[Sir Robert Herbert, first premier of Queensland, Australia.] Typed Letter Signed to S. H. Gatty, marked as ?Confidential?, asking whether Mr. Justice Cook, Puisne Judge in Trinidad is to your knowledge in the habit of drinking to excess?.

Sir Robert Herbert [Sir Robert George Wyndham Herbert] (1831-1905), the first and youngest-ever Premier of the Australian state of Queensland [Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922)]
Publication details: 
15 May 1891. From Downing Street, on embossed letterhead of the Colonial Office [Whitehall].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The item is from the Gatty papers. (Herbert is writing to Gatty in Trinidad, and it is Gatty who will be appointed in place of the subject of the letter.) 1p, 8vo, on good laid paper. In good condition, but with creases from having been folded into packet (not through signature). A good looking item, with ?Confidential? in left-hand margin. Reads: ?Sir, / I am directed by Lord Knutsford to ask you to be so good as to inform him confidentially whether Mr. Justice Cook, Puisne Judge in Trinidad is to your knowledge in the habit of drinking to excess.

[Lady Penelope Balogh [Penelope Gatty], psychotherapist and biographer of Sigmund Freud.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Pen.’) to ‘Mash’[?], regarding her novel.

Lady Penelope Balogh [previously Penelope Gatty; born Penelope Tower] (1916-1975), psychotherapist and biographer of Sigmund Freud, wife of Oliver Gatty (1907-1940), chemist and psychical researcher
Publication details: 
6 January 1949. On letterhead of 2 Rawlinson Road, Oxford.

2pp, 4to. In fair condition, aged and creased. Folded once.

[Juliana Horatia Ewing, children's author.] Autograph Letter Signed (in her view 'Not an elegant signature!'), writing in high spirits to [Marion?] regarding 'our "Play"' with 'a round chess board' (illustrated), quoting from Alice in Wonderland.

Juliana Horatia Ewing [née Gatty] (1841-1885), Victorian children's author
Publication details: 
1 February 1880; Ecclesfield.

4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with the conclusion and signature ('Juliana Horatia Ewing. | (Not an elegant signature!)') of the letter cross-written at the head of the first page. Drawing of a 'round chess board', with explanation, on second page. An excellent intimate letter, to a family member or friend whose name is not clearly written (Marion? Marnie?). She begins by acknowledging her 'very delightful' letter, and expressing pleasure at 'the prospect of our "play" in town'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Alfred Gatty') from Rev. Alfred Gatty, Vicar of Ecclesfield, to his son the Hon. Stephen Gatty, Puisne Judge of the Straits Settlements [Singapore], filled with family news.

Rev. Alfred Gatty (1813-1903), Vicar of Ecclesfield and Subdean of York Minister, father of Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), chief justice of Gibraltar, and of Juliana Horatia Ewing (1841-1885)
Publication details: 
Ecclesfield, Yorkshire. 23 May 1894.

3pp., 12mo. 62 lines of text. On bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper; neatly written in a close hand. An affectionate letter, addressed to 'Dearest Stephen'. He begins: 'It seems a long while since I heard anything of or from you - the last news was in a letter from Alice [Stephen's wife], which Horatia [Stephen's sister] allowed me to see.' He complains jokingly that his son 'cannot be in a more trying climate than ours is this May - for it is as cold as Xmas, and the bitter cold of a settled N. E.

Black and white photograph showing 'Proclamation of H. M. King Edward VII. Gibraltar, 25th January, 1901.' From the collection of Chief Jusstice Stephen Herbert Gatty, who read the proclamation.

Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, son of Rev. Alfred Gatty (1813-1903), Vicar of Ecclesfield, and brother of the children's writer Juliana Horatia Ewing (1841-1885)
Publication details: 
Without place and date. [Gibraltar, 1901.]

Black and white photograph, 11 x 15 cm, laid down on piece of white paper 12 x 16.5 cm, itself laid down on a piece of grey card, 200 x 255 cm. In fair condition, slightly discoloured and with one tiny chip to the right-hand edge; in lightly-aged mount with wear to corners. The card carries the printed caption: 'Proclamation of H. M. King Edward VII. | GIBRALTAR, 25TH JANUARY, 1901.' A large crowd looks up at a large official party on the stone balcony of the Governor's House, Gibraltar, which is decked with a large Union Flag.

[Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing] Book of Words. J. H. E. 16th November, 1893.

'J. H. E.' [J. H. Ewing; Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing] [Rugby School]
[Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing] Book of Words.
Publication details: 
[1893.] Rugby: Printed by J. H. Pepperday, 24, High Street.
[Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing] Book of Words.

12mo: unpaginated. Pamphlet of eight leaves, on good laid paper, stitched with lilac ribbon. A total of 14 pp, with the body of the text on 12 pp, plus title on front cover and woodcut vignette ('S. JULIANI') on back. Creased and with light staining to front cover, otherwise fair. Eight poems, preceded by a quotation from 'We and the World', and followed by three pages of notes, containing background information about the writing of the poems. Scarce: issued with a programme (not present) for 'Entertainment to be given in New Big School' at Rugby.

Rules of the Mediterranean Club. [proof copy, with autograph emendations by Sir Stephen H. Gatty, Chief Justice of Gibraltar]

[The Mediterranean Club, Gibraltar; Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, 1895 to 1905]
Rules of the Mediterranean Club. [proof copy]
Publication details: 
[Gibraltar, c.1900. Name of printer not given.]
Rules of the Mediterranean Club. [proof copy]

12mo, 9 pp. Stapled. In original plain green wraps. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with rusted staple. Folded once, vertically. Wraps creased and discoloured. Divided into 29 rules and 9 bye-laws. The club is said, in Rule 1, to be 'open to Officers of the Army and Navy and Colonial Services, and Gentlemen residing at or visiting Gibraltar'. Emendations by Gatty in pencil, including, on the front wrap, 'Proof' and 'Rules as altered at the meeting carried!' A few minor emendations in text, and additional rule by Gatty, seven lines in length, on the back wrap.

[Printed] Collection of eight printed testimonials, addressed to Gatty by ten leading figures of the British bar, in support of his application to Lord Kimberley for 'a Colonial legal appointment'.

Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, 1895 to 1905 [Tindal Atkinson; Thomas Ellison; Sir J. B. Maule; Lord Norton; William Overend; George Ridding; Earl of Wharncliffe]
Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty, Collection of eight printed testimonials
Publication details: 
All written in December of 1882.
Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty, Collection of eight printed testimonials

As one of the authors makes clear, the collection was assembled by Gatty himself, for forwarding to Lord Kimberley and others in support of his application. The texts of all eight items clear and complete. On aged and folded paper. They are attached to one another by a brass pin in the top left-hand corner. Each is addressed to Gatty in early December, and all are on one side of a loose leaf of 12mo paper. The writers are as follows: Tindal Atkinson ('Sergeant at Law | Judge of County Courts'); John E. Barker ('Recorder of Leeds'); Thomas Ellison ('Judge of County Courts'); Sir J. B.

Collection of ten printed testimonials, addressed to Gatty by ten leading figures of the British bar, in support of his application to Lord Kimberley for 'a Colonial legal appointment'.

Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, 1895 to 1905 [Tindal Atkinson; Thomas Ellison; Sir J. B. Maule; Lord Norton; William Overend; George Ridding; Earl of Wharncliffe]
Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty, Collection of ten printed testimonials
Publication details: 
All written in December of 1882.
Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty, Collection of ten printed testimonials

As one of the authors makes clear, the collection was assembled by Gatty himself, for forwarding to Lord Kimberley and others in support of his application. The ten items are in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. They are attached to one another by a brass pin in the top left-hand corner. Each is addressed to Gatty in early December, and all are on one side of a loose leaf of 12mo paper. The writers are as follows: Tindal Atkinson ('Sergeant at Law | Judge of County Courts'); John E. Barker ('Recorder of Leeds'); J. H. de Ricci; Thomas Ellison ('Judge of County Courts'); Sir J. B.

Collection of ten testimonials (nine printed and one in his hand) supporting Gatty's application to Lord Kimberley for 'a Colonial legal appointment'.

Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, 1895 to 1905 [Tindal Atkinson; Thomas Ellison; Sir J. B. Maule; Lord Norton; William Overend; George Ridding; Earl of Wharncliffe]
Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty, Collection of nine printed testimonial, one ms.
Publication details: 
All written in December of 1882.
Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty, Collection of nine printed testimonial, one ms.

As one of the authors makes clear, the collection was assembled by Gatty himself, for forwarding to Lord Kimberley and others in support of his application. It is on aged paper, with all texts clear and complete, except for two small central holes (affecting two words) in one of the printed testimonials (Wake). The ten items are attached to one another by a brass pin in the top left-hand corner.

[Printed] Report of Special Committee appointed by resolution of the General Meeting of Members of the Garrison Library on March 16th, 1897.

The Garrison Library, Gibraltar [Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, 1895 to 1905]
The Garrison Library, Gibraltar
Publication details: 
[Gibraltar,] 1897.
The Garrison Library, Gibraltar

Two pages, on the versos of a 4to bifolium. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Concerning the proposed 'establishment of a Club' within the Library, and concluding 'Generally we are of opinion that the above scheme is the best that can be suggested for upholding both institutions - the Library and the Club. The proposed agreement (i) may appear at first sight to entail a loss on the Library, but the loss it would suffer from the establishment of a Club outside would probably be far heavier, [...]'. Signed in type by Major-General F. Carrington; W. H. Rathborne; Stephen H.

Three printed items relating to the Garrison Library, Gibraltar, including the 'Fundamental Laws' and 'Report of Special Committee appointed by resolution of the General Meeting of Members of the Garrison Library on March 16th, 1897.'

The Garrison Library, Gibraltar [Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, 1895 to 1905]
The Garrison Library, Gibraltar
Publication details: 
Fundamental Laws: [Gibraltar,] c.1889. Report: [Gibraltar,] 1897.
The Garrison Library, Gibraltar

Gatty's annotations are of interest, considering his legal standing in Gibraltar, and his position as one of the Library's committee members. One: 'Report'. Two pages on the versos of a 4to bifolium. Very good on lightly-aged paper. Concerning the proposed 'establishment of a Club' within the Library, and concluding 'Generally we are of opinion that the above scheme is the best that can be suggested for upholding both institutions - the Library and the Club.

[Printed] Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Malta Union Club 1893. Established 1826.'

[Malta Union Club; Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, 1895 to 1905]
 Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Malta Union Club
Publication details: 
[1893.] Printed at the "Malta Chronicle Office," 80 Strada Sta. Lucia.'
 Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Malta Union Club

16mo, 20 pp. Stitched. In original blue printed wraps. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with the pamphlet folded once. The Club's 25 rules are preceded by a list of the Committee of Management. Ownership inscription of L. Barnes-Lawrence at head of front wrap, but annotated and amended throughout in Gatty's hand. From the residue of Sir Stephen H. Gatty's papers. A scarce piece of Malta ephemera: no copies at the British Library or listed on COPAC (although the latter does carry a record for a 1903 edition).

[Pamphlet reproducing reviews of Gatty's performances in 'Winchester College Theatricals' between 1867 and 1882.]

[Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, 1895 to 1905; Winchester College]
Gatty's performances in 'Winchester College Theatricals'
Publication details: 
Circa 1882.
Gatty's performances in 'Winchester College Theatricals'

12mo, 7 pp. Text clear and complete. On aged discoloured paper, with rusting staple having been removed. The last page carries a 'List of Characters' played by Gatty, from the 'First Gravedigger' in 'Hamlet' in 1866 to 'Tony Lumpkin' in 'She Stoops to Conquer' in 1882. The reviews, in small type over the previous six pages, are highly favourable, from a range of papers from the Guardian to the Sheffield Daily Telegraph. The last set of reviews relates to the 'Harmonomaniac Concerts, Oxford'. From the residue of Sir Stephen H. Gatty's papers.

Manuscript volume titled 'Notes on the familary of VICARS of South Yorkshire. Collected by Alfred Scott Gatty.' With illustrations, family trees, insertions.

Alfred Scott-Gatty (1847-1918), Garter Principal King of Arms at the College of Arms [genealogy of the Vicars and Vickers families of South Yorkshire]
Publication details: 
Ecclesfield Vicarage, Sheffield. 1876.'

4to volume (leaf dimensions 23 x 18.5 cm). Written out in Gatty's neat close hand over 96 full pages of a brown cloth notebook with decorative enadpapers. With 30 extra 4to pages of notes, and three loose family 8vo leaves of family trees. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn binding with split hinges. With title page and names underlined in red throughout.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H. K. F. Gatty') to 'Mrs. Wakefield'.

Horatia Katharine Frances Eden (née Gatty) (born 1846), sister and biographer of Mrs Juliana Horatia Ewing
Publication details: 
Ecclesfield, Sheffield; 22 March [year not stated].

Four pages, 12mo. Mourning border. Aged and spotted, with remains of three mounts adhering to one edge. She is enclosing a note from 'Miss Yonge', and 'one from Miss Roberts [Margaret Roberts] who wrote "Madlle Mori", "In the Olden Time", "The Atelier du Lys" &c. She refers to Miss Yonges mother in her note'. She is also sending a note 'from Mr. Dodgson too. Who is "Lewis Caroll'. (Alice in Wonderland) - & one from Isa Craig - now Mrs. Knox.

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