[Eden Phillpotts, Devon novelist, poet and dramatist.] Autograph Note Signed, gently admonishing an autograph hunter for omitting to send a stamp.

Eden Phillpotts (1862-1960), Devon novelist, poet and dramatist, friend of Agatha Christie and father of Adelaide Eden Phillpotts (1896-1993), latterly Ross, who accused him of incest
Publication details: 
14 January 1920; Tuscany.

See his entry, and that of his daughter, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, on lightly-worn grey paper. With two folds for postage. Reads: ‘My dear Scout [Silver?] / always send a stamp when you want an autograph / You will get more that way / Your friend, / Eden Philpotts’.

[Admiral Sir Charles Eden, Second Naval Lord.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Fanny’, with reminiscences of ‘Mrs Quilter’ who used to get him out of childhood ‘scrapes’.

Admiral Sir Charles Eden (1808-1878), Second Naval Lord of the Royal Navy
Publication details: 
18 [January 1865]. 23 Prince’s Terrace, Hyde Park [London].

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Large signature ‘Charles Eden’; addressed to ‘My dear Fanny’. Year and month added in pencil in another hand. He thanks her for her kind letter ‘and its enclosure from my dear, kind, old friend Mrs Quilter’. He will visit her later, but at present he has ‘several melancholy duties to attend to which prevent my leaving London’. He is also ‘wanted at the Admiralty next week - altho’!

[William I, King of the Netherlands, Prince of Orange, as Erfprins (hereditary prince).] Autograph Letter Signed (‘G. F. Pr Hed.d’Orange’), in French, to Lord Auckland, while in exile in England, expressing thanks and condoling upon a sad event.

William I, King of the Netherlands, Prince of Orange, and Grand Duke of Luxembourg [Willem Frederik, Prince of Orange-Nassau (1772-1843)]; Lord Auckland [William Eden, 1st Baron Auckland (1745-1814)]
William I
Publication details: 
No date or place. [Written while in England, c. 1795.]
William I

The recipient is not named (the salutation is to ‘Mylord’), but William ends with compliments to ‘Lady Auckland’, and the letter also contains a reference to Eden Park. 1p, landscape 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, laid down on part of leaf cut from album. Signed ‘G. F. Pr Hed.d’Orange’. The mount is captioned, in a contemporary hand, ‘George [sic] Prince of Orange (Holland) date 1798’.

[Lord Auckland, Governor-General of India.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Auckland’) to ‘FitzGerald’ [William Vesey-FitzGerald, 2nd Baron FitzGerald and Vesey], rejoicing in the ‘mark of favor and distinction’ he has obtained for Captain Macgregor.

Lord Auckland [George Eden, 1st Earl of Auckland] (1784-1849), Whig politician and Governor-General of India
Publication details: 
6 October 1822; Kensington Gore [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, on the first leaf of a bifolium, the blank second of which carries traces of mount. Folded twice. Begins: ‘My dear FitzGerald / I thank you very much for your obliging note - and I rejoice greatly that you have obtained for Capt Macgregor this mark of favor and distinction. India has no better soldier, nor has any political agent, placed in trying circumstances, shewn a better nerve or a sounder discretion’. FitzGerald’s ‘just notice of him’ will be ‘well appreciated’ by others.

[ Telegram; Anthony Eden ] Exchange of telegrams between George Hutchinson, Political Correspondent, Evening Standard, London, and Anthony Eden (resigned as Prime MInister on 9 Jan. 1957

Anthony Eden, sometime Prime Minister [Journalist]
Publication details: 
Telegrams both dated 15 May 1957, Eden's from Ottawa, Hutchinson's presumably from London.

Both messages, c.20 x 16cm, typescript, good condition. Hutchinson's message, one page, with date and Eden's title ("Sir") added in Manuscript. Hutchinson says: " Your great recovery has encouraged your many supporters to hope for your early reappearance in active public life perhaps through return to Parliament STOP Could you authorise me to say anything about your hopes and intentions - George Hutchinso [...]".

[ Eden Phillpotts,novelist. ] Photographic portrait, with signed inscription.

Eden Phillpotts (1862-1960), English writer, author of many works about Dartmoor and his native Devon
Publication details: 
Dated 'May 1950'.

The inscription is on a 22.5 cm square piece of card, and reads: 'Eden Phillpotts - somewhat battered, but still telling stories. | May 1950.' Laid down on the card, above the inscription, is a 14 x 18 cm black and white photograph, depicting Phillpotts, book in hand, standing in front of a bookcase, which has apparently been cut by Phillpotts from a magazine. The item is in fair condition, lightly-aged and worn.

[ George Eden, 1st Earl of Auckland. ] Autograph Note in the third person to R. Lambert, suggesting a meeting.

George Eden (1784-1849), 1st Earl of Auckland, English Whig politician
Publication details: 
Admiralty [ London ]. 20 August 1835.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Docketed: '20 August 1835 | Lord Auckland to R L'. Reads 'Lord Auckland would be much obliged to Mr Lambert if he would call here tomorrow soon after two o'clock -'.

[Eden Phillpotts, novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Eden Phill<...>') [to A. G. Gardiner, editor of the Daily News], complaining of a review of his book 'Green Alleys', 'the great cause of the natural born child' and the 'Bastardy Laws'.

Eden Phillpotts (1862-1960), English novelist, often writing on Dartmoor [Alfred George Gardiner ['Alpha of the Plough'] (1865-1946), editor of the Daily News; Robert Lynd (1879-1949), Irish essayist]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. [1916.]

In poor condition, on aged and brittle paper, with significant chipping to edges involving loss of text, including the end of Philpott's signature. Undated, but written in 1916, the year of publication of Phillpotts' 'The Green Alleys'. Headed in blue pencil 'Mr Lynd' (i.e for the attention of Daily News columnist Robert Lynd).

[Programme & other ephemera; Anthony Eden annotated speech] The Newspaper Society. Annual Dinner

[The Newspaper Society; Anthony Eden speech annotated]
Publication details: 
The Dorchester, 22 April 1952.

Programme, 4pp., 8vo, comprising Menu and Toast List. Music and Cabaret by Sydney Jerome and his Orchestra. WITH: A. Table Plan, 4pp., 8vo; B. Table "A" Reseating, typescript, 2pp., 4to {Eden listed in printed table plan but not in the Reseating, presumably he didn't show and was replaced at the President's right hand by Lord Woolton]. ALSO WITH: "President's Address at the Annual Dinner", duplicated typescript, 3pp., folio, pencil line through most of the paragraphs [perhaps as delivered?].

[Eden Philpotts] Two Autograph Postcards signed "E.P." to Lewis Wynne, Welsh poet.

Eden Philpotts (1862-1960), English novelist, author of many works about Dartmoor and his native Devon [Helen Allingham]
Publication details: 
Torquay, 9 and 19 Feb. 1929.

Postcards, c.11 x 9cm, some smudging but mainly good condition, text clear and complete. Postcard One: "Dear Mr Wynne, | Very best thanks for your valued gift: a fine & distinguished poem."; Postcard 2: "[...] | The books can be got separately & there are cheap editions of those two books any bookseller can secure for you for 2/- & 2/6 each. | I'm afraid London has had enough of my plays. My daughter's paly is not about [?] folk." Two items,

[Eden Philpotts] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Wilfrid C. Mosley', regarding Mosley's poor choice of a piece of his prose for an anthology. [not traced]

Eden Philpotts (1862-1960), English novelist, author of many works about Dartmoor and his native Devon [Helen Allingham]
Publication details: 
Torquay | 14 March 1913.

4to, 1 p. Ten lines, edges a little damaged but text clear and complete, on flimsy paper. "You are welcome to the quotation from my school-boy story - if it is worth while. I could have wished, however, that in an anthology of serious prose you had given me credit as a serious writer & chosen something more interesting. With compliments [...]"

Autograph Letter Signed from the novelist Eden Phillpotts to an unnamed woman, discussing the handling of socialism in his 1926 play (with his daughter Adelaide) 'Yellow Sands', as well as his own political views, sympathetic to Italian Fascism.

Eden Phillpotts (1862-1960), English novelist, strongly associated with Dartmoor, Devon, his daughter Mary Adelaide Eden Phillpotts [later Ross] (1896-1993)
Publication details: 
Torquay, Devon. 4 May 1927.

2pp., 4to. 41 lines. In fair condition, on aged paper. He begins by stating that 'Yellow Sands' 'only touches social questions by the accident of the plot. Socialism is a word the definition of which no two people appear to agree about. Ask a dozen Socialists what they understand by their faith & they will each tell you something different.' The opinions depicted in the play are both 'clear' and 'foggy', 'but it is [in] no sense propagandist - I hate propaganda in art.' He goes on to discuss his own views: 'I am not a socialist.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H. K. F. Gatty') to 'Mrs. Wakefield'.

Horatia Katharine Frances Eden (née Gatty) (born 1846), sister and biographer of Mrs Juliana Horatia Ewing
Publication details: 
Ecclesfield, Sheffield; 22 March [year not stated].

Four pages, 12mo. Mourning border. Aged and spotted, with remains of three mounts adhering to one edge. She is enclosing a note from 'Miss Yonge', and 'one from Miss Roberts [Margaret Roberts] who wrote "Madlle Mori", "In the Olden Time", "The Atelier du Lys" &c. She refers to Miss Yonges mother in her note'. She is also sending a note 'from Mr. Dodgson too. Who is "Lewis Caroll'. (Alice in Wonderland) - & one from Isa Craig - now Mrs. Knox.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Adelaide Phillpotts') to 'Miss Hall'.

Mary Adelaide Eden Phillpotts (1896-1996), English author (daughter of Eden Phillpotts)
Publication details: 
21 March 1927; Eltham, Torquay, South Devon.

Two pages, quarto. Very good, with a little wear and light creasing. 'I often think of those days, & how timid & shy & stupid I was! Yet I enjoyed myself too, & shall never forget your great kindness, & the help you gave me. Since then I've had many adventures & experiences. I am not the thing I was!' She has been in London for the winter, and hopes they will be able to meet. 'We're so glad you like "Yellow Sands" - & I'm very pleased you like "Tomek". She has 'just finished another novel & play'. Asks what has become of a number of common acquaintances.

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