[C. Gordon Tether: ?Lombard? of the Financial Times of London.] Typed Letter Signed to Philip Dosse of ?Books and Bookmen?, regarding reviews and his anti-Common Market pamphlet.

C. Gordon Tether, economic author and journalist, the ?Lombard? columnist of the Financial Times of London [Philip Dosse (1925-1980) of Hansom Books, publisher of 'Books and Bookmen']
Publication details: 
7 June 1979. With printed label with address Hetheringstoke, Lawfords Hill Road, Worplesdon, Guildford.

Such was the longevity of Tether?s Financial Times ?Lombard? column that it featured in the Guinness Book of Records, so the entire absence of biographical information seems odd. Conspiracy theorists might point to the fact that he was an early opponent of the Bilderberg Group: an article on them was rejected by the Financial Times in November 1976. It is reprinted in his ?Banned Articles of C. Gordon Tether? (1977). From the papers of Philip Dosse, proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players.

[Logan Pearsall Smith, American-born British essayist and literary critic associated with the Bloomsbury Group.] Autograph Letter in the third person regarding the dinner of the Royal Literary Fund.

Logan Pearsall Smith (1865-1946), American-born British essayist and literary critic associated with the Bloomsbury Group
Publication details: 
14 June 1921. On letterhead of 11 St Leonard’s Terrace, Chelsea [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Written in the year in which Smith made his one return to America after becoming a British citizen in 1913. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. On grey paper. Reads: ‘Mr. L. Pearsall Smith regrets that he will be away from London on July 6th & will not be able to attend the Dinner of the Royal Literary Fund on that date.’

[Frederick Spencer Gore] Anonymous pencil drawing of him painting at an easel.

Frederick Spencer Gore [(26 May 1878 – 27 March 1914) was a British painter of landscapes, music-hall scenes and interiors, usually with single figures.]
Frederick Spencer Gore
Publication details: 
Without date or place.
Frederick Spencer Gore

English Camden Town Group Painter (1878-1914). Dimensions seven inches by ten inches. Grubby, but in good condition. From the Mark Bonham Carter collection. Captioned 'Spencer Gore | Freddy', with an arrow pointing to impressionistic representation of figure, nine inches high, of the artist in a suit, with high-collared shirt, holding a palette in his left hand and with his right hand outstretched and painting onto a canvas. Around the figure dabs of watercolour and a representation of a foot. Crude drawing of seascape on reverse. Together with scrap of paper reading 'MR.

[The Osmonds, 1970s pop sensation.] Autograph Signatures of Donny Osmond and his brothers Jay and Alan, with that of the disgraced glam teen idol Gary Glitter.

The Osmonds, 1970s pop sensation [Donny Osmond (b.1957); Jay Osmond (b.1955); Alan Osmond (b.1949)] Gary Glitter [Paul Francis Gadd (b.1944)], disgraced glam rock teen idol
The Osmonds,
Publication details: 
No date or place. [Mid 1970s.]
The Osmonds,

In good condition, lightly aged. The Osmond’s signatures are written with brown felt-tip pen on an 8.5 x 13.5 piece of pink paper with rounded edges, evidently removed from an autograph album. With portrait orientation. Alan Osmond writes: ‘Best Wishes - / The Osmonds / Alan Osmond’ and beneath this, one on top of the othe, are the signatures of ‘Donny Osmond’ and ‘Jay Osmond’. The names are written out in another hand at bottom right. On the reverse, with landscape orientation, the large signature of ‘Gary Glitter’. See Image.

[Commander William Guy Carr, Royal Canadian Navy submarine officer and Illuminati conspiracy theorist.] Signature, with address and date, apparently intended for an autograph hunter.

Commander William Guy Carr (1895-1959), Royal Canadian Navy submarine officer and Illuminati conspiracy theorist, leader of the anticommunist National Federation of Christian Laymen of Toronto
Publication details: 
13 June 1939; Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada.

On 11 x 5.5 cm piece of grey paper. Good firm signature, with emphatic underlining, apparently in response to request for an autograph. Reads: 'Richmond Hill / Ontario / Canada. / William Guy Carr / June 13th. 1939.'

[Commander William Guy Carr, Royal Canadian Navy submarine officer and Illuminati conspiracy theorist.] Typed Letter Signed to Eileen Cond, discussing his writing of a second book dealig with ‘the famous “Harwich Strking Force”’ during the Great War.

Commander William Guy Carr (1895-1959), Royal Canadian Navy submarine officer and Illuminati conspiracy theorist, leader of the anticommunist National Federation of Christian Laymen of Toronto
Publication details: 
13 June 1939; Maplecroft, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada.

The recipient Eileen Margaret Cond (1911-1984) was an enthusiastic collector of autographs, with the ability to draw a more than perfunctory response from her targets. 1p, 8vo. Good firm signature, 'William Guy Carr', above typed 'Wm. Guy Carr.' On lightly browned paper with nicks and short closed tears to extremities. His London publishers Hutchinsons have sent on her letter, and he is pleased to learn that she enjoyed her book, and is sending his autograph for her correction.

[The Universal Group of Intuitives, Essex spiritualist society.] Printed prospectus: ‘A Message from Angela (General Secretary)’, with portrait, ‘concerning first vol. of the group’s issue of “Spirit Revelation unveils the Bible” by Charles Kingsley.

‘Angela’ (Susan Boltwood), General Secretary of the Universal Group of Intuitives, Essex, founded by her and her husband Charles Dennis Boltwood (‘Crusader’); spiritualism; Charles Kingsley
Publication details: 
‘November, 1937. Written from’ ‘Parent Centre, “Eversley”, Thorpe-le-Soken, Essex.’

The item advertised in the present prospectus (no other copy of which has been traced) is unaccountably absent from the bibliography of the Victorian author Charles Kingsley. Information regarding the Universal Group of Intuitives was provided to ‘Light’, the journal of the Spiritualist Alliance, by its General Secretary Mrs Frances Boltwood (‘Angela’), and appeared in its number of 10 September 1936.

[Lady Margaret Sackville, poet and children's author, mistress of Ramsay MacDonald.] Typescript of juvenile novel 'Sylvia Thistledown', with autograph emendations, regarding the advetures in Fairy-land of Amelia Egerton and the fairy of the title.

Lady Margaret Sackville (1881-1963), English poet and children’s author, who had an affair with Labour Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald, daughter of Earl De La Warr, cousin of Vita Sackville-West
Publication details: 
On front cover: 'Margaret Sackville | 22. Lansdowne Terrace | Cheltenham'. Undated, but date stamped 30 November 1945.

According to the Daily Telegraph, 2 November 2006 (see the end of this description), Lady Margaret Sackville was 'a poet who mixed with writers such as W B Yeats and Wilfred Scawen Blunt, was a friend of Lady Ottoline Morrell, a leading member of the Bloomsbury Set'. 167pp., 4to. Each page on the recto of a separate leaf, the whole bound with green thread through punch holes in margins. The first page worn and with label (of literary agent?) removed from head, otherwise in good condition, lightly aged and worn.

[Margot Asquith, Countess of Oxford.] Autograph Letter Signed (Draft?), urging her ‘Darling’ to overcome the ‘love of blue in yr. pictures’ and ‘do an oil sketch of white on white’. With reference to Selwyn Image.

Margot Asquith [Emma Margaret Asquith, Countess of Oxford and Asquith, née Tennant] (1864-1945), wife of Liberal Prime Minister H. H. Asquith, author and socialite
Publication details: 
12 March 1932; on letterhead of 44 Bedford Square, W.C.1. [London.]

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. An interesting letter, whose circumstances are intriguing. 3pp, 12mo. On two leaves of letterheaded paper. In pencil. From the Asquith papers, and possibly a draft letter to her son Anthony (‘Puffin’). In good condition, lightly creased. Folded once. The signature is a short squiggle. The handwriting is challenging, and the following interpretation is tentative. She begins: ‘My Darling, I felt rather guilty after leaving you about abusing yr. love of blue in yr. pictures. - I can see that nothing I say can alter yr. love of this colour, & I hate hurting yr.

[Dora Carrington; Bloomsbury; bookplates; art] Autograph Letter Signed Noel Carrington to King [?], about his sister's work (Carrington) and Lytton Strachey's library.

[Dora Carrington] Noel Carrington [Noel Lewis Carrington (1895 – 1989), book designer, editor, publisher, and the originator of Puffin Books.]
Publication details: 
Long Acre Farm, Lambourn, Berks, RG16 7UH

Two pages, cr. 8vo, fold marks, good condition. Text: Your enquiry about woodcuts and bookplates made by my sister Dora Carrington for Lytton Strachey and others: You will find in the book on her Letters & Diaries edited by David Garnett (Cape 1970) and Paper Back OUP, several reproductions of her work in that medium, either for Hogarth Press, or for book plates for friends. It was John Nash who taught her, he himself being an experienced engraver. I have one of two original proofs but value them too highly to spare them.

[ George Hooper, artist ] Three substantial Autograph Letters Signed George Hooper and George to Brom [ John Bromfield Gay Rees, Welsh artist ] about his experiences in galleries in Englsnd and on continent.

George Hooper, artist
Publication details: 
One from his Redhill address (18 April 1935), the second from a Hotel in Amsterdam (16 June 1935) and the third from Urbino , 17 August 1935. All with original envelopes.

LETTER ONE (April): Three pages, 12mo, good condition. He discusses their respective illnesses, him recuperating at Minehead. The district round about Minehead is very stimulating, & inspiring. Watchet, a romantic port near by, immediately took my fancy. I tried to do some watercolours here but my efforts met with indifferent success. I learned later that Watchet is the traditional place from which Coleridge's 'Ancient Mariner' sailed. A fellow artist ('Scott') 'assailed' him when he was 'back to school', saying, he was down at Chelsea , & there was quite a group of artists there now.

[Lady Margaret Sackville, poet and children's author, mistress of Ramsay MacDonald.] Typescript of juvenile novel 'Sylvia Thistledown', with autograph emendations, regarding the advetures in Fairy-land of Amelia Egerton and the fairy of the title.

Lady Margaret Sackville (1881-1963), English poet and children’s author, who had an affair with Labour Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald, daughter of Earl De La Warr, cousin of Vita Sackville-West
Publication details: 
On front cover: 'Margaret Sackville | 22. Lansdowne Terrace | Cheltenham'. Undated, but date stamped 30 November 1945.

According to the Daily Telegraph, 2 November 2006 (see the end of this description), Lady Margaret Sackville was 'a poet who mixed with writers such as W B Yeats and Wilfred Scawen Blunt, was a friend of Lady Ottoline Morrell, a leading member of the Bloomsbury Set'. 167pp., 4to. Each page on the recto of a separate leaf, the whole bound with green thread through punch holes in margins. The first page worn and with label (of literary agent?) removed from head, otherwise in good condition, lightly aged and worn.

[ Rosamund Lehmann ] Autograph Letter Signed "Rosamund Lehmann" to a "Miss Murray"

Rosamond Lehmann (1901-1990), British novelist, associated with the Bloomsbury Group
Publication details: 
[Headed] Llanstephan House, Llyswen, Brecon, 13 August 1939.

Three pages, 12mo, good condition."Mrs Lynd's [ Sylvia Lynd, author ] letter about the Femina Committee followed me here where I am spending a few days. The onlky objection I can see to inserting the word 'formerly' before F.V.H. [Femina - Vie Heureuse ] is that the title of the Prize Committee would be even more unwieldy than it already is!- but of course I am in favour of trying to settle the difference between the two French committees, and hope Mrs Lynd will write the letter she suggests in her letter. I must admit that I didn't realize there were two [underlined] French committees."

[ Rosamond Lehmann, novelist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('R.') to 'Dearest Geoffrey', regarding an unnamed woman's conviction that he is 'Pourponne'.

Rosamond Lehmann (1901-1990), British novelist, associated with the Bloomsbury Group
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 70 Eaton Square, London SW1. 17 March 1972.

2pp., 8vo. On aged and worn paper. The letter begins: 'Dearest Geoffrey | She is quite convinced you were Pourponne! - says it was given to her before she saw your photographs - (about which she says some very gratifying things!) How does this strike you?!' The woman is 'hunting for a confirmatory portrait'. While Lehmann herself has 'only the haziest impression of Pourponne', she does know that 'they were mutually devoted' She exclaims: 'Oh do hurry up & start this book!

[ Pamphlet. ] Sensational Revelations! Life in English Prisons.

H. H. Duncan [ David Nicholl [ Sheffield Anarchist Group; the Walsall Anarchists ]
Publication details: 
'The Anarchist. Vol. 2 - No. 18. June, 1895.' Printed and Published by David Nicholl, 7, Broomhall Street, Sheffield.

16pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with reverse of last leaf browned. Separate title-page, with only the following on it: 'SENSATIONAL REVELATIONS! | Life in | ENGLISH | PRISONS. | ONE PENNY.' Drophead title on p.3 with details of 'The Anarchist'. Duncan's article runs from p.4 to p.8, and is titled: 'Life in English Prisons. | The First Night in the Cells.

[ James Bolivar Manson, artist and Director of the Tate Gallery, London. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. B. Manson') to '[J.G.] Wilson', of booksellers, Bumpus, making suggestions for the placement of 'scraps of Irish Architects'.

J. B. Manson [ James Bolivar Manson ] (1879-1945), 'London Group' artist and Director of the Tate Gallery, Millbank, London, 1930-1938
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the National Gallery [i.e. Tate Gallery], Millbank, SW1 [London]. 3 July 1929.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He considers that 'the scraps of Irish Architects' might be 'very useful for reference', and suggests offering them to the Royal Institute of British Architects or Association of Architects. In the latter part of the letter he makes suggestions regarding a meeting the following week.

[ Roger Senhouse, member of the Bloomsbury Group. ] Autograph annotations on his (and Lytton Strachey's) Byron books, in 'Byron and Byroniana' catalogue, and on Rayner Heppenstall's BBC telepathy experiment, with copy of printed BBC 'Findings'.

Roger Senhouse [Roger Henry Pocklington Senhouse] (1899-1970), English publisher, member of Bloomsbury Group [ Elkin Mathews Ltd; Rayner Heppenstall (1911-81); Giles Lytton Strachey; BBC ]
Publication details: 
Catalogue: Elkin Mathews Ltd, 33 Conduit St, London W1. January 1930. BBC 'Findings', stamped with date 3 December 1945.

ONE: Elkin Mathews catalogue. xii + 125pp., 8vo. 776 items, with a number of facsimiles. In grey printed wraps. Internally in fair condition, on aged paper, cocked at foot, in heavily-worn wraps with repair to rear cover. Containing numerous annotations in Senhouse's close, neat hand, mostly in pencil, giving bibliographical information relating to various entries, with reference to his own collection. Next to the entry for a first edition of 'English Bards and Scotch Reviewers' Senhouse writes: 'my copy "H S" Sold to Quaritch'.

[Lord Annan and Virginia Woolf's cousin Dorothea Jane Stephen.] Three Autograph Letters Signed from 'N. G. Annan' to 'Miss Stephen', on his biography of her uncle Sir Leslie Stephen. With autograph notes by her, including a childhood reminiscence.

Noel Gilroy Annan (1916-2000), Baron Annan [Lord Annan] [Dorothea Jane Stephen (1871-1965), daughter of James Fitzjames Stephen, niece of Sir Leslie Stephen and cousin of Virginia Woolf]
Publication details: 
All three on letterhead of King's College, Cambridge. The three dated by the recipient to 'Spt. or Oct. 1951', '2/10. [2 October] 1951' and '29/2/52' [29 February 1952].

The three letters in very good condition; the first two attached to one another in one corner by a stud. Also included is Dorothea Stephen's copy of Annan's biography ('Leslie Stephen: His Thought and Character in Relation to his Time', 1951), worn and without dustwrapper, with her ownership signature ('D J. Stephen'), and a page of autograph notes critical of the book at the rear.

[Margaret Francis Harris, theatre designer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Margaret Harris') to 'Mr Rhodes', discussing the sale of her 'Motley designs' to the University of Illinois.

Margaret Harris [Margaret Francis Harris] (1904-2000), English opera, costume and theatre designer [Motley Theatre Design Group]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Theatre Design Course at Riverside, Riverside Studios, Crisp Road, Hammersmith. 17 June 1982.

2pp., 8vo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. She apologises for not being able to be 'helpful on any of your questions'. She does not even possess a copy of her own 'Designing and Making Stage Costume'. 'I have no Motley designs at all, as every one which was in my possession has been sold to the University of Illinois, who have taken the whole collection of about 3000 swatches.' She is glad to hear that he has some of them, 'as it means that there are a few still in this country'.

[Beryl de Zoete, dance critic and orientalist.] Autograph Card Signed ('Beryl de Z.) to the anthropologist Erich Alport, regarding peonies and 'flower viewing'.

Beryl de Zoete [married name Beryl de Sélincourt] (1879-1962), dance critic, orientalist and translator, partner of the sinologist Arthur Waley [Erich Adolph Alport (1903-1972), anthropologist]
Publication details: 
50 Gordon Square, WC [London]. Postmarked date 28 May 1950.

In good condition, on aged card. Addressed to 'Erich Alport Esqe. | 195 Woodstock Rd. | Oxford'. The card reads: 'By dint of putting them up to their necks in water every night, all the peonies came out & are only just scattering their petals. I have been flower viewing all the week - two magnificent gardens & the Chelsea show. It was very nice to see you. I hope you will propose yourself again - after I get back from abroad.'

[Henry Lamb, artist] Three Christmas Cards to Robert Lynd, essayist, and Sylvia Lynd, poet

Henry, Lamb, English artist of the Camden Town Group
Publication details: 
One dated 1948, another1950, one undated.

Three cards (bifoliums), 15 x 12.5cm, 11.5 x 18cm, 10 x 12.5, inscribed by Lamb either below image on front or on inside blanks. Images, two b & w, one faintly purple background, presumably by him, are: Madonna and child (inscribed page[3] "With love from | Henry Lamb"); Carol Singers (inside "Best wishes from | Henry Lamb") ; children and teenagers playing cards (under image on front "With love to you both | from | Henry Lam.| Xmas/48"). Image available on my website.

Autograph Manuscript by Sir Albert Edward Richardson, Professor of Architecture, University College, London, titled 'Brief History of Painting and Analysis of Masterpieces', with 156 postcards laid down as illustrations.

Sir Albert Edward Richardson (1880-1964), Professor of Architecture at University College London; President of the Royal Academy; editor of Architects’ Journal; founder of the Georgian Group
Publication details: 
Avenue House, Ampthill, Bedfordshire; St. Catherine's College, Cambridge; University College, London. 1939 to 1940.

79pp., 8vo. In stout, thumb-indexed diary for 1930. In fair condition, on aged paper, in heavily worn binding, lacking spine and bowed by the excess material it contains. Ownership inscription by Richardson on flyleaf: 'A E Richardson ARA | Avenue House, | Ampthill Beds. | St. Catherine's College Cambridge, | 1939-1940 | University College, London.' Richardson published a number of works on architectural matters, but nothing on the history of art.

'Keith Grant Tribute' issue of 'The Daub', 'Group IV's magazine', for painting students at the Working Men's College in Camden, with review by Grant of 'diploma week' at the Royal College of Art', and 'Sketch Club Cuttings'.

[Group IV; Working Men's College, Camden, London; Sketch Club; Keith Grant [Keith Frederick Grant] (b.1930), landscape painter, born in Liverpool, who studied at the Royal College of Art, 1955-1958]
Publication details: 
[Working Men's College, Camden, London.] July 1958.

An interesting and scarce item. There are no copies of any issues of this magazine on either OCLC WorldCat or COPAC, and there is no record whatsoever of 'Group IV' itself. Now acknowledged as one of Britain's finest landscape painters, Keith Grant joined the Working Men's College on finishing his National Service with the RAF; he then enrolled at Willesden Art School, before joining the Royal College of Art, where he studied under Colin Hayes, John Minton and Kenneth Rowntree. 22pp., 4to.

Typed Note Signed from the novelist Naomi Mitchison to 'Miss Steele', asking her to forward a letter.

Naomi Mitchison [Naomi Mary Margaret Mitchison, née Haldane], Lady Mitchison (1897-1999), novelist and social activist [The Bournemouth Little Theatre Club, founded 1919]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of River Court, Hammersmith Mall, W6. 12 December 1932.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. She writes that she is enclosing a letter, which she would like sent on 'to the Manager of the Bournemouth Little Theatre Club if you will, as I do not know the address'.

Autograph Letter Signed from English painter Henry Lamb, R.A., to fellow-artist Jean Inglis.

Henry Lamb (1883-1960), R.A. English artist of the Camden Town Group [Jean Inglis]
Autograph Letter Signed from English painter Henry Lamb
Publication details: 
4 July 1944; St John's Cottage, Cambridge.
Autograph Letter Signed from English painter Henry Lamb

Landscape 12mo. 12 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper, in envelope addressed by Lamb to Inglis. On 'seeing the picture after that long interval' he was 'not ashamed of it', but 'when it was new my friends used to rag me about my "Morgue" pictures', there being 'a few others of similar gruesome import'. Now that he is 'far past youth' he is 'painting mostly scenes of sweetness & serenity'. He is sorry that she is 'denied the priviledge [sic] I have enjoyed all these sinister times', that of being able to paint.

Autograph account by Frederick Leman Whelan of a visit by him to the Soviet Union in 1936, as leader of 'the League of Nations Union party' of British 'useful idiots'; with other matter relating to the U.S.S.R.

Frederick Leman Whelan (1867-1955), Fabian socialist author and founder of the Stage Society [the Soviet Union; USSR; Russian Revolution; League of Nations Union; useful idiots]
MS. Account a visit to the Soviet Union in 1936
Publication details: 
'To Leningrad & Moscow Intourist "S.S. Cooperazia". Sat. 27th June to Sunday 19th July 1936.' [First entry dated 22 June 1936.]
MS. Account a visit to the Soviet Union in 1936

Small 4to, 61 pp, with the first four pages unpaginated and the last ones paginated 1-57. In notebook of good laid paper, in decorative boards. Text clear and complete. Very good, on lightly-aged paper; in worn and chipped wraps, with 'U.S.S.R.' on spine and front board. Various addresses by Whelan inside the front cover, with the date 1936 amended to 1945 and 1950. Pages of slogans and abbreviations are followed by the notebook itself. The volume intersperses notes on the visit (ending at p.31) with extracts of quotations, statistics and other matter about the Soviet Union.

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