[Thomas Coutts, banker with London firm Coutts & Co.] Autograph Letter Signed regarding arrangements for a party with the Duke of Sussex.

Thomas Coutts (1735-1822), Scottish banker, a founder of the London banking house Coutts & Co. [Prince Frederick Augustus (1773-1843), Duke of Sussex]
Publication details: 
‘Stratton Street [London] / 2nd March / 1818’.

See his entry and that of the Duke of Sussex in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo, on first leaf of bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with strip of tape from mount adhering to blank second leaf. With two folds. The recipient is not named; signed ‘Thomas Coutts’. Twenth-two lines of text, neatly written and sloping upwards. Begins: ‘My Dear Sir / I send for your personal attn from The Duke of Sussex by which you will see he has promised to attend The Subscription Dinner for the benefit of decayd artists & cannot dine with me but says he will call before a day with Mrs Coutts’.

[Fanny Stirling [née Mary Anne Hehl] (1813-1895), English actress.] Autograph Letter Signed asking the actor W. H. Swanborough, manager of the Strand and Royalty Theatres, to ‘wade thro’ the accompanying “M S”’.

Fanny Stirling [née Mary Anne Hehl] (1813-1895), English comedy actress whose career spanned five decades [William Henry Swanborough, actor and manager of the Strand and Royalty Theatres, London]
Publication details: 
No date [between 1858 and 1872, when Swanborough managed the Strand Theatre]. ‘3 Duchess Street / Portland Place [London]’.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. The Swanboroughs were a significant Victorian theatrical dynasty, and the absence of any member of the family from the same work is puzzling. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and lightly worn paper, with traces of glue and strip of tape from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded twice. Addressed to ‘Mr. Swanborough’ and signed ‘Fanny Stirling’.

[John Mills, author and agriculturalist.] Autograph Letter Signed to his bookseller John Nourse, describing French books he wishes him to procure, one ‘on account of some matters relative to Agriculture, which I have in my head’.

John Mills (c.1717-c.1794), author and agriculturalist whose Fellowship of the Royal Society was sponsored by Benjamin Franklin [John Nourse (1705-1780), scientific bookseller in the Strand, London]
Publication details: 
12 April 1765. Welbank Street [London].

The recipient is not named, but can be identified as the Strand bookseller John Nourse, from Notes and Queries, 3 September 1881, which has as its first article a transcription, with commentary of five long letters from Mills to John Nourse, the noted scientific bookseller in the Strand, and the present item clearly belongs to the same correspondence, predating the first, which is dated 15 May 1765.

[Queensland immigration] Printed advertisement, with long descriptive text, issued by the 'Agent-General for Queensland, 409 & 410, Strand, London, W.C.', for emigration from England to 'Queensland Crown Lands'.

The Agent-General for Queensland [emigration to Australia; Australian immigration]
Publication details: 
[Edwardian] The Agent-General for Queensland, 409 and 410, Strand, London, W.C.

4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. First page carries the decorative title beneath the Queensland crest.The central two pages carry a long text, in small type, under the headings 'AGRICULTURE SELECTIONS', 'GRAZING SELECTIONS', 'GROUP SETTLEMENT' and 'OTHER MODES', and the subheadings 'AGRICULTURAL FARMS', 'AGRICULTURAL HOMESTEADS', 'GRAZING FARMS' and 'GRAZING HOMESTEADS'. The final page advertises 'FREE PASSAGES [...] TO Female Domestic Servants of Good Health and Character, between 17 and 35 years of age. Plenty of Work!

[William Leman Rede, playwright.] Original holograph unpublished jeux d'esprit, addressed to and concerning Mrs Keeley. Signed 'Leman Rede/'.

William Leman Rede (1802-1847), playwright who wrote farces and melodramas for the Olympic, Strand and Adelphi theatres in London [Mrs. Keeley]
Publication details: 
Signed and dated 'Leman Rede/ | 31. May 1841'.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Thin strip of paper from mount adhering to edge on blank reverse. Folded three times. Signed and dated at foot: 'Leman Rede/ | 31. May 1841'. Addressed at bottom left: 'To | Mrs.

[Archdeacon Coxe, historian, gives instructions to the parliamentary printer Luke Hansard.] Autograph Letter in the Third Person to 'Mr Hansard'

Archdeacon Coxe [William Coxe, Archdeacon of Bemerton] (1748-1828), historian and Anglican cleric [Luke Hansard (1752-1828), London printer after whom publication of parliamentary debates is named]
Publication details: 
15 December 1805; Bath.

2pp, 18mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with a couple of emendations. The subject is Coxe's 'History of the House of Austria', which was 'Printed by Luke Hansard and Sons, for T. Cadell and W. Davies, in the Strand'. The letter begins: 'Mr. Coxe wishes to keep back for a week or two sheet 3z, because he intends to divide the first Volume into two parts; and therefore desires Mr Hansard not to strike off that Sheet; and will trouble Mr Hansard to transfer the commencement of Ferdinand's reign from p 542.

[William Leman Rede, playwright.] Original holograph unpublished jeux d'esprit, addressed to and concerning Mrs Keeley. Signed 'Leman Rede/'.

William Leman Rede (1802-1847), playwright who wrote farces and melodramas for the Olympic, Strand and Adelphi theatres in London [Mrs. Keeley]
Publication details: 
Signed and dated 'Leman Rede/ | 31. May 1841'.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Thin strip of paper from mount adhering to edge on blank reverse. Folded three times. Signed and dated at foot: 'Leman Rede/ | 31. May 1841'. Addressed at bottom left: 'To | Mrs.

[Christopher Fry: unpublished reminiscences of T. S. Eliot.] Unpublished corrected Autograph Text [of an address delivered at St Stephen's Church, Gloucester Road, London], giving his personal recollections of his friend T. S. Eliot.

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright and poet, noted for his verse dramas [born Arthur Hammond Harris] [T. S. Eliot [Thomas Stearns Eliot] (1888-1965), Nobel Prize winning Anglo-American poet]
Publication details: 
No place or date, but from internal evidence written c. 1995, for an event at St Stephen's Church, Gloucester Road, London.. 29 Nov. 1995

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Each page numbered by Fry. An Unsigned document from the Christopher Fry archive. Warm personal recollections, entertaining and evocative. Unpublished.

[ Victorian matchmaking: 'consult me personally & see cartes of 500 Ladies'. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Editor | M N') and printed agreement from the editor of Matrimonial News to J. Russell Gubbins of Limerick, who is in search of a wife.

Matrimonial News, London periodical (Frederick Farrah, proprietor) [ John Russell Gubbins [ John Russell Legh ] of Bruree House, Limerick ]
Publication details: 
The two letters from the Matrimonial News Office, 282 Strand, London. 11 and 13 February 1874.

A marvellous slice of Victorian social history. The entry for 'Matrimonial News' in 'Frederick May's London Press Dictionary and Advertiser's Handbook, 1871' runs as follows: 'MATRIMONIAL NEWS AND SPECIAL ADVERTISER – 2d. F. Farrah, 282, Strand, W.C.

[ Richard Chenevix Trench, Archbishop of Dublin and poet. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Richd. C. Trench, [ to his publisher the London bookseller John W. Parker ] regarding his writing plans and engagements.

Richard Chenevix Trench (1807-1886), Archbishop of Dublin in the Church of Ireland and Irish poet [ John William Parker the younger (1820-1860), London bookseller ]
Publication details: 
'Itchen Stoke'. 15 August 1840.

4pp., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with closed tears along the fold between the two leaves of the bifolium. Trench's publishers were 'John W. Parker & Son, West Strand'. The letter begins: 'I heartily wish that I could go to the press at once with the 3rd. Edition of the Parables. [ 'Notes on the Parables of Our Lord', first published in 1841 ] I have been however working hard at them & they are nearly ready.

Poem, printed in colours for display, regarding the Blitz and 'those blackout times of London' during World War Two, titled 'The Cockney | Dedicated to the Citizens of London'. followed by another poem, by 'Bill Smiff, Esq.', titled 'Victory 1945'.

'Bill Smiff, Esq.' [G. J. McCarthy, Bedford Street, Strand; George Reynolds, Stepney, printer; the Blitz; air raids on London; Second World War; Nazi; music hall]
Publication details: 
Printed by George Reynolds, Ltd., 21-23, Stepney Green, E.1., and published by G. J. McCarthy, 38, Bedford Street, Strand, London, W.C.2. [Christmas 1945.]

On a piece of thin, shiny card, 33 x 20 cm. The text of the two poems is printed in red capitals, in two columns, with the title and border in brown, and a green design surrounding the words 'Wishing you a Happy Xmas and Prosperous New Year' at the foot, together with green leaves to red holly berries surrounding the title.

Manuscript volume titled 'The Life and Adventures of Walter Venning Southgate, by his Father [the London auctioneer Henry Southgate].' Containing original manuscript letters, drawings, engravings and other material.

Henry Southgate (1818-1888), London auctioneer with premises in the Strand, and anthologist; his son Walter Venning Southgate (b. 1844, fl. 1884)
Publication details: 
Manuscript title date 'London. MDCCCXLIV [1844]', but containing material from between 1844 and 1883.

Folio, 110 pp, comprising [i] + 68 + [ii] + 39 pp. Handsome volume in slipcase, tight and internally in very good condition, on lightly-aged thick Whatman paper. Well bound in black leather morocco, all edges gilt. Binding blind-tooled and with 'Early Days' and 'W. V. S.' in gilt on spine and motto on front board: 'Nourish the sentiments thy principles approve and put thy trust and confidence in God.' Binding worn and rebacked, in worn black cloth slipcase.

[ James Stuart ('Athenian Stuart'), painter and architect. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J Stuart'), requesting that the bookseller Francis Wingrave ('Frank') place a number of advertisements regarding 'our exhibition'.

James Stuart [ called 'Athenian Stuart' ] (1713-1788), painter and architect [ Francis Wingrave (c.1745-1820), London bookseller ]
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

1p., 4to. On bifolium. Written in an elegant assured hand. Addressed on second leaf, 'To | Mr Francis Wingrave'. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Reads: 'Dear Frank | I shall be much obliged to you if you can possibly get the copies I leave with this, inserted in the Gazeteer, the Public, & the Ledger, & the Morning Chronicle, we suppose it of consequence to the success of our exhibition, the interests of which I have greatly at heart. | Yours sincerely | J Stuart | Any expence attending the publication I shall gladly reimburse you'.

[ Thomas Simpson, English mathematician. ] Autograph Note Signed ('T. Simpson') to the London bookseller John Nourse

Thomas Simpson (1710-1761), English mathematician, eponym of Simpson's Rule [ John Nourse of the Strand, London bookseller ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

1p., landscape 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with central spike hole. Addressed on reverse to 'Mr Nourse | Bookseller | in the Strand.' He is sending '10 Copies of Geometry', and asks him to send 'the Book of Algebra and Mr. Walmsley's Book by the Bearers'.

Reproduction of a drawing of G.F. Watts, artist, by Rudolf Lehmann, from 'R. Lehmann's Portrait Studies', presented in the style of a studio photograph.

Rudolf Lehmann [Wilhelm Augustus Rudolf Lehmann] (1819-1905), Genre and portrait painter [G.F. Watts; Frederick Bruckmann, bookseller, Southampton Street, Strand, London]
Publication details: 
Fred. Bruckmann, London, 17 Southampton Street, Strand. No date.

Printed on a piece of 14 x 9.5 cm india paper, laid down on a piece of 17 x 11.5 cm card, with rounded edges, good condition. Printed at the head of the card is 'R. LEHMANN'S PORTRAIT STUDIES.' And at the foot: 'G.F. WATTS | FRED. BRUCKMANN, LONDON, | 17 Southampton Street, Strand.' Beneath the image, in small type: 'Lehmann del.' and 'Registered.' Lehmann was born in Hamburg and moved to London in 1866. He wrote two books.

Reproduction of a drawing of G.F. Watts, artist, by Rudolf Lehmann, from 'R. Lehmann's Portrait Studies', presented in the style of a studio photograph.

Rudolf Lehmann [Wilhelm Augustus Rudolf Lehmann] (1819-1905), Genre and portrait painter [G.F. Watts; Frederick Bruckmann, bookseller, Southampton Street, Strand, London]
Publication details: 
Fred. Bruckmann, London, 17 Southampton Street, Strand. No date.

Printed on a piece of 14 x 9.5 cm india paper, laid down on a piece of 17 x 11.5 cm card, with rounded edges, good condition. Printed at the head of the card is 'R. LEHMANN'S PORTRAIT STUDIES.' And at the foot: 'G.F. WATTS | FRED. BRUCKMANN, LONDON, | 17 Southampton Street, Strand.' Beneath the image, in small type: 'Lehmann del.' and 'Registered.' Lehmann was born in Hamburg and moved to London in 1866. He wrote two books.

[ Two Devon circulating libraries. ] Printed labels of 'Knighton's Circulating Library, Dawlish.' and of the 'Circulating Library, Dawlish' of 'Crowther, Bookseller'.

Knighton's Circulating Library, Dawlish [ John Knighton; Devon; Devonshire ]; Ann Gildburn Crowther, Circulating Library, of The Strand, Dawlish
Publication details: 
ONE: [ John Knighton, Permont [now 'Piermont'] Row, Dawlish, Devon. ] Circa 1830. TWO: Ann Gildburn Crowther, The Strand, Dawlish, Devon. Circa 1850.

ONE (Knighton): 3 x 6 cm. In fair condition, aged and worn, laid down on a small piece of cream paper. A workmanlike production, within a wavy border. Reads: 'KNIGHTON's | Circulating Library, | DAWLISH.' BBTI records Knighton as active between 1828 and 1830. TWO (Crowther): 7 x 9.5 cm. In fair condition, lightly aged. Within decorative border, and reading: 'CIRCULATING LIBRARY, | DAWLISH. | CROWTHER, | BOOK-SELLER, | AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF | FANCY STATIONERY, | Toys, Berlin Patterns, German Wools. | Brushes, Fancy Turnery, Cutlery, Perfumery, &c.

[ The Charles Dickens Testimonial. ] One penny royalty stamp for Dickens's descendants, with copy of article from the Strand Magazine explaining the scheme, titled 'The Charles Dickens Testimonial. Look Out for the Dickens Stamp!'

The Charles Dickens Testimonial, penny royalty stamp [ The Strand Magazine, London; royalties; copyright ]
Publication details: 
[ The stamp issued in 1912 by The Charles Dickens Testimonial, 17-21 Tavistock Street, London WC. ] The article published by the Strand Magazine, London. 1910 or 1911.

On 7 January 1911 Beckles Willson, Honorary Secretary of the Charles Dickens Testimonial, explained the scheme to the readers of the Spectator. Three members of Dickens's family were, Willson explained, 'drawing a niggardly pension of £25 per annum from the British Government', and that 'no volume recently published of Dickens has returned any copyright fee, save those which bear the Dickens copyright stamp'. The stamp was 'on sale for one penny each-in sheets of twelve-at every bookseller's in the land, and at all Messrs. W. H. Smith's and Wyman's news-stalls.

[ Robert Hall Westley, eighteenth-century London bookseller and stationer. ] Circular bookseller's ticket.

R. H. Westley [ Robert Hall Westley ], bookseller and stationer, No. 159, opposite the New Church, Strand, London
Publication details: 
R. H. Westley, Bookseller & Stationer, No. 159, opposite the New Church, Strand [ London ]. [ Between 1798 and 1829. ]

Printed in black on circle of white paper, approximately 4.5 cm in diameter. In good condition, lightly-aged. Tastefully designed, in turn of the century style, with two decorative borders enclosing the text 'Engraving & Printing neatly executed. Books elegantly bound. News Papers sent (Post free) to all parts of Gt. Britain'. The main text, enclosed by both borders, reads: 'R. H. Westley, | Bookseller & Stationer, | No. 159, | opposite the New Church, Strand | Magazines & all periodical | Publications | regularly delivered'.

[ Maggs Brothers, London booksellers. ] Typed Letter with cyclostyled signature 'Maggs Bros.', to Messrs. R. Riviere & Son of Regent Street, giving instructions for the binding of a plate.

Maggs Brothers, London booksellers [ Messrs. R. Riviere & Son of Regent Street, bookbinders ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Maggs Brothers, 109 Strand, London WC. 2 February 1918.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The letterhead styles the firm: 'Maggs Bros., | Rare Books, Prints & Autographs. | Catalogues issued. | Publishers, Exporters & Shippers.' gives thhe address of the firm's warehouse, telegraphic and cable address, 'Code in Use', and telephone number. With reference to an order, the firm is sending 'a large plate of the "Mistaken Marriage" and another of "The Whiskers" of these latter kindly use the larger of the two but do not inlay'.

[Mathew Varenne, bookseller, near Somerset House in the Strand.] Engraved bookplate ('H: Hulsbergh Sc.') with inscription 'This Book and all sorts are to be had at Math: Varrenne's at the Senecas head near Sommerset house in ye Strand.'

[Mathew Varenne [Matthew de Varenne; Varens] (d.1726), bookseller at the sign of Seneca's Head, near Somerset House in the Strand, London; Hendrik Hulsbergh (d.1729), London-based Dutch engraver]
Publication details: 
[Mathew Varenne, bookseller at the sign of Seneca's Head, near Somerset House in the Strand, London. Before 1726.]

Note that Varenne's Christian name is spelled with one 't' on the bookplate, and generally with two 't's by later sources. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, tipped in onto a grey paper mount. Engraved on a 12 x 8 cm piece of wove paper, with no margin.

Autograph Signed Receipt, on engraved letterhead, from William Wood ('Successor to Mr. Floyer'), bookseller in the Strand, London, to '- Aylmer Esqr:', 'for Sir R. Kennedy'.

William Wood (successor to Richard Floyer), bookseller, 428 Strand, London [Sir Robert Kennedy; Aylmer]
Publication details: 
William Wood, 428 Strand, London. 5 November 1816.

1p., landscape 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight traces of mount on reverse. Copperplate letterhead reading: 'Bought of Willm. Wood, | (Successor to Mr. Floyer.) | Bookseller, 428, Strand.' The receipt is headed by Wood '- Aylmer Esqr:' and reads: '1816 | Novr: 5 Turtons Linnaeus 7 Vol: £5 - - | Packing Case 0 3s 0 | [total] £5 3s 0d | Settled Novr: 4. W. Wood'. On reverse, in another hand: 'Paid for Sir R. Kennedy | £5 ..0 .. 0'. BBTI has no record of a William Wood at this address, but does list one later in Tavistock Street, Covent Garden.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L: D: Campbell') from Captain Lawrence Dundas Campbell [to either of his publishers Thomas Cadell or William Davies], concerning the placing of advertisements for two of his books.

L. D. Campbell [Captain Lawrence Dundas Campbell], editor of the Asiatic Annual Register [Thomas Cadell, jnr (1773-1836); William Davies (d.1819)]
Publication details: 
St. Alban's Hotel, St. Alban's Street [London]. 'Wednesday' [circa 1808].

1p., 4to. Spike hole. In good condition, on aged dusty paper. The letter reads: 'Dear Sir, I must request, as a particular favour, that you will advertise both the "Reply" and the "Letter on the Charges &c" in all the Morning and Evening papers both on Friday, and on Monday next. | I am | Dear Sir, | Very faithfully yours | L: D: Campbell'.

Printed colour halftone handbill advertisement for the Illustrated London News by publisher by Thomas Fox, Strand, London, within illustrated floral border by Sulman.

[Thomas Fox, 198, Strand, London, publisher of the Illustrated London News; Leighton, Brothers, Printers.]
Publication details: 
Published by Thomas Fox, 198, Strand, W.C. Leighton, Brothers, Printers. [1870s.]

On one side of a piece of 27 x 19.5 cm. paper. In fair condition, on aged paper with wear to margins. Printed in red, green, yellow, brown and black. The text is crisply printed in red and black, with an engraving of the London skyline around St Paul's beneath the magazine's title. The text begins: 'This journal contains engravings of all the leading events of public interest, from original sketches and photographs.' Subscription details are followed by a short section on 'The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News'.

[Printed parliamentary paper.] Strand Union Workhouse. Copy of the Report made by R. B. Cane, Esq., Poor Law Inspector, to the Poor Law Board, after an Inquiry held by him on the 4th and 6th June 1866, into certain Allegations made by Matilda Beeton.

[R. B. Cane [Richard Basil Cane], Poor Law Inspector; Matilda Beeton, Head Nurse at the Strand Union Workhouse, Cleveland Street, London]
Publication details: 
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 25 June 1866.

28 + [1] pp., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper. P. 1 has the drophead title: 'STRAND UNION WORKHOUSE. | RETURN to an Order of the Honourable The House of Commons, | dated 25 June 1866; - for, | COPY "of the REPORT made by R. B. Crane, Esquire, Poor Law Inspector, to the Poor Law Board, after an Inquiry held by him on the 4th and 6th June 1866, into certain Allegations made by Matilda Beeton, in reference to the Treatment of the Sick in the Strand Union Workhouse." | Poor Law Board, 25 June 1866.

Reproduction of a drawing of Charles Dickens by Rudolf Lehmann, from 'R. Lehmann's Portrait Studies', presented in the style of a carte de visite.

Rudolf Lehmann [Wilhelm Augustus Rudolf Lehmann] (1819-1905), Genre and portrait painter [Charles Dickens; Frederick Bruckmann, bookseller, Southampton Street, Strand, London]
Publication details: 
Fred. Bruckmann, London, 17 Southampton Street, Strand. No date.

Printed on a piece of 14 x 9.5 cm india paper, laid down on a piece of 17 x 11.5 cm card, with rounded edges. Aged and faded, but nevertheless a nice item of Dickensiana. A sensitive study of Dickens's face, above a heavily-faded facsimile of his signature. Printed at the head of the card is 'R. LEHMANN'S PORTRAIT STUDIES.' And at the foot: 'CHARLES DICKENS | FRED.

[Poetical handbill, with handcoloured engraving.] Some Push Along With Four In Hand, While Others Drive At Random. Written by J. Pocock, Esq.; composed by Mr. C. SMITH; and sung, [...] by Mr. MATHEWS, [...] at the Lyceum Theatre, Strand.

[Isaac Pocock (1783-1835), dramatist and artist; Charles Smith, singer and composer; Charles Mathews (1776-1835), actor-manager; Lyceum Theatre, Strand; London Stage; Regency buck; dandy]
Publication details: 
'Published 4th. April, 1810, by LAURIE & WHITTLE, No. 53, Fleet Street, London.'

Printed on one side of a piece of laid paper 28 x 23.5 cm. The hand-coloured engraving (showing Mathews in riding garb with long whip in foreground, and a coach and four in the background) is 16 x 22.5 cm. Fair, on aged paper, with wear and slight loss to extremities (not affecting the engraving or text), and the reverse showing signs of removal from an album. Above the engraving are the words 'BANG UP - RANDOM, OR TANDEM.' and beneath are the publication details, followed by the full title: Some Push Along With Four In Hand, While Others Drive At Random. Written by J.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos. Lupton') from the English mezzotint engraver and artist Thomas Lupton [Thomas Goff Lupton] to 'Trench' [Richard Chenevix Trench?], regarding a collection of French autographs brought from Paris by 'Mr. Lucas'.

Thomas Lupton [Thomas Goff Lupton] (1791-1873), English mezzotint engraver and artist [Richard Chenevix Trench (1807-1886), poet and divine]
Publication details: 
4 Keppel Street, London. 15 July 1842.

3pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. A friend of Lupton's 'has just arrived from Paris with a few choice matters, among others is as I understand an extraordinary Collection of Autographs'. Lupton told his friend that Trench was 'no buyer, but from your knowledge of such matters you could advise him'. The autographs 'consist of official documents connected with the Custom House & Police from the time of the first revolution (1790) to the present date, and about a hundred letters'.

Manuscript itemised bill for books from 'Mr. John Nourse to Thomas Longman', with signed receipt by Longman at foot.

Thomas Longman (1730–1797), London bookseller and publisher, nephew of the founder of the business Thomas Longman (1699-1755); John Nourse (1705-1780) bookseller at 138 Strand, London
Publication details: 
Nourse's bill is dated from London, for items purchased between 13 February and 5 October 1770. Longman's receipt is dated 4 April 1771.

1p., landscape 8vo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with small spike-hole (not affecting text), and minor traces of previous mount on reverse, which is docketed 'J. Nourse to T. Longman, 1770.' The bill lists five items, from 'Johnsons Dicty 2 V. folio' to 'Sherwin's Tables', with the date of purchase and price, coming to a total of £14 8s 4d. The receipt at the foot of the page reads 'April 4. 1771 Received the Contents - | [signed] Thos Longman'.

[Printed pamphlet by 'The Directors of the well known Strand Electric and Engineering Company Limited'] A Completely New Glossary of Technical Theatrical Terms [...] With an Appendix of the Colours used for Lighting the Plays [...]

[Theatrical Terms]
A Completely New Glossary of Technical Theatrical Terms
Publication details: 
'Commencing Novr. 1st. 1947, and thereafter so long as supplies shall last!'] 'Smudgeham & Fowlem, Steam Printers, The Cut, Waterloo.' [i.e. The Strand Electric & Engineering Co., Ltd., 24 Floral St, Covent Garden, London.]
A Completely New Glossary of Technical Theatrical Terms

Irregular (12 x 23.5 cm), 32 pp. In fair condition, aged and lightly worn. In original wraps, with cover design, in a variety of types and point sizes, imitating an early nineteenth-century handbill, stating that 'all Profits for the Benefit of the Deserving Actors' Orphanage. | Free list entirely suspended | Fees payable in advance are 2s. per copy'.

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