‘Confidential’.

[Lord Granville [Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville], Liberal politician.] Original unpublished Autograph Poem (‘Oh! Mr. Delane, Oh! Mr. Delane’) to the editor of The Times, with reference to Landseer, Sir Robert Peel and others.

Lord Granville [Granville George Leveson-Gower (1815-1891), 2nd Earl Granville], Leader of the Liberal Party in the House of Lords [John Thadeus Delane (1817-1879), editor of The Times]
Publication details: 
23 June 1861. On letterhead of 16 Bruton Street, London, W.

See both men's entries in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, folded twice for postage, and with negligible remnants of windowpane mount adhering at edges of blank reverse of second leaf. A pleasant specimen of ‘Vers de société’ (The recipient's entry in the Oxford DNB states that 'In the social circles which Delane frequented [...] he was welcomed as a delightful companion').The poem consists of twenty-two lines in heroic couplets, unsigned and without any other text. The poem reads as follows: ‘Oh! Mr. Delane, Oh! Mr.

[Sholto Mackenzie, 2nd Baron Amulree, physician and geriatrician.] Autograph Letter Signed to Professor Waterston of St Andrews, thanking him for an article on the heart of his uncle Sir James Mackenzie.

Sholto Mackenzie [Basil William Sholto Mackenzie, 2nd Baron Amulree (1900-1983)], physician and advocate of geriatric medicine, nephew of Sir James Mackenzie [Professor David Waterston of St Andrews]
Publication details: 
22 September 1939. On letterhead of 42 Queen Anne’s Gate, S.W.1 [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. David Waterston (1871-1942) was Bute Professor of Anatomy at the University of St Andrews from 1914 to 1942. In 1913, while Professor of Anatomy at King's College, London, he was the first authority to debunk the Piltdown Man hoax. 2pp, 12mo. Sixteen lines of text. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight ruckling and bleeding due to removal from mount. Signed ‘Sholto Mackenzie’ and addressed to ‘Dear Professor Waterston’.

[Duke of Montrose [James Graham, 3rd Duke of Montrose], Scottish nobleman and Tory politician.] Autograph Letter Signed to Robert Saunders Dundas (the future Viscount Melville), regarding the amending of a ‘very insufficient’ act of parliament.

Duke of Montrose [James Graham, 3rd Duke of Montrose; until 1790 Marquis of Graham] (1755-1836), Scottish nobleman and Tory politician [Robert Saunders Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville (1771-1851)]
Publication details: 
5 January 1809; Grosvenor Square [London].

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. In good condition, lightly-aged, with small triangle cut away from letter in opening red wax seal, of which minor traces remain. Folded and addressed in the customary manner. Franked to ‘Right Honble / Robert S: Dundas &c &c &c / Downing Street / Montrose’, sent from ‘Grosvr: Sq: 5th Jan 1809’ and signed ‘Montrose’. Begins, without salutation: ‘I wish you would look to this act, as it appears to require attention.

[John Pitt, 2nd Earl of Chatham, general who commanded the Walcheren Campaign of 1809.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Chatham') to Rev. Dr H. Adams, sending an autograph of his brother William Pitt the Younger [not present].

John Pitt (1756-1835), 2nd Earl of Chatham, British general who commanded the disastrous Walcheren Campaign of 1809; elder brother of William Pitt the Youngerq
Publication details: 
13 April 1829. Charles Street [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of mount adhering to blank second leaf of bifolium. Folded twice. He returned 'but very late from Brighton, and was afterwards very unwell, which added to a great deal of business', prevented him from finding for Adams 'an Autograph of my Brothers, which I promised you some time back'. He is now enclosing the autograph, but apologises that he has 'none of my Father's [i.e. William Pitt the elder] to send you, for among his letters, there are no copies preserved in his own hand writing.'

[Philip Yorke, 2nd Earl of Hardwicke, Whig politician and writer of the 'Athenian Letters'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Hardwicke'), asking Thomas Astle to request the aid of John Topham on a projected third volume of his 'Miscellaneous State Papers'.

Philip Yorke, 2nd Earl of Hardwicke (1720-1790), Whig politician and author [Thomas Astle (1735-1803), antiquary; Thomas Cadell the elder (1742-1802), publisher; John Topham (1746-1803), antiquary]
Publication details: 
Bath. 22 November 1783.

The Athenian Letters, primarily written by Hardwicke and his brother Charles, enjoyed considerable vogue on the publication in 1781 of the second edition (a first edition of ten copies had appeared in 1741). The present item relates to a projected third volume of the 'Miscellaneous State Papers', the first two volumes of which had been published by Strahan and Cadell in 1778. John Topham (later Librarian to the Archbishop of Canterbury) and Thomas Astle worked together on the public records at Westminster. The present item is 1p, 4to. Bifolium.

[Lord Castlereagh, Tory Foreign Secretary at the Congress of Vienna, hated by Byron and Shelley.] Autograph Letter in the third person, as 'Lord Londonderry', asking him to present a book to the king from 'Monsieur de Martens'.

Lord Castlereagh [Robert Stewart, 2nd Marquess of Londonderry; styled Viscount Castlereagh, 1769-1821] (1769-1822), Tory Foreign Secretary at Congress of Vienna, hated by Byron, Shelley and radicals
Publication details: 
'St James' Square | 1 May /22 [1822]'.

2pp., 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Lord Londonderry presents his compliments to Mr Watson and begs to forward to him a letter and book which he has been requested by Monsieur de Martens to present to His Majesty'. Londonderry was considered a repressive figure by the radicals. In a poem Byron called on travellers to piss on his grave, and in 'The Masque of Anarchy' Shelley wrote: 'I met murder on the way, | He had a mask like Castlereagh.' Within months of the present communication Londonderry would commit suicide.

[George John Spencer, 2nd Earl Spencer, politician and bibliophile.] Document in a secretarial hand, signed 'Spencer', to a peer, regarding 'the pay and allowances to the Lamerton and Milton Abbott Corps'.

George John Spencer, 2nd Earl Spencer (1758-1834), politician and bibliophile, first President of the Roxburghe Club, owner of the Althorp Library (now at the John Rylands Library in Manchester)
Publication details: 
Whitehall. 15 April 1806.

1p., 8vo. Slight damp damage along left-hand margin, otherwise in fair condition. Reads: 'My Lord, | I have been honoured with your Lordship's Letter of this day's date; and I will lose no time in giving fresh authority to the Secretary at War to issue the pay and allowances to the Lamerton and Milton Abbott Corps, according to the amended return now transmitted to me by your Lordship.' Docketed on reverse.

[Lord Denman describes House of Lords 'progress in Women's Suffrage', 1894.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Denman') to 'Sir Thomas [Roe]', sending him a gift on his being knighted, and discussing political affairs.

Thomas Denman, Lord Denman [Thomas Aitchison Denman, 2nd Baron Denman] (1805-1894), Liberal politician, pioneer of women's suffrage [Sir Thomas Roe [later Lord Roe] (1832-1923), Liberal politician]
Publication details: 
'Alderston | Haddington | N[orth] B[ritain] [i.e. Scotland]' 27 January 1894.

Denman was noted for his eccentricities. From 1884 he sat as a crossbencher, and introduced a number of bills on women's suffrage, none of which gained a second reading. 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. The first page heavily-spotted, and with the cross-written signature over-written, probably by a child; otherwise lightly-aged and worn.

[ The Boer War, the Rifle Brigade and Brigadier-General John Harington. ] Nineteen items relating to the embarkation of the 2nd Battalion, including 'Nominal Roll', drill instructions, 'Musketry Orders for Pembroke Camp', orders, letters, telegram.

Brigadier-General John Harington (1873-1943), son of Sir Richard Harington, 11th Bart [ 2nd Battalion, Rifle Brigade; Second Boer War; Natal Field Force ]
Publication details: 
South Africa, including Pembroke Camp and Klein Oliphant. 1902.

For details of Harington's distinguished military career, see his entry in Who Was Who. The present collection, from his papers, is an interesting assemblage of ephemeral items, casting light on British Army practices at the time of the Boer War. Nineteen items. In fair condition, with some signs of age and wear. ONE: Duplicated orders in mimeograph of handwriting. Titled: 'Depôt Battalion | Orders for Reservist Companies passing through'. At end: 'By order | B St Clair-Ford Captain | Adjutant Depôt Battalion' and 'Green Point | 1st August 1902.' 2pp., folio.

[ Sir David Carnegie, Scottish politician. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Lord Spenser [sic]', i.e. Lord Spencer, First Lord of the Admiralty, urging the suit of 'Mr Moodie'. With Autograph Draft of Spencer's reply.

Sir David Carnegie of Pitarrow (1753-1805), Scottish politician, Baron Carnegie of Kinnaird and Leuchars, de jure Earl of Southesk [ George John Spencer, 2nd Earl Spencer (1758-1834); Admiralty ]
Publication details: 
25 Portman Square [ London ]. 19 June 1798.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. On aged and creased paper. Carnegie's letter is on the recto of the first person, with Spencer's instructions regarding the response as customary diagonally on folded over outer corner of the reverse. Spencer was First Lord of the Admiralty between 1794 and 1801. Carnegie begins by addressing 'Lord Spenser [sic]', and stating that he 'is sorry to trouble his Lordship again about Mr Moodie, whom he had the goodness to put on the list of Marine Expectants at Sir David's request'.

[ Waldorf Astor, 2nd Viscount Astor. ] Typed Letter Signed, as Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food, to Mrs. B. Le Cras, defending Sir Eyre Crowe against the charge of being too soft on the Germans.

Waldorf Astor, 2nd Viscount Astor (1879-1952), American-born English politician and newspaper proprietor [ Sir Eyre Crowe (1864-1925), diplomat ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Ministry of Food, Palace Chambers, Westminster, London, S.W.1. 23 January 1919.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. His reply to her letter has been delayed by his 'absence in Paris on official business'. He is 'satisfied that the attacks upon Sir Eyre Crowe are based upon entire ignorance of the facts'. Crowe 'has always held strongly anti-German views and expressed himself officially in this sense as long ago as 1908'. Astor understands 'that the Kaiser personally requested his removal from the Foreign Office for this reason on more than one occasion'.

[ Francis Godolphin, 2nd Earl of Godolphin. ] Autograph Signature ('Godolphin') on Exchequer receipt, as 'Attorney to the Mayor & Comonality of the Borough of Helston assignes of Charles Godolphin Esqr'.

Francis Godolphin, 2nd Earl of Godolphin (1678-1766)
Publication details: 
His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer. 7 July 1732.

Printed Exchequer receipt made out in manuscript to 'Francis Earl of Godolphin - Attorney to the Mayor & Comonality of the Borough of Helston assignee of Charles Godolphin Esqr'. On one side of a trimmed-down leaf, 14 x 14.5 cm. In fair condition, lightly aged.

[ Ralph Verney, 2nd Earl of Verney. ] Autograph Signature ('Verney') on an Exchequer receipt, as 'the Attorney to Sr Thos. Cave Bart.'

Ralph Verney, 2nd Earl of Verney [ styled Viscount Fermanagh, 1743-1752 ] (1714-1791), British politician, Fellow of the Royal Society
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 3 August 1756.

1p., 8vo. On aged and worn paper, with loss to one corner. Verney's signature is large and bold, with a few light ink stains over the last letter. The document is laid out in the usual way, with printed text completed in manuscript. It begins (with manuscript text in square brackets): 'The [3d] Day of [August] 175[6] | Received by me [Ralph Earl of Verney the Attorney to Sr Thos. Cave Bart Assignee as P Margin]'. Recording a payment of £147, on an annuity.

[ John Poulett, 2nd Earl Poulett. ] Autograph Signature ('Poulett') on reverse of an Exchequer receipt.

John, Earl Poulett [ John Poulett, 2nd Earl Poulett ] (1708-1764)
Publication details: 
[ Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. ] 9 May 1761.

On 23.5 x 12cm. piece of paper. On aged and worn paper, with loss in from one edge towards head, but with good bold signature and surrounding writing unaffected. On the reverse of the document Poulett has written: '9. May 1761 | Recvd | Poulett'. Beside this is part of the signature of the witness, 'ary Creed'. On the front of the document is the usual printed text, completed in manuscript, directing the repayment of a loan of £1000, with interest at 4%.

[ Francis Godolphin, 2nd Earl of Godolphin. ] Autograph Signature ('Godolphin') on Exchequer receipt, as assignee of Hugh Chudleigh.

Francis Godolphin, 2nd Earl of Godolphin [ Viscount Rialton between 1706 and 1712 ] (1678-1766), nobleman and politician
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 5 July 1716.

On a 21 x 19 cm. piece of paper. On aged and worn paper, with wear along one edge (not affecting signature). Laid out in the usual way, with printed text completed in manuscript. Records the receipt by 'ffra. Earl of Godolphin Ass Hugh Chudleigh' of £125 from an annuity. The customary calculations in the right-hand margin. At foot: 'Wittness | Jam Edwards | J Wingfield' (with 'g' and 'f' of second signature cropped).

[ Maurice Thompson, 2nd Baron Haversham. ] Autograph Signature ('Haversham') to Exchequer receipt.

Maurice Thompson (1675-1745), 2nd Baron Haversham [ Lord Haversham ], soldier and Member of Parliament, Treasurer of the Excise
Publication details: 
[ Her Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 10 July 1716.

1p., 8vo. On leaf removed from an Exchequer receipt book. On aged and worn paper. Laid out in the usual way, with printed text completed in manuscript. Records payment of £15 to Haversham, as 'Assee of ffrancis Carter'. Signed at foot by witness ''.

[ Prince George, 2nd Duke of Cambridge. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('George'), inviting Alfred Montgomery to a New Year's dinner party.

Prince George, 2nd Duke of Cambridge [ George William Frederick Charles ] (1819-1904), grandson of George III; cousin of Queen Victoria [ Alfred Montgomery (1814-96), Commissioner for Inland Revenue ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Gloucester House, Park Lane, W. [ London ] 30 December 1893.

1p. 12mo. On grubby and creased paper, with rust mark from paperclip. Reads: 'My dear Alfred Montgomery | Thank's [sic] for yours received this morning. I have a vacant place at my dinner table for Monday next New Years day, so I hope to see you here at 8 o'clock and personally to wish you every sort of blessing for the coming Year. I remain | Yours most sincerely, | George.'

[ Francis Ingram-Seymour-Conway, 2nd Marquess of Hertford. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Hertford') to Sir Robert Bateson Harvey, requesting his political support.

Francis Ingram-Seymour-Conway, 2nd Marquis of Hertford [ previously Viscount Beauchamp ] (1743-1822), British peer and politician
Publication details: 
Suffolk, 29 October [ 1806 ].

1p., 4to. On bifolium. In good condtion, lightly aged. Addressed, with part of red wax seal, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Sir Robert Bateson Harvey Bt | Langley Park'. He is 'perfectly aware' of his 'having not the smallest pretention to apply' to Harvey, but is encouraged 'by the friendly support which you gave to Mr Macnaughten at the general election in the county of Antrim to beg a continuance of your support and assistance on the present occasion'. Previously represented Lisburn and Antrim in the 1770s. See Wikipedia for details of his political career (not revealing about 1806 though).

[ David Murray, 2nd Earl of Mansfield. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Mansfield') to the Duke of Portland, sometime Prime MInister, regarding the resignation of 'Dr Campbell' and the arrangements for his pension.

David Murray, 2nd Earl of Mansfield (1727-1796) [ The Viscount Stormont between 1748 and 1793 ], politician and diplomat [ William Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland; Dr Thomas Campbell ]
Publication details: 
'Kenwood Tuesday afternoon | July 28 [ 1793 ]'.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'D. of Portland'. The date '93' has been added in a contemporary hand beside 'July 28'. Knowing Portland, he feels that 'Dr Campbells Interests cannot be safer' than in his hands. He is transmitting a letter of resignation, to be used whenever Portland thinks proper.

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