[Benjamin Jowett, Master of Balliol College, Oxford, and translator of Plato.] Two Autograph Letters Signed, one to ‘Bramston’ and the other to '[Shairp? Sherif?]'.

Benjamin Jowett (1817-1893), Master of Balliol College, Oxford, translator of Plato and close friend of Florence Nightingale and contemporary of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ('Lewis Carroll')
Publication details: 
First letter, to Bramston, ‘Aug. 21 [no year, on paper watermarked 1864] / Tummil Bridge [i.e. Tummell Bridge, Pitlochry]’, on embossed letterhead of ‘COLL DE BALL / OXON’. Second letter, no date or page.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both letters signed ‘B Jowett’. ONE: Autograph Letter Signed to ‘My dear Bramston’. 2pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, but with discoloration (probably deliberate, since he is writing from Scotland) to letterhead. Strip of paper from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded for postage. Begins by asking for his thanks, and those of ‘Lord Kerry’ (his student, see Abbott’s ‘Life and Letters’), to be sent to ‘Captain Egerton for his kind and hospitable invitation’.

Morton Cohen (1921-2017), Pre-eminent Lewis Carroll Scholar:] Miscellaneous Papers, 1972-2006, the vast majority implicating Lewis Carroll..

Morton Cohen (1921-2017), Pre-eminent Lewis Carroll Scholar:
Publication details: 

Full decription on application or on my website. ABE inventory omits substantial end section. A small (ish) archive of material from MNC's London residence (he divided his time between America, England and Puerto Rico), mostly relating to Lewis Carroll (hereafter LC), beginning with a tiny fragment in the hand of the author of 'Alice in Wonderland', and including typescripts, proofs and offprints of his own work (including the edition of LC's letters), incoming correspondence, ephemera, copies of professional papers, illustrations.

[W. & G. Foyle (Foyles), Charing Cross Road booksellers.] Printed prospectus for ‘The Centenary Life of Lewis Carroll ' by Langford Reed, published by the firm as a ‘Trefoile Publication’.

Lewis Carroll [Charles Lutwidge Dodgson], author of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ [Langford Reed; W. & G. Foyle, booksellers (Foyles), Charing Cross Road, London; Trefoile Publications]
Publication details: 
[1932.] ‘A Trefoile Publication from the House of - W. & G. FOYLE, Ltd., 119-125, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.1’.

This prospectus is a scarce item: no other copy has been traced. A 4to bifolium, with four unnumbered pages printed in red. Somewhat aged and worn, with a horizontal strip of light discoloration at the head of the cover, which has the title and author’s name surrounded by a border made up of Tenniel’s illustrations, beneath this is a quotation from Dodgson’s poetry and the price of ‘7/6 net’. Across the middle two pages is the heading ‘The Centenary “Life of Lewis Carroll”’. The text begins by explaining that Reed has made use of Dodgson’s letters to Ellen Terry.

[Lady Margaret Sackville, poet and children's author, mistress of Ramsay MacDonald.] Typescript of juvenile novel 'Sylvia Thistledown', with autograph emendations, regarding the advetures in Fairy-land of Amelia Egerton and the fairy of the title.

Lady Margaret Sackville (1881-1963), English poet and children’s author, who had an affair with Labour Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald, daughter of Earl De La Warr, cousin of Vita Sackville-West
Publication details: 
On front cover: 'Margaret Sackville | 22. Lansdowne Terrace | Cheltenham'. Undated, but date stamped 30 November 1945.

According to the Daily Telegraph, 2 November 2006 (see the end of this description), Lady Margaret Sackville was 'a poet who mixed with writers such as W B Yeats and Wilfred Scawen Blunt, was a friend of Lady Ottoline Morrell, a leading member of the Bloomsbury Set'. 167pp., 4to. Each page on the recto of a separate leaf, the whole bound with green thread through punch holes in margins. The first page worn and with label (of literary agent?) removed from head, otherwise in good condition, lightly aged and worn.

[Lewis Carroll illustrated by Elizabeth Bury.] Two Christmas keepsake private printings: 'The Hunting of the Snark' and 'The Old Man's Comforts by Robert Southey | You Are Old, Father William & The Evidence […] by Lewis Carroll'.

Lewis Carroll [Charles Lutwidge Dodgson], author of 'Alice in Wonderland'; Elizabeth Bury, illustrator, wife of and collaborator with theatre designer John Bury (1925-2000); Robert Southey
Publication details: 
Neither with place or date. 'Snark' with presentation inscription from Bury to Christopher Fry dated Christmas 2003. Other volume with similar inscription dated Christmas 1999.

Elizabeth Bury, illustrator and theatre designer, wife of and collaborator with John Bury (1925-2000), British theatre designer noted for his innovative work with Peter Hall, the Royal Shakespeare Company and National Theatre (see his obituary in the Guardian, 15 November 2000). Two ring-bound 8vo Christmas keepsake private printings, both filled with full-page illustrations by Bury. Both inscribed by her to the playwright Christopher Fry. Both in good condition, with light signs of age. Uniform in layout, both with coloured covers of striking design.

['Lewis Carroll' [Charles Lutwidge Dodgson], Sir Leicester Harmsworth's collection of his books and manuscripts.] Auction Catalogue: 'Catalogue of the Collection of the Writings of the Revd. C. L. Dodgson ("Lewis Carroll")'.

'Lewis Carroll' [Charles Lutwidge Dodgson], books and manuscripts; Sir R. Leicester Harmsworth; Sotheby & Co., London; Winifred Myers, manuscripts dealer
Publication details: 
['Harmsworth Trust Library | The Tenth Portion'.] London: Sotheby & Co. Day of Sale: 26 March 1947.

The full title reads: 'Harmsworth Trust Library | The Tenth Portion | Catalogue of the Collection of the Writings of the Revd. C. L. Dodgson ("Lewis Carroll") Forming part of the renowned Library of the late Sir R. Leicester Harmsworth, Bt., LL.D. (and now Sold by Order of the Trustees)'. 21pp, 8vo. With frontispiece, and plate with illustrations on both sides, as well as several facsimiles in text. (Front cover states: 'Illustrated Catalogue (2 Plates and 6 Line Reproductions)'. In yellow printed and stapled wraps, with last page of text printed on inside back cover.

[ John James Whitley of Warrington, brewer, and 'Lewis Carroll'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('John J. Whitley.') to J. Cuming Walters, regarding Whitley's father the Vicar of Daresbury and the family of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.

John James Whitley (1868-1942) of Warrington, managing director of brewers Greenall, Whitley & Co. [ Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, 'Lewis Carroll'; J. Cuming Walters (1863-1933) ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Hatton Cottage, Warrington. 7 December 1930.

2pp., 12mo. In envelope, with stamp and postmark, addressed to Walters at his London publishers Hodder & Stoughton. In good condition, lightly aged. On reading Walters' 'Romantic Cheshire' he notes that he refers to '"Lewis Carroll" as "whilom Vicar of Daresbury"'. He points out that this is not the case, and that '"Lewis Carroll" was the son of the once Vicar of Daresbury. | My father was Vicar of Daresbury from 1884 to 1896 and I remember the old Vicarage where Mr. Dodgson resided very well. It was demolished about the time my father was appointed Vicar.' The family firm of J. J.

[ Sophia Neate. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Sophia Neate') [ to the actor Charles Charrington ], regarding a lecture in Woking on 'A People's Theatre'.

Sophia Neate (1832-1908) of Heatherside, Woking [ Charles Charrington (1854-1924), actor-manager, and his wife the actress Jane Achurch (1863-1916); Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ('Lewis Carroll') ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Heatherside, Woking. 12 June 1897.

Sophia Neate took on the care of Sally Sinclair and her siblings – 'child-friends' of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson – when their parents died. Neate received financial support from Dodgson and the actor Lionel Brough. On first meeting Mrs. Neate (26 June 1879) Dodgson wrote in his diary that he ‘found her so interesting that I stayed 4 hours!' He occasionally visited her and noted the progress of the Sinclair children as they grew. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Aged and worn, with light staining at foot of gutter.

[ Thomas Vere Bayne, friend of Lewis Carroll. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. Vere Bayne') to Sir Richard Harington, regarding an anecdote by Augustus Hare concerning Samuel Smith, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford.

Thomas Vere Bayne (1829-1908), Student of Christ Church, Oxford, and friend of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ('Lewis Carroll') [ Sir Richard Harington (1835-1911) of Ridlington, 11th Baronet ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Royal Victoria Hotel, St. Leonards-on-Sea. 10 Janary 1897.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. A charming letter, the subject of which is an anecdote told by Augustus Hare in his autobiography relating to Samuel Smith, Dean of Christ Church, which was considered 'defamatory' by Smith's relation Harington, and gave offence to his family.

[ Oxford Photographer; contemporary C.L. Dodgson ] Bill/Receipt [printed heading] Signed "E Bracher"

Edward Bracher, Photographer
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] Oxford University Portrait Rooms, 26 High Street [MS "Biscoe Esqre Ch Ch"] To Edward Bracher, | Photographer [...], [MS 1858-59]."

Bill/Receipt, 16.5 x 13.5cm, fold marks, good condition. Bill for purchases between 2 June 1858 and Novr 15 1859, for prices given) Negative, 8 Portraits. Album, "1 of Gordon" [General?] Interest. Bracher has added (with some relief) "Paid March 6/62 | E Bracher". Notes: A. Bracher was a "pioneering photgrapher" working in Oxford at much the same time as "Lewis Carroll" and Henry Taunt (who worked for Bracher when 14); B. This receipt has been extracted from a substantial bundle of invoices and receipts with Oxford addresses, with related letters. The Christ Church student, Victor H.

[ Lewis Carroll; auction catalogue ] Catalogue of Printed Books Autograph Letters, Etc comprsing [... AN EXTENSIVE 'LEWIS CARROLL' COLLECTION | The Property of S.H. Williams, Esq. WITH Price ist

[ Lewis Carroll ] Sotheby & Co.
Publication details: 
Sotheby & Co., London, 1942.

Total 79pp., cr. 8vo, orig. printed wraps, chipping, rust on staples, wear to spine, corners turned, contents good. A few pencil notes (not relevant to Carroll). The consignee of the Lewis Carroll collection, S.H. Williams [Sidney Herbert Williams] was the co-author of "A Handbook of the Literature of the Reverend C.L. Dodgson, (Lewis Carroll)" with Falconer Madan.

Autograph Letter Signed from Bartholomew Price, Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Oxford, proposing to Julian Yonge ('Yonge') that his sister Charlotte Yonge write a series of educational books for the Clarendon Press.

Bartholomew Price (1818-1891), Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy and Master of Pembroke College, Oxford, mathematician [Julian Yonge (1830-1892), brother of writer Charlotte Mary Yonge]
Publication details: 
Bude, Cornwall. 24 July 1865.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. With mourning border. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The letter begins: 'My dear Yonge, | I dare say you remember my telling you of the proposed series of educational books to be issued from the Clarendon Press, Oxford, and asking whether your sister would be willing to undertake any English books, if the Delegates of the Press should make an offer to her.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H G Liddell') from Henry George Liddell, grandfather of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, to 'Dear Dundas', concerning the Abbotsford Subscription. With print of the 'Ape' cartoon of Liddell from 'Vanity Fair'.

Rev. Henry George Liddell (1787-1872), father of the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford, and grandfather of Alice Pleasance Liddell, on whom Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland was based [Sir Walter Scott]
Publication details: 
Letter: Ravensworth Castle; 2 February 1833. Print: Without date or place.

Letter: 4 pp, 12mo. Bifolium. 36 lines. Text clear and complete. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. He addresses him 'as Provisional Secretary to the Abbotsford Subscription Committee', to inform him that he has instructed his bankers in Newcastle to transmit forty pounds from his account to bankers in the Strand, 'to be added to the Abbotsford Fund - being the Amount collected in small sums between 1.£ & 1.s. by Mrs. Liddell in the town of Alnwick & vicinity'. She will forward a book of subscribers' names to the Committee.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H. K. F. Gatty') to 'Mrs. Wakefield'.

Horatia Katharine Frances Eden (née Gatty) (born 1846), sister and biographer of Mrs Juliana Horatia Ewing
Publication details: 
Ecclesfield, Sheffield; 22 March [year not stated].

Four pages, 12mo. Mourning border. Aged and spotted, with remains of three mounts adhering to one edge. She is enclosing a note from 'Miss Yonge', and 'one from Miss Roberts [Margaret Roberts] who wrote "Madlle Mori", "In the Olden Time", "The Atelier du Lys" &c. She refers to Miss Yonges mother in her note'. She is also sending a note 'from Mr. Dodgson too. Who is "Lewis Caroll'. (Alice in Wonderland) - & one from Isa Craig - now Mrs. Knox.

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