[Henri Hoener [Haener]; Printing History] Letter (secretarial?) Signed "H Haener" to "Née de la Rochelle, libraire" [bookseller](Wikipedia

Henri Haener [Hoener ], Imprimeur du Roi, Nancy, France [Printer to the King]
Haener printer
Haener printer
Publication details: 
Nancy, le 22 7bre 1787 (date corner chipped but year found within the letter).
Haener printer
Haener printer

Four pages including address panel, 4to, bifolium, edges dulled, a little foxing. He outlines what he has done (sending things?), in a one page letter, and, on the other two pages, given a detailed account of what he has done for the bookseller from December 1787 to May 1788, including "brochures" (pamphlets). The recipient has noted when he replied. See images on my website.

Manuscript, in French, entitled 'Notice Sur l'Etablissement industriel fondé par M. Cornillac à Châtillon-sur-Seine (Côte-d'Or), Pour la fabrication des Livres de Piété.

Charles Cornillac, French publisher of Châtillon-sur-Seine, Côte-d'Or (active between 1834-1872)
Publication details: 
Without date or place [but between 1847 and 1859].

12mo: 4 pp. On the first leaves of each of two bifoliums, which are neatly attached the one within the other to make a four-leaf pamphlet the last two leaves of which are blank. Around 150 lines of closely- and neatly-written French text with a few corrections and additions. Presumably intended for publication. Divided into three parts. Begins 'Sauf les Forges, situes a Sainte-Colombe (2 Kilom.

Long manuscript list of books required.

Aubin, imprimeur-libraire, à Aix, et à Arles, même maison' [the French nineteenth-century book trade]
Imprimerie, Librairie et Cabinet de Lecture d'Aubin
Publication details: 
16 February 1850; on illustrated letterhead.
Imprimerie, Librairie et Cabinet de Lecture d'Aubin

4to, 2 pp. Apparently the first leaf of the list only. On aged paper, with wear and chipping to extremities, but with text entirely legible. The letterhead carries an engraving (6.5 x 9.5 cm) of a pile of books, quill pen and ink pot, with text advertising the 'Imprimerie, Librairie et Cabinet de Lecture d'Aubin' printed on the open pages of one of the volumes. Beneath the illustration are the words 'LE MÉMORIAL D'AIX, journal politique et littéraire', and there is further text to the right and left of it. In French. Written, in two hands, in light blue ink.

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