
[Sir Robert Liston, Scottish diplomat, British Envoy Extraordinary (Ambassador) to the United States.] Autograph Note Signed to William Jerdan ('My Dear old Boy'), editor of the Literary Gazette, agreeing to come to 'the free masons'.

Sir Robert Liston (1742-1836), Scottish diplomat, British Envoy Extraordinary (Ambassador) to the United States [William Jerdan (1782-1869), editor of ‘The Literary Gazette’; Freemasonry]
Publication details: 
30 January [no year]. No place.

See the two men's entries in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Reads: ‘Jany 30. / My Dear old Boy / Ill come on Thursday with great pleasure to the free masons / Yrs faithfully / Robt Liston / W. Jerdan Esq’.

[John Randall, coachmaker] Two Autograph Letter Signed ('John Randall') from the London coachmaker John Randall to 'monsieur le Doctor Brown' [i.e. Sir Charles Brown], physician to the Queen of Prussia, one giving an Estimate for work.

John Randall, 80 Long Acre, London, coachmaker and freemason [Sir Charles Brown (c.1747-1827) of Potsdam, 'First Physician to the King of Prussia, his Court and Army']
Publication details: 
London, Long Acre 1788 AND London; 30 June 1789.

(1788) Letter, bifolium, , cr. 8vo, good condition, one page giving assurances as to quality, etc., with list (essentially a quote) of prices/features of A new Fashionable Chariot with a [?] light coloured cloth, Painted a Green [?] Patent yellow, made of the best materials & season'd timber, followed by a price list of various features (blinds, plated head plates, steps, strong plated harness, packing etc etc). See image. (1799) 1p., 4to, bifolium, very good, on lightly-aged paper.

[ Venizelos; R. E. Baynes, Oxford physicist/freemason. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed ('R. E. Baynes'), first containing an anecdote regarding 'the maker of modern Greece' Eleftherios Venizelos at a Christ Church gaudy, the second on Freemasonry.

R. E. Baynes [ Robert Edward Baynes ] (1849-1921) of Christ Church, Oxford, physicist and freemason [ William Scoresby Routledge; Eleftherios Kyriakou Venizelos (1864-1936), Greek statesman ]
Publication details: 
One on letterhead of Christ Church, Oxford, 2 July 1920; the other from 'Ch. Ch. Oct 30 [ no year ]'.

From the papers of William Scoresby Routledge (1859-1939), Australian-born British ethnographer, anthropologist and adventurer. Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, but the first with a vertical closed tear at the base of one leaf. ONE: On letterhead of Christ Church, Oxford. 2 July 1920. 3pp., 16mo. Bifolium. Routledge's silence, he begins by stating, led him to think that he was 'somewhere on the High Seas', but he has realised that it was due to a mistaken address 'in the Steward's Office Address Book, where 'Conservative Club' has been written for 'Carlton Club'.

[Inscribed by author.] Two Letters to the Right Honourable the Earl of Sheffield; in which His Lordship's Report to the Meeting at Lewes Wool-Fair, and the Proceedings at a recent Meeting of Wool-Growers, at the Free Masons' Tavern, are examined; […]

J. B. S. [ John Holroyd, 1st Earl of Sheffield ]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by J. M. Richardson, 23, Cornhill, opposite the Royal-Exchange. 1816. [ Marchant, Printer, Ingram-Court, London. ]

Full title, with motto: 'Two Letters to the Right Honourable the Earl of Sheffield; in which His Lordship's Report to the Meeting at Lewes Wool-Fair, and the Proceedings at a recent Meeting of Wool-Growers, at the Free Masons' Tavern, are examined; and the True State of the Wool-Question attempted to be shewn. | By J. B. S. | Veritas Nihil Veretur Nisi Abscondi.' A scarce item: no copies at the British Library or other deposit libraries and the only copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat at Edinburgh University and Senate House. [4] + 76pp., 8vo. Disbound, and with first leaf (half-title) loose.

[ Thomas Brassey, 1st Earl Brassey, Governor of Victoria. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. Brassey') to the Secretary of the Royal Naval College Mess Committee, asking to change the date of a meeting, as he is hunting with his brother's hounds.

Thomas Brassey, 1st Earl Brassey (1836-1918), Governor of Victoria, Liberal politician, yachtsman and freemason
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Heythrop, Chipping Norton. 19 February 1876.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter begins: 'I have just come down here, and find my brother's hounds are hunting on Tuesday. I venture therefore to ask, if I may be allowed to change my plans, and to dine with you on Thursday next, instead of Tuesday.' He concludes by explaining why he hopes the change may not be inconvenient.

[ Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Lucius Curtis') to an unnamed 'Dear Sir & Brother' (freemason?), regarding 'the Election of Poor Brother Moss' Son'.

Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis (1786-1869), Royal Navy officer [ Freemasonry? ]
Publication details: 
Cosham [ near Portsmouth ]. 9 December 1862.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper. Newspaper cutting of obituary laid-down at foot. He asks to be sent 'some Printed cards, for the Election of Poor Brother Moss' Son'. These are wanted 'to send to a friend in Warwickshire, as also to one in Surrey - for them to Distribute.'

[ Printed pamphlet. ] Answer to Dr Mitchell's Statement of Facts.

James Gibson [ afterwards Sir James Gibson Craig (1765-1850) of Riccarton; Dr John Mitchell, M.D., Freemason, Master of the Caledonian Lodge of Edinburgh, Scotland ]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh, 5th March 1808. Neill & Co. Printers.

12pp., 4to. Unbound. In fair condition, aged, worn, and with light damp-staining. An interesting document in the context of Whig politics and Freemasonry in Scotland. One of a number of acrimonious pamphlets exchanged between the two men. On 22 February 1808, a few days before the writing of the present pamphlet, Mitchell had distributed a handbill stating: 'I hereby declare to the world, that, Mr James Gibson, Writer to the Signet, of York Place, is a dastardly ruffian and infamous coward'.

[ Jérôme De la Lande, French astronomer and freemason. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('De la Lande | de l'accad. des Sciences'), in French, with engraved portrait.

Jérôme De la Lande [ Joseph Jérôme Lefrançois de Lalande ] (1732-1807), French astronomer and freemason
Publication details: 
'Au College royal le 13 dec. 1783'.

Both items in good condition, with light signs of age, and both tipped in to a paper folder, on the front of which is written the entry from the1833 bookseller's catalogue from which they were purchased: 'La Lande Member of the Academy of Sciences at Paris, a very interesting Letter to some Magistrate soliciting relief for the purpose of his labouring usefully, having expended much money on his pursuits, without reserving any indemnity. It exhibits his delicacy in soliciting this assistance, and expresses a hope that his asseverations will obtain credit.

[ Barnard family pedigree. ] Autograph 'Draft Pedigree' by Frederick Arthur Crisp of the family of Lord Barnard.

Henry de Vere Vane (1854-1918), 9th Baron Barnard, senior Freemason [ Frederick Arthur Crisp (1851-1922), FSA, genealogist ]
Publication details: 
In printed folder ('Visitation of England and Wales') for Frederick Arthur Crisp, F.S.A., "Grove Park Press," 270 Walworth Road, London, S.E. 1918 or later.

The pedigree is written out by Crisp on one side of a 37 x 95 cm piece of paper, folded twice into a 37 x 23.5 cm packet, printed on the front of which is: 'Visitation of England and Wales. | DRAFT PEDIGREE. | Please return to Frederick Arthur Crisp, F.S.A., "Grove Park Press," 270 Walworth Road, London, S.E.' The same address is embossed at the head. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. 'Barnard, B.' in manuscript in top right-hand corner of cover, underlined in red. Dated on cover '1905', but with latest entry for 1918.

[John Cameron Macdonald, manager of The Times of London.] Autograph Letter Signed ('John C Macdonald') to Edward Draper, regarding an article in the Freeman's Journal.

John Cameron Macdonald [J. C. Macdonald] (1822-1889), manager of The Times, London
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Times, Printing House Square, EC [London]. 22 April 1887.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'E. Draper Esq'. He asks him to send 'the page of Freeman's [altered from 'Freemason's'] Journal mentioned in your Note to the Editor', and undertakes to return it safely, 'after inspection of the contents'.

Copy of Victorian manuscript Masonic poem, apparently unpublished, divided into 'Opening' ('Hail, Thou from whom all light is shed', '1st. Degree' ('Lo, here we meet in brotherhood') and '2nd. Degree' ('Brother, thou upon whose eyes').

[Masonic poem; nineteenth-century American Freemasonry]
Publication details: 
[American? 1870s?]

2pp., folio. On two leaves of yellow paper, with 'PATENT' lion and unicorn watermark. Text enclosed within faint blue vertical lines. Good, on lightly aged and worn paper. No record found of the publication of this item, the first page of which is headed 'Opening: -', with the last section ending two thirds down the page, suggesting that it is complete. A rhymed poem of 36 lines: the first section consisting of 10 lines, the second of 16 lines, and the third of 10 lines.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Richd. Morris') from the philologist Rev. Richard Morris, Headmaster of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys, to J. T. Baron of Blackburn, giving publication details of two of his works.

Rev. Richard Morris (1833-1894), English philologist, Headmaster of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys, 1875-1888
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys, Wood Green, London. 10 June 1882.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good on lightly-aged paper. In original envelope, with stamp and postmarks, addressed by Morris to Baron at 18 Griffin Street, Witton, Blackburn. Morris begins by giving details of the availability of his 'Etymology of Local Names' and 'Historical Outlines', before informing Baron (a brazen autograph hunter) that he does not know 'Wm. Morris' Address, but a letter addressed to him & sent to his publisher would be forwarded'.

Papers relating to Lodge Dramatic & Arts No. 757 (Edinburgh), 1888 to 1909

Freemasonry in Scotland:
Publication details: 

Printed source: History of Lodge Dramatic and Arts No. 757, 1888-1938, Prepared in celebration of the Jubilee of the Lodge by Brother J. Hamilton Birrell, Past Master, Grand Bard (Published by Andersons Edinburgh Limited, [1938]). Contains biographical entries on the thirty founders and 'outstanding brethren'.[Hereafter 'Birrell'] The items in this collection date from the period covered in the first five chapters, pp.9-60.Seventy-one items, dating from between 1888 and 1909, concerning the Freemasons' Lodge Dramatic and Arts No.

Manuscript document in French, a copy, ('Collationné Certiffié [sic] sincère et véritable') from the Duc de Luxembourg for the Grand Orient de France, to 'tous Les Maçons reguliers', certified by the 'Secretaire de la loge des vrais amis' (Daumas?).

[Le Grand Orient de France, French Masonic organization, founded in 1733; la Loge des Vrais Amis; Anne de Montmorency-Luxembourg, Duc de Luxembourg (1737-1803); Freemasons; Freemasonry]
Le Grand Orient de France, French Masonic organization
Publication details: 
Année de la Vraie Lumière 5781 [i.e. 1781]
Le Grand Orient de France, French Masonic organization

Folio, 3 pp. Bifolium. On watermarked laid paper. Headed 'A La Gloire du Grand architecte de L'univers sous Les auspices et au Nom du Serenissime G M | Le Grand orient de france a tous les Maçons reguliers, | union force salut'. Apparently regarding relations 'Entre Nous & Les directoires

Secretarial Letter, signed 'William Guthrie' (Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Scotland), to Charles Sharpe, carrying itemised details of 'the arrears &c due by the different Lodges' in Dumfriesshire.

William Guthrie, Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, Edinburgh [Freemasons; Freemasonry; Masonic]
William Guthrie, Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Scotland to Charles Sharpe
Publication details: 
Edinburgh; 19 August 1802.
William Guthrie, Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Scotland to Charles Sharpe

4to, 3 pp. Bifolium. Very good on lightly-aged paper. Minimal damage has been caused to the second leaf (affecting two or three unimportant words of text) by the breaking of the red wax seal. Addressed by Guthrie 'To Charles Sharpe of Hoddam Esqr [Hoddam Castle] | Provenance Grand Master for Dumfries Shire'. Small circular red ink postmark. Docketed. Guthrie's letter, in a secretarial hand but signed and with an initialed postscript by him, covers the two centre pages. He writes that 'a great proportion' of the lodges are in arrears, 'some of them 20 years and upwards'.

Fascists and Nazis. By Perry Belmont, Commander of the Narragansett Bay Chapter of the Military Order of the World War.

Perry Belmont [Eric Underwood; German Nazism; fascism; the Teutonic Order; Freemasonry]
Publication details: 
[Privately printed.] Newport, Rhode Island: December, 1940.

Stapled pamphlet. 8vo, 27 pp, including full-page photograph of Mussolini embracing a man in Nazi uniform (Himmler?). Fair: internally clean and tight; some marking and wear to covers. Inscribed on title-page to 'Eric Underwood Esq with the sincere regards of Perry Belmont'. (Underwood is perhaps the English-born Australian nutritionist, 1905-1980.) Curious, digressive, energetic attack on fascism, with sections on the Teutonic Order, 'Oath-bound organisations' (Freemasonry) and 'Gangsters'.

Broadside titled 'King Crispin. The ancient and modern history of King Crispin, with a particular account of the plan and order of the grand procession, time of meeting, &c.'

Robert Martin, Edinburgh printer [Freemasonry; the Craft; broadsides; street ballads; handbills]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh: 'Printed for, and sold by R. MARTIN . . . . Price one penny. | Glass, Printer, South Niddry Street'. [Between 1832 and 1851?]

Printed on one side of wove paper roughly 41.5 x 17 cm. Text clear and complete. On aged, creased and grubby paper. In two columns, headed by the title and royal crest. Begins 'Bannatyne's Key to the Almanack gives the following account of Sts Crispin and Crispianus, brothers, [...]'. Concludes: 'In a short time Crispin ascended the throne, [...] he was sainted and the Shoemakers, through gratitude for the privileges conferred on them, made him their tutelar saint'.

Autograph Notes relating to the London district of Fulham.

Sir Walter Besant (1836-1901), English novelist and historian of London
Publication details: 
Undated; on three letterheads of 'Frognall End, Hampstead, N.W.' [London].

The notes, on three 12mo bifoliums, cover three pages, with a few lines on a couple of others. In excess of eighty lines. Very good. Brief chronology and list of notable residents, presumably an outline for the description of the district in Besant's 'London' (1892) or another of his many writings on the city.

Proof engraving, by T. Blood, from painting by Samuel Drummond, A.R.A., of Asperne as Freemason.

James Asperne (1757-1820), bookseller of Cornhill, London, and proprietor of the 'European Magazine' [Freemasonry; Masonic]
Publication details: 
[London; 1814].

Dimensions of paper roughly twelve inches by ten; dimensions of print roughly nine and a half inches by seven and a half. A good clear impression, on aged, creased paper, of a striking illustration showing a portly and sleek Asperne, beautifully turned out in Freemason's robes and paraphernalia, holding a leather-bound book, and seated in an ornately carved wooden chair with the Freemasons' eye in a triangle at its head. Captioned 'Mr James Asperne | BOOKSELLER, CORNHILL, | Past Master of the FOUNDATION LODGE NO. 96 And St. Peter's No.. 249 | P.S.D. of the LODGE of Antiquity No.

Programme, with signatures, entitled 'The Centenary Meeting of the Reading Lodge of Union No. 414, held at the Masonic Hall, Greyfriars Road, Reading, on Thursday, Twenty-sixth day of October, Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-three.'

Reading Lodge of Union No. 414 [Freemasons; Freemasonry; Masonic]
Publication details: 
Printed at The Crown Press. Caxton Street, Reading, by Bradley & Son, Ltd. [1933.]

Octavo, 16 pages. In original cream wraps, tied with blue ribbon, and with the insignia of the Lodge printed on the front. Good, if a little aged. Creased where folded in half. With the signatures of seven of the Lodge's members in pencil on front wrap (Bob Bradley, P. H. Crozier, Herbert L. Hawkes and others). From the collection of the pamphlet's printer Robert W. Bradley, who is listed among the Lodge's Officers as 'Organist', and who signs 'Bob Bradley'.

Autograph Signature.

Jonathan Belcher [Nova Scotia]
Publication details: 

First Chief Justice of Nova Scotia (1710-76). Flyleaf detached from octavo volume and neatly mounted on piece of white card, itself mounted on larger piece of grey card. While the mounts are in good condition the leaf itself is poor, discoloured and stained. Reads in top left-hand corner 'Jonathn Belcher | August. 1754.' Also present are signatures of 'Hawkins | London' and 'Jn L. Lee | 1870'.

[TRAVELLER'S DUMMY] The history of freemasonry its antiquities, symbols, constitutions, customs, etc.

Robert Freke Gould
Publication details: 
London: The Caxton Publishing Company, 84, 85, 86 Chancery Lane, W.C.; no date [circa 1900?].

4to. 36 leaves and 18 engravings. Bound in plain and worn black cloth, with remains of two ribbon strips on back board. Some of the plates are heavily foxed, but otherwise the volume is in very good condition. Examples of the two attractive alternative decorated bindings are attached to the front and rear endpapers. Over the front pastedown is laid an example of the front board of the dark blue cloth binding of the six-volume edition, heavily decorated in gilt with masonic insignia (all-seeing eye, chain of office, dividers, etc.) inside a decorative gilt border containing other insignia.

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