[George Hudson, ?the Railway King?.] Autograph Note Signed [to Charles Manby, Secretary of the Institution of Civil Engineers]

George Hudson (1800-1871), ?the Railway King? [Charles Manby (1804-84), Secretary of the Institution of Civil Engineers]
Publication details: 
26 July 1846; York.

The recipient is not named, but the item is from Manby's papers. See his entry, and Hudson's, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with slightly-discoloured indentation of the royal crest, and thin strip of tape from mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. The recto of that leaf is docketted 'July 26 1846 / Geo Hudson Esq / York'. Folded for postage. Reads: 'Sir / being unable to give my attention to the Society of which you solicite [sic] my name I beg to [?] becoming a Provisional Director / I am / Your obt. St. / Geo Hudson'.

[Admiral Sir Percy Scott, Royal Navy officer, pioneer of naval gunnery with his ship HMS Terrible.] Autograph Signature cut from end of letter.

Admiral Sir Percy Scott [Sir Percy Moreton Scott] (1853-1924), Royal Navy officer and engineer, pioneer in the field of naval gunnery, with his ship HMS Terrible active during the Boxer Rebellion
Publication details: 
No place or date.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. A 10 x 3 cm slip of paper, cut from the end of a letter in response to a request for an autograph. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: ‘Yours Sincerely / Percy Scott’. Beneath this, in contemporary hand, in pencil: ‘Admiral Sir Percy Scott (Terrible)’.

[‘She is not so really great as we hoped’: Charles Manby, civil engineer, involved in managing Adelphi and Haymarket theatres, London.] Copy Letter to Frederick Hodgson, criticising Fanny Kemble and discussing arrangement with Frederick Henry Yates.

Charles Manby (1804-84), civil engineer [Fanny Kemble (1809-93), actress; Frederick Henry Yates (1797-1842), actor; Frederick Hodgson (1795-1854), politician; Adelphi and Haymarket theatres, London]
Publication details: 
Great George Street [London]. 8 November 1841.

Manby’s entry in the Oxford DNB states that ‘His interests ranged beyond the engineering world, and for many years he was involved in the management of the Adelphi and Haymarket theatres.’ Manuscript copy letter. 2pp, 4to. Thirty-three lines of neat text. Addressed to ‘Frederick Hodgson Esqre. M.P.’ Ends: ‘I am Dear Sir / Your very faithfully / Charles Manby’.On first leaf of bifolium. Reverse of second leaf docketted: ‘Copy C Manby to F Hodgson Esqr / Scarbro - Novr 8. 1841’ (the letter does not contain any reference to Scarborough). In fair condition, creased and lightly aged. Folded once.

[Sir William Cubitt, Lord Mayor of London after whom Cubitt Town is named.] Autograph Letter Signed regarding ‘modification of the construction’ of a roof, and arrangements regarding materials and labour.

Sir William Cubitt (1791-1863), builder and engineering contractor, Lord Mayor of London, Conservative politician, who gave his name to Cubitt Town, Isle of Dogs, London
Publication details: 
8 September 1842. Gray’s Inn Road [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, with that of his namesake. (It is the the present Sir William Cubitt who owned ‘the famous Gray's Inn Road works ’.) 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged with two pin holes at one corner, and traces of mounts. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘Dear Sir’ and signed ‘William Cubitt’. Begins: ‘In working out the details of the roof, we find certain modification of the construction desirable which with your permission, the bearer Mr.

[Sir George Elliot, Conservative MP and industrialist.] Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed lady, describing his desire for rest, his duties, his Welsh constituents at Newport.

Sir George Elliot (1814-1893), in youth called 'Bonnie Geordie', Conservative MP, industrialist and mining engineer whose company manufactured the wire rope of the first transatlantic telegraph cable
Publication details: 
26 November 1888; on House of Commons letterhead.

Hailing from Gateshead, County Durham, Elliot was a self-made man: he began life as a colliery labourer and ended it as one of the richest men in England, his wealth at death being given as £575,000. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. His residence in Whitby containing an Egyptian mummy was visited by Bram Stoker and appears to have inspired his 'Tale of the Seven Stars' (1903). 3pp, two of them 12mo and one 8vo. Bifolium, with one page of text written across the central opening at right angles. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with a little glue from mount along outer gutter.

’ [Mrs Evelyn J[Sir William Davidson Niven, mathematician, Director of Studies at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich.] Autograph Letter Signed to his old acquaintance ‘Mrs Allan’, discussing her family and agreeing to cast a vote for her ‘candidate’.

Sir William Davidson Niven (1842-1917), Scottish mathematician and electrical engineer, for thirty years Director of Studies at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich [James Clerk Maxwell; A. N. Whitehead
Publication details: 
10 April 1894; on letterhead of the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, S.E. [London.]

In addition to acting as editor of the works of his colleague James Clerk Maxwell, Niven was the teacher of one of the greatest mathematicians and philosophers of the twentieth century, Alfred North Whitehead. The item is from the papers of the presumed recipient, Mrs Evelyn Julia Allan of the Chelsea Red Cross. 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Signed ‘W. D. Niven’ and addressed to ‘Dear Mrs Allen’. He was pleased to receive her letter, ‘reminding me of old times’, but he had not forgotten her, as he has ‘sometimes heard Dr. J. M Bruce speak about you & your family’.

[John Henry Robinson, RA, eminent line engraver noted for his portraits.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘J. H. Robinson’) to ‘Mr Cooke’ (the artist Edward William Cooke), on personal matters including Conrad Cooke’s health, and plans to meet.

John Henry Robinson [J. H. Robinson] (c.1796-1871), RA, eminent line engraver noted for his portraits [Edward William Cooke (1811-1880), artist; his son Conrad William Cooke (1843-1926), engineer]
Publication details: 
16 April 1864; New Grove, Petworth [Surrey].

See the entries for Robinson and Cooke in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, folded twice. Addressed to ‘My dear Mr Cooke’. Cooke’s ‘friendly note’ about the time he ‘proposed setting out for Deal’ was received on the Thursday, and the Robinsons are ‘glad indeed to hear that your dear Mother is again restored to her usual health’. The Robinsons think that ‘change of occupation & fresh air together, may have the desired effect both as regards yourself & your son Conrad’.

[Thames Tunnel; Marc Isambard Brunel] Circular Letter, printed but with MS additions inc. the signature James Bandinel, and correspondent's name Col Barry, referring to the printed products of a meeting of the Friends to the Thames Tunnel.

James Bandinel [Thames Tunnel; Foreign Office, London, superintendant of the slave trade]
Publication details: 
Committee Room; 29 Bridge Street: Blackfriars, [11th Aug 1828] Date in MS.

One page, 4to, bifolium, edges dusted, with other minor staining, text clear and complete. Text as follows, Manuscript (i.e.

[Paul Axel Boving, Swedish-born Canadian agronomist.] Long Autograph Letter Signed ('Paul.'), in English, to his brother Jens Orten Boving, discussing farming and family matters.

Paul Axel Boving (1874-1947), Swedish-born Canadian academic, Professor of Agronomy at the University of British Columbia [Jens Orten Boving (1873-1959), was a hydro-electric engineer]
Publication details: 
3 January 1923. Vancouver [Canada], on letterheads of the University of British Columbia.

19pp, 8vo. On ten foliated leaves. On aged paper; the first leaf with slight damage and loss to corner and one edge, with minor loss to text. Addressed to 'My dear Jens'. According to Elinor Barr, 'Swedes in Canada: Invisible Immigrants' (2015), Boving 'developed several new strains of forage crops and grains'. The recipient, Boving's brother Jens Orten Boving (1873-1959), was a hydro-electric engineer and inventor based in London, responsible, according to 'Who's Who in Engineering', 1922, 'for a large number of water-power plants, pulp mills and pumping plants in all parts of the world'.

[James Nasmyth, Scottish engineer, inventor and artist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('James Nasmyth', with fingerprint jokingly appended to signature as 'Hys marke', inviting the artist John Callcott Horsley to dinner with 'Col Colville' and others.

James Nasmyth [James Hall Nasmyth] (1808-1890), Scottish engineer, inventor and artist [John Callcott Horsley (1817-1903), artist]
Publication details: 
[Baileze?] Hotel. 14 January 1880.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Signed 'James Nasmyth', with a fingerprint beneath the signature, flanked by the words 'Hys' and 'marke', and with 'impression before Letters' jokingly added beneath. Written in a shaky hand, the letter invites Horsley to a dinner 'to meet Col Colville Mrs. [Maclins?] and Dr. [Savile?]'.

[George Cruikshank, celebrated caricaturist, on Sir Charles Wheatstone and the 'Submarine Telegraph'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geoe Cruikshank') to C. Le Motte, describing Wheatstone's attempts to 'lay a wire across the Thames' and in Swansea.

George Cruikshank (1792-1878), celebrated caricaturist, friend and illustrator of Charles Dickens [Sir Charles Wheatstone (1802-1875), inventor, pioneer of the submarine telegraph]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 263 Hampstead Road, N.W. [London] 17 October 1866.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. With Cruikshank's splendid sprawling signature. Addressed to 'C. Le Motte Esq' and beginning: 'Sir, | Professor Wheatstone did not lay the wire across the Thames as he proposed to do, on account of the “Trawling” in that River and also finding some trouble in obtaining permission from the Lord Mayor – as “Conservator of the Thames” - In 1840 he had all the plans and apparatus ready – and in 1844 he in company with the Member for Swansea [i.e.

[William Walrond Jackson, Rector of Exeter College, Oxford.] Autograph Letter Signed [to Professor George Frederick Armstrong], explaining the reasons for declining his application for a 'Professorial Fellowship' at Exeter College.

W. W. Jackson [William Walrond Jackson] (1838-1931), Rector of Exeter College, Oxford, 1887-1913 [George Frederick Armstrong (1842-1900), Regius Professor of Engineering at Edinburgh University]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Exeter College, Oxford. 24 October 1895.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged.

[ James Dredge Jr, civil engineer and co-editor of 'Engineering'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('James Dredge') to 'Willy' [ presumably Stanhope Forbes of Newlyn's brother -see note below], condolences on death of his father, ruminating on mortality.

James Dredge Jr (1840-1906), English civil engineer and co-editor with William H. Maw of the periodical 'Engineering'
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 'Engineering: An Illustrated Weekly Journal, Edited by William H. Maw and James Dredge', 35 & 36 Bedford Street, Strand, London, W.C. 8 December 1888.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Letterhead in black and red ink. In fair condition, aged and worn, with creasing at head. A sensitive letter of condolence, beginning: 'Dear Willy | I was so shocked to hear on Thursday of the great loss you have sustained, and I hesitated to write to you, for letters of condolence are such empty useless things. But on the other hand I dont want you to suppose that I feel indifferent to anything that touches you so closely & deeply.

[ 'Engineering', London journal. ] Autograph register of contributions compiled by editor Thomas Walley, in form of table of articles and authors, with meticulous printing and publication details.

Thomas Walley (1872-1947), editor of 'Engineering', London journal founded in 1866 [ Lieut-Col. Percy John Cowan (1876-1954) and Herbert Henry Johnson (c.1875-1957), joint editors ]
Publication details: 
[ London: Engineering. ] Entries dating from 27 November 1925 to 17 January 1934.

Walley has converted one volume of a printed diary ('The Business Year Book' for 1923, by the R. C. Maxwell Co., Trenton, New Jersey) into a continuous table listing all the articles contributed between 27 November 1925 and 17 January 1934. Entries are compiled with the meticulous attention to detail one would expect from an engineer, giving a range of information including the times of receipt of material to the minute, and even the typeface in which an article was printed.

Three scrapbooks containing professional and personal material, 1883-1907, with material relating to his father, Quartermaster-General of the United States army.

Montgomery Meigs, Jr, son of The Union Army's Quarter-Master-General
Publication details: 

Montgomery Cunningham Meigs (1847-1931), nicknamed 'Monty', civil engineer and inventor, was the son of the celebrated American army officer and engineer of the same name (1816-1892), Quartermaster-General of the United States army during and after the American civil war. While easily overshadowed by his illustrious father, Meigs was a fascinating figure in his own right, talented in a wide range of fields: manager of the canals and locks of the Old Des Moines Rapids Canal, designer of steamboats and other river craft, and Mississippi river pilot.

[ Sir Frederick Snow, structural engineer. ] Two Typed Letters, one Signed 'Fredck. S. Snow' and the other signed on his behalf, to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, with typed synopsis of a proposed paper on 'Steel or Concrete Structures'.

Sir Frederick Snow [ Sir Frederick Sidney Snow ] (1899-1976), civil and structural engineer, overall designer for Gatwick Airport
Publication details: 
Both on letterhead of Frederick S. Snow & Partners, Consulting Engineers, Ross House, 144 Southwark Street, London. 28 February and 23 March 1964.

Five items: Snow's two letters and carbons of three of Mercer's replies (5 and 25 March, and 24 June 1964). ONE: Typed Letter from Samson, signed on his behalf, to the Secretary (i.e. G. E. Mercer), Royal Society of Arts, 28 February 1964. 1p., folio. Confirming that he wishes to give a paper on 'The Relative Merits of the use of Steel or Concrete in Structures', 'with a number of slides showing comparisons of various materials'. At the foot of the page is a signed note from Mercer to Sampson, dated 2 March 1964: 'Do we want this?

[ James Elmes, architect. ] Autograph Letter Signed to publisher Charles Ollier, requesting clarification on the question of the parcel of 'Mr Cooke'.

James Elmes (1782-1862), architect, civil engineer and author [ Charles Ollier (1788-1859), publisher ]
Publication details: 
2 Childs Place, Temple [ London ]. 18 July 1827.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. He begins by explaining that he has been 'too much engaged' since last writing to Ollier 'to come so far westward', or he would not intrude on his time. He asks him to return 'the letter of Mr Cooke, that I enclosed to you, under cover and a line just to say, whether there were two parcels, as he mentions, or only the one, that I took, as he desires great care and a return of them'.

[ César-François Cassini de Thury, French astronomer. ] Signed ('Cassini de Thury') Autograph Copy of Letter, in French, sent to 'M. Bayeux', regarding the Sieur du Tremblay.

César-François Cassini de Thury (1714-1784), French astronomer and cartographer [ Daniel-Charles Trudaine (1703-1769), civil engineer ]
Publication details: 
Paris. 3 June 1751.

1p., 4to. In very good condition, on lightly aged paper. Tipped into a paper wallet, on the front of which is written in a contemporary hand the entry from the1833 bookseller's catalogue from which it was purchased, indicating that the item was considered uncommon even at that time: 'Cassini, the Astronomer, relative to a Memoir of the Sieur du Tremblay. | A choice specimen of a scarce Autograph. | No 176 Thorpe's Catalogue 1833'. Cassini's copy letter, with nine lines of text, is written over the unsigned letter to which it is the reply..

Three Autograph Letters Signed "J.A. Fleming" (electronic engineer ) to Sir Henry Truman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir John Ambrose Fleming
Publication details: 
November 1915 to February 1916; London.

English electronic engineer (1849-1945), inventor of thermionic valve. Widely considered to be 'the founder of electronics'. All three items good though grubby and on slightly discoloured paper. Item three dog-eared and grubby in top left-hand corner. All signed 'J. A. Fleming' and bearing the Society's stamp. ITEM ONE (two pages, quarto, 15 November 1915, University College, Gower St, to Wood, docketed): On the subject of a paper he proposes to give to the Society entitled 'The Organisation of Scientific Research'.

[ Sir Robert Rawlinson, civil engineer. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Robert Rawlinson'), accepting a dinner invitation from Scottish artist Thomas Faed.

Sir Robert Rawlinson (1810-1898), English civil engineer in the field of public health and sanitation [ Thomas Faed (1826-1900), RA, Scottish artist ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Lancaster Lodge, 11 Boltons, West Brompton, S.W. [ London ] 7 November 1877.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged, with small part of paper mount adhering at head. Accepting a dinner invitation on 20 November.

[The Morgan Motor Company Limited, Malvern.] Double-column account book of 'The Morgan Motor Company, Limited, in account with Lloyds Bank Limited, Malvern', detailing disbursements to companies and individuals, mainly within the motor industry.

The Morgan Motor Company Limited, Malvern, Worcestershire, established in 1910 [Henry Frederick Stanley Morgan (1881-1959), English sports car manufacturer]
Publication details: 
The Morgan Motor Company, Limited, Malvern, Worcestershire. From May 14 1927 to May 31 1929. [Printed by Lloyds Bank Limited, Malvern]

[4] + 288pp., 8vo. In vellum-style cream cloth binding with flap and front pocket. Internally in good condition, lightly-aged, in somewhat grubby binding. In manuscript across front cover: 'May 1927 May 31 1929 | Morgan Motor Company Limited'. The volume gives a valuable sidelight into the finances of an iconic British firm, during a boom period in its history, and place the company squarely at the centre of a network of other firms within the motoring industry.

Typed and signed 'Contract for the supply of a Motor Ambulance and accessories' between 'The Vulcan Motors (London) Ltd & The Urban District Council of Chiswick'. With three blueprints and two sets of specifications.

Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. Ltd., Southport [The Urban District Council of Chiswick]
Publication details: 
London. 12 Setpember 1923.

Six items stitched together with green ribbon. Heavily aged and with extensive damp damage. ONE: Typed agreement between The Vulcan Motors (London) Limited and The Urban Distric Council of Chiswick, dated 12 September 1923, signed by the directors of Vulcan Motors and their secretary. 2pp., folio. TWO: Typed 'Specification of Ambulance Body to be securely attached in an approved manner to Vulcan One Ton Chasis. As shown on the blue print attached.' By 'Engineer's Dept., Town Hall, Chiswick.' Dated 1 May 1923. 2pp., 8vo.

[Henry Clifford, telegraph engineer.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (one 'H. C.' and the other 'H. Clifford'), written in a playful style to his daughter 'Elsie'. One of the letters partly in verse form, with caricatures.

Henry Clifford (1821-1905), telegraph engineer on Atlantic cable expeditions, who designed machinery used on the Great Eastern [Sir Charles Tilston Bright (1832-1888), telegraph engineer]
Publication details: 
One letter addressed from 1 Lansdowne Place, Blackheath; 6 April 1892. The without place or date.

Clifford was introduced to the laying of Atlantic telegraph cables by Sir Charles Bright, whose wife was his cousin. He served as an engineer on all the Atlantic cable expeditions from 1857 to 1866, designing the paying-out machinery used on the Great Eastern in 1865 and 1866. He worked at Greenwich as chief engineer for the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company until his retirement in 1894. ONE: From Blackheath; 6 April 1892. 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Signed 'H. Clifford.' In good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

[Sydney Smirke, architect] Signed Autograph document entitled 'Mr. Sancton Wood's Account with the Great Southern and Western Railway Company. Amount £8645 : 4 : 0. -', defending Wood's charges.

Sydney Smirke (1798-1877), architect , best-known for designing the British Museum Reading Room [Sancton Wood (1815-1886), architect and surveyor; The Great Southern and Western Railway Company]
Publication details: 
Dated: 'Sydney Smirke. | 24, Berkeley Square [London] | Dec: 27th: 1851. -'

2pp., foolscap 8vo. Bifolium. On aged and worn paper, with some repairs to the chipped extremities. Begins: 'I have carefully examined this account and various papers connected therewith: and have received detailed verbal & written explanations thereof from Mr. Wood; I have carefully considered Messrs. Byrne's & Darley's report thereon; [...]'. Concludes: '[...], I am of opinion that Mr.

[Sir William Henry Preece, electrical engineer to the Post Office system.] Autograph Letter Signed and Autograph Note Signed (both 'W. H Preece') to Clement Hoult.

Sir William Henry Preece (1834-1913), electrical engineer and inventor, a student of Faraday, electrican to the Post Office system [Clement Hoult, Wolverhampton accountant]
Publication details: 
The letter on letterhead of 8 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, S.W. [London] 24 April 1902. The note on letterhead of Gothic Lodge, Wimbledon Common. 30 April 1902.

Both items in good condition, on lightly aged paper. LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. He begins by informing him when he will be arriving in Wolverhampton from Euston, adding that he will be 'very glad' to see Hoult 'and the Chairman at the R[ailway]. S[tation].' He 'will have to go direct to the Agricultural Hall to give directions to my men what to do. Kerr comes down later.' He concludes in the hope that 'Mr Hook from Birmingham will come early also'. NOTE: 1p., 16mo. Mourning border. 'I have not seen a report of my address. Was it printed?'

[The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company.] Letter of Attorney, on two skins of vellum, from 'Moncure Robinson Esqr. to Messrs. Thomson Hankey and Co.', appointing them his company's London agents, with his signature and seal in red wax.

[Moncure Robinson (1802-1891), American civil engineer; Elihu Chauncey and Richard Fenn Lardner of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company'; Messrs. Thomson Hankey & Co., London bankers]
Publication details: 
18 April 1837.

In very good condition, on one side each of two skins of vellum. Robinson's signature and seal in red wax at the foot of the attached skins, and the customary embossed tax stamps on both. Ruled borders in red ink. Docketed on reverse of first skin. The document begins: 'To all to whom these Presents shall come. Moncure Robinson of the City of Philadelphia in the United States of America and now residing in Bond Street in the County of Middlesex in Great Britain Esquire sends Greeting'.

[Pamphlet.] The Education of Engineers in America, Germany, and Switzerland. Excerpt Minutes of Proceedings of the Meeting of the Institutution of Mechanical Engineers, in London, 24th April 1903.

Professor W. E. Dalby [William Ernest Dalby], M.I.Mech.E. [J. Hartley Wicksteed, President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers]
Publication details: 
Published by the Institution, Storey's Gate, St. James's Park, Westminster, S.W. [1903.]

69pp., 8vo, paginated 281 to 349. In brown printed card covers. With shelfmarks and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, otherwise in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Scarce: no copy at the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

[Pamphlet] The Channel Tunnel

H. M. Hozier
Publication details: 
London: Printed by C.F. Roworth, Great New Street, Fetter Lane, [London], ec, 1888

12pp., 8vo, spine reinforced, covers(pp.1-2) grubby, small closed tear, mainly good condition. I counted three copies of this, the first, edition on COPAC.

[Sir William Cubitt, civil engineer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W Cubitt') to C. F. Stuart, headed 'Clyde Navigation', regarding a plan for proceeding in Parliament in respect to 'the question of interference with Lord Blantyre's property'.

Sir William Cubitt (1785-1861), civil engineer [Charles Francis Stuart; Charles Walter Stuart (1818-1900), 12th Lord Blantyre; The Forth and Clyde Navigation; Glasgow; canal]
Publication details: 
16 Parliament Street [London]. 19 May 1836.

1p., 4to. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. With envelope, addressed by Cubitt to 'C F Stuart Esqre | 20 New Norfolk Street | Park Lane', with red wax seal and postmarks, and docketted 'Mr Cubitt. Engineer'. He has received Stuart's letter of 17 May, and has 'since seen Mr. Buchanan with all the Reports Plans Instr[ucti]ons &c &c relative to the question of interference with Lord Blantyre's property', and he will 'more fully examine' them 'during the recess of Parliament'. He has 'also seen & consulted with Mr.

[John Wallis Shores, engineer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Frank Short') to the curator Sydney Pavière, regarding prints which he is sending him.

Frank Short (1851-1935), artist [Sydney Pavière (1891-1971), curator]
Publication details: 
56 Brook Green, W6 [London]. 8 December 1926.

1p., landscape 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. The first paragraph reads: 'Dear Mr Pavière, | I will look carefully at the prints you send in (as, indeed, & of course, at all of them), and hope you may be successful at the election. The whole of the members will this year, at last, express their opinon on the candidates work, but the final decision rests, as it must under the charter, with the Council.' In the second paragraph he expresses pleasure that 'you are interesting your gallery in prints'.

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