Autograph notebook by the biographer and antiquary Thomas Wright of Olney, containing rough drafts of an apparently-unpublished story or novel ('My Little Lady. A Story without a Moral'), and of a lecture on Daniel Defoe and Stoke Newington.

Thomas Wright ['Wright of Olney'] (1859-1936) of Olney, Buckinghamshire, biographer, editor and antiquary, founder of the Cowper, John Payne and Blake Societies
Publication details: 
[Edwardian. Olney, Buckinghamshire.]

12mo, 134 pp each on one side of a ring-punched loose leaf, with the leaves attached by green thread within an original worn buckram binder with discoloured endpapers. The leaves themselves in good condition on lightly-aged paper; with those of the draft story ruled in red, and sometimes utilizing scrap paper (for example the blank reverses of prospectuses for Wright's books and scrap pages from Blake Society material).

Autograph Letter Signed ('Louisa Parr') from the Victorian novelist Mrs Louisa Sarah Ann Parr (pseudonym 'Mrs. Olinthus Lobb'), regarding the translation into French by the neice of the unnamed female recipient of her novel 'Dorothy Fox'.

Louisa Sarah Ann Parr [née Taylor] (c.1848-1903), Victorian novelist under the pseudonym 'Mrs. Olinthus Lobb'
Publication details: 
18 Upper Phillimore Place, Kensington. 27 July 1872.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium, with leaf dimensions 18 x 11cm. The letter appears complete, in good condition on lightly-aged paper, but a rectangle of about 5.5 x 11cm. (perhaps carrying the recipient's name) has been torn from the bottom of the second leaf.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ada Ellen Bayly / "Edna Lyall."') by the novelist Edna Lyall (real name Ada Ellen Bayly), on the part played by illustrations in novels.

'Edna Lyall', pseudonym of the novelist Ada Ellen Bayly (1857-1903)
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 6 College Road, Eastbourne. 11 January 1893.

2pp., 12mo. Fifteen lines. On bifolium. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. The male recipient is not named. She apologies that 'the crowd of Christmas engagements' has meant that his letter has gone unanswered until now. 'With regard to the question you ask, my feeling is that where an artist and an author can contrive to work well together illustrations are a decided improvement to novels. But it is most trying to an author to see his characters presented to the public in a way utterly unlike his own conception of them.' In her view it is 'clear gain' if a book can be 'well illustrated'.

Autograph Letter Signed from 'E L'Estrange' to Charles Manby, proposing to present a copy of the [her?] three-decker novel 'Westminster Abbey' [by Emma Robinson].

E. L'Estrange aka ?Emma Robinson (1814-1890), English novelist [Charles Manby]
E. L'Estrange aka ?Emma Robinson
Publication details: 
9 May 1854; no place.
E. L'Estrange aka ?Emma Robinson

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. 51 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper. Chatty and spirited letter. 'I propose myself the honour and pleasure (seldom indeed, save in common parlance!) of paying you a visit, - to present you with a copy of "Westminster Abbey"', which has 'emerged from the press in the orthodox three volumes'. Does not want to give him 'an excuse for not flashing your eye through it'.

Autograph Letter Signed from Camilla Toulmin [Mrs Newton Crosland] to an unnamed male recipient, containing a passage from her poem 'Lines on Mr. Johnstone's Picture of the Covenanters' Marriage'.

Camilla Toulmin [Camilla Dufour Toulmin] (1812-1895), later wife of Newton Crosland (1819-1899), English author and poet
Autograph Letter Signed from Camilla Toulmin
Publication details: 
23 September 1846; London.
Autograph Letter Signed from Camilla Toulmin

4to, 1 p. In reply to a request for an autograph, she feels 'flattered'. She has copied out seven lines from her poem 'Lines on Mr. Johnstone's Picture of the Covenanters' Marriage' (which was published in 'The New Monthly Belle Assemblée' of 1844).

Autograph Note Signed "E. Lynn Linton", novelist, to "Mr Wright".

Eliza Lynn Linton, novelist
Autograph Note Signed "E. Lynn Linton", novelist
Publication details: 
6 Fitzroy Street, [London] W., no date.
Autograph Note Signed "E. Lynn Linton", novelist

One page, 12mo, edge trimmed with minor loss of text. She is working too hard to find time for "social duties or politenesses" She will be at a certain place the following day. She has a cold "who has not?") abnd asks whether he will be in his "place" the following day.

Autograph Signature ('Edward Bradley') on portion of letter to Lady Huntly.

Edward Bradley [pseudonym 'Cuthbert Bede' ('Cuthbert M. Bede, B.A.')] (1827-1889), English novelist
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Text on both sides of a piece of paper 6 x 11 cm. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with a couple of glue marks from previous mounting on reverse. The bottom part of the letter, cut away for the signature. Side with signature reads '<...> yet heard from the Bp. of Petebro on that point. I have to write hastily for our 3.45 post. | Believe me dear Lady Huntly yours very sincerely obliged | [signed] Edward Bradley'. Reverse reads '<...> of the Dining room and Study - & some of the bedrooms - and also paint the whole of the outside of the house.

Dorothy Sweete. A Novel.

W. I.' [W. Ingram]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh: J. Gardner Hitt, 37 George Street. 1901.

12mo, iv + 203 pp. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Rebound in worn green paper wraps, with 'W. I. INGRAM' in manuscript along spine. Unobtrusive 'Sale Duplicate' stamp of the 'BIBLIOTHECA | <?> | EDINENSIS'. The dedication provides a clue to the author: 'To the memory of Jeannie E. D. S. Ingram, once a student in the University of Aberdeen.' Scarce: COPAC only lists copies at the British Library, National Library of Scotland, and Aberdeen.

The Abbotsford Subscription.

R. A. Dundas, Secretary, Royal Society of Literature [Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832), Scottish novelist and poet]
Publication details: 
St. Martin's Place, Dec. 7, 1832.'

Disbound. Octavo: four pages. Good: slightly aged and with some creasing to extremities. Thirty-one lines of text, followed by a double-column list of subscribers, and amounts subscribed.

Autograph Signature ('H de Vere Stacpoole.').

Henry de Vere Stacpoole [Harry] (1863-1951), Anglo-Irish novelist, best known for his often-filmed book 'The Blue Lagoon' (1908)
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On a piece of thin card roughly 8.5 x 11.5 cm. Very good. Good signature, 7.5 cm long, neatly centred.

Castle Avon. By the author of "Emilia Wyndham," "Mordaunt Hall," etc. etc.

Anon. [Anne Marsh (later Anne Marsh-Caldwell) (1791-1874)]
Publication details: 
London: Thomas Hodgson, 13, Paternoster-row. [Woodfall and Kinder, Printers, Angel Court, Skinner Street, London.] [1855]

12mo, 352 pp. In contemporary brown calf half-binding, with marbled boards and grey endpapers. Loose and foxed in worn binding.

Autograph Letter Signed to Thomas Thompson of Liverpool.

Catherine Hutton (1756-1846), English novelist and miscellaneous writer [AUTOGRAPH COLLECTING]
Publication details: 
Bennett's Hill June 1832'.

Two pages, quarto. Well preserved, on good lightly-aged paper, but with the original piece of paper (which was roughly nine inches by seven and a half wide) now neatly cut into three strips (the top and bottom of which are two and three-quarter inches high, and the middle three and a half inches high). The text is extremely neatly written and entirely legible, and the whole easily repairable with archival tape. The whole of this long, interesting letter (thirty-five lines and a two-line postscript) is given over to the current craze for autograph collecting (for which see A. N. L.

Autograph Signature with classical quotation.

Samuel Warren (1807-1877), English novelist
Publication details: 
23 January 1866; 16 Manchester Square, W. [London].

On one side of a piece of laid paper, dimensions 11.5 x 17.5 cm. Good, lightly creased with one small spot at head and a light thumbprint (Warren's?) in top right-hand corner. Clearly responding to a request for an autograph. Reads 'The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the Firmament sheweth His handy work. Ps. XX, I. | [signed] Samuel Warren | 16 Manchester Square | W. | 23d January 1866.'

fragment of letter to unnamed correspondent, with engraving of Martineau's residence

Harriet Martineau
Publication details: 
2pp, 16mo, 2 August 1856, Church Hill, Ambleside

English economist and novelist. The letterhead engraving of 'The Knoll Ambleside' by W. Banks of Edinburgh is circular, around two inches in diameter,with printed signature. The fragment of text - comprising ten lines - is on the reverse. Creased, grubby and stained.

Six Typed Letters Signed to D. K. Craig of Arthurs Press Ltd.

Hubert Foster [The P.E.N.; Poets, Essayists and Novelists]
Publication details: 
15 October 1945 to 10 December 1946; all six on letterhead of 'THE P.E.N. | A World Association of Writers | LONDON CENTRE'.

Association founded in England in 1921 to promote the interests of writers worldwide. First item, two pages, 12mo; next four, one page, 12mo; last item, one page, octavo. All good, though lightly creased and on discoloured paper. All have two punch holes. Item one with staple marks in top left-hand corner. The collection consists of instructions to the printer of the association's journal 'P.E.N. News'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Ashby-Sterry') to 'Mary H. Tennyson' [pseudonym of Mary H. Folkard], 6 Saint George's Square, Regent's Park, N.W.

Joseph Ashby-Sterry (1836-1917), English novelist, poet, journalist and painter ['Mary H. Tennyson', i.e. Mary H. Folkard]
Publication details: 
17 June 1904; on letterhead 8 Saint Martin's Place, Trafalgar Square, W.C. [London].

Two pages, 16mo. Very good. Twenty-two lines, attractively written in purple ink beneath a letterhead printed in bright red. With postmarked envelope, addressed in autograph and carrying a penny stamp. He thanks her for sending him a copy of her book 'The Luck of John Seaton'. 'It reached me down in the country where, strange to say, I was already half way through it. I bought it at the railway station & had not arrived at the name of the author, when I received your letter. They ought to always put the name on the cover.' He enjoyed the story 'from beginning to end'.

Card carrying Autograph Inscription to Charles Wilson.

Alec Waugh (Alexander Raban Waugh, 1898-1981), English novelist, elder brother of Evelyn Waugh
Publication details: 

On one side of the card. Dimensions, 8.5 x 11 cms. Very good. Neat inscription reading 'For Charles Wilson | with Alec Waugh's best wishes | July. 31. 1948 /.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Adelaide Phillpotts') to 'Miss Hall'.

Mary Adelaide Eden Phillpotts (1896-1996), English author (daughter of Eden Phillpotts)
Publication details: 
21 March 1927; Eltham, Torquay, South Devon.

Two pages, quarto. Very good, with a little wear and light creasing. 'I often think of those days, & how timid & shy & stupid I was! Yet I enjoyed myself too, & shall never forget your great kindness, & the help you gave me. Since then I've had many adventures & experiences. I am not the thing I was!' She has been in London for the winter, and hopes they will be able to meet. 'We're so glad you like "Yellow Sands" - & I'm very pleased you like "Tomek". She has 'just finished another novel & play'. Asks what has become of a number of common acquaintances.

Autograph Prayer Signed, 'For Stephen Snell from Rumer Godden'.

Rumer Godden, English novelist (1907-98)
Publication details: 
Without date or place [but card dated 1992].

In very good condition, on a greetings card containing a reproduction of an illustration of a black cat by Barry Moser, from Godden's translation of Carmen Bernos de Gasztold's 'Prayers from the Ark'. The prayer, in Godden's hand (and probably one of her translations from the book) reads 'Lord, I am the Cat. It is not exactly that I hahve something to ask of you! No - I ask nothing of anyone - but, if you have by some chance, in some celestial barn. a little white mouse, or a saucer of milk. I know someone who would relish them.

Five Autograph Letters Signed to [G. K. Menzies,] the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Maurice Drake
Publication details: 
2 October 1922; 21 November 1922; 1 December 1922; 26 February 1923; 22 March 1923; the first four on letterhead 'The Three Gables, | Cathedral Close, | Exeter', the fifth on embossed letterhead 'COLWELL COTTAGE, | EXETER.'

English glass painter and novelist (1875-1923). All five items in very good condition, and all but the third and fifth stamped and docketed. ITEM ONE: two pages, 4to. He will be 'delighed and honoured by reading a paper before the R.S.A.' Gives a choice of dates and states 'I shall want a lantern.' He wants 'to draw the Society's attention to the fact that the various processes in making a modern window follow the developments of stained glass from the 11th (or perhaps the 9th) century to the beginning of the 15th.' Explains his thesis in some detail, and discusses possible titles.

Autograph Postcard Signed to 'Mrs. Black'.

Eliza Lynn Linton
Publication details: 
Postmarked 8 January 1891; 'Queen Annes Mansions. St James's Park SW.'

Novelist and miscellaneous writer (1822-98). Dimensions roughly five inches by three. Grubby and with minor fraying, loss and closed tears to edges (not affecting text). Printed halfpenny stamp and two postmarks in black ink. Addressed to 'Mrs. Black | 5 Hazlitt Road | W. Kensington | W.' 'I have not received ye Ladies Pictorial, but fine - all very well done with great sympathy & tenderness & so well written - I have begun by informal LSaturdays - & shall be very glad to see you if you could come'. Signed 'E: Lynn Linton'.

Autograph Letter Signed to [Thomas] Attree.

Robert Plumer Ward
Publication details: 
24 September 1834; Gilston Park, Harlow.

English novelist and politician (1765-1846). The recipient (c1778-1863) was an influential Brighton solicitor, owner of Queen's Park. One page, octavo. On discoloured and lightly creased paper, with fraying and several small closed tears, but with no loss to text. An affectionate letter inviting Attree to Harlow. 'Fred.

Autograph Letter to George Hammond of Spring Gardens.

Robert Plumer Ward
Publication details: 
Abingdon St. Monday.' [no date, but before 1827].

English novelist and politician (1765-1846). The recipient (1763-1853) was a diplomat, and joint-editor of the 'Anti-Jacobin'. Three pages, 12mo. On discoloured, lightly-stained paper, with one corner of second leaf of bifoliate (with two words of text) broken off in breaking open letter, and still adhering to wafer. Had Hammond given 'a days notice' of his 'intention to come up', he might have been spared 'some hours of unnecessary Solitude'.

Autograph Letter to the printseller [Dominic Paul] Colnaghi.

Lady Charlotte Susan Maria Bury
Publication details: 
Tuesday 29th April. [no year] | No 3. Park Square | Regent Park'.

English novelist (1775-1861). One page, 12mo. A frail item in poor condition: on discoloured, frayed paper, with several closed tears and some loss to edges. A formal letter in the third person. 'Lady Charlotte Bury presents Her Comp[limen]ts. to Mr: Colnaghi and would be obliged to Him if He could make it convenient to call upon Her any time this Day, as she wishes to speak to Him respecting Some Drawings which she intends to publish'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs Valentine'.

Victor Sawdon Pritchett
Publication details: 
16 December 1985; on letterhead '12 REGENTS PARK TERRACE | LONDON N.W.I'.

English novelist (1900-96). One page, octavo. Good, but with slight marking from staple in top left-hand corner. He is glad his correspondent is 'having therapy for your bad back for, hard work though it is, and must be in your case, I'm sure you will find it helpful. | About author's proofs, they of course usually go back to publishers; but what I am glad to be able to send you is the jacket of my latest book which at least has a picture and my signature, and I hope it will, at least, be decorative in your study.' Signed 'Victor S Pritchett'.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Henry De Vere Stacpoole
Publication details: 
24 April 1930; on letterhead of the Royal Marine Hotel, Ventnor.

Irish novelist (1863-1951). One page, 12mo. Good, but with some rust stains from staple. Reads 'Dear Sir | I enclose autograph with much pleasure | Believe me | yours truly | H De Vere Stacpoole.'

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs. Randolph'.

James Hain Friswell
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

English novelist and miscellaneous writer (1825-78). Dimensions five inches by four and a half. Good. Mounted along one edge to piece of grey card. Cutting from Times, 15 March 1879, mounted on reverse of letter (giving Friswell's dates as 1827-79), and partly obscured by gum. Reads: '<...> I cannot say that the picture of life as you draw it is charming & only hope it is not true - illusions! | Your cursory remarks on us poor Men are written with a copper pen & sulphuric acid. Mr Randolph, who is of course the noble exception, must be delighted with them.

My friend Henry Miller.

Alfred Perles
Publication details: 
London: Neville Spearman, 1955.

8vo. Pages: xi + 242. 11 plates. Good, despite one bump at head of back board. Dustwrapper good, despite fraying at head and tail of spine and show-through sellotape discolouration . Dustjacket discoloration to free endpapers. Neat inscription, presumably by Perles, in green ink on front free endpaper 'To | Jack Mitchell | from Alfred Perles | & | Henry Miller | London March, 56.'

Typed Letter Signed to [Morley Stuart, editor of the Cambridge Daily News].

Rose Macaulay
Publication details: 
13 April 1934; on letterhead '7, LUXBOROUGH HOUSE, | NORTHUMBERLAND STREET, | W.1.'

English novelist (1881-1958). One page, roughly six and a half inches by five. Good, but on high-acidity paper discoloured with age. Attached to folio page from cuttings album. She thanks him for 'the cutting from the Cambridge Daily News about your lecture on Cambridge novels, which interested me. I do not suppose I could have said anything useful if you had written to me, as I can never think of anything to say in letters. I was interested in your comparison of Oxford & Cambridge novels.

Autograph Letter Signed [to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Publication details: 
29 October 1935; on letterhead of the 'Admiralty Research | Laboratory, | Teddington, Middlesex.'

Novelist, short story writer and poet (1884-1954). Two pages, quarto. Very good, though dusty and with small staple holes to one corner. Docketed. Apologises for the late reply to the invitation to join the Society ('the oversight was due to the intervention of leave and other causes'). 'Though I am afraid that I shall not be able to avail myself to any great extent of the advantage offered by your Society, staff members of this Laboratory will doubtless be glad to attend your lectures as they have already done in the past.' Consequently he will offer himself for election. Signed 'F. B.

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