[ Printed item. ] Catalogue of Books published by Charles Cox, 12, King William Street, Strand. [ Including 'Knight's Shilling Weekly Volume', 'A Valuable Library of 150 Volumes for 150 Shillings.' ]

[ Charles Cox, London bookseller ] [ Charles Knight (1791-1873) ]
Publication details: 
[ Charles Cox. ] '12, King William Street, Strand [ London ], February 1, 1847.'

8pp., 12mo. Stabbed and unbound. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The main descriptions are for 'Knight's Shilling Weekly Volume' (covering the first four pages), and 'The New Orbis Pictus' (covering three pages), the latter described as '12,000 Engravings on Wood, 72 on Steel, 40 Illuminations, and 13 Coloured Maps.'

[Printed War Office pamphlet.] Water supplies in the Field. Notes for Medical Officers. (Reprinted with Amendments 1 and 2, 1941.)

[Director of Hygiene, War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'Issued under the authority of the Director of Hygiene, War Office [Whitehall]'.

iii + 109pp., 12mo. In green printed wraps. In good condition, lightly-aged. Stapled addendum titled 'Amendment No. 3.' (5pp., 12mo) loosely inserted. Main headings: Amounts; Sources; Metal Solvency in Water; Hardness of Water; Brackish Waters; Bitter Aperient Waters; Examination of Water Supplies; Purification of Water; Water Vehicles, Water Points and Distribution; Poisoning of Water by the Enemy; Water Supplies Contaminated with Schistosome Cercariae.

[Printed item.] Selections from the Army Medical Department Bulletin 1941-1942.

[British Army Medical Department; The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'Issued by the War Office [Whitehall], London, S.W.1. April, 1943.'

74pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Three page table of contents at front, and two page index in small print at back. Numerous entries under the following headings: Injuries and Wounds; Blood Transfusions; Surgery; The Legs and Feet; The Teeth, Jaws and Face; Infection and Sterilization; Administration; Nutrition; Heat-Stroke; Malaria; Epidemic Diseases; Immunization; Vaccination; The Nervous System; Epididymitis; Venereal Disease; Bacteriostatic Remedies; Psychiatry; The Home Guard; For the Press; Museum Collections.

[War Office publications, 'Not to be published.'] Booklet of 'Training Notes & A.M.D. Bulletins For Medical Officers', containing 14 issues of the Army Medical Department Bulletin, index, and nine issues of its 'Supplement'.

[British Army Medical Department; The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
The War Office [Whitehall], London, S.W.1. The bulletins (nos.24-33, 35-38) dating from between June 1943 and August 1944. The supplements (nos.1, 4, 6-8, 10, 12, 15, 16) dating from between January 1943 and June 1944. The index dated February 1944.

The thirty-one items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, each with punch holes at spine, and all attched within a grey printed card folder by blue string. The bulletins (nos. 24-33, 35-38) are all 8pp., 12mo, except for No.33, which is 12pp., 12mo, and hence total 116pp., 12mo, with occasional illustrations.

[Printed item.] Army Medical Department Bulletin No. 38. [290 to 297: Early Tubercle is Easily Missed; The Medical Officer as Scientist; Prognosis in Coronary Occlusion; Valvular Disease of the Heart; Treatment of Casualties from Phosgene [...] .

[British Army Medical Department; The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'Issued by the War Office [Whitehall], London, S.W.1. August, 1944.' ['Distribution scale: One copy to every Medical and Dental Officer.']

8pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with vertical crease and three punch holes at spine. 'Lieut Kyten' in manuscript at head of first page. Sections 296 and 297 are titled: 'Formalin Frees Footwear from Fungi' and 'Use of Army Numbers'. From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps. These bulletins are scarce: the only copies traced are 38 issues (unspecified) in the Wellcome Library, a copy of no.32 in the Imperial War Museum, and a 'Supplement' in the University of California.

[Printed item.] Army Medical Department Bulletin No. 39. [298 to 305: Clinicians and Special Departments; Gas Gangrene: An Illustrative Case; Padded or Unpadded Plaster Casts; An Improved Tobruk Plaster (Mark III); Overdosage with Aspirin [...]'.

[British Army Medical Department; The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'Issued by the War Office [Whitehall], London, S.W.1. September, 1944.' ['Distribution scale: One copy to every Medical and Dental Officer.']

8pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with three punch holes at spine. 'Lt. Miss Kayton' in manuscript at head of first page. Sections 303 to 305 are titled: Penicillin Units: Oxford and Mega; "My Doctor Told Me."; Diphtheira Antitoxin: New Scales of Issue. From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps. These bulletins are scarce: the only copies traced are 38 issues (unspecified) in the Wellcome Library, a copy of no.32 in the Imperial War Museum, and a 'Supplement' in the University of California.

[Printed item.] Army Medical Department Bulletin No. 44. [335 to 340: Trench Foot; Laboratory Diagnosis of Smallpox; Varicose Veins; Mental Factors in Skin Disease; Peripheral Nerve Palsies from Intramuscular Injections; Too Much of a Good Thing.]

[British Army Medical Department; The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'Issued by the War Office [Whitehall], London, S.W.1. February, 1945.' ['Distribution scale: One copy to every Medical and Dental Officer.']

8pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with three punch holes at spine. 'Miss Kayton' in manuscript at head of first page. From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps. These bulletins are scarce: the only copies traced are 38 issues (unspecified) in the Wellcome Library, a copy of no.32 in the Imperial War Museum, and a 'Supplement' in the University of California.

[War Office publication.] Self-training for Medical Officers. 1941.

'By Command of the Army Council' [The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'The War Office [Whitehall], 24th December, 1941.' ['Notified in A.C.Is.']

10pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. The preface states that the pamphlet 'is issued so that medical officers may examine themselves and judge how successful or otherwise their training has been'.

['Restricted' War Office publication, 1944.] Notes on the Prevention and Treatment of Scabies, 1942. (Reprinted with Amendments (Nos. 1 and 2) 1944.)

'By Command of the Army Council' [The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War]
Publication details: 
'The War Office [Whitehall], 19th February, 1944.' ['Notified in A.C.Is.']

12pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. At head of title-page: 'Restricted | The information given in this document is not to be communicated, either directly or indirectly, to the Press or to any person not authorized to receive it.' Headings: Introduction; Incidence; Causal Agent; Effects of Temperature and Moisture on Sarcoptes; Method of Infestation; Incubation; Diagnosis; Complications; Health Inspections; Differential Diagnosis; Prophylaxis; Treatment; Policy. An appendix gives the 'Formula for making 80 ounces Benzyl Benzoate Emulsion'.

[War Office publication, 'Not to be published'.] The Control of Epidemic Typhus 1942.

'By Command of the Army Council' [The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War; Royal Army Medical Corps]
Publication details: 
'The War Office [Whitehall], June 17th, 1942.' ['Notified in A.C.Is.']

12pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with three punch holes at spine. Headings: General principles of control; Bionomics of the louse; Mode of spread of infection; The prevention of lousiness; Methods of disinfestation; Disposal of typhus cases and suspects; General epidemic measures [Measures in conjunction with civil authorities; Military organization; Action by the medical officer of the unit; Unit arrangements; Divisional arrangements; L. of C. and base areas; Disinfestation of prisoners of war].

[War Office pamphlet, 'Not to be published'.] Care of the Feet. Notes for Foot Orderlies. 1942.

'By Command of the Army Council' [The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War; chiropody]
Publication details: 
'The War Office [Whitehall], 7th October, 1942.' ['Notified in A.C.Is.']

48pp., 12mo. In brown printed wraps. With leaf carrying 'Amendment No. 1.' (headed 'Restricted') on 'Care of the Feet - Notes for Foot Orderlies, 1942' (1p., 12mo), dated from 'The War Office, | 7th October, 1942.', loosely inserted. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. The pamphlet contains 20 figures, and is divided into nine chapters, with five appendices on chiropody.

Long Typed List [by Rolfe Arnold Scott-James?], with numerous emendations and additions in manuscript, headed 'List of Reviewers [in the London Mercury] since October, 1934.'

[Rolfe Arnold Scott-James (1878-1959), editor of The London Mercury from 1934, succeeding Sir J. C. Squire [Sir John Collings Squire] (1884-1958]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [London, 1938 or 1939?]

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. The first page consists of a typescript in two columns, with names scored through and a few added in pencil. The second page has a few typewritten names, together with dozens added in pencil, clearly at different times. From 1919 the London Mercury's original editor J. C. Squire promoted the traditional verse of the Georgian Poets and their prose counterparts; on taking over in October 1934 Scott-James embraced the more fashionable modernist writing, and that change is reflected in the present list.

Autograph Letter Signed from the publisher of 'The Athenaeum' John Francis, declining to buy back issues of the magazine from Miss Emily Cole of Teignmouth.

John Francis (1811-1882), publisher of 'The Athenaeum', 1831-1882 [Miss Emily Cole (c.1819-1894) of Teignmouth, daughter of the lawyer and autograph collector Robert Cole, FSA]
John Francis (1811-1882), publisher of 'The Athenaeum'
Publication details: 
5 February 1875; on letterhead of the Athenaeum Office, 26 Wellington Street, Strand, London.
John Francis (1811-1882), publisher of 'The Athenaeum'

12mo, 1 p. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. He is 'unable to make an offer for the back Vols of The Athenaeum - our stock in house being sufficient to meet demands'.

Report from the Select Committee on Official Publications, &c. together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. [with] Index and Digest of Evidence to the Report from the Select Committee on Official Publications, &c

[Report from the House of Commons Select Committee on Official Publications, 1906.]
Publication details: 
Both 'Report' and 'Index': 'Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 23 July 1906.' and both 'London: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, by Wyman and Sons, Limited, 109, Fetter Lane, E.C.'

Report: 8vo, xxxii + 141 pp. In original blue printed wraps. Index: 8vo, 28 + [i] pp, unbound, continuing pagination to 169. Both items fair, on aged paper, with the 'Report' in chipped wraps. Both items carrying unobtrusive stamp of the University of Hull, the 'Report' also with the reception stamp of Alexander Pollard, 26 June 1907. Uncommon: the only copy of the 'Report' on COPAC at Southampton, and the only copy of the 'Index' at Birmingham.

Report from the Select Committee on Official Publications, &c. with the Proceedings of the Committee.

[Report from the House of Commons Select Committee on Official Publications, 1906.]
Publication details: 
'Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be Printed, 23 July 1906.' London: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, by Wyman and Sons, Limited, 109, Fetter Lane, E.C. 1906.

8vo, 31 + [i] pp. Unbound. Fair, on aged paper. Title page carries small stamp of the University of Hull, and ownership inscription of J. R. Warburton. The Committee was appointed 'to inquire into the Number, Bulk, Cost, and Circulation of the Documents printed by Order of this House [of Commons], or presented to it through Public Departments, and to report what Reductions, if any, can be made thereon', those documents comrpising: '(1) The Votes and Proceedings of the House of Commons. (2) Journals of the House of Commons. (3) Bills. (4) Acts of Parliament. (5) Parliamentary Debates.

Report from the Select Committee on Publications; together with the Proceedings of the Committee and Minutes of Evidence. [with] Index and Digest of Evidence to the Report from the Select Committee on Publications. Session 1907.

[Report from the House of Commons Select Committee on Publications, 1907.]
Publication details: 
Both 'Report' and 'Index': 'Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 26 July 1907.' and both 'London: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, by Wyman and Sons, Limited, 109, Fetter Lane, E.C.'

Report: 8vo, xiv + 76 pp. In original blue printed wraps. Index: six pages, unbound, continuing pagination to 81. Both items fair, on aged paper with slight damp staining to extremities and both carrying unobtrusive stamp of the University of Hull. The Select Committee was 'appointed to examine the PUBLICATIONS printed by Order of this HOUSE [of Commons], or presented to it through PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS, and to call attention to any case in which unnecessary expense has been incurred'. Uncommon: the only copy of the 'Report' on COPAC at Southampton, and no copy of the 'Index'.

[Report from the Select Committee on Publications, together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. [with] Index to the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Publications.

[Report from the House of Commons Select Committee on Publications, 1908.]
Publication details: 
Both 'Report' and 'Index': 'Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 10th December, 1908.' and both 'London: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, By Vacher and Sons, Westminster House, Great Smith Street, S.W.'

Report: 8vo, xvi + 115 pp. In original blue printed wraps. Index: 8vo, ten pages, unbound, continuing pagination to 126. Both items fair, on aged paper, and both carrying unobtrusive stamp of the University of Hull. Chipping and repair with archival tape to wrap of 'Report'. The Committee was 'appointed to examine the Publications printed by Order of this House [of Commons] or presented to it through Public Departments, and to call attention to any case in which unnecessary expense has been incurred'. Scarce: the only copy of the 'Report' on COPAC at Southampton, and no copy of the 'Index'.

Report of the Select Committee on Publications; together with the Proceedings of the Committee.

[Report of the House of Commons Select Committee on Publications, 1907.]
Publication details: 
'Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 26 July 1907.' London: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, By Wyman and Sons, Limited, 109, Fetter Lane, E.C.

8vo, xii + [i] pp. Unbound. Fair, on aged paper, with title carrying unobtrusive stamp of the University of Hull. The Committee was 'appointed to examine the PUBLICATIONS printed by Order of this HOUSE [of Commons], or presented to it through PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS, and to call attention to any case in which unnecessary expense has been inucurred.' Scarce: the only copy on COPAC at Southampton.

Spoof handbill advertisement, by 'Humphrey Higginbottom & Co.', for 'The Dark Lanthorn, Or, Suffolk Twinkler, and Woodbridge farthing Rush-light', headed: 'To all who have the interest of ignorance & bigotry at heart, This Statement is addressed.'

'Humphrey Higginbottom & Co.', 'The Dark Lanthorn, Or, Suffolk Twinkler, and Woodbridge farthing Rush-light' [J. Munro, Printer, and Bookseller, Woodbridge, Suffolk]
Spoof handbill advertisement
Publication details: 
Dated 'WOODBRIDGE, SUFFOLK, | July 13th, 1826.' [printer's slug: 'J. MUNRO, PRINTER, AND BOOKSELLER, WOODBRIDGE.']
Spoof handbill advertisement

Nicely printed, in a variety of types and point sizes, on one side of a piece of laid 4to paper. Twenty-two lines of text. Clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper.

Autograph Note Signed "E. Lynn Linton", novelist, to "Mr Wright".

Eliza Lynn Linton, novelist
Autograph Note Signed "E. Lynn Linton", novelist
Publication details: 
6 Fitzroy Street, [London] W., no date.
Autograph Note Signed "E. Lynn Linton", novelist

One page, 12mo, edge trimmed with minor loss of text. She is working too hard to find time for "social duties or politenesses" She will be at a certain place the following day. She has a cold "who has not?") abnd asks whether he will be in his "place" the following day.

Writers Against Apartheid [broadsheet magazine containing poems by MacDiarmid, MacNeice, Empson]

I. F. White, editor, 'Writers Against Apartheid' [South Africa; racism; Sean O'Casey; Hugh MacDiarmid; Louis MacNeice; William Empson]
I. F. White, editor, 'Writers Against Apartheid'
Publication details: 
Printed by Villiers Publications Ltd., Ingestre Road, London, N.W.5.
I. F. White, editor, 'Writers Against Apartheid'

Broadsheet bifolium, 4 pp. Text clear and complete. On lightly-aged paper, worn along fold lines. Poetry collection, containing twenty-eight poems by writers including 'Mazizi Kunene (In Exile, London, 1960)' and Hugh MacDiarmid, whose two poems have the footnote 'We are especially pleased to print these two new poems by Hugh McDiarmid, contributed despite the painful after effects of his recent car smash. We wish him a speedy and complete recovery.' Masthead endorsement by Sean O'Casey: 'I am with you in all efforts to create perfect race equality the world over.

Autograph Letter, in the third person, to Ridgway.

Edward Law (1790-1871), 1st Earl of Ellenborough [James Ridgway (1755-1838), London bookseller]
Publication details: 

12mo, 1 p. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with remains of stub adhering to blank second leaf of bifolium. Ask for the Morning Post to be sent to Euston Square, and 'the Standard discontinued'. He will require the Morning Post the following day.

Trade catalogue, in French, of books in 'Anthropologie et Zoologie', sold by H. Welter, 'Export-Agent and Dealer in Second-Hand Books'.

H. Welter, Paris and Leipzig bookseller ('Librarie universitaire française et étrangère, ancienne et moderne') [bookselling; trade catalogues; anthropology; zoology]
Publication details: 
Catalogue Mensuel No 61. - 1893'. Paris: H. Welter, 59, Rue Bonaparte, 59. ['Imp. Mazereau. - Tours. - E. Soudée, Successeur.']

12mo, 32 pp. Stapled. Text clear and complete. On aged and worn paper, with rusted staples causing the outer bifolium to detach. Items 2067 to 2786, with 'Supplément. Deutsche Werhe.' (Items from the firm's Leipzig branch.)

The Class Nature of the Soviet Union. Two Articles by Leon Trotsky: 'Once Again; the U.S.S.R. and its Defence.' [...] 'The U.S.S.R.; Non-Proletarian and non-Bourgeoise State?' [With anonymous foreword discussing Trotsky's 'political tendency'.]

Leon Trotsky [Trotskyite; W.I.R. Publications; British Communism Party; Communist]
Publication details: 
[Early 1960s.] 'Printed in Swansea by voluntary labour.' Published by W.I.R. Publications, 374, Grays Inn Rd., London W.C.I [cancelled to 'Order from W.I.R. Publications, 197, Kings Cross Road, London, W.C.1.']

Mimeographed and stapled. [i] + iii + 17 pp. Printed on eleven leaves, the first two and last two 26 x 21 cm, and the middle seven leaves 25.5 x 20 cm. Fair, on foxed paper with wear to extremities. It would appear that the leaves of the two articles had been printed previously, and were newly bound up here with the preliminary matter. The first articles is, according to the title 'Taken from "Fourth International", July Aug 1951. (American edition)' and the second 'Taken from "Workers International News", Sept-Oct 1946.

Two issues of 'The Literary Fly'.

[Sir Herbert Croft (1751-1815), editor] 'The Literary Fly' [Christopher Etherington, bookseller, printer and typefounder, No. 25, St. Paul's Church-Yard]
Publication details: 
Number 13: 10 April 1779. Number 14: 17 April 1779. 'Printed and Published by Etherington, at No 25, opposite the South Door of St. Paul's'.

Both issues 8vo (roughly 30.5 x 19.5 cm), 6 pp (each a loose leaf in a bifolium). Both printed on brittle watermarked laid paper. Both unbound, and stabbed as issued, and both on aged and chipped paper, but with the text clear and entire. Each issue with the title in an expansive calligraphic design. The full slug, at the bottom of the last page of both issues, reads: 'Printed and Published by ETHERINGTON, at No 25, opposite the South Door of St. Paul's (where Letters, post-paid, to the LITERARY FLY will be received).

Printed publicity material relating to the insertion of an advertisement in 'The Manchester Weekly Times'.

The Manchester Weekly Times [Victorian newspapers; nineteenth-century provincial periodicals]
Publication details: 
Undated [late Victorian]. Place [Manchester] not stated.

The main text is printed on one side of a piece of paper roughly 28 x 13.5 cm, headed 'Upwards of Thirty Thousand Copies Of the "Manchester Weekly Times," with Eight-page Literary Supplement, are Issued Every Saturday.' The main block of text, in a variety of types and point sizes, consists of 27 lines ending 'The Proprietors respectfully solicit instructionsn to insert your Advertisement.' Describes the newspaper's merits and boasts that it is 'one of the Largest and most complete Weekly Papers published'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent (John Tyndall?).

Alexander Strahan
Publication details: 
21 January 1874; on letterhead '12, Paternoster Row, London'.

Two pages, octavo. Good, apart from damage and loss to one edge caused by removal from mount. Would appear to relate to the controversy between the surgeon Sir Henry Thompson (1820-1904) and John Tyndall (1820-1893), held in the pages of Strahan's 'Contemporary Review'. Reads 'I herewith send you the proof of your reply to Sir Henry Thompson | Please revise and return it tomorrow.

The first five issues of 'The Saturday Magazine'.

The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
Publication details: 
7 to 28 July 1832. 'LONDON: JOHN WILLIAM PARKER, 445, (WEST) STRAND.' 'C. RICHARDS, Printer, 100, St. Martin's Lane, Charing Cross.'

The five issues are each eight pages long and octavo. All five issues unbound, and stabbed. All good, though lightly aged and with some wear to extremities. An improving publication, produced 'Under the direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education, appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge'.

Autograph Postcard Signed to 'Mrs. Black'.

Eliza Lynn Linton
Publication details: 
Postmarked 8 January 1891; 'Queen Annes Mansions. St James's Park SW.'

Novelist and miscellaneous writer (1822-98). Dimensions roughly five inches by three. Grubby and with minor fraying, loss and closed tears to edges (not affecting text). Printed halfpenny stamp and two postmarks in black ink. Addressed to 'Mrs. Black | 5 Hazlitt Road | W. Kensington | W.' 'I have not received ye Ladies Pictorial, but fine - all very well done with great sympathy & tenderness & so well written - I have begun by informal LSaturdays - & shall be very glad to see you if you could come'. Signed 'E: Lynn Linton'.

Victorian studio photograph.

William John Thoms
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Antiquary (1803-85), first editor of Notes and Queries. Sepia. Dimensions roughly 2 1/4 inches by 3 1/2 inches. Faded image of a bespectacled Thoms knees upward, seated in profile at a table examining a small book on top of another book and leaning against a pile of six others. The oval is in a frame beneath which, in copper-plate letters (in the photograph and not manuscript), 'William J Thoms'. Stuck to a piece of card on the reverse of which is a grubby, foxed, nineteenth-century plate of William Cowper the poet.

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