[ George Joseph Bell, Professor of Scots Law at the University of Edinburgh. ] Manuscript Testimonial, Signed twice (both 'George Jos Bell'), on behalf of 'Mr Scipio A. Mactaggart'.

George Joseph Bell (1770-1843), Professor of Scots Law at the University of Edinburgh, Scottish jurist [ Scipio Alexander Mactaggart (1812-1886), Writer to the Signet ]
Publication details: 
On printed card of the 'University of Edinburgh Lectures on the Law of Scotland'. Dated November 1834.

The card is 12 x 9 cm. In fair condition, aged and worn. On one side, printed in fancy letters in blue, is 'University of Edinburgh | LECTURES | ON THE | LAW OF SCOTLAND'. Beneath this Bell has written: 'Mr. S. A. Mactaggart | George Jos Bell | Nov 1834'. The testimonial, in a secretarial hand, is on the reverse, signed by Bell at the bottom (again 'George Jos Bell'). It reads: 'Mr Scipio A.

[Cornelius Elliot, Writer to the Signet.] Autograph Letter Signed to Charles Erskine, Writer, of Melrose, regarding a planned meeting in Edinburgh of the trustees of the estate of his brother-in-law Adam Ogilvie, Factor to the Duke of Buccleugh.

Cornelius Elliot (1732-1821) of Wollee, Writer to the Signet, brother-in-law of Adam Ogilvie, Factor of the Duke of Buccleugh
Publication details: 
Teviotbank [Roxburghshire]. 5 February 1810.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. The letter begins: 'For your letter of November you gave me to think that a Meeting of Adam Ogilvies Trustees would be after Martinmas. I now see that could not take place, but I want to see how his matters stand as your Rents and the Roup Bills will all be come in.

Autograph Signature ('Geo Combe') of the Scottish lawyer and phrenologist George Combe.

George Combe [Comb] (1788-1858), Scottish lawyer, phrenologist and author
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On one side of a 5 x 8 cm piece of paper, cut from a letter, and backed with card. In good condition, lightly-aged, with the top two corners rounded. Reads: 'I am | Gentlemen | Your very obed Sert | [signed] Geo Combe'.

Four items: the three numbers of the 'Album of the Bannatyne Club', with the first number bound with 'A Catalogue of Works printed for The Bannatyne Club. No. I.'

David Laing, Secretary, The Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, Scotland [Sir Walter Scott; Scottish; antiquarian]
Publication details: 
[Edinburgh: 1825 ('Catalogue' and first number of 'Album'), 1831 and 1854]

All four items tastefully and crisply printed. ITEMS ONE AND TWO ('Catalogue' and first number of 'Album'): Both 8vo, bound together in original dark-green wraps. 'Catalogue': 12 pp; 'Album': 22 + [i] pp. All edges gilt. Wraps creased and worn, with slight chipping at head of spine. Some creasing to prelims and last few leaves. Note to 'Catalogue' (by 'D. L. | S.') explains that the 'following List contains the titles of such Books as have been printed for the Bannatyne Club since its Institution in February 1823'.

Signed Manuscript 'Precept of Clare Constat by the Commissioner for The Duke of Portland in favor of Joseph Kennedy'.

William John Cavendish Bentinck Scott, 5th Duke of Portland; Joseph Kennedy, carpet weaver of Lasswade, Kilmarnoch; James Moncrieff Melville; James Lindesay; William Bett
Publication details: 
Edinburgh; 7 April 1857.

Three pages. On vellum bifolium made from skin roughly fourteen inches by twenty wide. Three official stamps. Signed twice by 'Jas M Melville', Writer to the Signet, and his partner James Lindesay ('Jas. Lindesay'), and witnessed by their clerk William Bett ('W. Bett').

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