[Florence Nightingale, social reformer, statistician and the founder of modern nursing.] Autograph (Clipped) Signature only.See Image

Florence Nightingale, social reformer, statistician and the founder of modern nursing.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Clipped signature on paper 5 x 1cm. F Nightingale with characteristic flourishing F and the very tops of other words. See Image

[Charles Philip Yorke, Tory politician, Home Secretary.] Autograph Signature, as Paymaster-General and Secretary at War, to printed form filled in by a secretary, placing Captain Henry Shelley, 20th Regiment of Foot, on half pay.

Charles Philip Yorke, Tory politician, Home Secretary and Minister at War [Captain Henry Shelley, 20th Regiment of Foot; British Army]
Publication details: 
16 August 1803; War Office [Whitehall].

See his entries in the Oxford DNB and History of Parliament. 1p, foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, aged and worn, with small piece of paper torn away at foot of page, resulting in some loss of text of slug, also wear and a few nicks at head and a stain to one edge. Good firm signature ‘C Yorke’ and its surroundings unaffected. A printed form letter, signed by Yorke as ‘Right Honble. the Pay-Master General, / &c. &c. &c.’, and completed in a secretarial hand, and addressed to ‘Gentlemen’.

[Frank Spenlove-Spenlove [John Francis Spenlove-Spenlove], Scottish landscape and figure painter.] Autograph Letter Signed, as principal of ‘ “The Yellow Door” school of modern art’, to ‘Miss Lalonde’, regarding a post card of one of his paintings.

Frank Spenlove-Spenlove [John Francis Spenlove-Spenlove] (1864-1933), Scottish landscape and figure painter, founder and principal of ‘The Yellow Door’ school of art in Beckenham, Kent
Frank Spenlove-Spenlove
Publication details: 
‘The Corner House / 69. Addison Rd. W. / 14.12.10’ [14 December 1910], on his letterhead as principal of ‘ “The Yellow Door” School of Modern Art, Beckenham.
Frank Spenlove-Spenlove

He styles himslef on the letterhead as ‘Principal - Mr. Frank Spenlove-Spenlove / R.I. R.O.I. R.B.A. R.C.A. R.B.C. F.R.C.S. M.J.S. F.R.S.A.’ Large bold stylized signature. 1p, 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Reads: ‘Dear Miss Lalonde / It gives me pleasure to know you appreciate the picture, & I have put my name to your post card as you desire. I only wish the reproduction was more satisfactory! / Yours Sincerely. / Frank . Spenlove . Spenlove’. See Image.

[Laurence Olivier, Actor] Photograph and signature (below photograph) L Olivier.

Laurence Olivier, Actor
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Photograph and signature in attractive frame. See Image. Label on reverse: Waterloo Galleries, Waterloo Street, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 1LA [...]. Photo, 9 x 13cm; Signature, 8.5 x 5cm.

[Mary Scharlieb, pioneer female physician] Typed Note Signed boldly Mary Scharlieb to Louis B. Frewer, autograph-hunter and Superintendant of the Rhodes House Library in Oxford.

Mary Scharlieb [Dame Mary Ann Dacomb Scharlieb, (n?e Bird; 1845 ? 1930), pioneer British female physician and gynaecologist ]
Publication details: 
[Headed] 19 York Terrace, | Regent's Park, [London] N.W.1, 3rd June 1930 [N.B. died in November 1930]

One page, obl. 12mo.Dear Sir, | I am sorry not to comply with your request but I do not like blank [underlined] signatures. See Image.

[Anselme Payen; French chemist] Note Signed Payen with flourishes to Mon cher colleague. See image.

Anselme Payen (1795 – 1871), French chemist known for discovering the enzyme diastase, and the carbohydrate cellulose.
Publication details: 
Paris le 28 avril 1834 [partly printed].

One page, 20 x 19cm, part crumpled, and stained, small chips on edges, text which, despite disparity from signature, must surely be in Payen's hand, just legible and complete. Docketed in another hand. See Image.

[Jim Mollison, aviator] Signature Only J A Mollison.

J.A. Mollison [Jim Mollison], James Allan Mollison (1905 – 1959), Scottish pioneer aviator, married to Amy Johnson.
Publication details: 
No place or date given [c.1938?].

Signature only on scrap of paper, uneven edges,c.12 x 7.5 cm, tipped on to sl. larger page from an autograph album, sl. faded as if ink in pen running out. See image. The signature of Arthur J, Cummings, journalist and author is on the reverse, dated 20 Sept. 1938.

[Garret Hobart, Vice-President USA] Business Card signed Yours very sincerely | Garret A. Hobart | Vice President | May 21/98

Garret A. Hobart [Garret Augustus Hobart (1844 – 1899), 24th vice president of the United States].
Publication details: 
21 May 1898.

Business Card, 10 x 6cms, sl. smudged, text clear and bold. Text as above on one side (see image), on the other is printed The Vice President. One website claims the signature is scarce.

[Annie Besant; Bloomsbury Group; Periodical; One issue of United India, vol.II, No. 26

[Annie Besant; Bloomsbury Group]
Publication details: 
September 29, 1920. Printed at the Pelican Press [...] and published by United India Co., Ltd [...],

Paginated [387]-402, fold marks, small rust marks from staples, punch-hole. From the papers formerly held at the headquarters of the National Indian Association and the Northbrook Society, 21 Cromwell Road, later by its former Warden, Roland Knaster. BUT stamped 1917-CLUB, a club founded by Leonard Woolf, frequented by his friends and (re. Wikipedia entry, Gordon Childe, Ramsay MacDonald, Aldous Huxley, H. G. Wells, H. N. Brailsford, Elsa Lanchester, Rose Macaulay,[3] Frederick Pethick-Lawrence, J. A. Hobson, Norah C. James, W. C. Anderson, Mary Hamilton, Emile Burns, E. D.

[William Crookes, chemist & physicist] Bold Signature only William Crookes.

William Crookes [Sir William Crookes (1832 – 1919), chemist and physicist who worked on spectroscopy]
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Signature only on paper,c.9 x 3cm, irregular, laid down on larger paper. See image.

[Thomas Hood, poet, humourist] Subscription and signature only Very truly yours | Thos: Hood

Thomas Hood (1799 – 1845), poet, author and humorist.
Publication details: 
No place or date

Paper, 8 x 3cm, clipped from letter, sl. stain at top not affecting text, good condition. See image.

[Suematsu Kencho; Japanese politician etc] Signature K. Suyematsu ONLY.

K. Suyematsu [Suematsu Kencho (1855 -1920), Japanese politician, intellectual and author, who lived in the Meiji and Taish periods]
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Paper, 10 x 4cm, good condition. See scan.

[M.E. Grant Duff; India] Appointment Certificate Signed M E Grant Duff.

Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant Duff (1829 – 1906), Scottish politician, administrator and author. Sometime Under-Secretary of State for India.
Grant Duff
Publication details: 
Dated 8 July 1872.
Grant Duff

One page, 4to, part printed, part manuscript, minor damage on fold marks, loss of small part of the word is, small closed tear, some weakness on fold marks. See Image. Text headed Ecclesiastical Establishment | No.

[Charles Pratt; America; Plantations] Section only of MS. Document (Secretarial text) Signed C. Pratt, memorialist as Attorney-General, concerning the Commissioners of Prizes and Plantations in America

Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden (1714-1794) judge and politician.
Publication details: 
Lincolns Inn Fields, 3 Dec. 1759.

Surviving section 20 x 10cm, closed tears 2.5cm, edges sl. ragged, foxing but text fully legible. See images.

[Pandit Nehru, Indira (Nehru) Gandhi and her Sons] Family Photograph of Pandit Nehru, Indira Gandhi and her two sons, Rajiv and Sanjay. With, on reverse, a signed greetings from Indira Gandhi.

Pandit [Jawaharlal] Nehru, Indira [Nehru] Gandhi and her Sons, with dog.
Nehru reverse
Publication details: 
Printed label on reverse, New Delhi 1959-60.
Nehru reverse

Photograph, c.16 x 11.5cm, very good condition, tipped on to card of same size crudely taped,and with wire for hanging as with a picture, with inscription on verso, All good wishes for the New Year | Indira Gandhi. Some philistine has added to the inscription in blue ink and capitals, WITH THE PRIME MINISTER | AND HIS | GRANDSONS. See images. Note: I've not found the image on Google Images.

[Valentín Gómez Farías; Mexico] Signature with final flourish only. See image.

Valentin Gomez Farias [(1781 – 1858), President of Mexico twice.].
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Piece of paper 9 x 2.5cm, laid down on slightly larger card, with docketing President 1835, sl. grubby but clear and bold. Notes (from Wikipedia): A. President of Mexico during two main periods: one in the early 1830s and one in the late 1840s, when he served as president during the Mexican-American War. In his first term, he enacted significant liberal reforms that were aimed at undermining the power of the Roman Catholic Church and the army in Mexico ; The Mexican Cession consisted of present-day U.S.

[Israel Gollancz; Scholar] Bold Autograph Signature Only, Israel Gollancz. See image.

Israel Gollancz [Sir Israel Gollancz (1863 – 1930), scholar of early English literature and of Shakespeare].
Publication details: 
Docketed in pencil 24.12.26.

Card, 9 x 6cm. very good condition.

[Marechal Berthier] Autograph Subscription to a Letter, signed Berthier (see image),

Louis-Alexandre Berthier ( 1753 – 1815) (Minister of War and chief of staff to Napoleon)
Publication details: 
No Place or Date.

Part of letter, 18.5 x 10, stained and grubby but text clear (see image), laid down on another piece of paper of the same size, as follows: Recevez, Monsieur le Comte, l'assurance de ma plus haute consideration | Le Prince de Wagram et de Neuchatel | Vice-connétable | Berthier ||

[Dorothy Billson, Gymnast] Signature with title, Dorothy Billson | English Champion Gymnast. | May 6th 1924.

Dorothy Billson, British Gymnastics Women’s Champions, 1924-6.
Publication details: 

Piece of paper (part of autograph book page?), 11 x 4.5, clipping not quite regular, one edge stained, text clear.

[Bill Burgess; T.W.Burgess, Channel swimmer] Signature Only T W Burgess

Thomas William Burgess (1872 – 1950), second person to successfully complete a swim of the English Channel after Matthew Webb.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Green Card, 9 x 6cm, laid down on small album page sl. larger than the card, Some creases at corner and across the B of Burgess, sl. soiled but signature clear. See image.

[Dorothy Billson, Gymnast] Signature with title, Dorothy Billson | English Champion Gymnast. | May 6th 1924.

Dorothy Billson, British Gymnastics Women’s Champions, 1924-6.
Publication details: 

Piece of paper (part of autograph book page?), 11 x 4.5, clipping not quite regular, one edge stained, text clear.

[Bill Burgess; T.W.Burgess, Channel swimmer] Signature Only T W Burgess

Thomas William Burgess (1872 – 1950), second person to successfully complete a swim of the English Channel after Matthew Webb.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Green Card, 9 x 6cm, laid down on small album page sl. larger than the card, Some creases at corner and across the B of Burgess, sl. soiled but signature clear. See image.

[Augustus de Morgan] Autograph subscription to letter Signed.

Augustus De Morgan [(1806?1871), mathematician and logician.]
Publication details: 
Univ[ersity] Coll[ege] Lond[on]. 16 Aug. 1848

Clipped Subscription to letter, including signature, small closed tear (no loss of text), verson shows signs of having been glued onto (perhaps) an album page, writing clear.

[ George Manville Fenn, author ] Autograph Sentiment & Signature only G M Fenn on headed notepaper.

George Manville Fenn (1831–1909), prolific English novelist, journalist, editor and educationalist.
Publication details: 
[Printed] Syon Lodge, Isleworth, 10 June 1898 (the '98' might have been added by another hand.)

One page, 12mo, good condition. With pleasure, and thanks for compliments | G M Fenn ||.

[ Violet Fane ] Autograph Signatures Only Mary Montgomery Currie | (Violet Fane) | Sept. 1899

Violet Fane, pseudonym of Lady Mary Montgomerie Currie (née Lamb,1843–1905), poet, a writer, and later an ambassadress.
Publication details: 
[Printed Heading] Hawley, Blackwater, Hants.

One page, 12mo, good condition.

[ William Trumbull, Statesman ] Autograph (Clipped) Signature Will. Trumbull only.

Sir William Trumbull [ (1639–1716), statesman ].
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Clipped signature, 6 x 3.5cm, tipped onto sl. larger piece of paper, good condition

[Lillie Langtry, actress ] Bold valediction to Letter. "Yrs faithfully | Lillie Langtry".

Lillie Langtry [Emilie Charlotte Langtry (née Le Breton, 1853–1929), "The Jersey Lily", was a British-American socialite, actress
Publication details: 
No place or date

Piece cut from letter (presumably), 13 x 6cm, good condition.

[Leonard Welsted, poet and 'Dunce'] Autograph Signature "Leond Welsted"

Leonard Welsted, poet and 'Dunce'
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Piece with signature cut from larger document, c.9 x 3cm, edges indiate it's the bottom left of a document, part image, decorative, of a key and the letters ML with his signature beside. Note: Welsted married a daughter of Henry Purcell, antagonistic towards Scriblerians etc. See DNB.

[ Fred Astaire ] Signature on detached leaf of an autograph album.

Fred Astaire, dancing film star
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Detached leaf of an autograph album, 12 x 9.5cm, beige, one edge roughened, good condition.

[King George III and his Prime Minister the Duke of Portland.] Signatures of 'George R.' and 'Portland', to the commission of William Griffith as 'Captain in the Association of the Town of Pwlhelly & its neighbourhood' (Carnarvonshire, Wales).

King George III (1738-1820); Duke of Portland, British Prime Minister [William Henry Cavendish Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland (1738-1809)]
Publication details: 
'Given at Our Court at St. James's the 24th Day of June 1798 in the Thirty Eighth Year of Our Reign.'

1p., 8vo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with closed tear along fold line of second leaf, which is blank other than the manuscript docketing: 'William Griffith Esq. | Captain | in the Association of the Town of Pwlhelly and it's [sic] neighbourhood'. The actual document, on the recto of the first leaf is a printed form completed in manuscript. The king's bold signature 'George R.' is at the top left, while the Duke's ('Portland') is appended 'By His Majesty's Command' at the end.

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