[Clement Scott, theatre critic for the Daily Telegraph.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to A. M. Broadley of The World, one about ?that impertinent idiot Mr James Runciman?, the other about a scene at a dinner in Liverpool Street.

Clement Scott [Clement William Scott] (1841-1904), influential theatre critic, mainly for the Daily Telegraph, who feuded with Bernard Shaw [A. M. Broadley [Alexander Meyrick Broadley] (1847-1916)]
Publication details: 
ONE: ?Wednesday? [March 1887]; on letterhead of 52 Lincoln?s Inn Fields, W.C. [London] TWO: 2 October 1901; on letterhead of 15 Woburn Square, W.C. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. In addition to being the de facto editor of Edmund Yates?s ?World?, the recipient (?Broadley Pasha?) was a renowned autograph collector and shady social figure. Scott?s handwriting is not entirely legible. ONE: ?Wednesday?, dated by Broadly ?March 1887.? 1p, 12mo. In good condition, with glue from mount adhering to the blank reverse. Folded once. Signed ?Clement Scott?. On the question of ?the letter from the impertinent idiot Mr James Runciman? he comments: ?He thinks that calling a man ?Tommy Rot? is a complaint! I conclude that he must be a madman?.

[Clement Scott [Clement William Scott], theatre critic of the Daily Telegraph.] Autograph Letter Signed concerning London's Gaiety Theatre, burlesque and music.

Clement Scott [Clement William Scott] (1841-1904), highly influential theatre critic, mainly working for the Daily Telegraph, who feuded with Shaw [Gaiety Theatre, London]
Publication details: 
'Sunday' [no date or place].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Twenty-two lines of text. In good condition, lightly discoloured and worn. Folded for postatge. The addressee’s name is unclear. Signed ‘Clement Scott’.

'[Robin Humphrey Legge (pen-name ‘Musicus’), chief music critic of the Daily Telegraph.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Richards’, declaring a desire to meet Hornung (author of the ‘Raffles’ books), discussing his brother’s ‘cruel death’.

Robin Humphrey Legge (pen-name ‘Musicus’) (1862-1933), chief music critic of Daily Telegraph, early champion of Elgar and Puccini [Ernest William Hornung (1866-1921), author of the 'Raffles' books]
Publication details: 
5 January or 1 May 1901.

See his obituary in The Times, 7 April 1933, and Hornung's entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. With mourning border. In fair condition on discoloured paper. Folded for postage. Begins: ‘My dear Richards, / Greetings! / I should like very much to meet Hornung - practically any day would suit me. I admire his book immensely, not only for the excellence of its workmanship but the remarkable manner of the characterization. It struck me as being intensely sincere.’ He hopes that the Richards clan are well (‘all of you’): ‘We are molto moderato so to speak - My brother’s cruel death in S.

[Author of the first million-seller: Hall Caine, the most popular novelist of his day.] Autograph List of Corrections ‘With Sir Hall Caine’s Compts’, to [Daily Telegraph propaganda?] articles entitled ‘Downfall of a Nation’ (revolutionary Russia).

Hall Caine [Sir Hall Caine; Sir Thomas Henry Hall Caine] (1853-1931), the most popular novelist of his day, author of ‘The Eternal City’, the first million-seller, with strong Isle of Man connections
Hall Caine
Publication details: 
No date or place. (Circa 1917)
Hall Caine

See the description of Caine’s political views in his entry in the Oxford DNB. He began as a communist, but became a Christian Socialist, and a supporter of the Liberal Party on the mainland of Britain (he was a member of the Isle of Man House of Keys from 1901 to 1908) and a follower of the Church of England. The present item would appear to relate to the ‘impassioned propaganda’ that Caine published in the Daily Telegraph from September 1914 (ODNB). It is 1p, 4to.

[Mrs Humphry Ward, novelist and anti-suffrage campaigner.] Autograph Note Signed ('Mary A. Ward') to 'Mr. Courtney', regarding an advertisement she wishes to have placed in the Daily Telegraph.

Mrs Humphry Ward [Mary Augusta Ward, née Arnold] (1851-1920), novelist and anti-suffrage campaigner, wife of Thomas Humphry Ward (1845-1926), author and journalist
Publication details: 
3 March 1910; on letterhead of 25 Grosvenor Place, S.W. [London]

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, but with traces of grey paper and glue from mount adhering to the blank reverse. Folded once. In her neat controlled hand, with good firm signature, the letter reads: 'Dear Mr. Courtney / I shall be so grateful if you will put this in to the Telegraph, to morrow: / Yours sincerely / Mary A. Ward'.

[Sir Colin Coote, editor of the Daily Telegraph.] Typescript, with Autograph additions, of essay written in support of apartheid following a visit to South Africa in 1971, with particular reference to the economy, ending with 'White Man's Burdens'.

Sir Colin Coote [Sir Colin Reith Coote] (1893-1979), editor of the Daily Telegraph and Liberal politician [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher ‘Books and Bookmen’; South Africa and apartheid]
Publication details: 
No place or date, but circa 1971.

An interesting document on the South African situation at the beginning of the 1970s, written in support of apartheid by a leading British journalist. See Coote’s entry in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of Philip Dosse, who was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. There is no indication where, if anywhere, the present item was published.

[‘Nothing good can come out of Printing House Square’: Sir Colin Coote, editor of the Daily Telegraph.] Autograph Manuscript, signed ‘Colin R. Coote’, of review of ‘The Reigning Error’ by William Rees-Mogg, editor of The Times.

Sir Colin Coote [Sir Colin Reith Coote] (1893-1979), editor of the Daily Telegraph and Liberal politician [Philip Dosse (1925-80), publisher, ‘Books and Bookmen’; William Rees-Mogg, editor, The Times]
Publication details: 
Not dated, but published in the London magazine ‘Books and Bookmen’ in 1974.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of Philip Dosse, who was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. Rees-Mogg’s book was published in 1974, and the present item appeared in ‘Books and Bookmen’ in the same year. A late draft, neatly written out on 5pp, small 4to, with each page on separate leaf. Signed at end ‘Colin R. Coote’.

[Clement Scott [Clement William Scott], theatre critic of the Daily Telegraph.] Two copies of studio portrait postcard of Scott, both signed and inscribed by him, with a similarly inscribed postcard of his second wife.

Clement Scott [Clement William Scott] (1841-1904), highly influential theatre critic, mainly working for the Daily Telegraph, who feuded with Shaw; his second wife, née Constance Margarite Brandon
Publication details: 
One of Scott's cards dated by him to 1902, the other with postmark of Ingatestone, Essex, dated 1904; his wife's dated 1906. Place not stated.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The postcards are bromide prints, and 9 x 14 cm. The two identical images of Scott, dressed for the theatre, with curled moustache and flower in his buttonhole, are both inscribed. In the bottom margin of one he has written ‘late of the D. T.’; in the same position on the other, and rather poignantly considering his later history, ‘Remember me / Clement Scott / 1902’. The former card is addressed by Scott on the reverse, with Ingatestone postmark dated 27 February 1904, to ‘Mr S. Le Sage / Maisonette / Ingatestone / Essex’.

[‘Reeking of the dungheap’: Sir Claude Phillips, first Keeper of the Wallace Collection.] Anonymous original manuscript poem in Latin, with English translation in same hand, attacking him as a ‘lustful’ user of ‘language planted with dirty refuse'.

Sir Claude Phillips (1846-1924), first Keeper of the Wallace Collection, art critic of the Daily Telegraph [Albert Curtis Clark (1859-1937), Corpus Christi Professor of Latin at Oxford?]
Publication details: 
No date [circa 1920?] or place, but circa 1920? On paper watermarked ‘The Club Note | Thomas & Sons | London’.

The circumstances surrounding this extraordinary original composition in Latin verse are obscure. See Phillips’s entry in the Oxford DNB, which notes that there was ‘an air of Proust’ about him, and quotes Oliver Brown’s description of him as ‘a stout man, immaculately dressed and heavily scented, who talked continuously while he looked at the pictures'. It may be that Phillips and the author of the poem had been educated together, or that they were members of the same club (the Athenaeum for example).

[Sir George Elliot, Conservative MP and industrialist.] Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed lady, describing his desire for rest, his duties, his Welsh constituents at Newport.

Sir George Elliot (1814-1893), in youth called 'Bonnie Geordie', Conservative MP, industrialist and mining engineer whose company manufactured the wire rope of the first transatlantic telegraph cable
Publication details: 
26 November 1888; on House of Commons letterhead.

Hailing from Gateshead, County Durham, Elliot was a self-made man: he began life as a colliery labourer and ended it as one of the richest men in England, his wealth at death being given as £575,000. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. His residence in Whitby containing an Egyptian mummy was visited by Bram Stoker and appears to have inspired his 'Tale of the Seven Stars' (1903). 3pp, two of them 12mo and one 8vo. Bifolium, with one page of text written across the central opening at right angles. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with a little glue from mount along outer gutter.

[‘I like to call her, simply, “Greta Garbo”.’] Carbon Typescript of spoof article ‘GRETA GARBO - a Personal Memoir’ by Anthony Haden-Guest, with TLS from John Anstey, editor of Daily Telegraph Magazine, expressing ‘misgivings about it’.

[Greta Garbo, Hollywood icon] Anthony Haden-Guest (b.1937), American journalist; John Anstey, editor of the Daily Telegraph Magazine, London]
Publication details: 
Anstey's TLS on his Daily Telegraph Magazine letterhead, and dated 20 March 1970. Hayden-Guest's article evidently written shortly before that date.

A curious artefact, indicating Garbo’s iconic status, and an early example of a journalistic trend which has gained ground since the late 1960s. Hayden-Guest, still active as a writer, is the son of the diplomat Peter Haden-Guest, 4th Baron Haden-Guest, and brother of the 5th Baron, Christopher, who is won fame as ‘Nigel’ in the film ‘Spinal Tap’.

[Sir James Anderson, captain of SS Great Eastern.] Autograph Letter Signed to J. C. Parkinson of the Daily News, on his return from laying first transatlantic cable, complaining of 'amateur advisers'. With East Indian Railway, Special Tourist Ticket

Sir James Anderson (1824-93), captain of SS Great Eastern during the laying of the first transatlantic telegraph cable in 1866 [Joseph Charles Parkinson; Isambard Kingdom Brunel]
Publication details: 
Anderson's letter: '”Great Eastern” | Augst. 24th. 1865'.

Four items from the papers of Joseph Charles Parkinson (1833-1908), journalist, civil servant and social reformer, contributor to the Daily News, All the Year Round, Temple Bar, and associate of Dickens and Wilkie Collins. The material relates to Parkinson's book 'The Ocean Telegraph to India: A Narrative and a Diary' (1870). The four items are laid down on a leaf removed from an album, with typed explanatory notes at the head of both pages. ONE: ALS (signed 'James Anderson') from Anderson to Parkinson, 24 August 1865. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium.

[George Cruikshank, celebrated caricaturist, on Sir Charles Wheatstone and the 'Submarine Telegraph'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geoe Cruikshank') to C. Le Motte, describing Wheatstone's attempts to 'lay a wire across the Thames' and in Swansea.

George Cruikshank (1792-1878), celebrated caricaturist, friend and illustrator of Charles Dickens [Sir Charles Wheatstone (1802-1875), inventor, pioneer of the submarine telegraph]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 263 Hampstead Road, N.W. [London] 17 October 1866.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. With Cruikshank's splendid sprawling signature. Addressed to 'C. Le Motte Esq' and beginning: 'Sir, | Professor Wheatstone did not lay the wire across the Thames as he proposed to do, on account of the “Trawling” in that River and also finding some trouble in obtaining permission from the Lord Mayor – as “Conservator of the Thames” - In 1840 he had all the plans and apparatus ready – and in 1844 he in company with the Member for Swansea [i.e.

[ Sir Eric A. Carpenter, Chairman, Williams Deacon's Bank, Manchester. ] Six items from his papers, including two typed corrected speeches by him on the opening of the bank's new headquarters, also letter to him from Bill Lyth of Sheffield Telegraph.

Williams Deacon's Bank Ltd, founded in Manchester in 1836 [ Sir Eric A. Carpenter [ Sir Eric Ashton Carpenter ] (1896-1973); Williams & Glyn; Royal Bank of Scotland ]
Publication details: 
Williams Deacon's Bank, Manchester, 1953, 1959 and 1963.

Williams Deacon's Bank Ltd, which was founded in Manchester in 1836 and subsequently headquartered in London, had a large network of branches in the north-west of England. It was acquired by the Royal Bank of Scotland in 1930. In 1970 it was merged with Glyn, Mills & Co and The National Bank to form Williams & Glyn's Bank. Carpenter was a director of the bank for 21 years, serving as chairman for 12 years.

[ Sir John Pender, Manchester textile merchant and submarine telegraph cable pioneer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jno Pender') [ to the physician Sir William Henry Allchin ], explaining why he cannot dine with 'the Directors of your Company'.

Sir John Pender (1816-1896), Scottish textile merchant in Manchester and submarine telegraph cable entrepreneur [ Sir William Henry Allchin (1846-1912), physician ]
Publication details: 
'Manr. July 10/65', i.e. Manchester, 10 July 1865.

2pp., 12mo. A square has been cut away at thee head of the leaf (probably to remove Pender's monogram), otherwise in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The recipient is not named but it is the physician Sir William Henry Allchin. The letter reads: 'On my arrival here last evening I found an invitation from the Directors of your Company to dine with them at Richmond on the 17th. inst. I regret that I will not be in Town at the time. The Card I fear by some mistake reached my hands late.' From the Allchin papers.

[ Sir Claude Phillips, art critic and first Keeper of the Wallace Collection. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. P.') to 'Dearest Dick' [ i.e. the art critic R. A. Streatfeild ], regarding the obituaries of 'H. H.' and Elgar's 'wonderful' new 'things'.

Sir Claude Phillips (1846-1924), art historian and critic for the Daily Telegraph and Manchester Guardian, first keeper of the Wallace Collection, 1900-1911 [ Richard Alexander Streatfeild ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 40 Ashburn Place, S.W. [ London ] 4 May 1916.

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, on aged, worn and creased paper. Written in a hurried, difficult hand. He begins by saying he was 'just thinking' of him, 'and wondering!' He then invites him to dine the following Sunday in the 'usual way'. He continues: 'No, I didn't write about H. H. . There was a <?> ordinary notices in the D[aily]. T[elegraph]., but by whom written I can't say. I didn't really know enough about him.' He is 'going with Mr. Crawshay to the Elgar performance: it appears the new things are wonderful.

[ Electric Telegraph patents, 1874. ] Manuscript Memorandum of Agreement between Rev. Henry Highton and William Henry Allcard and George F. Smith.

Rev. Henry Highton (1816-1874), Principal of Cheltenham College and experimenter in telegraphy; William Henry Allcard; George Frederick Smith ]
Publication details: 
20 January 1874.

6 + [1] pp., folio. On two bifoliums stitched together with black thread. Laid out in the customary legal style, with embossed tax stamp. Unsigned. The agreement is 'Between The Reverend Henry Highton of the Cedars, Putney, in the County of Surrey, Clerk, (hereinafter referred to as 'the Patentee') of the one part and William Henry Allcard of New Burlington Street in the County of Middlesex, Esquire, and George Frederick Smith of Golden Square in the County of Middlesex, Gentleman, of the other part'.

[Colin R. Coote, Managing Editor, The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post.] Typed Letter Signed to H. L. Matthews, defending his 'Churchill anthology', discussing 'the old man', and recounting an anecdote about him which 'cannot be publicly quoted'.

Sir Colin Reith Coote (1893-1979), Managing Editor, The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, and Liberal politician [Herbert Lionel Matthews (1900-1977), American journalist; Winston Churchill]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, Fleet Street, London. 24 November 1954.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. 'Sombody', he explains, has passed on a cutting of Matthews's 'very kind review about my Churchill anthology' ('Sir Winston Churchill, a Self-Portrait; constructed from his own Sayings and Writings and framed with an Introduction', 1954). He refers to a luncheon to which he was invited by 'Mr.

[Henry Clifford, telegraph engineer.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (one 'H. C.' and the other 'H. Clifford'), written in a playful style to his daughter 'Elsie'. One of the letters partly in verse form, with caricatures.

Henry Clifford (1821-1905), telegraph engineer on Atlantic cable expeditions, who designed machinery used on the Great Eastern [Sir Charles Tilston Bright (1832-1888), telegraph engineer]
Publication details: 
One letter addressed from 1 Lansdowne Place, Blackheath; 6 April 1892. The without place or date.

Clifford was introduced to the laying of Atlantic telegraph cables by Sir Charles Bright, whose wife was his cousin. He served as an engineer on all the Atlantic cable expeditions from 1857 to 1866, designing the paying-out machinery used on the Great Eastern in 1865 and 1866. He worked at Greenwich as chief engineer for the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company until his retirement in 1894. ONE: From Blackheath; 6 April 1892. 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Signed 'H. Clifford.' In good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W J Prowse') from the English humorist W. J. Prowse [William Jeffrey Prowse] to the solicitor Edward Draper, written as he sets out for France to convalesce during his final illness, regarding a legal action against him.

William Jeffery Prowse (1836-1870), English humorist, leader writer on the Daily Telegraph [Edward Draper of Vincent Square, London, Honorary Solicitor of the Savage Club]
Publication details: 
College, Camberwell New Road. 14 October 1869.

2pp., 16mo. 22 lines of text, closely and neatly written. In fair condition, on aged paper, with small pinholes and a spot of glued paper from previous mounting. The letter begins: 'My dear Draper, | I sail early tomorrow morning. | Enclosed is a ten pound note, and the summons referred to. - I cannot help thinking that a compromise might be effected it it were shown to the summoner by a "lawyer" that I have left England, have no house or furniture of my own, and that the most valuable of my books are gone with me. You will deeply oblige me if you will see whether this can be done'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('D Green') from Duff Green, editor of the 'United States Telegraph', to the Hon. David Henshaw of Boston.

Duff Green (1791-1875), American soldier, author and journalist, editor of the United States Telegraph [David Henshaw (1791-1852), United States Secretary of the Navy]
Publication details: 
Washington; 29 April 1829.

1p., folio. Nineteen lines of text. Text of letter on the recto of first leaf of bifolium, with address on verso of second, with red postmark. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Green writes that Roberts is in Washington, but that although 'great exertions have been made for him' he does not believe he will be appointed. He refers to 'late developements [sic] in the 4th Auditors Office'. He asks if he can get his 'note renewed'; he finds himself 'hard pressed to make the arrangements for the next winter - buildg &c is expensive & I have much to bring up'.

Autograph Letter Signed from Godfrey Turner to [Edward] Walford, concerning the publication in the Daily Telegraph of an article on 'Our National Anthem'.

Godfrey Turner [Godfrey Wordsworth Turner] (182-1891), journalist with the Daily Telegraph [Edward Walford (1823-1897); Sir Edwin Arnold (1832-1904), editor of the 'Daily Telegraph', 1873-1888]
Godfrey Turner
Publication details: 
24 June 1882.
Godfrey Turner

12mo, 2 pp. 34 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. He received Walford's manuscript and 'did free my spirit, as I promised I would, without loss of time'. The matter is now in the hands of the printer of the Daily Telegraph, who, 'at the time of going to press, is master of of the situation, and often delays, from night to night, giving a place to our best-loved paragraphs.' Turner marked his copy with 'a mem to the effect' that it should be shown to 'Mr. Arnold'.

Five items relating to Horton's application for permission to operate a wireless telegraph, including his 'Licence to establish wireless telegraphy station for experiments in wireless telegraphy'.

John Laurence Horton (1915-1997), British analytical chemist and radio ham [Wireless Telegraphy Acts, 1904-1926; Post Office Telegrams; Postmaster General; General Post Office]
Publication details: 
All 1939.

All five items in good condition, with a little rust spotting from a staple. A little wear to the edge of item two, not affecting text. Four of the five stamped with Horton's call sign '2AHN'. Item One: a printed leaflet (4to, 2 pp), dated GENERAL POST OFFICE, | London | March, 1939.', headed 'B | EXPERIMENTS IN WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY | [...] | AUTHORITY FOR SENDING AND RECEIVING | SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS OF ISSUE | NOTE. - All sending stations must also be equipped for reception'. Item Two: Typewritten copy of Horton's 'Application for Experimental Licence 25th.

Autograph Letter Signed "Mlien Foy" to "Monsieur le President" [Louis Napoleon Bonaparte]. In French.

[Maximilien?] Foy.
Publication details: 
[?], 9 November 1849.

Two pages, 4to, some defects including a small tear but text clear and complete. He reminds the President of their meeting in which he congratulated him on "le grand mouvement populaire qui vous a place at la tete de la nation" and spoke of his brother, Alphonse Foy, "ancien administrateur en chef des telegraphes, whom he would replace when the time was right. He will present arguments on behalf of his brother. Alphonse had been chosen by Casimir-Perier in 1831 "pour diriger l'administration des lignes telegraphiques" and was responsible for establishing the electric telegraph in France.

Five Autograph Letters Signed ('Godfrey Turner') to [Edward] Draper.

Godfrey Wordsworth Turner (1825-1891), English art critic and journalist, connected with the 'Daily Telegraph'
Publication details: 
1865-1887; various locations (see below).

All five items good, on lightly aged paper. All five bifoliums, bearing traces of previous grey paper mount on the verso of the second leaf. LETTER ONE (one page, 12mo, 30 May 1865): He is 'very poorly', with a 'bad bilious attack which has threatened to turn into jaundice'. 'Yesterday I met Mr Herbert in Regent Street. We talked for a few minutes at cross purposes, my thoughts running on his journalistic prospects and projects, while he was thinking and speaking about his election at the Savage Club.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Godfrey Turner') from Turner to [Charles Henry] Ross (1842?-1897).

Godfrey Wordsworth Turner (1825-1891), English art critic and journalist, connected with the 'Daily Telegraph'
Publication details: 
15 December 1880; on letterhead of the Daily Telegraph.

Three pages, 12mo. On aged paper, with some foxing, a few closed tears and wear to extremities. Glue and strip of mount adhering to blank verso of second leaf of bifolium. Text clear and entire. He is in 'a maelstrom of work and worry' and asks Ross 'a question which you are almost certain not to be able to answer!' Asks if he has 'seen Tom Smith's crackers', and if so, whether he observed 'anything specially and eminently notable'.

Twelve Typed Letters Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Percy Dunsheath
Publication details: 
Between 28 October 1925 and 30 June 1926; all on letterhead 'W. T. HENLEY'S TELEGRAPH WORKS COMPANY, LIMITED. | RESEARCH DEPARTMENT. | Gravesend, | Kent.'

English electrical engineer and research scientist and writer (1886-1979), Member of the Senate, University of London. All items one page, quarto. All but one very good; one item discoloured and creased at head, and with several closed tears. All signed 'P Dunsheath' and most docketed or bearing the Society's stamp. The letters concern a lecture at the Society Dunsheath agreed to give following a conversation with Sir George Sutton entitled 'Science in the Cable Industry'. Dunsheath suggests that L. B.

Typed Letter Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, together with unsigned carbon copy of the secretary's reply.

Captain Basil Rupert Willett [MARCONI; RADAR]
Publication details: 
Letter: 9 July 1947, on letterhead of 'MARCONI'S WIRELESS TELEGRAPH COMPANY LIMITED'; carbon copy: 10 July 1947, no place.

Willett (died 1966) and C. E. Horton were the two Royal Navy representatives to whom, in the autumn of 1940, it was demonstrated that the 10cm ground-based, experimental radar equipment could track ships. LETTER (one page, octavo, creased and grubby, with staple holes to one corner, stamped and docketed): Acknowledges a letter of 4 July, and is 'honoured to accept the invitation of the Council of the Royal Society of Arts to seek election as a Fellow of the Society'. Encloses a 'Form of Proposal' and a cheque (neither present) and suggests the setting up of a banker's order.

Temporary Certificate Exchangeable for Engraved Certificate.

[SHARE CERTIFICATE] Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America
Publication details: 

Approximately 8 inches by 11 inches. Printed in red and black. In good condition, but grubby, creased and with some staple and pin holes. Records the Rev. Arthur Robert William Law's holding of ten shares. Signed by the Treasurer and Vice-President, and countersigned by the Transfer Agent. Signed by Law on reverse. Large stamped notice in black ink by The Corporation Trust Company. Margins docketed in pencil.

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