['The tarn is metres above the level my legs would take me': Norman Nicholson, Cumbrian poet.] Typed Letter Signed to ‘Eric’, commenting wistfully on two correspondents pointing out a ‘simple slip’ in Hunter Davies’ ‘Walk Around the Lakes’.

Norman Nicholson [Norman Cornthwaite Nicholson] (1914-1987), Cumbrian poet [Millom, Cumbria; Lake District; Hunter Davies]
Publication details: 
25 September 1981; Millom, Cumbria.

1p, landscape 8vo. In fair condition; a little creased. Folded twice. Nicholson’s signature is a stylized squiggle, and there are a few minor autograph corrections to the typescript. The letter begins: ‘Dear Eric / I think the correspondent is probably right and that it is Windermere and not Coniston Water which can be seen from near Stickle Tarn.’ Nicholson cannot speak from experience, ‘as the tarn is metres above the level my legs would take me, but the map does seem to confirm what the two correspondents say’.

[Mary L. Armitt, polymath] MANUSCRIPT: Draft of the Index (ONLY) to her book, The Church of Grasmere: a history, published posthumously..

Mary L. Armitt [Mary Louisa Armitt (1851 -1911), polymath, teacher, writer, ornithologist and philanthropist, and founder of the Armitt Library, Ambleside.]
Publication details: 
Book published in Kendal, 1912. See scan of sample page.

Sixteen pages (two are half pages), fol., some foxing, but text clear. The text is in a large hand, with additions and occasional corrections for example, the word out is written beside 'Eighteen, the see Sidesmen', itself crossed out.

[Royal Mail; General Post Office.] Six items in Postal History: subscription form for Post Office Relief Fund, 1914; circular from E. W. Walker of National Federation of Sub-Postmasters; article on 'A Postal Anniversary'; three Glasgow District items

[Royal Mail; General Post Office; postal history; Post Office Relief Fund, 1914; National Federation of Sub-Postmasters; Glasgow District Manager; George Ritchie of Linlithgow]
Publication details: 
[Royal Mail; General Post Office; Glasgow District Manager] 1914, 1916 and 1940.

Six items. The collection in fair condition, apart from Item Two. ONE: Printed form, a 'List of Subscribers' for the 'Post Office Relief Fund. | Second Appeal.' Dated '11/14T', i.e. November 1914. (In 1914 the Post Office set up a relief fund to help relatives of GPO staff who had gone off to fight.) 1p, folio. Eleven lines of text are followed by the 'List of Subscribers', in three columns headed: 'Name', 'Rate for every complete 10/-' and 'I hereby authorise the deduction of my Subscription from my salary', the last subdivided into 'Signature' and 'Rank'.

[Frederic Yates, English artist active in America.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Fredc Yates') to Mrs Oldham, describing in moving terms the funeral of Anne Oldham.

Frederic Yates [born Frederic Keeping] (1854-1919), English artist active in America before returning to England and settling in the Lake District [Anne Oldham]
Publication details: 
17 May 1895, on letterhead of 3a Portman Mansions, W. [London]

Yates studied in Paris before setting up a successful practice in San Francisco, also teaching there at the Art Student League. His portraits include the educator John Haden Badley and the only president of Hawaii, Sanford Ballard Dole. He returned to England in 1900, but was invited back to America to attend the inauguration of Woodrow Wilson and to paint his portrait. Wilson presented Yates with the flag that his hand rested on whilst he took his oath of office. The Oldham family moved in artistic circles, and Constance Oldham was John Ruskin's god-daughter and corresponded with him.

[Frederic Yates, English artist active in America.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Fred Yates') to Mrs Oldham, describing his examination of the wreck of HMS Foudroyant, for a painting she has commissioned. With sketches of the ship in ink and pencil.

Frederic Yates [born Frederic Keeping] (1854-1919), English artist who found fame in America before settling in the Lake District [Oldham family; HMS Foudroyant; Royal Navy; Plymouth; Devonport]
Publication details: 
Letter: 'Sunday noon' [no date]. On letterhead of the Royal Hotel, Devonport. Pencil sketches without date or place.

Yates studied in Paris before setting up a successful practice in San Francisco, also teaching there at the Art Student League. His portraits include the educator John Haden Badley and the only president of Hawaii, Sanford Ballard Dole. He returned to England in 1900, but was invited back to America to attend the inauguration of Woodrow Wilson and to paint his portrait. Wilson presented Yates with the flag that his hand rested on whilst he took his oath of office. The Oldham family moved in artistic circles, and Constance Oldham was John Ruskin's god-daughter and corresponded with him.

[ Rotha Quillinan, daughter of Wordsworth's son-in-law Edward Quillinan, and granddaughter of Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges. ] Offprint of notice of the 'Death of Rotha Quillinan'.

Rotha Quillinan (1822-1876), daughter of William Wordsworth's son-in-law Edward Quillinan (1791-1851), poet, and granddaughter of Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges
Publication details: 
From the Westmoreland Gazette, 12 February 1876.

Galley proof with 69 lines of text in a single column of small type, on slip of paper laid down on leaf removed from album. At foot: 'Westmoreland Gazette, Feb. 12, 1876.' In good condition, lightly aged. The text begins: 'Another personal link between the present generation and the band of poets and writers whose memory hovers around the Lake district has been severed in the death, last week, of Miss Rotha Quillinan.

[ Robert Southey, Poet Laureate and friend of Wordsworth and Coleridge. ] Autograph Note Signed to the author Andrew Picken agreeing to subscribe 'willingly' to his 'volumes' ('The Black Watch'?).

Robert Southey (1774-1843), Romantic poet, friend of Wordsworth and Coleridge, one of the Lake Poets, Poet Laureate [ Andrew Picken (1788-1833), author ]
Publication details: 
Keswick. 13 March 1833.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed by Southey on the reverse of the second leaf, which has been overlaid top and bottom with grey paper, 'To | Andrew Picken Esqre | Gothic Cottage | Regents Park East.' The note reads: 'Keswick. 13 March 1833 [year possibly altered in pencil to '1835'] | Sir | I subscribe willingly to your volumes & wish you success with them | I remain Sir | Yr obedt servt | Robert Southey'. Southey is presumably referring to his last work, The Black Watch (1833), which appeared just as he died of a stroke. Suitable for framing.

[ War Department contractors 1858 ]10 printed items] Schedule of Contract for Carpenters' [Bricklayers'; Slaters'; Plasterers'; Plumbers'; Painters'; Glaziers'; Smiths'; Cast-iron and Metal] Work for the Service of the War Department, [...]

[Ten printed Schedules of Contract for work for the service of the War Department, in the South-West and Sussex District; W. H. Dudley; Robert Stratton; George Wheeler; Isle of Wight; Hurst Castle]
Publication details: 
All ten schedules: 'London: Printed by Harrison & Sons. 1858.'

The collection is of great interest, providing a mass of information regarding the Victorian building trade. The owner of the volume, W. H. Dudley, would appear to be a War Office official, and, as described at the end of this entry, it contains manuscript details of two contracts. The ten printed schedules - totalling [34 + 17 + 14 + 10 + 12 + 13 + 12 + 10 + 16 + 11 =] 149 pp., folio - are uniform in design and format, bound together in a contemporary half-binding, with brown leather spine and corners, and marbled boards. All ten are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn binding.

[ Henry J. Wake of Cockermouth, Victorian bookseller. ] Lithographed 'Catalogue of Books, MSS., Coins, Antiquities, &c,'

Henry J. Wake of Cockermouth (Lake District), Victorian bookseller and auctioneer
Publication details: 
'On Sale by H. J. Wake, 18, Station Street, Cockermouth. Imo. 1877.' [ At foot: 'Henry J. Wake, Bookseller &c. Cockermouth. 10/1/77 [ i.e. 10 October 1877 ]'. ]

1p., folio. An unusual production, containing 78 numbered items in two columns, with illustrations, lithographed to look like a manuscript in tight, neat handwriting. In fair overall condition, on aged paper, with a triangular hole with 5 cm edges and minor damage sympathetically repaired with archival tape. The books range from 'No. 1. Eugene Aram's Trial, Life, Letters, Poems, &c. 12mo. Facsimile Letter. 1/2 cloth, scarce s4/ Richmond, 1832' to '78. The Stowe Catalogue Priced & Annotated by H. R, Forster. Sm. 4to cloth leather back.

[ Printed pamphlet, inscribed by the author. ] An Address, delivered at the Third Anniversay of the Bath District Branch of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, On June the 6th, 1839; by John Smith Soden, President of the Meeting.

John Smith Soden [ Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, Bath District Branch ]
Publication details: 
Bath: Printed by Mary Meyler and Son, Abbey Church-Yard. 1839.

15pp., 8vo. Unbound pamphlet. Aged and worn. In manuscript at head of title-page: 'Dr Ainsworth from the Author'. In a short preface Soden explains that several members of the Association have asked him for a copy of his address, and that, although he does nto think it worthy, he has 'therefore had a small impression printed for private circulation only, in order to save the trouble of transcribing, [...]'. Scarce: only three copies on COPAC (BL, Bristol and Aberdeen).

[ J. T. Maleville, nineteenth-century printer in Washington, DC. ] Menu printed on pink silk.

J. T. Maleville, printer of Washington DC [ American printing ]
Publication details: 
'J. T. MALEVILLE, PRINT, 407 10TH ST.' [ Washington, DC] Undated [1880s?].

Printed in black ink on one side of a 23.5 x 17.5 cm piece of pink silk. An interesting piece of American nineteenth-century printing, with only the printer's details giving a clue to the occasion of the dinner. Within a decorative border, and with Maleville's slug in bottom left-hand corner. A sumptuous 'service à la russe', with potages, hors d'oeuvre, poisson, relevé, entrées roti, entremets and dessert.

Typed and signed 'Contract for the supply of a Motor Ambulance and accessories' between 'The Vulcan Motors (London) Ltd & The Urban District Council of Chiswick'. With three blueprints and two sets of specifications.

Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. Ltd., Southport [The Urban District Council of Chiswick]
Publication details: 
London. 12 Setpember 1923.

Six items stitched together with green ribbon. Heavily aged and with extensive damp damage. ONE: Typed agreement between The Vulcan Motors (London) Limited and The Urban Distric Council of Chiswick, dated 12 September 1923, signed by the directors of Vulcan Motors and their secretary. 2pp., folio. TWO: Typed 'Specification of Ambulance Body to be securely attached in an approved manner to Vulcan One Ton Chasis. As shown on the blue print attached.' By 'Engineer's Dept., Town Hall, Chiswick.' Dated 1 May 1923. 2pp., 8vo.

[Printed document.] Motor Cars. Memorandum of the Cheltenham Rural District Council to the President of the Local Government Board, With reference to the recent Report of the Royal Commission on Motor Cars.

Gilbert McIlquham, clerk to the Cheltenham Rural District Board [The Local Government Board; The Royal Commission on Motor Cars, 1905-1907]
Publication details: 
Stamped '13th September 1906'.

2pp., folio. Bifolium. In small type. Containing two copies of a printed circular by McIlquham, on Cheltenham Rural District Council letterhead, dated 14 September 1906. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The memorandum is divided into five sections, and begins by putting the Council's position that 'Motor Cars travelling at high speed in dry weather along the unwatered roads of country districts occasion an intolerable dust nuisance to other users of the highway, and seriously prejudice the comfort and even the health of the inhabitants of road-side dwellings'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the conservationist Ethel Haythornthwaite, thanking Lord Chorley [Robert Samuel Theodore Chorley, 1st Baron Chorley] for his speech to the Sheffield branch of the Council for the Preservation of Rural England.

Ethel Haythornthwaite (1894-1986) and her husband Lt-Col. Gerald Haythornthwaite (1912-1995), pioneering conservationists [Robert Samuel Theodore Chorley (1895-1978), 1st Baron Chorley [Lord Chorley]]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Council for the Preservation of Rural England, Sheffield and Peak District Branch. 10 June 1945.

2pp., landscape 12mo. 28 lines of text. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with slight damage to one corner. Addressed to 'Dear Professor Chorley', the letter begins: 'I do feel we owe you a very great deal for coming on Saturday. Every body seemed pleased with the meeting and that was mainly due to the chief speaker. They liked what you said and who said it.' Considering the demands on Chorley's time, she is grateful to him for not cancelling the engagement, and for the fact that he did not 'pour coals of fire' on her head for the 'silly mistake about the train'.

[10 printed items] Schedule of Contract for Carpenters' [Bricklayers'; Slaters'; Plasterers'; Plumbers'; Painters'; Glaziers'; Smiths'; Cast-iron and Metal] Work for the Service of the War Department, at [blank] in the South-west and Sussex District.

[Ten printed Schedules of Contract for work for the service of the War Department, in the South-West and Sussex District; W. H. Dudley; Robert Stratton; George Wheeler; Isle of Wight; Hurst Castle]
Publication details: 
All ten schedules: 'London: Printed by Harrison & Sons. 1858.'

The collection is of great interest, providing a mass of information regarding the Victorian building trade. The owner of the volume, W. H. Dudley, would appear to be a War Office official, and, as described at the end of this entry, it contains manuscript details of two contracts. The ten printed schedules - totalling [34 + 17 + 14 + 10 + 12 + 13 + 12 + 10 + 16 + 11 =] 149 pp., folio - are uniform in design and format, bound together in a contemporary half-binding, with brown leather spine and corners, and marbled boards. All ten are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn binding.

Autograph Note Signed "William T. Palmer", The Fell & Rock Climbing Club, to a "Mr Smith", about the 'Journal'.

William T. Palmer, Editor of the Journal of The Fell & Rock Climbing Club of the English Lake District
Publication details: 
[Printed heading, "The Fell & Rock Climbing Club ", etc., Beechwood, Kendal, 22 Dec. 1916.

One pager, fold marks, minor defects not affecting text. "Dear Mr. Smith, | The 'Journal' is in preparation, but will be greatly delayed this year. I will notify you later. | Yours faithfully, | William T. Palmer | Editor".

Holograph poem by the Harvard-educated lawyer George Stillman Hillard, Attorney General of Massachusetts, titled 'To the Friday Club'. With engraved portrait of Hillard.

George Stillman Hillard (1808-1879), Harvard-educated lawyer, in partnership with Charles Sumner, writer on the law, United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts [The Friday Club, Boston]
Publication details: 
Signed 'Geo. S. Hillard | April 1. 1859.'

3pp., 12mo. A fair copy. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. The twenty-eight-line poem is arranged in seven four-line stanzas, with Hillard's firm signature and the date at the end. The poem begins with unintentional, but no less curious, sexual overtones: 'The rod of Aaron, severed long | From its ancestral bowers, | Felt in its veins the sap of youth, | And shone with buds of flowers. | The rigid staff, smoothworn and dry, | In living green was dressed.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo. S. Hillard') from the Harvard lawyer George Stillman Hillard (later District Attorney for Massachusetts) to W. W. Greenough, written from Paris in the 'Year of Revolutions' 1848, analysing the political situation there.

George Stillman Hillard (1808-1879), Harvard-educated lawyer, writer on the law, United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts [William Whitwell Greenough (1818-1899), Boston merchant]
Publication details: 
Paris, France; 16 May 1848.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. Ninety lines of text. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with small hole on second leaf causing damage to a few words of text. Addressed with two postmarks (one French, one American) on the reverse of the second leaf to 'William W. Whitwell Esq | Boston. Mass. | United States of America'. A significant letter, written from Paris by an astute and cultured American jurist on the day following the demonstration of 15 May 1848.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo. S. Hillard') from George Stillman Hillard (later District Attorney for Massachusetts) to the abolitionist Rev. Samuel Joseph May, describing his acquaintance with the first Harvard Professor of German, Charles Follen.

George Stillman Hillard (1808-1879), Massachusetts District Attorney [Rev. Samuel Joseph May (1797-1871), abolitionist; Charles Follen [Karl Follen] (1796-1840), first Professor of German at Harvard]
Publication details: 
Boston; 11 March 1840.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. 89 lines of text. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed, with red circular postmark, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Revd. Samuel J. May | South Scituate'. Hillard describes 'Dr. Follen' as 'an intimate and dear friend to me'. He looks back 'with melancholy pleasure upon the happy hours' he spent in the society of 'so pure and elevated a being'. He has 'never known a better man; I do not know that I may not say, that I have never known so good a man.

Victorian parish financial accounts relating to Wingham Highways District, Kent, comprising ten General Annual Statements [1863, 1865 to 1873], a Statement of Receipts and Expenditure [1864], and a Financial Statement, 1879.

Wingham Highways District, Kent
Victorian parish financial accounts relating to Wingham
Publication details: 
1863 to 1879; Wingham, Kent.
Victorian parish financial accounts relating to Wingham

The twelve items are in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, folded into packets, with all texts clear and complete. The first of the General Annual Statements, that for '1863 & 64', is representative. Its two pages are on one side each of two landscape sheets of grey paper, both 67 x 42 cm. Both are printed forms, with columns in red, headed '25th & 26th of Victoria, Cap. 61 GENERAL STATEMENTS of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE on Account of the HIGHWAYS of each Parish, Township &c.

Three printed reports of meetings held at the Council House, Chichester, of the West Sussex branch of the British 'War Agricultural Committee' (two from 1915 and one from 1916) and one report from the 'War Agricultural Executive Committee'.

[Herbert Padwick, Chairman, War Agricultural Committee, West Sussex Branch; First World War; British farming; women and agriculture]
Publication details: 
The three 'War Agricultural Committee' reports: 16 November and 22 December 1915, and 9 February 1916. 'War Agricultural Executive Committee' report: 29 January 1917. All meetings held at the Council House, Chichester [West Sussex Committee].

All four items clear and complete, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Item One: Report of WAC meeting of 16 November 1915. Folio, 6 pp. Includes 'Reports from District Sub-Committees' and section on 'Enlistment as to Skilled Agricultural Labourers'. Also section on 'Women's County Committee'. Item Two: Report of WAC meeting of 22 December 1915. Folio, 4 pp. Sections on 'Instruction in milking to women' and 'Employment of women on farm work'. Signed in type as Chairman by Padwick. Item Three: Report of WAC meeting of 9 February 1916. Folio, 4 pp. Signed in type as Chairman by Padwick.

Two Deeds Indented (Indentures), relating to the purchase by Guy of various Yorkshire estates, and the sale by him of the same to Sir Cyril Wyche.

Henry Guy (bap.1631 d.1711) of Tring, politician and courtier [Yorkshire topography; Sir Cyril Wyche; Richard Lightfoot; Francis, Lord Hawley; Sir Charles Harbord; Sir William Howard; Sir John Talbot]
Publication details: 
Indentures of 18 July 1672 and 11 March 1674; receipt of 12 August 1672; particular of 18 July 1672.

INDENTURE OF 1672: 'ex[ecute]d. by Rich: Lighfoot Clerk to ye Trustees', on one side each of two large vellum skins. Wear at folds, affecting the occasional word or phrase. Docketed on grubby reverse of first skin. Borders in red, and with attractive hand-drawn Royal Crest within large initial at head. 'Betwene the right honourable ffrancis Lord Hawley Sr. Charles Harbord Knight his majesties Surveyor generall Sr. William Howard of Tandridge in the County of Surrey Knight Sr.

Autograph Notes relating to the London district of Fulham.

Sir Walter Besant (1836-1901), English novelist and historian of London
Publication details: 
Undated; on three letterheads of 'Frognall End, Hampstead, N.W.' [London].

The notes, on three 12mo bifoliums, cover three pages, with a few lines on a couple of others. In excess of eighty lines. Very good. Brief chronology and list of notable residents, presumably an outline for the description of the district in Besant's 'London' (1892) or another of his many writings on the city.

Advertisement for 'Dorking Urban District Book, Waste Paper and Cardboard Drive'.

Dorking, Surrey, England [Recycling; the Environment; the Green Party; Publishing History; Bookselling; the Book Trade; Austerity]
Publication details: 
12th April to 1st May 1948.

Striking advertisement, in red ink, on one side of a piece of paper roughly seven inches by seventeen wide. With something of a prewar feel, it reads 'DORKING URBAN DISTRICT | BOOK, WASTE PAPER | and CARDBOARD DRIVE | [in box on right] 12th April | TO | 1st May | 1948 [end of boxed text] | Save the Nation from having to import Waste Paper from abroad | PROVIDE | MORE Employment = MORE Cartons for Food | = MORE Materials for Housebuilding ='.

Note in a secretarial hand Signed to Sir H[enry]. T[rueman]. Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, together with compliments slip.

Sir Benjamin Baker
Publication details: 
The letter, 11 June 1901; the compliments slip 17 June 1901; both on letterhead '2, Queen Square Place, | Queen Anne's Mansions, Westminster, S.W.'

English civil engineer (1840-1907), who built the Forth Rail Bridge and worked on the Metropolitan and District Railways of the London Underground. Both items one page, octavo, on grey paper. Both in good condition, stamped and docketed. The note, signed 'B. Baker', reads 'I am sorry to say the Glasgow University Jubilee will prevent me and I have no doubt others from beingn at Marlborough House on the 14th.' The slip reads 'With Sir Benjamin Baker's Compliments.'

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