[Sir John Taylor Coleridge, judge and editor of the Quarterly Review.] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir John Wither Awdry, asking for clarification. On reverse of part of letter from the Lord Chancellor Lord Cranworth.

Sir John Taylor Coleridge (1790-1876), judge and editor of the Quarterly Review [Robert Monsey Rolfe, Lord Cranworth (1790-1868), twice Lord Chancellor; Sir John Wither Awdry (1795-1878), judge]
Publication details: 
'April. 19. 1855 / P[rivy]. C[ouncil].'

Coleridge was the nephew of the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. See his entry, and that of Cranworth, in the Oxford DNB. The letter relates to Palmerston’s first ministry. 1p, 16mo (cut down to a 12 x 10 cm piece of wove paper). In fair condition, lightly aged and discoloured, with traces of glue from mount adhering to one edge of blank reverse. Signing himself ‘J. T C’, Coleridge writes: ‘My dear Awdry / I have been with the Chancellor in consequence of the above - & promised to send him a minute in writing - where we have had trouble. Can you help me with your recollection. / In haste.

[Violet Eleanor Scott-James, wife of Rolfe Arnold Scott-James, editor of the 'New Weekly'.] Long Autograph Letter Signed ('V. E. S. J.') [to the Irish journalist Robert Lynd], with reference to Wyndham Lewis, Charlotte Mew, Ivy Low and Mary Crosbie.

Violet Eleanor Scott-James [née Brooks] (c.1886-1942), wife of Rolfe Arnold Scott-James (1878-1959), editor of the New Weekly [Robert Lynd (1879-1949); Percy Wyndham Lewis (1882-1957)]
Publication details: 
Addressed from 'Dunedin', Lower Rock Garden, Brighton, on letterhead of 4 Colville Square [London], W. 15 July 1914.

4pp., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with short closed tears at heads of both leaves. The recipient is not named, but the letter is from the Lynd family papers. Robert Lynd was in St Ives at the time of writing, and the letter begins: 'I'm so glad you are in such a nice place & that the children can join you there. They will love it. London gets so odious by the 15th of July. I came her e last week as I was very tired, & sick of the stuffy feeling of everything.

Long Typed List [by Rolfe Arnold Scott-James?], with numerous emendations and additions in manuscript, headed 'List of Reviewers [in the London Mercury] since October, 1934.'

[Rolfe Arnold Scott-James (1878-1959), editor of The London Mercury from 1934, succeeding Sir J. C. Squire [Sir John Collings Squire] (1884-1958]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [London, 1938 or 1939?]

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. The first page consists of a typescript in two columns, with names scored through and a few added in pencil. The second page has a few typewritten names, together with dozens added in pencil, clearly at different times. From 1919 the London Mercury's original editor J. C. Squire promoted the traditional verse of the Georgian Poets and their prose counterparts; on taking over in October 1934 Scott-James embraced the more fashionable modernist writing, and that change is reflected in the present list.

Corrected Autograph Manuscript of the final draft of an article entitled 'London's Broadest Highway' (which appeared in the Strand Magazine, 1931).

R. A. Scott-James [Rolfe Arnold Scott-James] (1878-1959), journalist, editor of the 'London Mercury', and friend of Wyndham Lewis [River Thames; Strand Magazine]
Publication details: 
[In envelope postmarked 5 September 1930.]

In an envelope with label and compliments slip of Hilda Neal, Copying Offices and Secretarial Training School, by whom the article had been typed up for the printers. On one side each of thirty-two A4 leaves (dimensions roughly 25 x 20 cm). The text is complete, although there are wormholes to the latter leaves, and damage and loss at the head of the last leaf.

A Catalogue of Letters, Manuscript Papers and Books of Frederick Rolfe (Baron Corvo).

Frederick William Serafino Austin Lewis Mary Rolfe [Baron Corvo] [George Frederick Sims]
Publication details: 
Harrow: George Frederick Sims. [Printed by Purbrook & Eyres Ltd. 20 St. James' Walk, London, E.C.1]

Eighteen pages, octavo, with four plates on art paper. In original grey printed wraps. Some light staining, creasing and wear. One of 600 copies. Lists seventy-seven items, with addenda of a further eleven. This milestone catalogue was published, according to Sims (A Life in Catalogues, 1994), in May 1949. At foot of title-page: 'N.B. This collection, with the exception of the Addenda of Books, has been sold.'

Autograph Note Signed to [Captain Rolfe Arnold] Scott-James.

Georges Lafourcade
Publication details: 
15 May 1937; on letterhead of the Universite de Grenoble.

French authority on English literature, and in particular on the poet Algernon Charles Swinburne. The recipient (1878-1959) was editor of the 'London Mercury' at the time of writing. One page, quarto. In poor condition, with fraying and closed tears to edges. 'I herewith return revised proofs of my French Novelists. | May I remind you that I should be glad to have some galley proofs if it can be easily arranged?' Signed 'Georges Lafourcade'.

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