[Visit of Lord Roberts to Northampton, Boer War, 1901.] Large Printed ‘Public Notice’ by ‘F. G. Adnitt, Mayor’ and ‘F. H. Mardlin, Chief Constable’, of ‘Closing of Streets against Vehicular Traffic, on the Occasion of the Visit’.

Lord Roberts [Frederick Sleigh Roberts; Field Marshal Earl Roberts of Kandahar, V.C.] (1832-1914), distinguished Victorian soldier, Commander-in-Chief during Second Boer War [Northampton]
Publication details: 
County Borough of Northampton: Guildhall, Northampton, 26 September 1901. Regarding visit on 28 September 1901. Stanton & Son, Printers, Northampton.

An attractive and apparently unique item of Victorian municipal typography, in the customary variety of fonts and point sizes. See Roberts’s entry in the Oxford DNB. (What particular connection, if any, he had with Northampton is not apparent.) 44 x 57 cm. A strip has been torn away from the top left-hand corner, resulting in the loss of the first two letters from the heading ‘COUNTY BOROUGH OF NORTHAMPTON’, otherwise in good condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper, with central vertical and horizontal folds.

[‘Not well fitted for stimulating the Imperial British sentiment’: Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, Times foreign correspondent, assesses a volume on South Africa with ‘Cape Dutch’ sympathies.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘D. M. Wallace’) to Lady Jersey.

Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace (1841-1919), Scottish journalist, foreign correspondent of The Times, Private Secretary to future King George V [Margaret Villiers (1849-1945), Countess of Jersey]
Publication details: 
14 February 1902; on letterhead of St. Ermin’s Mansions, Caxton Street, S.W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. On bifolium. A thin strip (no more than 1 cm deep) has been cut away at the head of the first leaf, with no loss of text, otherwise in good condition. Folded once. Written a few months after Wallace’s return from his duties as Private Secretary to the future King George V on his world tour on HMS Ophir, and during the Second Boer War. Wallace has just been struck by the thought that ‘though I returned the Volume on South Africa to the address in Victoria Street’ he forgot to give her his opinion of it.

[J. Rhodes & Sons, Ltd., manufacturers of sheet metal working machinery.] Trade catalogue, profusely illustrated with photographs and diagrams, and detailed descriptive text.

J. Rhodes & Sons, Ltd. Grove Iron Works, Wakefield, manufacturers of sheet metal working machinery, founded 1824 [Edwardian trade catalogue]
Publication details: 
J. Rhodes & Sons, Ltd., Grove Iron Works, Wakefield. London Office, 37, Walbrook, E.C. [J. H. Davenport & Co., Columbian Printing Works, Leeds, Yorks.] [1901.]

409 + [6]pp., 8vo. In blue cloth, with ornate design printed in silver on front cover, around a laid down photographic portrait of 'The late Alderman J. Rhodes, J.P. Founder of the Firm in 1824.' Spine reads: '1824. J. RHODES & SONS, LTD., 1901.' Text embossed on back cover. In fair condition, on aged paper, in lightly-worn and aged binding. Two leaves of addenda tipped-in, the first, with text printed in red, headed 'Notice. - American Competition!'; the second carrying text and illustration of the '"Rhodes" "Excelsior" Treadle Guillotine Shear'.

Black and white photograph showing 'Proclamation of H. M. King Edward VII. Gibraltar, 25th January, 1901.' From the collection of Chief Jusstice Stephen Herbert Gatty, who read the proclamation.

Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, son of Rev. Alfred Gatty (1813-1903), Vicar of Ecclesfield, and brother of the children's writer Juliana Horatia Ewing (1841-1885)
Publication details: 
Without place and date. [Gibraltar, 1901.]

Black and white photograph, 11 x 15 cm, laid down on piece of white paper 12 x 16.5 cm, itself laid down on a piece of grey card, 200 x 255 cm. In fair condition, slightly discoloured and with one tiny chip to the right-hand edge; in lightly-aged mount with wear to corners. The card carries the printed caption: 'Proclamation of H. M. King Edward VII. | GIBRALTAR, 25TH JANUARY, 1901.' A large crowd looks up at a large official party on the stone balcony of the Governor's House, Gibraltar, which is decked with a large Union Flag.

Printed 'List of Members' of 'The Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, with which is incorporated The Self-Propelled Traffic Association', October 1901.

[The Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, list of members, 1901; Royal Automobile Club]
Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, list of members, 1901
Publication details: 
October 1901. The Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, 4 Whitehall Court, London, S.W. [Printers: F. KING & Co., Ltd., 62, St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C.']
Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, list of members, 1901

4to, 15 pp. In small type. Text clear and complete. On brittle green high-acidity paper, with chipping and loss to extremities and three of the leaves detached. Begins by listing 'General Council of the Automobile Club | (appointed to confer with the Club Committee on questions affecting Automobilism generally).' Headed by 'His Grace the Duke of Sutherland'; followed, on second page by Club Committee and officers, and then (pp. 3-10) the list of members in three columns, giving name, optional address, and date of election; ends (pp.11-15) with lists of 'Members of Affiliated Clubs'.

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