[Henri Cernuschi, Italo-French banker and collector.] Autograph Letter Signed to the London parliamentary bookseller Philip Stephen King, apologising for not being able to supply him with autographs, as his collection has been stolen 'toute entière'.

Henri Cernuschi [Enrico Cernuschi] (1821-1896), Italo-French banker and collector, whose Paris mansion is now the Musée Cernuschi [Philip Stephen King (1819-1908), London parliamentary bookseller]
Publication details: 
On the letterhead of his Paris mansion at 7 Avenue Velasquez, Parc Monceau [now the Musée Cernuschi]. 29 April [c. 1889].

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper, with slight wear to one corner. Signed 'H. Cernuschi'. He begins by stating that from King's 'première lettre' he had recognised his handwriting. He apologises for not being able to comply with a request of King's: 'Je possédais une importante collection d'autographes - mais elle m'a été volee toute entière'. He concludes by instructing King to send to Westminster '600 copies de Bimetalism in England aand Abroad et 50 copies de mon Speech a Paris 1889'.

Autograph Letter Signed from Louis-Antoine-François de Marchangy ('L de Marchangy') to 'Monsieur le Comte' [Vincent-Marie Viénot, comte de Vaublanc?].

Louis-Antoine-François de Marchangy (1782-1826), French writer [Vincent-Marie Viénot (1756-1845), comte de Vaublanc?]
Louis-Antoine-François de Marchangy
Publication details: 
'Limoges ce 22 8bre. [Octobre]' [on paper watermarked 1823].
Louis-Antoine-François de Marchangy

8vo, 4 pp. Seventy lines of text. Clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with the outer pages browned. The identity of the recipient is suggested by the following, written in the margin of the first page: 'Ces Dames vous supplient d'agréer l'hommage de leurs souvenirs. Mesdames de Vaublanc et veulent elles me permettre de leur offrir ici la mienne?' His correspondent is writing his memoirs, and de Marchangy considers that he has 'mille fois raison de vivre dans le passé, s'il vous console du present'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J Würtz'), in French, to 'mon cher Martin'

J. Würtz [Commission Scientifique pour l'exploration des Antiquités Américaines, Paris]
Publication details: 
19 September 1851; on letterhead of the Commission Scientifique pour l'exploration des Antiquités Américaines, Paris.

8vo, 3 pp. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In a difficult hand. Apparently relating to a proposed meeting and dinner for 'tous les trois' (including ''). It is curiously difficult to discover anything, either about Würtz or about the Commission.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C. Genest'), in French, to unnamed male recipient.

Claude Genest [editor, 'La Revue du XIXème siècle']
Publication details: 
Undated, on printed 1840s lettehead of the 'Revue du XIXème siècle', 'Bureaux, 11, rue de Lille', Paris.

12mo, 1 p. 20 lines of text. Clear and complete. On aged paper and lightly-creased paper. Writing to ask how the recipient wishes to deal with 'traités de Botanique et de Chimie' in his reviews. Written during the first of several incarnations of the 'Revue', this one beginning around 1836.

Autograph manuscript paper entitled 'Rapport au congrès Scientifique de Douai sur Les coutumes locales du Bailliage d'Amiens considerée comme documents historiques.' Autograph Letter Signed ('Bouthors') to Dinaux.

Alexandre Bouthors (1796-1869), Greffier en chef de la Cour royale d'Amiens [Arthur Dinaux (1795-1864)]
Publication details: 
Paper undated [1835]. Letter dated 18 September 1835; Frévent.

Paper: 4to, 6 pp. With addendum slip of a third of a page. Text clear and complete. On aged paper and lightly-creased paper. Closely written, with several deletions. This paper held some significance for Bouthors. The 'Bulletins de la Société des antiquaires de Picardie' (1864) quotes an address by him, in which he describes that society as 'la fille de l'association des Congrès scientifiques de France.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Charle | Geographe rue de Sevres | No. 48.'), in French, to the French Minister of War, 'Monseigneur le Maréchal Duc de Bellune'.

J. B. L. Charle, French cartographer [Claude Victor-Perrin (1764-1841), Duc de Belluno (Bellune)]
Publication details: 
4 October 1823; Paris.

One page, on the recto of the second leaf of a bifolium, leaf dimensions 31 x 20 cm. In fair condition on lightly-aged paper with slight wear to extremities. According to his entry in the catalogue of the Bibliothèque Nationale, Charles was a 'Géographe attaché au Dépôt général de la guerre en 1933 [sic], ancien membre de la Société de Géographie. - Dessinateur, il eut une production cartographique très abondante à partir de 1823'. Neatly laid out.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Péclet'), in French, to 'Monsieur Danjou'.

Jean Claude Eugène Péclet (1793-1857), French physicist after whom the 'Péclet number' is named
Publication details: 
Postmarked September 1837.

12mo, 1 p. Ten lines of text. Good, on aged paper with slight wear to extremities. In a bifolium, with address and four circular postmarks (two in black and two in blue ink) on verso of second leaf. He is 'a la fin de l'impression d'un ouvrage qui doit être pret pour la rentrée et qui depuis longtemps absorbe tous mes instants'. It is impossible for him to write the requested articles. He is 'tellement fatigué' that he awaits with impatience the end of the printing, so that he can take 'un peu de repos'.

Letter, in a secretarial hand, signed by Cuvier ('Bn G Cuvier'), to 'Mr. Raynal, Proviseur du college Royal de Nismes'. With engraved portrait of Cuvier by T. Richomme, from a drawing by 'Mme Lizinka de Mirbel'.

Baron Georges Cuvier [Baron Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier] (1769-1832), French naturalist [Theodore Richomme; Aimée Zoe Lizinka de Mirbel]
Publication details: 
Letter of 2 April 1822; on letterhead of the Conseil royal de l'Instruction publique. Engraving undated (circa 1840?).

Letter: Folio (30.5 x 20 cm), 1 p. Bifolium, with text on recto of first leaf and address (with several postmarks) on reverse of second. Five lines. Text clear and complete, with good clear signature. Fair, on aged and lightly-creased paper, with 1.5 cm closed tear in top left-hand corner (not affecting text). The 'Objet de la lettre' is given as 'Envoi d'un Brevet de Pension'. The pension will be paid 'par la Caisse d'Amortissement'. Engraving: Original, on paper 24 x 15.5 cm. Captioned 'G. CUVIER.' A good clear impression on grubby, spotted and lightly-creased paper.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Cha de Paravey') to the Abbé Guerin, 'chez l'abbé Tesson, aux Millions Etrangeres, Paris'.

Charles de Paravey [Charles-Hippolyte de Paravey] (1787-1871), French orientalist, palaeographer and engineer
Publication details: 
12 September 1848; Paris.

16mo (13.5 x 10 cm): 2 pp. A bifolium, addressed on the reverse of the second leaf. The first leaf has been slightly trimmed at the bottom, resulting in some loss to the bottom line of the recto. A formal letter in the third person, written in a close, difficult hand. Carefully detailing the missing sections in his copy of the 'Dictionnaire Anamitique-Latin'.

Manuscript, in French, entitled 'Notice Sur l'Etablissement industriel fondé par M. Cornillac à Châtillon-sur-Seine (Côte-d'Or), Pour la fabrication des Livres de Piété.

Charles Cornillac, French publisher of Châtillon-sur-Seine, Côte-d'Or (active between 1834-1872)
Publication details: 
Without date or place [but between 1847 and 1859].

12mo: 4 pp. On the first leaves of each of two bifoliums, which are neatly attached the one within the other to make a four-leaf pamphlet the last two leaves of which are blank. Around 150 lines of closely- and neatly-written French text with a few corrections and additions. Presumably intended for publication. Divided into three parts. Begins 'Sauf les Forges, situes a Sainte-Colombe (2 Kilom.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Cousinery | Ingr en Chf') to 'Monsieur Legrand, Sous Secrètaire d'État des Travaux Publics'.

Barthélémy Édouard Cousinéry [Barthelemy Edouard Cousinery] (1790-1851), of the Ministere des Travaux Publics, Ponts et Chaussées, pioneer of projective geometry
Publication details: 
26 September 1839; Paris.

4to: 2 pp. Text clear and entire on lightly creased, grubby and dogeared paper. Titled by Cousinéry 'Création d'un Musée des Travaux Publics, Envoi d'une Note à ce sujet.' The note is not present.

No. 34. Essai sur les Passions, considérées sous leur rapport médical. Tribut Académique, presenté et publiquement soutenu a la Faculté de Médecine de Montpellier, le 26 Mai 1820. [...] Pour obtenir le grade de Docteur en Médecine.

Vincent Barres, Doctor of Medicine, 'de Nerac, departement de Lot et Garonne'
Publication details: 
A Montpellier, Chez Jean Martel aîné, Seul Imprimeur de la Faculté de Médicine, pres l'Hôtel de la Préfecture, no. 62. 1820.

4to: 42 + [i] pp. Disbound. On foxed paper with occasional light staining. 'No. 16.' in manuscript at head of title-page, which also carries a signed inscription from Barres with some loss due to the trimming of the outer margin: 'Á Mr. Olma<...> | de la port de l'<...> | [signed] Barres'. On the title-page Barres is described as 'Bachelier ès lettres de l'Académie de Bordeaux; ancien élève de l'Hôtel-Dieu Saint-André de la même ville, etc.' This is the only work by Barres in the Bibliothèque Nationale catalogue.

Long manuscript list of books required.

Aubin, imprimeur-libraire, à Aix, et à Arles, même maison' [the French nineteenth-century book trade]
Imprimerie, Librairie et Cabinet de Lecture d'Aubin
Publication details: 
16 February 1850; on illustrated letterhead.
Imprimerie, Librairie et Cabinet de Lecture d'Aubin

4to, 2 pp. Apparently the first leaf of the list only. On aged paper, with wear and chipping to extremities, but with text entirely legible. The letterhead carries an engraving (6.5 x 9.5 cm) of a pile of books, quill pen and ink pot, with text advertising the 'Imprimerie, Librairie et Cabinet de Lecture d'Aubin' printed on the open pages of one of the volumes. Beneath the illustration are the words 'LE MÉMORIAL D'AIX, journal politique et littéraire', and there is further text to the right and left of it. In French. Written, in two hands, in light blue ink.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Monsieur Carilian-Goeury, Libraire-éditeur à Paris'.

Charles Pražak [Charles Prazak], engineer of Prague, Bohemia [Carilian-Goeury, Parisian bookseller; the French nineteenth-century booktrade; Czechoslovakia; the Czech Republic]
Publication details: 
14 September 1839; Prague.

12mo, 3 pp. Good, on browned and lightly creased paper with some wear to extremities. In French. Long thorough order with instructions for delivery, casting light on the logistical problems encountered in international trade in nineteenth-century Europe. Pražak is sending 'six pièces d'or à vingt francs, ou une somme de 120 francs en or', and gives a list of four books he would like sent to him. There follows a discussion of the problems of delivering the books to Prague.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L. Bautain') to unnamed male correspondent.

Abbé Louis Bautain [Louis Eugène Marie Bautain] (1796-1867), Professor of Philosophy at Strasbourg and of Theology at the Sorbonne, founder of the Order of the Sisters of St Louis
Publication details: 
9 April 1864, 'rue Pigalle 2', on letterhead of the Archevêché de Paris.

12mo, 2 pp. Good, on lightly aged paper. In French. Difficult hand. Regarding 'la société musicale et littéraire de Meaux', of which he approves. 'Malheureusement plusieurs obstacles s'opposent à ma bonne volonté.' As a gesture of good will, he asks the Society to accept 'quelques ouvrages'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ch Le Blanc'), in French, to the Leipzig bookseller Theodor Oswald Weigel.

Charles Le Blanc (1817-1865), French art critic and authority on engraving [Theodor Oswald Weigel (1812-1881), Leipzig bookseller]
Publication details: 

12mo, 1 p, 12 lines of text. Good, on lightly aged paper. The second leaf of the bifolium is docketed in a contemporary hand. Le Blanc has received Weigel's twenty-second catalogue, and it has given him pleasure. Like the others it is full of curious details, and is extremely useful to Le Blanc, being full of curious details. He orders several items (crossed through by the firm), the last of which he desires 'vivement' to own.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Barbié du Bocage'), in French, to 'Monsieur le Rédacteur de la Quotidienne'.

Jean-Denis Barbié du Bocage (1760-1825), Professor of geography at the Faculté des Lettres, Paris
Publication details: 
10 September 1825; on letterhead of the Université de France (headed 'Le Doyen de la faculté des Lettres').

4to, 1 p. Addressed in autograph on the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium. Good, though lightly creased and a little grubby. He is sending a notice (not present) announcing the courses for the term 1825-1826 at the Faculté, and asks for it to be inserted as soon as possible 'en totalité ou par extrait dans votre journal'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. J. Bourassé'), in French, to an unnamed male correspondent.

Abbé Jean-Jacques Bourassé (1813-1872), French archaeologist and author
Publication details: 
6 June 1853; Tours.

8vo, 1 p. On lightly creased and grubby paper. Declining to become a corresponding member of the 'Institut historique', as 'les ressources me manquent pour payer les diplomes et les annuités nombreuses qu'imposent les honneurs, quelque flatters qu'ils soient, qu'ont bien voulu me proposer diverses societes savantes'. He has been president of the Archaeological Society of Touraine for some time, and he takes pleasure in reading the publications of the 'Institut historique', received by the Society.

Handwritten receipt, 'Doit M. Beffroy', signed 'Bougogne et Martinet'.

Imprimerie de Bourgogne et Martinet, rue Jacob, 30. [French printers; Paris; Parisian; nineteenth-century book trade; André Galle (1761-1844); Timbre Royal]
Publication details: 
Paris, 14 December 1844.

8vo, 1 p. Very good, on lightly discoloured laid paper with 'TIMBRE ROYAL' watermark. In left-hand margin, clear embossed Timbre Royal seal by Galle and black ink 35 centime stamp (both 2.5 cm diameter). Written in a clear, attractive hand. Total of 35F 35c, 'Pour acquit', under three sub-headings: 'Impression de 200 Afficher grand format; pour la Vente des Mobiliers provenant des Successions dévoluer à 'Etat', '200 Timbrer à 10 centimes' and 'Timbre de la Quittance'.

One Autograph Letter Signed ('<Emile?> Protat) and one letter in a secretarial hand, both to Martin.

Imprimerie Protat Frères, Macon, France (Georges Protat & Neveu Srs.) [Commandant Emmanuel Martin]
Publication details: 
The secretarial letter: Macon, 28 February 1914. Protat's letter: Macon, 3 March 1914. Both on letterhead of the Imprimerie Protat Frères.

Both items 12mo, 1 p. Both in good condition. The secretarial letter (docketed in purple 'Repondre le 1r mars 1914'): The 'cliché Durocher', which appeared 'dans le No d'Avril 1913, page 62, et qui doit passer aussi dans le Dictionnaire [des ex-libris français] Wiggishof [...] a été designé par M. du Roure de Paulin'. Protat's letter: 'Le cliché Durocher était bien à l'imprimerie nous l'avons retrouvé. Il n'était pas à la place qu'indiquait le registre.' He apologises for having 'inutilement derangé' Martin

Two Manuscript Letters (both signed 'Lefebvre-Ducrocq') to Martin, one to Martin and the other to Flobert. The letter to Flobert carrying an Autograph Note Signed by the recipient ('Paul Flobert') to Martin.

Imprimerie Lefebvre-Ducrocq, Lille, France [Commandant Emmanuel Martin; Paul Flobert; la Société Archéologique, Historique & Artistique le Vieux Papier]
Publication details: 
Letter to Flobert, 19 November 1917; letter to Martin, 30 November 1917. Both letters on letterhead of the Imprimerie Lefebvre-Ducrocq.

Both items 4to, 1 p. Both on creased paper with closed tears neatly repaired on reverse with archival tape. Letter to Flobert: Most of the type of Martin's article (in the 'Bulletin de la Société Archéologique, Historique & Artistique le Vieux Papier') still exists, and the printer asks to be informed what quantity of the offprint he requires. 'Le cliché de la 1r page, qui sert à frontispiece, a été renvoyé à M.

Autograph Letter Signed, in French, to unnamed female correspondent.

Léo de Laborde (1805-1874), French politician
Publication details: 
<Visaguet?> 28 de l'an 1865'.

12mo, 3 pp, 28 lines. Good, on lightly creased and aged paper. Difficult hand. References to a 'cher Docteur ' and a 'Mr. John '. Docketed in pencil, and with a biography of the archaeologist Léon de Laborde (1807-1869) in pencil in another hand on the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ch Giraud de l'institut'), in French, to an unnamed male correspondent.

Charles Giraud [Charles-Joseph-Barthélémy Giraud] (1802-1881), French jurist and historian
Publication details: 
29 February [no year]; no place.

12mo, 1 p, 12 lines. Good, on lightly aged paper. Drawing the recipient's attention to 'une demande qui a été adressée a M. le Prefet de la Seine, par M. Burnet [an inhabitant of Neuilly], homme infiniment estimable qui sollicite un emploi dans l'administration des pompes funèbres'. Giraud knows Burnet very well, 'et je lui porte un interet particulier'.

Autograph Note Signed ('Favé | officier d'ordonnance de l'Empereur | 29 Rue de Bellechasse'), in French, to Pierre Magne (1806-1879), 'Ministre des travaux Publics'.

Général de brigade Ildephonse Favé (1812-1894), successively Chevalier, Officier, Commandeur and Grand Officier (1874), aide de camp to Napoléon III
Publication details: 
14 December 1852; Paris, on letterhead of the Maison de l'Empereur ('Service de l'aide de Camp.').

12mo, 1 p. Good. On grey laid-paper bifolium. Requesting an audience.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L Fournier'), in French, to 'Monsieur le Commandant Martin', Bougiral.

L. Fournier, proprietor of the 'Imprimerie-Librarie Militaire Universelle' ('Fournisseur des Ministères de la Guerre, de la Marine et des Colonies') [Maurice Levert (1858-1944), collector; Hanoteau]
Publication details: 
26 July 1913; Paris, on letterhead of the Imprimerie-Librarie Militaire Universelle.

8vo, 2 pp. Good. Commercial letterhead spread over ten lines. The next time Martin visits Paris he and Fournier 'pourrions nous entretenir d'une affaire d'un intérêt common'. His approach to Martin is backed by 'M. Maurice Levert et du Captaine Hanoteau'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Dujardin Sailly') to 'Monsieur l'amiral'.

Ernest Dujardin-Sailly, French author and customs official
Publication details: 
5 August 1830; 'rue richer No. 15, f. montmartre', Paris.

8vo, 1 p. On discoloured paper, worn at head and foot. The only merit of the material he is sending is that it has been inspired by 'des sentiments vrais'. He took it to 'S. A. le prince Lieutenant général du royaume', and part of it had 'du prix à ses yeux'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. de la Gournerie') to an unnamed male correspondent ('Mon cher ami').

Jules de la Gournerie [Jules Antoine René Maillard de la Gournerie] (1814-1883), French mathematician and engineer, member of the Academie des Sciences
Publication details: 
22 July 1870; Ecole Impériale Polytechnique.

12mo, 1 p, 7 lines. Good, on lightly aged paper. He has received at the Ecole Polytechnique ('où je passe toutes mes journées les examens') his correspondent's 'important travail'. He sends his best wishes and thanks him for 'ce beau souvenir'. Loose in blue paper folder with catalogue entry for the previous sale of the letter laid down on front.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. de la Gournerie') to 'Monsieur Pingard'.

Jules de la Gournerie [Jules Antoine René Maillard de la Gournerie] (1814-1883), French mathematician and engineer, member of the Académie des Sciences
Publication details: 
27 October 1875; Martigné.

16mo, 3 pp. Text clear and entire on aged, creased paper. In French. He was not able to go to the Académie on the day the tickets were distributed for the 'Séance annuelle des beaux arts'. He asks for his two tickets to be sent to his friend 'M. Canon', a professor at the Ecole Polytechnique. Canon's address ('29 Rue Jean de Beauvais') in another hand on otherwise-blank verso of second leaf of bifolium.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Alfred Fouillée, Membre de l'Institut'), in French, to unnamed male correspondent.

Alfred Fouillée [Alfred Jules Emile Fouillée] (1838-1912), French sociologist and philosopher [solidarism; solidarist; André Beaumier]
Publication details: 
13 March 1902; 'Menton, villa Fouillée'.

12mo, 2 pp, 13 lines. Good, on lightly aged paper. He is sending his reply (not present) to an article by André Beaumier 'qui me concerne (Figaro du 11 mars)'. The question of university reform is important and 'à l'ordre du jour', consequently he asks his correspondent to make use of his reply. Fouillee was, according to J. A. Scott, 'the founder of French solidarist philosophy'. Loosely inserted in blue paper folder with catalogue entry for the previous sale of the item laid down on front.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Louis Havet, professeur au Collège de France, 16 place Vendôme') to 'Monsieur le Directeur du Journal de Bruxelles, Belgique'.

Louis Havet (1849-1925), French philologist whose classical library was acquired by the University of California
Publication details: 
14 May 1889; Paris.

12mo, 1 p, 14 lines. Good, on light-brown paper, with the address, stamps, and postmarks on the reverse. In French. He sends his thanks to the 'Journal de Bruxelles' for reproducing his 'article sur la réforme de l'orthographe'. He is sending a petition (not present) which 'en ce moment ce couvre de signatures à Paris', and will be personally grateful if his correspondent can see to it that it is reproduced 'avec les indications qui l'accompagnent'. Loose in blue paper folder with catalogue entry for the previous sale of the letter laid down on front.

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