[Giacomo Meyerbeer, German operatic composer.] Secretarial Letter (because of injury to his right arm) in French, Signed 'Meyerbeer', to instrument maker Raoul Allary, recommending the opera singer Louise Gned to a post.

Giacomo Meyerbeer [born Jakob Liebmann Meyer Beer] (1791-1864), German opera composer of Jewish extraction based in Paris [Raoul Allary, instrument maker; Louise Gned (b.1810), Austrian opera singer]
Publication details: 
'Paris, 15 Décembre 1853.' On his embossed armorial letterhead, with initals 'G M'.

Meyerbeer’s diary records (25 May 1853) a visit ‘from Raoul Allary, who makes wind instruments. He is an opponent of Sax, and came to me because he had heard that I had spoken to the emperor on Sax’s behalf’ (1999 English translation of volume for 1850-1856). A pencil note at the head of the present letter identifies the subject as ‘Louise Gned / 4 Rue [de] Bellefond [Paris]’. Gned (b.1810) was an Austrian soprano from a musical/theatrical family, who faded into obscurity.

[Printed book.] A History of Feminine Fashion. [Mainly devoted to the house of ' the Father of Haute Couture', the English-born Paris fashion designer Charles Frederick Worth.]

[Charles Frederick Worth (1825-1895), English-born Parisian fashion designer considered ' the Father of Haute Couture'; Ed. J. Burrow & Co., Ltd., London and Cheltenham]
Publication details: 
Printed and produced by Ed. J. Burrow & Co., Ltd., 109, Kingsway, London, W.C.2 and Cheltenham. No year [1928].

[16] + 74 + [4]pp., 4to. Erratum slip. Printed on art paper, with numerous black and white photographic illustrations. In brown buckram quarter-binding, with paper boards printed in red and blue. Internally in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with a leaf of advertisements lacking at the rear; in aged and worn binding.

[Printed 'Agenda Buvard de la Maison des Magasins Réunis' (Parisian department store), filled with photographs, advertisements and illustrations, including twelve stylish full-page colour representations of the seasons by 'Fabiano'.]

[Maison des Magasins Réunis, Parisian department store, founded in 1866; 'Fabien Fabiano' [pen name of Jules Coup de Fréjac (1883-1962)]
Publication details: 
Maison des Magasins Réunis, Place de la République, Faubourg du Temple, Rue de Malte, Paris, France. [Paris. Imp. Henon, 11, rue Stendal. 10-12.] 1913.

4to. In red cloth binding, gilt, with the department store's logo on the front board and endpapers. In very good condition, on aged paper, with empty wallet on rear pastedown. Green cloth bookmark with printed advertisement 'pour la Toilette des Dames'. An attractively-designed volume, with a marked Art Nouveau feel, the highlight of which is the set of twelve full-page illustrations of the seasons on art paper by Fabiano.

[Henri Cernuschi, Italo-French banker and collector.] Autograph Letter Signed to the London parliamentary bookseller Philip Stephen King, apologising for not being able to supply him with autographs, as his collection has been stolen 'toute entière'.

Henri Cernuschi [Enrico Cernuschi] (1821-1896), Italo-French banker and collector, whose Paris mansion is now the Musée Cernuschi [Philip Stephen King (1819-1908), London parliamentary bookseller]
Publication details: 
On the letterhead of his Paris mansion at 7 Avenue Velasquez, Parc Monceau [now the Musée Cernuschi]. 29 April [c. 1889].

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper, with slight wear to one corner. Signed 'H. Cernuschi'. He begins by stating that from King's 'première lettre' he had recognised his handwriting. He apologises for not being able to comply with a request of King's: 'Je possédais une importante collection d'autographes - mais elle m'a été volee toute entière'. He concludes by instructing King to send to Westminster '600 copies de Bimetalism in England aand Abroad et 50 copies de mon Speech a Paris 1889'.

Autograph Letter, in the third person, to Mrs Wallack, on the occasion of the Wallacks' Paris performances.

John Y. Mason [John Young Mason] (1799-1859), U.S. Minister Plenipotentiary to France, 1853-1859 [James William Wallack (1764-1864), Anglo-American actor]
Publication details: 
15 June 1855; 13 Rye Beaujon (on letterhead of the Paris Legation of the United States).

4to, 1 p. Twenty lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and lightly-creased paper. Responding to 'the kind note of his esteemed Country woman Mrs. Wallack'. He is 'gratified to learn, that Mr. Wallack will present to the Parisian public representations in the English language, of the best of our Tragedies & Comedies'. He wishes the Wallacks 'the most complete success, and will with pleasure attend the performances, when his health will permit him & his family to do so'. Two of Mason's family will take up Wallack's offer of tickets for the opening.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C Crapelet'), in French, to 'Monsieur Deterville'

Charles Crapelet (1762-1809), French printer, based in Paris
Publication details: 
27 October 1807. [Paris.]

12mo: 1 p. Eight lines of text. On a piece of grey laid watermarked paper. Complete and clear. Lightly aged and creased. Unusually frank business communication. He is angry at having to tell Deterville that he cannot have 'd'exemplaire des Rudimens'. He will do his best to let him have them soon. However weak the excuse, it is nevertheless true that the 'ouvriers ne m'ont pas tenu parole'.

Le Chapitre des Accidents.

Maurice Alhoy, French author; Victor Adam, lithographic engraver and artist [Le Figaro]
Publication details: 
1845. Paris: Soulié, Editeur, 10, Rue de Seine. [Paris. - Typographie Lacrampe et comp., Rue Damiette, 2.]

Landscape 8vo (leaf dimensions roughly 15.5 x 23.5 cm): [iv] + 98 pp of letterpress, and 24 tipped-in full-page lithographic engravings ('taille-douce' over a tinted background), one illustrating each of the book's twenty-four chapters. Woodcut engraving on title-page. In contemporary brown cloth with green patterned endpapers. A tight copy, with the first few leaves somewhat grubby and worn at bottom outer corners. Occasional foxing throughout. Alhoy (1802-1856) was co-founder of 'Le Figaro'. Second and last edition.

Calling Card with Autograph invitation on it to 'Mon cher docteur'.

Paul Baudry [Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry] (1828-1886), French painter
Publication details: 
Samedi 16h 1/2' [no date].

The calling card is roughly 6 x 9.5 cm, and reads 'Paul Baudry, | Membre de l'Institut. | 56, rue Notre Dame des Champs'. Around this Baudry has written 'Mon cher docteur | Venez s. v. p. voir ma petite avant votre déjeuner Vous me ferez plaisir. | Samedi 16h 1/2'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F. d'Olincourt.') to 'Monsieur Bance, aine, Editeur & Proprietaire, rue Saint-Denis, No. 271, a Paris.' In French.

F. Gigault d'Olincourt, Ingenieur Civil [Lithographie, Imprimerie et Librairie]
Publication details: 
23 Janvier 1839; Bar-le-Duc. On elaborately printed letterhead.

4to: 2 pp. Eleven lines. Good, on lightly creased and discoloured paper. Column of printed advertisements in left-hand margin of first page, which is headed by a printed description of d'Olincourt's qualifications, enclosed in an engraving of a jumble of disparate items including a book-press, beehive, scientific instruments, laurel wreath and sailing mast. He has begun to publish an 'immense ouvrage d'architecture', and he hopes Bance will subscribe for a number of copies which he will be able to sell 'chez vos clients'.

Signed Receipt ('<Tre?> Delongueil | 8 rue de la Concorde').

Honoré Delongueil [De Longueil], Graveur, Medailles, Bouton de Livrée, Cartes de Visite, Rue Royale Sainte Honore 6, Paris
Publication details: 
10 October 1891; Paris. On printed receipt.

On one side of piece of discoloured paper, roughly 13 x 22 cm. Delongueil's circular engraved device (3 cm diameter) in top left-hand corner. Charges for striking a medal in bronze and silver of Olivier de Serres.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Marie Marimon') in French to an unnamed photographer.

Marie Marimon (1835-1923), of the théâtre des Fantaisies Parisiennes, French singer [Victorian photography]
Publication details: 

Three pages, 12mo. Good, on lightly aged and ruckled paper, with a little glue adhering to the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium. She has received the two packets containing the small photographs. Apart from wanting the hair to appear lighter and clearer, she is satisfied with the large photograph, and would like several copies before her departure on 2 August. If this is not possible copies are to be sent to her at the theatre du Gymnase in Paris.

Keepsake, limited to two hundred copies, with signed illustration of 'L'abbaye en 1368' by Beaudouin.

Fernand De Nobele, French bookseller; Josephine Beaudouin (c.1910-2005), French illustrator
Publication details: 
1969; Paris.

Beautifully printed bifolium on thick wove paper. Dimensions of leaf roughly thirteen inches by ten; dimensions of illustration roughly nine and a half inches by eight. Tissue guard. Recto of first leaf and verso of second blank. Letterpress on verso of first leaf reads 'Fernand De Nobele, libraire pres St-Germain-des-Pres, vous adresse ses meilleurs voeux pour l'annee 1969. | [L'abbaye en 1368]'. Illustration signed at foot 'Josephine Beaudouin', with the limitation '190/200'. For De Nobele - President of ILAB between 1965 and 1967 - see Anthony Rota's 'Books in the Blood' (2002).

Autograph Letter Signed to 'G Remington Esq'.

Charles Lewis Gruneisen
Publication details: 
27 September 1873; on letterhead '16, Surrey Street, | Strand. W.C. | London.'

Journalist and musical critic (1806-79), Paris newspaper correspondent, 1839-44, who sent dispatches by pigeon. One page, 12mo. In poor condition: grubby and heavily stained. 'Dear Sir | I have been abroad or I would have replied to your note ere this. I will be at home until Noon next Monday. | Yours faithfully | [signed] | C J Gruneisen'.

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