[Sainte Beuve] Autograph Note Signed Sainte Beuve. No addressee.

Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve (1804 – 1869), French literary critic.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Paper, 9.5 x 10cm, laid down on larger piece of paper, part of album page, good condition. Vous sentez bien que votre approbation m'est precieuse. Elle l'est par ille-meme & par ce qu'ille suppose - Je suis d'ailleurs toujours un invalide, & ma sante, depuis trois mois et demi, [?] restee avc un grave [accrue?]. | A vous [...]

[ Suard ] Autograph Note Signed "Suard" referring to "Monsieur Panckoucke" and Rousseau. In French, some of which had me struggling.

Jean-Baptiste-Antoine Suard (1732–1817), French journalist, translator and man of letters during the Age of Enlightenment.
Publication details: 
A Paris 13 aout 1777.

One page, 8vo, small chip, otherwise complete and in good condition. "J'ai recu de Monsieur Panckoucke la [somme?] de Douze cent cinquante livres pour [...?] premiers moin de cette annee de la redevance du Journal historique & politique de Geneve,. Sur laquelle [fourni?] de 1250 il a ete deduit celle de cent livres pour [...] de la redevance de M. Rousseau." Signature of Suard followed by "fol.311".

[ Suard ] Autograph Note Signed "Suard" referring to "Monsieur Panckoucke" and Rousseau. In French, some of which had me struggling.

Jean-Baptiste-Antoine Suard (1732–1817), French journalist, translator and man of letters during the Age of Enlightenment.
Publication details: 
A Paris 13 aout 1777.

One page, 8vo, small chip, otherwise complete and in good condition. "J'ai recu de Monsieur Panckoucke la [somme?] de Douze cent cinquante livres pour [...?] premiers moin de cette annee de la redevance du Journal historique & politique de Geneve,. Sur laquelle [fourni?] de 1250 il a ete deduit celle de cent livres pour [...] de la redevance de M. Rousseau." Signature of Suard followed by "fol.311".

[ Grand Conde ] Autograph Note Signed to "M d. Billy"? (bottom lefthand corner)

Louis de Bourbon, Grand Conde, French General.
Publication details: 
"Au Camp dIpsem[?]", 27 August 1679

Five lines, 4to, some foxing not affecting clarity of text, as follows: "Jerome addresse cette despesche pour Mr des [?] fougeraire[?] que je vous prie de luy faire tenir en tout diligence Louis de Bourbon"

Autograph Letter Signed, Amédée de Willot [un comte et général de la Révolution française], to a British Admiral [Was Sidney Smith the only Admiral who could speak French?], hostile to democracy among other things.

Amédée de Willot, French General.
Autograph Letter Signed, Amédée de Willot [un comte et général de la Révolution
Publication details: 
Baltimore, [Maryland, USA], 29 October 1810.
Autograph Letter Signed, Amédée de Willot [un comte et général de la Révolution

Two pages, 4to, bifolium, fold marks, some discoloration, but text clear and complete. He takes the liberty of introducing "deux voyageurs,pour vous renouveller l'expression de ma reconnaissance: ce jour deux jeunes américains bien Elevés, fils des Colonel Howard [American Revolutionary hero and important in the development of Baltimore, etc] et [Sloan?] ... et ce qui est mieux de la consideration publique ils voyagent pour ... et désirent beaucoup de voir un héros de l'angleterre, c'est pourquoi j'ai pris la liberté de vous les adrèsser.

Typed Letter Signed, in English, to R. W. C. Vail of the Roosevelt House Library and Museum, with typed invoice.

Edouard Champion, Paris bookseller, publisher and autograph dealer, 'Seul Agent (France, Belgique, Suisse) du British Museum'
Publication details: 
Both items dated 11 July 1924, and both on his letterhead.

Both items fair, on lightly-aged paper. Both with list of Champion's publications down the left-hand margin, and with the list continuing in the letter to the blank second page. Letter: 4to, 1 p. He is sending 'a few documents which I have so far collected' relating to the Marquis de Chamilly. 'It is a long time since I last heard from the ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION, and am always at your entire disposal.' Invoice: Landscape 8vo. 12mo, 1 p. Containing five Chamilly letters, totalling 268 francs.

Autograph Note Signed " "C. Cochelet" to "Monsieur Le President de la Chambre des Deputes". WITH autograph letter signed "Cochelet" to Mocquard (?)

Charles Cochelet
Publication details: 
Paris 24 November 1821 and Paris, 31 [October?] [1859?]

Author of "Naufrage du Brick francais la Sophie, et captivite des naufrages dans le desert de Shara . . ." (published Paris 1821). One page, folio. IN FRENCH. He has the honour of sending them a copy of his book (as above) with his respects. He describes himself as "ancien payeur general en Catalogne".

Autograph Letter Signed "Ch. Teste" to "Monsieur le redacteur de la Trib[une]" [Deroche?]. In French.

Charles Teste
Publication details: 
Paris, 5 May 1831.

Two pages, folio, chipped with small loss of letters (e.g. the end of "Tribune"), mainly clear. He says: "Mon nom a figure ces jours-ci dans le moniteur et par suite dams plusieurs autres journaux de la capitale. Cette publicite m'oblige a parler de moi . . .

Autograph Letter Signed ('Mel. Alcan'), in French, to 'Monsieur le Conseiller d'Etat Commissaire Général'.

Michel Alcan (1801-1877), French politician and engineer who made numerous innovations in the field of textiles [Exposition Universelle de 1867, Paris, France]
Publication details: 
Paris le 13. Dbre 1866'.

4to (27 x 21 cm), 1 p. Nine lines of text. Text clear and complete on lightly aged, creased and foxed paper. Small closed tear at edge along crease line (not affecting text). Bearing the numbered stamp of the Exposition Universelle de 1867, Commission Imperiale. Accepting the position, conferred on him by the Commission, of 'membre de Jury de l'Exposition dans la 55me. classe': 'J'accepte cette tâche de confiance, et ferai tous mes éfforts pour la remplir avec l'activité reclamée par le reglement concernant les travaux du Jury'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Philippe de Larenaudière'), in French, to unnamed male editor of a journal.

Philippe de Larenaudière [Philippe François de La Renaudière], nineteenth-century French mining engineer, geographer and traveller in the Americas
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

4to, 1 p. Fourteen lines of text, on the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium. Text clear and complete, on lightly aged and creased paper. Slight staining at foot of text (affecting part of signature), and on the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium, which is docketed 'la renaudié | A. S.' He is sending an article on 'la Bibliotheque des voyages'. Asks that the article on the work entitled 'Des Beaux arts en Angleterre', 'que Buisson vous adressa il ya prés de Deux mois', be inserted. 'Je vous prie en grace de laisser ma Signature en entier.

Autograph Letter Signed ('de Tessan'), in French, to 'Monsieur Pingard, Chef du Secretariat de l'Institut'.

Urbain Dortet de Tessan (1804-1879), French geographer who between 1836 and 1839 circumnavigated the world
Publication details: 
Paris le 11 Avril 1866'.

12mo, 1 p. Good, on lightly aged paper. Asking Pingard, as Secretary of the Institut de France, to convene a meeting of the members of the 'Section de Géographie et Navigation'. Postscript: 'P.S. Je suis, connais vous, près <?> une Jambe.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ragoulleau Bouron') to 'Monsieur Guillon, Propriétaire et Maire de Montereau'.

[Charles Etienne Ragoulleau (b. 1774)] 'M. Ragoulleau-Bouron, Avocat, Propriétaire et Directeur de l'ancien Bureau royal de Correspondance'
Publication details: 
18 March 1825; on letterhead of the Bureau, with address amended in autograph to 'Rue Ste. Anne No. 41'.

4to: 2 pp. 35 lines of text. Good, on aged paper. Text clear and entire. Minor damage to one corner (not affecting text) through breaking open of wafer. He has received the letter with the 'observations de milord', whose 'propositions' are not 'acceptables'. Mentions a 'Mr. Tournal'. How could he offer 'Mr. Gerrard' 'les quatre cent quarante francs proposé par milord et meme les six cent francs fixé par vous?' Mentions Madame la Marquise de Sainte-Aulaire. Suggests a sum which would be acceptable to Gerrard and would thus avoid a trial the success of which would be uncertain.

Manuscript, in French, entitled 'Notice Sur l'Etablissement industriel fondé par M. Cornillac à Châtillon-sur-Seine (Côte-d'Or), Pour la fabrication des Livres de Piété.

Charles Cornillac, French publisher of Châtillon-sur-Seine, Côte-d'Or (active between 1834-1872)
Publication details: 
Without date or place [but between 1847 and 1859].

12mo: 4 pp. On the first leaves of each of two bifoliums, which are neatly attached the one within the other to make a four-leaf pamphlet the last two leaves of which are blank. Around 150 lines of closely- and neatly-written French text with a few corrections and additions. Presumably intended for publication. Divided into three parts. Begins 'Sauf les Forges, situes a Sainte-Colombe (2 Kilom.

Calling card (printed) with autograph message.

Princesse Sarah Karageorgevitch
Publication details: 
No place or date

Card, c.3 x 2 inches, good condition. The name and address are printed, and a message is added in the hand of the Princess: Docteur Votre livre m'a beaucoup interesse et je vous remercie encore une fois".

No. 34. Essai sur les Passions, considérées sous leur rapport médical. Tribut Académique, presenté et publiquement soutenu a la Faculté de Médecine de Montpellier, le 26 Mai 1820. [...] Pour obtenir le grade de Docteur en Médecine.

Vincent Barres, Doctor of Medicine, 'de Nerac, departement de Lot et Garonne'
Publication details: 
A Montpellier, Chez Jean Martel aîné, Seul Imprimeur de la Faculté de Médicine, pres l'Hôtel de la Préfecture, no. 62. 1820.

4to: 42 + [i] pp. Disbound. On foxed paper with occasional light staining. 'No. 16.' in manuscript at head of title-page, which also carries a signed inscription from Barres with some loss due to the trimming of the outer margin: 'Á Mr. Olma<...> | de la port de l'<...> | [signed] Barres'. On the title-page Barres is described as 'Bachelier ès lettres de l'Académie de Bordeaux; ancien élève de l'Hôtel-Dieu Saint-André de la même ville, etc.' This is the only work by Barres in the Bibliothèque Nationale catalogue.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Cousinery | Ingr en Chf') to 'Monsieur Legrand, Sous Secrètaire d'État des Travaux Publics'.

Barthélémy Édouard Cousinéry [Barthelemy Edouard Cousinery] (1790-1851), of the Ministere des Travaux Publics, Ponts et Chaussées, pioneer of projective geometry
Publication details: 
26 September 1839; Paris.

4to: 2 pp. Text clear and entire on lightly creased, grubby and dogeared paper. Titled by Cousinéry 'Création d'un Musée des Travaux Publics, Envoi d'une Note à ce sujet.' The note is not present.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L. Bautain') to unnamed male correspondent.

Abbé Louis Bautain [Louis Eugène Marie Bautain] (1796-1867), Professor of Philosophy at Strasbourg and of Theology at the Sorbonne, founder of the Order of the Sisters of St Louis
Publication details: 
9 April 1864, 'rue Pigalle 2', on letterhead of the Archevêché de Paris.

12mo, 2 pp. Good, on lightly aged paper. In French. Difficult hand. Regarding 'la société musicale et littéraire de Meaux', of which he approves. 'Malheureusement plusieurs obstacles s'opposent à ma bonne volonté.' As a gesture of good will, he asks the Society to accept 'quelques ouvrages'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Amaury-Duval') to unnamed female correspondent.

Amaury Duval (1760-1838), founder (1794) of the French review 'La décade philosophique, littéraire et politique'; member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres [the French Revolution]
Publication details: 
30 Germinal' [no year, but between 1794 and 1805].

12mo, 1 p, 14 lines. Good, on aged and lightly creased paper. Small red oval monogram in top left-hand corner. In French. As he was about to come and see her 'on est venu me chercher pour des affaires urgentes. il faut que je sorte à l'heure même'. The only news is that 'le ministre des finances refuse très inhumainement la petite maison d'Angivillers. S'il persiste, il y aura, plus que jamais, impossibilité de Loger plus à l'aise les Personnes qui réclament contre la première Distribution'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Monsieur Carilian-Goeury, Libraire-éditeur à Paris'.

Charles Pražak [Charles Prazak], engineer of Prague, Bohemia [Carilian-Goeury, Parisian bookseller; the French nineteenth-century booktrade; Czechoslovakia; the Czech Republic]
Publication details: 
14 September 1839; Prague.

12mo, 3 pp. Good, on browned and lightly creased paper with some wear to extremities. In French. Long thorough order with instructions for delivery, casting light on the logistical problems encountered in international trade in nineteenth-century Europe. Pražak is sending 'six pièces d'or à vingt francs, ou une somme de 120 francs en or', and gives a list of four books he would like sent to him. There follows a discussion of the problems of delivering the books to Prague.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C. N. Allou') to unnamed male correspondent [perhaps the Abbe Moigno of "Cosmos")

Charles-Nicolas Allou (1787-1843), engineer and author ['Ingénieur au Corps royal des mines (en 1821); inspecteur en chef des travaux souterrains du département de la Seine']
Publication details: 
30 August 1829; Paris.

12mo, 1 p, 16 lines. In French. Very good. Cancelling an appointment, and sending 'l'article que vous m'avez demandé pour la Revue': 'vous êtes parfaitement libre de tailler, couper, et rogner'.

Long manuscript list of books required.

Aubin, imprimeur-libraire, à Aix, et à Arles, même maison' [the French nineteenth-century book trade]
Imprimerie, Librairie et Cabinet de Lecture d'Aubin
Publication details: 
16 February 1850; on illustrated letterhead.
Imprimerie, Librairie et Cabinet de Lecture d'Aubin

4to, 2 pp. Apparently the first leaf of the list only. On aged paper, with wear and chipping to extremities, but with text entirely legible. The letterhead carries an engraving (6.5 x 9.5 cm) of a pile of books, quill pen and ink pot, with text advertising the 'Imprimerie, Librairie et Cabinet de Lecture d'Aubin' printed on the open pages of one of the volumes. Beneath the illustration are the words 'LE MÉMORIAL D'AIX, journal politique et littéraire', and there is further text to the right and left of it. In French. Written, in two hands, in light blue ink.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ch Le Blanc'), in French, to the Leipzig bookseller Theodor Oswald Weigel.

Charles Le Blanc (1817-1865), French art critic and authority on engraving [Theodor Oswald Weigel (1812-1881), Leipzig bookseller]
Publication details: 

12mo, 1 p, 12 lines of text. Good, on lightly aged paper. The second leaf of the bifolium is docketed in a contemporary hand. Le Blanc has received Weigel's twenty-second catalogue, and it has given him pleasure. Like the others it is full of curious details, and is extremely useful to Le Blanc, being full of curious details. He orders several items (crossed through by the firm), the last of which he desires 'vivement' to own.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. J. Bourassé'), in French, to an unnamed male correspondent.

Abbé Jean-Jacques Bourassé (1813-1872), French archaeologist and author
Publication details: 
6 June 1853; Tours.

8vo, 1 p. On lightly creased and grubby paper. Declining to become a corresponding member of the 'Institut historique', as 'les ressources me manquent pour payer les diplomes et les annuités nombreuses qu'imposent les honneurs, quelque flatters qu'ils soient, qu'ont bien voulu me proposer diverses societes savantes'. He has been president of the Archaeological Society of Touraine for some time, and he takes pleasure in reading the publications of the 'Institut historique', received by the Society.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Barbié du Bocage'), in French, to 'Monsieur le Rédacteur de la Quotidienne'.

Jean-Denis Barbié du Bocage (1760-1825), Professor of geography at the Faculté des Lettres, Paris
Publication details: 
10 September 1825; on letterhead of the Université de France (headed 'Le Doyen de la faculté des Lettres').

4to, 1 p. Addressed in autograph on the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium. Good, though lightly creased and a little grubby. He is sending a notice (not present) announcing the courses for the term 1825-1826 at the Faculté, and asks for it to be inserted as soon as possible 'en totalité ou par extrait dans votre journal'.

Handwritten receipt, 'Doit M. Beffroy', signed 'Bougogne et Martinet'.

Imprimerie de Bourgogne et Martinet, rue Jacob, 30. [French printers; Paris; Parisian; nineteenth-century book trade; André Galle (1761-1844); Timbre Royal]
Publication details: 
Paris, 14 December 1844.

8vo, 1 p. Very good, on lightly discoloured laid paper with 'TIMBRE ROYAL' watermark. In left-hand margin, clear embossed Timbre Royal seal by Galle and black ink 35 centime stamp (both 2.5 cm diameter). Written in a clear, attractive hand. Total of 35F 35c, 'Pour acquit', under three sub-headings: 'Impression de 200 Afficher grand format; pour la Vente des Mobiliers provenant des Successions dévoluer à 'Etat', '200 Timbrer à 10 centimes' and 'Timbre de la Quittance'.

Two Manuscript Letters (both signed 'Lefebvre-Ducrocq') to Martin, one to Martin and the other to Flobert. The letter to Flobert carrying an Autograph Note Signed by the recipient ('Paul Flobert') to Martin.

Imprimerie Lefebvre-Ducrocq, Lille, France [Commandant Emmanuel Martin; Paul Flobert; la Société Archéologique, Historique & Artistique le Vieux Papier]
Publication details: 
Letter to Flobert, 19 November 1917; letter to Martin, 30 November 1917. Both letters on letterhead of the Imprimerie Lefebvre-Ducrocq.

Both items 4to, 1 p. Both on creased paper with closed tears neatly repaired on reverse with archival tape. Letter to Flobert: Most of the type of Martin's article (in the 'Bulletin de la Société Archéologique, Historique & Artistique le Vieux Papier') still exists, and the printer asks to be informed what quantity of the offprint he requires. 'Le cliché de la 1r page, qui sert à frontispiece, a été renvoyé à M.

One Autograph Letter Signed ('<Emile?> Protat) and one letter in a secretarial hand, both to Martin.

Imprimerie Protat Frères, Macon, France (Georges Protat & Neveu Srs.) [Commandant Emmanuel Martin]
Publication details: 
The secretarial letter: Macon, 28 February 1914. Protat's letter: Macon, 3 March 1914. Both on letterhead of the Imprimerie Protat Frères.

Both items 12mo, 1 p. Both in good condition. The secretarial letter (docketed in purple 'Repondre le 1r mars 1914'): The 'cliché Durocher', which appeared 'dans le No d'Avril 1913, page 62, et qui doit passer aussi dans le Dictionnaire [des ex-libris français] Wiggishof [...] a été designé par M. du Roure de Paulin'. Protat's letter: 'Le cliché Durocher était bien à l'imprimerie nous l'avons retrouvé. Il n'était pas à la place qu'indiquait le registre.' He apologises for having 'inutilement derangé' Martin

Autograph Letter Signed, in French, to unnamed female correspondent.

Léo de Laborde (1805-1874), French politician
Publication details: 
<Visaguet?> 28 de l'an 1865'.

12mo, 3 pp, 28 lines. Good, on lightly creased and aged paper. Difficult hand. References to a 'cher Docteur ' and a 'Mr. John '. Docketed in pencil, and with a biography of the archaeologist Léon de Laborde (1807-1869) in pencil in another hand on the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ch Giraud de l'institut'), in French, to an unnamed male correspondent.

Charles Giraud [Charles-Joseph-Barthélémy Giraud] (1802-1881), French jurist and historian
Publication details: 
29 February [no year]; no place.

12mo, 1 p, 12 lines. Good, on lightly aged paper. Drawing the recipient's attention to 'une demande qui a été adressée a M. le Prefet de la Seine, par M. Burnet [an inhabitant of Neuilly], homme infiniment estimable qui sollicite un emploi dans l'administration des pompes funèbres'. Giraud knows Burnet very well, 'et je lui porte un interet particulier'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Dujardin Sailly') to 'Monsieur l'amiral'.

Ernest Dujardin-Sailly, French author and customs official
Publication details: 
5 August 1830; 'rue richer No. 15, f. montmartre', Paris.

8vo, 1 p. On discoloured paper, worn at head and foot. The only merit of the material he is sending is that it has been inspired by 'des sentiments vrais'. He took it to 'S. A. le prince Lieutenant général du royaume', and part of it had 'du prix à ses yeux'.

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