[Lord Byron; pamphlet; presentation copy] Byron's Tomb and other Poems.

William Simpson
Publication details: 
No date but authorial inscription dated October 1949 and [1949] bottom of fr. cover.

Pamphlet, 16pp., 8vo, sl. grubby, inside cover, sl. strained, with a number 'R30668' at bottom. Only one copy recorded on WorldCat (none on COPAC) with inaccurate publishing data (Print Book, English, [1953?]Publisher: [Notts. Newspapers], [Hucknall, Notts.], [1953?]). See Images of front cover of pamphlet.

[Sir George Sinclair, 2nd Baronet, Scottish Whig politician, schoolfriend of Byron, interrogated by Napoleon Bonaparte.] Autograph Letter Signed to James Cockell, editor of the Mirror of Parliament, regarding copies of parliamentary speeches by him.

Sir George Sinclair (1790-1868), 2nd Baronet, Scottish Whig politician and author, friend of Bryon’s at Harrow, personally interrogated as a spy by Napoleon Bonaparte
George Sinclair
Publication details: 
‘62 St James’s Street / June 23. 1832 -’.
George Sinclair

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. It was in October of 1806 that a sixteen year-old Sinclair was arrested as a spy near Jena, and brought before Napoleon, who examined him and ordered his release. 1p, 16mo. On heavily aged, creased and worn paper with light staining above the signature, and strip torn away at bottom left. Addressed on reverse to 'The Editor of the / Mirror of Parliament.' Signed ‘George Sin Clair [sic]’. He thanks him for his kindness ‘in sending yesterday for a copy of the remarks which I made as to the [Prussian?] loan’.

[Countess of Blessington] Autograph Letter Signed M. Blessington to [F. Mansell Reynolds, novelist and editor of The Keepsake(?)]. See description below.

Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington (n?e Power; 1789?1849), Irish novelist, journalist, and literary hostess
Publication details: 
Monday Ev[enin]g [4 March 1833]. See description below.

Three pages, 12mo, bifolium, good condition, in her sprawling hand, 1/4in. strip of glue from previous laying down on blank page 4. My dear Sir | Pray do not think me forgetful towards you in not answering your note received many days ago, but I am so occupied and fatigued with writing that I have not a [moment?] to myself, and after all I fear it will be impossible for me to fulfill [sic] my engagement with [publisher] Mr Bentley - | Excuse the brevity of this, I thank you for the [?], and I expect your book is universally read and as universally praised - | Always sincerely yours | M.

[John Murray II, Scottish publisher] Autograph Note Signed Jno Murray to Gentlemen [Messrs Bell & Bradfute, publishers, Edinburgh = addressees]

John Murray II (1778 ? 1843), Scottish publisher and member of the John Murray publishing house.
Publication details: 
No place given, Decr 8 - 1806

One page, 16mo (11 x 12cm), bifolium, apparently trimmed with loss of text only of docketed information in another hand, minor defects, but complete. See Image. Text: Gentlemen | Be so good as to forward the above as early as convenient & oblige [...].

Thomas Crofton Croker, Irish antiquary.] The long first part of an Autograph Letter to ‘Mr. Croker’ [unidentified], regarding the life of the poet Thomas Moore, whom he claims exhibits a ‘love for falsification upon all matters’.

[Thomas Crofton Croker (1798-1854), Irish antiquary] [Thomas Moore (1779-1852), Irish poet and friend of Lord Byron]
Publication details: 
‘3 Gloucester road / Old Brompton / Thursday’. Pencil note states ‘2 June’ [1853].

An interesting letter regarding the man who was regarded as Ireland's national poet before the appearance of William Butler Yeats. See Croker’s entry, and that of Thomas Moore, in the Oxford DNB. The former contains a paragraph discussing the association between the two men, the conclusion of which explains the context of the present item: ‘At the end of his life Croker (by his own account) was working on a biography of Moore, whom he termed 'an actor—a hypocrite—a swindler—a sensualist and a habitual liar' (Irish Book Lover, 50).

[Samuel Rogers ('The Banker Poet')] Autograph Note Signed to Lady Burdett, declining with regret an invitation that would have given him pleasure.

Samuel Rogers, 'The Banker Poet', art connoisseur, member of the Holland House circle, and acquaintance of Wordsworth, Byron, Sir Walter Scott [Lady Burdett]
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Removed from album, and closely trimmed, having been cut down to 9 x 7 cm, with corners cropped. Lightly aged, with one fold for postage. In neat close hand, reads: ‘My dear Lady Burdett / I am very sorry indeed that an Engagement from which I cannot release myself will deprive me of so great a pleasure. Yours ever / S Rogers.’ See image

[Doris Langley Moore, fashion historian and Byron scholar.] Typed Letter Signed, three Typed Cards Signed and Typed Note to Philip Dosse, publisher of Books and Bookmen, discussing Byron's family, reviews, and a 'personal disclosure'.

Doris Langley Moore [n?e Doris Elizabeth Langley Levy] (1902-1989), fashion historian and founder of the Fashion Museum at Bath, authority on Lord Byron [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher]
Publication details: 
1976 and 1977. All items with her printed address 5 Prince Albert Road, London NW1.

An interesting range of content. See her entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ?Death of a Bookman? by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ?Books and Bookmen? at the time of Dosse?s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. The letter, with her printed letterhead, is somewhat worn and creased, the other four items are in good condition. Three items (including the letter) signed ?Doris Moore? and one ?DLM?.

[Foyles Literary Luncheon for Sir Angus Wilson, 1980.] Autograph Letter Signed from ‘Dolly’ [Mrs A. G. Dowdeswell] to ‘Philip’ [Philip Dosse of ‘Books and Bookmen’], with reference to Wilson, Melvyn Bragg, Simon Young of John Murray, Ian Jack.

[Foyles Literary Luncheon for Sir Angus Wilson, 1980] ‘Dolly’ [Mrs A. G. Dowdeswell, Secretary, The Johnson Society of London] [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher ‘Books and Bookmen’; Melvyn Bragg,
Publication details: 
27 August 1980; on letterhead of 26 High Street, Biddenden, Kent.

See the entries for Angus Wilson and Christina Foyle in the Oxford DNB. ‘Dolly’ is clearly the ‘Mrs. A. G. Dowdeswell’ who was secretary of the Johnson Society of London in the 70s and 80s (arranging luncheons) and named as a member of the Johnson Society at least as late as 1992. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018.

[John Herman Merivale, poet and friend of Lord Byron.] Signature for autograph hunter: ‘John Herman Merivale’.

John Herman Merivale (1779-1844), poet, lawyer, author and literary scholar, friend of Lord Byron
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 16 x 10 cm rectangle cut from leaf of an autograph album. In good condition, on wove paper, lightly aged and creased. Nothing on the leaf apart from the signature ‘John Herman Merivale’, with the helpful addition ‘(Dead)’ in a near-contemporary hand beside it.

[Inscribed by Author; with authorial inscrioption] 'Sydney's' Letter to the King and other correspondence, connected with the Reported Exclusion of Lord Byron's Monument from Westminster Abbey.

'Sydney' [pseud.]
Publication details: 
London: James Cawthorn, British Library, Cockspur Street, 1828

Pp.hf.title, title, [i]-[x]; [11]-56[4], paginated to p.56 (apparently the end of the copy on the Net)), with additional (after a Campbell poem) address 'To the Reader' commencing Since this little book was sent to the press it appears [...] that the lines 'said to have been written in a Bible' are not Lord Byron's [...]. Original bds, recased, minor spotting mainly good+ INSCRIBED on title With the Author's Compliments.

[Charles Greville; Thomas Moore, poet] Autograph Manuscript in Greville's hand of story told by Thomas Moore, replicated in Greville's Diary. See scan of first page.

[Thomas Moore, poet] Charles Greville [Charles Cavendish Fulke Greville (1794 – 1865), diarist and an amateur cricketer ].
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Four pages, cr. 8vo, bifolium, good condition. Text in Greville's hand introduced by words Crompton Loquitur and Told by Thomas Moore at Roehampton Nov 1829 - & written down by Charles Greville in Greville's hand, printed in Greville's Diary, Chap.6, 12 Nov. 1829: [Text from Greville's Diary as follows} 'Some years ago I was present at a duel that was fought between a young man of the name of MacLoughlin and another Irishman. MacL. was desperately wounded; his second ran up to him, and thought to console him with the intelligence that his antagonist had also fallen.

[Admiral George Anson Byron, 7th Baron Byron of Rochdale, cousin and successor of the poet Lord Byron.] Autograph Signature ('Byron') on frank of letter to the Hon. Mrs Collingwood.

George Anson Byron (1789-1868), 7th Baron Byron of Rochdale, Royal Navy admiral, and cousin of the poet Lord Byron, whom he succeeded to the title [Admiral Collingwood; Collingwood House, Kent]
Publication details: 
'Portsmouth December Seventh 1826', with frank of 8 December 1826.

Frank on 7 x 13 cm panel cut from front of envelope. In good condition, lightly aged, laid down on part of leaf from album, with the reverse carrying part of the frank to a letter from another unidentified individual, with free postmark from 1826. Byron's frank has the customary red-ink postmark at top right ('FREE | 8 DE 8 | 1826'), and is laid out by him in the customary fashion: 'Portsmouth December Seven | 1826 | The Honble. Mrs. Collingwood | Hawkhurst | Kent'. Byron's signature 'Byron.', at bottom left, is only underlined, and not enclosed within the two parallel lines as required.

[Thomas Moore, 'the national poet of Ireland'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. Moore') regarding the return by his wife of a book he has made use of.

Thomas Moore ['Anacreon Moore'] (1779-1852), regarded in the nineteenth-century as the national poet of Ireland, friend and literary executor of Lord Byron
Publication details: 
13 September 18[...]. [Bath?]

On one side of a piece of paper cropped to 11 x 8 cm, resulting in loss of text at edges. Otherwise in fair condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Septr 13th 18[...] | [...] dear Sir - | As Mrs. Moore is [...] | [...]ith a parcel for Beafort Build[...] | [...] the opportunity of returning a book whi[...] | [...] to a set, you may be inconvenienced [...] | [...], and I have got all I wanted out of it [...] | You will have the goodness to send the [...] | [...] basket to Mrs. Dyke. | Yours ever | T.

[Edward Harley, 5th Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Oxford') [to his steward], regarding the sending of his coach from England to Naples ('now open for the English'), and 'the Sadler [sic] in North Audley Street'.

Edward Harley, 5th Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer (1773-1848), nobleman and connoisseur.
Publication details: 
'Cagliari [Sardinia] March 7th. 1814.'

The Earl's wife was a mistress of Lord Byron. Her infidelities let to her children being jokingly referred to as 'The Harleian Miscellany'. 1p, 4to. Heavily aged and worn, with spike hole at centre. Folded several times. 'Sir | As Naples is now open for the English I beg you will send the Carriage to Naples for me by the first Ship that Sails from England for that Country. We are going there immediately. & shall [the]refore want it. I hope therefore you will lose no time in sending it. I will thank you to call on Wh.

[Lord Castlereagh, Tory Foreign Secretary at the Congress of Vienna, hated by Byron and Shelley.] Autograph Letter in the third person, as 'Lord Londonderry', asking him to present a book to the king from 'Monsieur de Martens'.

Lord Castlereagh [Robert Stewart, 2nd Marquess of Londonderry; styled Viscount Castlereagh, 1769-1821] (1769-1822), Tory Foreign Secretary at Congress of Vienna, hated by Byron, Shelley and radicals
Publication details: 
'St James' Square | 1 May /22 [1822]'.

2pp., 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Lord Londonderry presents his compliments to Mr Watson and begs to forward to him a letter and book which he has been requested by Monsieur de Martens to present to His Majesty'. Londonderry was considered a repressive figure by the radicals. In a poem Byron called on travellers to piss on his grave, and in 'The Masque of Anarchy' Shelley wrote: 'I met murder on the way, | He had a mask like Castlereagh.' Within months of the present communication Londonderry would commit suicide.

[ Lady Byron ] Autograph Letter Signed "A I Noel Byron" to unnamed male correspondent (George Armstrong of Clifton Vale) about her view of "free and tolerant Protestant Churches".

Anne Isabella Noel Byron, Lady Byron, sometime wife of Lord Byron.
Publication details: 
Brighton, 17 March 1851.

A substantial letter in length and quality. Three pages, 12mo, bifolium, very good condition.

[ Sir Byrom Bramwell, President of the Royal College of Physicians. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Byrom Bramwell') to 'Mr. Milburn', regarding an exchange of portrait photographs.

Sir Byrom Bramwell (1847-1931), physician and neurologist, President of the Royal College of Physicians
Publication details: 
The first on letterhead of 4 Drumsheugh Gardens West, Edinburgh; 14 June 1874. The second from Edinburgh; 21 August 1879.

Both in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: 14 June 1874. He is enclosing his 'photo' and hopes to get Milburn's in exchange, 'with your Autograph on the back'. He sends his regards to Milburn's father and mother. TWO. 21 August 1879. 2pp., 12mo. He received the photograph with pleasure and thanks him for it. He is glad to hear that Milburn's father is better and sends his regards to both parents.

[ Henry Gally Knight of Firbeck Hall, MP and poetaster lampooned by Lord Byron. ] Autograph Letter to 'Mr Radley' in the third person

Henry Gally Knight (1786-1846) of Firbeck Hall, Rotherham, MP, traveller and writer lampooned by Lord Byron
Publication details: 
'Lathorn House | Sept 20. 1839'.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Tipped in onto paper mount. Reads: 'Mr Gally Knight requests Mr Radley to let him have a Room for a few Hours on Monday Morning - He & Mrs Knight purpose to be at Liverpool about twelve oclock & will go to Manchester by the 1/2 p 2 Train. - They wish to have some Luncheon between one & two oclock.' Scott's Ivanhoe is set near to Firbeck Hall, and Knight may have been his source of local information.

[ Edward Byron Nicholson, Bodley's Librarian. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. B. Nicholson') to an unnamed party [ Alexander Ramsay ], regarding non-payment for a periodical [ 'The Scientific Roll' ]..

E. B. Nicholson [ Edward Williams Byron Nicholson ] (1849-1912), Bodley's Librarian, 1882-1912 [ Bodleian Library, University of Oxford ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the London Institution, Finsbury Circus, E.C. 18 August 1881.

1p., 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Reads: 'Dear Sir, | I got your last no. all right. I meant one particular day to pay you, and at the end of the day forgot whether I had or had not written to do so - coming to the erroneous conclusion that I had.' Postscript: 'No. 4 received and paid for also'. From the Ramsay papers.

Document signed "Anne Isabella Noel Byron" and others.

Anne Isabella Baroness Noel Byron
Publication details: 
I August 1853.

Conveyance of Lands at Stapleton in the County of Leicester, Joseph Knight and John Edwards (the other signatories) to Baroness Noel Byron, widow of the poet, and others (family). A vellum deed, 26" x 20", folded, 2 leaves, with a PL:AN including the land (coloured) involved in the agreement, c. 12 x 12", adjacent to Wigstones Farm Stapleton and Kirkby Lordship.. Good condition although front panel of folded item is stained without loss or obscuring.

[ James Morier, author of 'Hajji Baba of Ispahan'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Morier') to 'Captn. Roberts', inviting him to dinner with 'Parkes'.

James Morier [ James Justinian Morier ] (1780-1849), author of 'The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan' [ Daniel Roberts (1789-1869), Royal Navy officer, member of Pisan Circle of Byron and Shelley ]
Publication details: 
No date and place, only 'Thursday', but annotated 'Castellamare | 1830'.

1p., 16mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper. Anotated in pencil 'From Mr. Morier' and 'Castellamare | 1830'. Addressed to 'Dear Roberts'. Begins: 'If you are a good fellow do come and dine with us today at 3. I know it is short notice, but our table holds only a certain number.' Also asks him to join a party to visit Pompeii the following Friday, which also includes 'Parkes who dines here'.

[ Admiral George Anson Byron (1789-1868), 7th Lord Byron. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Byron.'), directing admission to the gallery House of Lords.

Admiral George Anson Byron (1789-1868), 7th Baron Byron, cousin of the poet Lord Byron [ George Gordon Noel, 6th Baron Byron of Rochdale ]
Publication details: 
7 March 1846.

1p., landscape 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged, with minor traces of glue from mount on reverse. With a large firm signature, the text reads: 'Admit the Bearer to the Gallery of the House of Lords | Byron. | Monday | March 7th 1846'.

[ Terry Jeeves, science-fiction artist and fanzine editor. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Terry') to Don Malcolm, on a number of topics including his lifelong interest in aeronautics and space travel.

Terry Jeeves [ Byron Terry Jeeves; B. T. Jeeves ] (1922-2011), Science-Fiction artist, writer and fanzine editor [ Don Malcolm, Scottish science fiction expert; Glasgow, Scotland; British sci-fi ]
Publication details: 
On his illustrated letterhead, 230 Bannerdale Rd, Sheffield. 8 July [no year, but circa 1970 ].

2pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. On two leaves stapled together. The letterhead, printed in red, is a cartoon portrait of the artist with palette and brush, pointing to the address on a blackboard. A long chatty letter, listing the titles and prices of an order Malcolm has made, describing his activities at a time when he is 'pushed like mad', arranging an 'interview for ERG', discribing the contents of the four albums of his stamp collecting ('I wouldn't call myself a philatelist . . . .

[ Roger Senhouse, member of the Bloomsbury Group. ] Autograph annotations on his (and Lytton Strachey's) Byron books, in 'Byron and Byroniana' catalogue, and on Rayner Heppenstall's BBC telepathy experiment, with copy of printed BBC 'Findings'.

Roger Senhouse [Roger Henry Pocklington Senhouse] (1899-1970), English publisher, member of Bloomsbury Group [ Elkin Mathews Ltd; Rayner Heppenstall (1911-81); Giles Lytton Strachey; BBC ]
Publication details: 
Catalogue: Elkin Mathews Ltd, 33 Conduit St, London W1. January 1930. BBC 'Findings', stamped with date 3 December 1945.

ONE: Elkin Mathews catalogue. xii + 125pp., 8vo. 776 items, with a number of facsimiles. In grey printed wraps. Internally in fair condition, on aged paper, cocked at foot, in heavily-worn wraps with repair to rear cover. Containing numerous annotations in Senhouse's close, neat hand, mostly in pencil, giving bibliographical information relating to various entries, with reference to his own collection. Next to the entry for a first edition of 'English Bards and Scotch Reviewers' Senhouse writes: 'my copy "H S" Sold to Quaritch'.

[Carlisle; Byron] Autograph Letter Signed "Carlisle" to unnamed correspondent (""My dear :Lord").

Howard Frederick, 5th Earl of Carlisle (1748-1825), diplomat.
Publication details: 
No place or date, [watermark 1805].

One page, 4to, bifolium, damp-stained, one leaf partly stuck to second blank leaf, text clear and complete. "Under the present state of politics I am not to suspect you have any altered sentiment respecting our sapient Rulers, & that I do any thing injurious to your feelings when I propose to you to continue yr support to yr old friend by renewing your proxy. I should have submitted my name instead of Ld [Sd's?] but I am too uncertain an attender to be intrusted with your vote.

[Pamphlet; Inscription] Letter to the Right Hon. Earl Grey, on Certain Charges advanced by his Lordship in his Speech at the late County Meeting in Northumberland, against the Clergy of the County of Durham.

Rev. H. Phillpotts
Publication details: 
"Second Edition", Durham:Printed by Francis Humble and Co. for Hatchard, London; and Andrews, Durham.

The first edition was anonymous. Disbound, pp.[i]-viii.[9]-44, good condition. Inscribed by Byron's friend, Henry Drury on title as follows: "Given me by my friend the author when he dined with me April 1821. | Henry Drury. Harrow".

[Pamphlet; Greek] Maximu philosophu peri katarchon recensuit et cum annotationibus ed. Eduardus Gerhardius.

[Eduard Gerhard] Edwardus Gerhardius
Publication details: 
Lipsiae, 1820

Disbound pamphlet,[i-ii] title; [1]-35pp.; [36]colophon, foxing. ow good. Eight copies (or so) on WorldCat; BL copy on COPAC. This work was originally in a volume from the Library of Henry Drury, friend of Byron, on the front endpaper of which is inscribed by Drury "coll.perf. | H.Drury. Harrow.| 1823.c.135.3", AND in Drury's hand also, "In this Volume are contained || W. Scott's Halidon Hill. Edinburgh. 1822. | Harroviensis on Lord Byron. London. 1822. | Lord Byron on Bowles. London.1821 | A Remonstrance addressed to Mr. John Murray respecting a recent Publication. Lond. 1822.

[Printed item.] Proceedings at Suffield, September 16, 1858, on the occasion of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Decease of the Rev. Benjamin Ruggles, First Pastor of the First Congregational Church.

[Rev. Benjamin Ruggles, First Pastor of the First Congregational Church, Suffield; Henry A. Sykes; Daniel W. Norton; Byron Loomis; Rev. Joel Mann; Rev. A. C. Washburn; Springfield, Massachusetts]
Publication details: 
Springfield, Mass. Samuel Bowles and Company, Printers. 1859.

118pp., 8vo. Two engravings, both with tissue guards: frontispiece of the 'First Church erected in Suffield. About 1680.'; and 'The Ruggles Monument'. In cream printed wraps. Errata slip at rear. The item begins: 'A Hundred and fifty years had nearly expired since the decease of the first Pastor of the First Congregational Church, and no monument or stone had been set to indicate to the passer-by his last resting-place. The idea was conceived of erecting a suitable monument to his memory; and on the 24th of May, 1858, the Church appointed Dea. Henry A. Sykes, Daniel W.

[Inscribed printed booklet.] Presidential Address 1976 | John Murray C.B.E. | A Poet and his Publisher. [i.e. Lord Byron and John Murray]

John Murray [John Murray VI [John Arnaud Robin Grey Murray] (1909-1993), publisher] [George Gordon Noel, Lord Byron]
Publication details: 
The English Association, 1 Priory Gardens, London, W4 1TT. 1976.

16pp., 8vo. Stapled. In blue printed wraps. Inscribed at the head of the front wrap: 'For Cecil Clarabut who is also subject to Byron's magnetism | from John Murray | and with gratitude for Kindnesses | 30.xii.76'. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper.

[Robert Byron, traveller.] Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Strutt, discussing areas in Ceylon and South India that she should visit.

Robert Byron (1905-1941), traveller and authority on Byzantine civilization, author of 'The Road to Oxiana'
Publication details: 
'as from 91 Bishopsgate | EC2 [London]'. 2 February 1938.

2pp., 4to. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. In original envelope addressed to Mrs Strutt at the Galle Face Hotel, Columbo, Ceylon. He lists four locations in Ceylon, and six in South India, with brief comments including:'15 sq. miles of ruins - the oldest tree in the world'; 'lovely temple, Adams Houses, Flaxman monuments'. The regarding the last location he writes: 'Madras itself has charming classical buildings, & in the Old Durbar Hall is to be

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