[W. H. Hudson [William Henry Hudson; Guillermo Enrique Hudson], American-Argentine author, naturalist and ornithologist, who settled in England.] Autograph Signature and inscription.

W. H. Hudson [William Henry Hudson; Guillermo Enrique Hudson] (1841-1922), American-Argentine author, naturalist and ornithologist, who settled in England
Publication details: 
27 June 1920. No place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On a 17.5 x 12 cm piece of ruled paper, laid down on a piece of card. The high-acidity paper is browned, otherwise in good condition, with small nick to one edge. The signature ‘W. H. Hudson / June 27. ’20’ is beneath two lines written in a foreign language, a tentative reading of which is ‘Te semiron mulei moy / To dariau tis viden’. See Image.

[Sir John Graham Dalyell, Scottish antiquary and naturalist.] Autograph Letter Signed undertaking to promote the recipients' ‘views & interests’.

Sir John Graham Dalyell (1775-1851), Scottish antiquary and naturalist
Publication details: 
‘H[?] Street 17 Nov 1820’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In his expansive hand, with a good bold signature. On worn and aged leaf of laid paper, with two small punch holes to inner edge, affecting one word of text. Reads: ‘Dear Sirs / I feel quite at a loss to express my sense of this mark of your attention. I can only assure you that my best exertions shall not be wanting to promote your views & interests. / Meantime / I am Dear Sirs / Yours faithfully / John Graham Dalyell’.

Sir Walter Elliot, Scottish orientalist, archaeologist, naturalist, and senior East India Company servant.] Autograph Letter Signed to the German orientalist Reinhold Rost, regarding books he donated to ‘the Library’, needing a ‘Pandit’ to read them.

Sir Walter Elliot (1803-1887), Scottish orientalist, archaeologist, naturalist, and senior East India Company functionary [Reinhold Rost (1822-1896), German orientalist in England]
Publication details: 
11 November 1876; on letterhead of Wolfelee, Hawick, N[orth]. B[ritain]. (i.e. Scotland).

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. Addressed to ‘R. Rost Esq Ph.D’ and ‘Dear Dr Rost’, and signed ‘Walter Elliot’. He thanks him for taking the trouble to ‘hunt out the books. I gave a large number in 1866 & some in subsequent years but it is difficult to recal [sic] to mind the details of transactions of so distant a date’.

[William Carruthers, FRS, Scottish botanist and paleobotanist.] Autograph Letter Signed [to Bernard Piffard] in his capacity as Keeper of the Botanical Department at the Natural History Museum, London, regarding the identification of specimens.

William Carruthers (1830-1922), FRS, Scottish botanist and paleobotanist, Keeper of the Botanical Department at the Natural History Museum, London [Bernard Piffard (1833-1916), entomologist]
Publication details: 
19 December 1888. On letterhead of the ‘British Museum (Natural History), / Cromwell Road, / London: S.W’.

2pp, 12mo. On the first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged (blank second leaf slightly damaged). Folded twice. Recipient not named, but is from the Piffard papers. Good bold signature ‘W. Carruthers’. Reads: ‘Dear Sir / The enclosed specimens are all certainly fish coprolites. / I would have returned them sooner but I was anxious to see Mr Etteridge who I understood from Mr Brody said they were cones. / I have only to-day been able to see him, and hee says that he has no doubt about the these [sic] specimens being Coprolites.’

[Henry Doubleday, pioneering Quaker horticulturalist of Coggeshall in Essex.] Five Autograph Letters Signed to the entomologist Bernard Piffard, discussing various topics in natural history, common acquaintances and personal news.

Henry Doubleday (1810-1902), pioneering Quaker horticulturist of Coggeshall in Essex [Bernard Piffard (1833-1916), entomologist]
Publication details: 
Between 1860 and 1874. All from Epping [Essex].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. From the Piffard papers. A total of 10pp, 12mo. Aged and worn, with the first letter on creased grey paper, the second with one leading edge rolling inwards, and the last with a 2cm closed tear; but with text clear and entire. The recipient named as ‘B. Piffard Esq’. All signed ‘Henry Doubleday’. ONE: 14 July 1860. 2pp, 12mo. With reference to an excursion by Piffard to Maldon, and also stating that he ‘took a very fine female Deilephila Galei in our garden on Wednesday - it was at rest on a strawberry plant’. TWO: 7 March 1890. 1p, 12mo.

[‘Mirbel the naturalist’: Charles-François Brisseau de Mirbel, French botanist.] Autograph Signature (‘Mirbel’) over printed device of the Museum d’Histoire Naturelle au Jardin du Roi.

Charles-François Brisseau de Mirbel (1776-1854), French botanist, a founder of cytology, plant histology and plant physiology in France, on the staff of the National Museum of Natural History in Paris
Publication details: 
No date. [Museum d’Histoire Naturelle au Jardin du Roi.]

See his entry in the Encylopaedia Britannica. The signature ‘Mirbel’ is written on a clear area of a circular printed device of 4.5 cm diameter, in grey tone, within decorative border. The text reads: ‘MUSEUM / D’HISTOIRE NATURELLE / AU JARDIN DU ROI / Entrée aux Jours et Heures / consacrés à l’Etude. / Prof. Admin.’ Laid down on a 7 x 7.5 cm piece of paper, on which is written, in a neat early nineteenth-century hand, ‘Mirbel the naturalist’. See image.

[Henry Williamson, author of 'Tarka the Otter'.] Typed material prepared by his daughter-in-law Anne Williamson, intended to provide 'background information for an outline for biographical television treatment'.

Henry Williamson (1895-1977), English novelist, naturalist and ruralist, author of ‘Tarka the Otter’, his daughter-in-law and biographer Anne Williamson, wife of his youngest son Richard Williamson
Publication details: 
Undated [1970s?]. From Anne Williamson's West Sussex address.

Anne Williamson, author of two books on Henry Williamson and of his entry in the Oxford DNB, was married to his youngest son Richard (1935-2022). The present typewritten material (88pp, 8vo) consists of several drafts and duplicates of material intended for circulation to production companies she hoped to interest in a television documentary on Williamson. It is in good condition, with each page printed on a separate leaf of A4 cartridge paper.

[William Yarrell, zoologist.] Autograph Signature (‘Wm. Yarrell.’) as ‘Treasurer’ (of the Entomological or Linnean Society).

William Yarrell (1784-1856), eminent English zoologist, author of standard reference works on British fishes (1836) and birds (1843), treasurer of the Entomological Society and the Linnean Society
Publication details: 
No place or date.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 11 x 7.5 cm piece of paper, cut from a printed document. The signature is large, bold and undamaged, on heavily-worn paper with several instances of damage, laid down on a piece of card. The printed text reads: ‘[...] / I [have] the honour to be, / Sir, / Your most obedient / and very humble Servant, / [Autograph Signature ‘Wm. Yarrell’] / Treasurer.’

[Henry Williamson, English author best-remembered for his 'Tarka the Otter'.] 77 pages of typescript from ‘A Fox Under My Cloak’, the fifth novel in the sequence ‘A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight’, with extensive autograph emendations and deletions.

Henry Williamson (1895-1977), English novelist best-remembered for his 'Tarka the Otter'
Publication details: 
Undated. In envelopes with postmarks of 10 March 1955 (Georgeham) and 15 March 1955 (Barnstaple). The second with his autograph address: 'H. Williamson / Georgeham, N. Devon.'

Asee image of[339]See Williamson’s entry by his daughter-in-law Anne Williamson in the Oxford DNB, together with her 1995 biography of him. The present tranche of material gives a marvellous insight into the working processes of a fine - perhaps even a great - English writer, in addition to showing the gestation of one of the finest novels of the First World War.

[Henry Williamson, novelist and naturalist, author of ‘Tarka the Otter’.] Seven items from Williamson family papers, relating to his ‘Proposed residence at Ox’s Cross’, including architectural plans and sketch and copy of letter from builder.

Henry Williamson (1895-1977), English novelist, naturalist and ruralist, best-known for his book ‘Tarka the Otter’ [A. J. Dennis, Devon architect]
Publication details: 
Letter from the architect A. J. Dennis dated 6 April 1973. Architect's sketch dated February 1973.

From the Williamson family papers. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The material is in fair condition, lightly aged and creased. In a card folder on which is written by Williamson’s son Richard ‘PLANS for House for Ox’s Cross - DENNIS (builder) 1973 / Plans of Cottage. / See Schwabe’s original plans.’ ONE: Typed Letter Signed from A. J. Dennis to Williamson at 4 Capstone Place, Ilfracombe. 2pp, 4to. Headed in brown felt-tip ‘Copy’, but certainly with Dennis’s genuine signature. Much of the text underlined in red felt-tip.

[Frederick Edward Hulme, naturalist and botanical illustrator.] Autograph Signature (‘F. Edward Hulme’) to salutation to letter.

Frederick Edward Hulme (1841-1909), naturalist and botanical illustrator, Professor of Freehand and Geometrical Drawing at King's College London, author of the nine-volume ‘Familiar Wild Flowers’ (18
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 10.5 x 8 cm piece of ruled paper, laid down on 21 x 10.5 piece of light blue-green paper cut from album. In good condition, lightly discoloured. Reads: ‘With all kindly salutations to you & yours - believe me / Yours very truly / F. Edward Hulme’ See image.

[Auguste-Henri Forel, Swiss entomologist and neurologist, authority on ants, pioneer of neuron theory.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Aug. Forel’), in French, on overwork (‘Ma position ici me tue’), work (‘mes fourmis de Colombie’) and future plans..

Auguste-Henri Forel (1848-1931), distinguished Swiss entomologist, neurologist, Director of Burghölzli psychiatric hospital, Zürich, and eugenicist, authority on ants and co-founder of neuron theory
Publication details: 
Burghölzli psychiatric hospital, Zürich. 23 December 1896.

Forel’s work on ants was praised by Charles Darwin. Such is his standing that his image appeared on the 1000 Swiss franc banknote between 1878 and 2000. 4pp, 12mo; bifolium. Lightly aged, worn at foot (with slight affect on signature); folded twice. 73 lines of text, in an untidy hand. Entirely in French, apart from the following towards the end, suggesting an English-speaking recipient: ‘Merry Christmas and New Year!’ Excellent content. The recipient appears to be a British naturalist to whom he promised a magazine piece on a recent visit.

[Ruby Dunn, widow of Sussex poet Peter Dunn, writes to Christopher Fry.] Autograph Letter Signed to Fry from Ruby Dunn, discussing the effect on her of editing her husband's work, with duplicated copies of his poems.

Peter Dunn (1918-c.1998), Sussex poet, naturalist and printer (Poet and Printer, Hatch End), and his widow Ruby Dunn [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright, leading exponent of dramatic verse]
Publication details: 
Letter with printed label of 84 Eldred Avenue, Withdean, E. Sussex; 17 October 1998.

Dunn was a teacher (presumably at Dulwich College), Sussex naturalist and poet. Around 1984 he published his own poem 'Death of a Scarecrow' at his Poet and Printer press, Hatch End. The present collection, from the Christopher Fry papers, is in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Autograph Letter Signed ('Ruby Dunn') to Christopher Fry. 1p, 12mo. She begins by asking him to accept a 'small token' of her thanks 'for a memorable occasion', presumably a memorial reading of Dunn's poems in which Fry was involved. She continues: 'I can think of no greater pleasure for me, Peter's widow.

[Richard Kearton, pioneer wildlife photographer; plus ANS] Printed advertisement w. list of works and fourteen photographs, carrying Autograph Note Signed ('R. Kearton'), directing the admittance of 'bearer and friend' to 'my lecture | Muswell Hill'.

Richard Kearton (1862-1928), naturalist and pioneer wildlife photographer with his brother Cherry Kearton (1871-1940)
Publication details: 
Advertisement undated. Kearton's note dated 15 January 1906.

Printed in black ink on both sides of a 26 x 30 cm piece of thick shiny art paper. Worn and folded twice. One side carries a priced list of eleven 'Natural History Works by R. KEARTON, F.Z.S.

[Andrew Duncan the elder, Scottish physician, Professor at Edinburgh University.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Andrew Duncan Sen') to an unnamed member of the British Cabinet, recommending Patrick Neill as Professor of Horticulture at Edinburgh.

Andrew Duncan the elder (1744-1828), Scottish physician, Professor at Edinburgh University, joint founder of Royal Society of Edinburgh [Patrick Neill (1776-1851); Caledonian Horticultural Society]
Publication details: 
4 June 1827; Edinburgh.

According to Duncan's entry in the Oxford DNB, 'In 1809 he founded the Caledonian Horticultural Society, and in later years he was actively occupied in promoting the establishment of a public experimental garden.' 2pp, 4to. In good condition, on aged paper, creased. The recipient is not named, and the letter begins: 'Although I have already often interrupted important business of State, yet I trust you will once more, forgive an Octogenarian, when he can plead, that his principal temptation, to transgression, is an earnest desire to promote the publick good -'.

[Sir William Jardine, Scottish naturalist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm Jardine'), regarding his need to travel to Edinburgh because of 'the Dangerous illness of Mr Maule'.

Sir William Jardine, 7th Baronet of Applegarth (1800-1874), Scottish naturalist, editor of 'The Naturalist's Library' [Maule, Edinburgh]
Publication details: 
Jardine Hall [near Lockerbie, Scotland]. 27 March 1845.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice. Endorsed by the unnamed recipient on the reverse of the second leaf. The subject of the letter, 'Mr Maule', was presumably a relation of Jardine's, whose mother's maiden name was Maule. Begins: 'Dear Sir, I received your parcel this morning & was prepared to start Tomorrow (Friday) when the Evening Mail brought me the intelligence of the Dangerous illness of Mr.

[John Moore of Tewkesbury, writer, naturalist and conservationist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('John C Moore') to Edward Thomas's friend R. N. Green-Armytage, asking for personal recollections of Thomas, and the loan of letters, for his biography.

John Moore [John Cecil Moore] (1907-1967) of Tewkesbury, author and conservationist [Robert North Green-Armytage, friend of Edward Thomas]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, 11, The Gastons, Gloucester Road, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire. 17 January 1936.

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Addressed to 'Dear Mr Green-Armytage', corrected from 'Armitage'. The letter begins: 'You may have heard that a Committee, of which Walter De la Mare is chairman, is considering the question of putting up some sort of memorial to Edward Thomas. At the same time I am beginning work on a Life and Letters of Edward Thomas, which has Mrs Thomas' approval, and is intended to be something in the nature of a memorial edition.' He will 'shortly be issuing an appeal in the press for the loan of letters etc in the possession of E.

[ Thomas Pennant, naturalist, traveller, and writer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Tho. Pennant') to London solicitor 'Mr Shepherd', regarding 'the matter respecting Major Hughes'.

Thomas Pennant (1726-1798), naturalist, traveller, and writer, admired by Samuel Johnson
Publication details: 
Downing. 9 December 1781.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed, with two postmarks, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Mr Shepherd, Sollictor [sic] | Boswell court | near Lincolns inn | London.' In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The letter reads: 'Sir | I am obliged to Mr Middleton for recommending a Gentleman of yr worth & abilities; but yesterday the matter respecting Major Hughes is transferred to other hands for which I am thankful as it will be equally well pursued. I am Sir | Yr obedt Servt | Tho. Pennant. | Downing Decr 9th 1781 | I shall pay chearfully [sic] all past Charges'.

[ James Ritchie, Professor of Natural History at the University of Edinburgh. ] Autograph Letter Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, proposing a lecture on 'Methods of Controlling Mussels & other Marine growths in Sea-pipes'.

James Ritchie (1882-1958), Scottish naturalist, Professor of Natural History at the University of Edinburgh, 1936-1952
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh. 11 March 1925.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. With oval date stamp of the Royal Society of Arts. He wonders whether 'some Fellows' might be interested to 'hear an account of "Methods of Controlling mussels & other Marine growths in Sea-Pipes"'. He explains: 'The blocking of pipes by mussel growth has occurred at many parts of the coast, but the problem of devising a means of keeping the mussels in check had not been seriously tackled until I investigated the matter in connection with the new Electric Power Station of Edinburgh Corporation on the Firth of Forth at Portobello'.

[ John George Wood, naturalist and microscopist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. G. Wood') to 'Lester' [ Edwin Lester Arnold ], containing warm reminiscences.

J. G. Wood [ John George Wood ] (1827-1889), naturalist and microscopist [ E. L. Arnold [ Edwin Lester Linden Arnold ] (1857-1935), author, son of Sir Edwin Arnold (1832-1904) ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Freeman Lodge, St. Peters, Kent. 14 December 1885.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn. Forty lines of text. He has been 'looking out for the review in the D[aily]. T[elegraph]. but never a review at all I seen. [sic] I suppose that these politics &c, squeeze out any matter which can bide its time'. He recalls their previous meeting: 'last time was on a Sunday morning, when Theodore & I trotted from Belvedere to Sidcup [...] he, like you, has been following his father's footsteps, & has made somewhat of a name in economic edntomology'.

[ Sir George Birdwood, Anglo-Indian naturalist. ] 14 Autograph Letters Signed (12 of them 'George Birdwood') to H. B. Wheatley and Sir Henry Trueman Wood of the Royal Society of Arts, with reference to Sir William Lee-Warner and Sir Thomas Holdich.

Sir George Birdwood [ Sir George Christopher Molesworth Birdwood ] (1832-1917), Anglo-Indian naturalist, colonial official and author [ Sir Henry Trueman Wood; H. B. Wheatley; Royal Society of Arts ]
Publication details: 
Five letters from 1901, four of them on letterhead of the India Office, Whitehall; one from 33 Elgin Crescent, Notting Hill. Nine letters from 1913, all from 5 Windsor Road, Ealing.

The 14 letters total 72pp. The collection is in good condition, lightly aged. Most items docketed and with the Society's stamp. The correspondence relates to Society business, from a strongly Anglo-Indian viewpoint. Letters of 26 May and 2 June 1913 are each 12pp. Long, and concern the relative merits of Indian colonial official Sir William Lee-Warner (1846-1914) and the geographer Sir Thomas Holdich (1843-1929), to be chairman of the Society.

[ Herbert Mills Birdwood, Anglo-Indian botanist. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'H. Birdwood') to H. B. Wheatley of the Royal Society of Arts

Herbert Mills Birdwood (1837-1907), Anglo-Indian botanist and jurist [ H. B. Wheatley [ Henry Benjamin Wheatley ] (1838-1917), Assistant Secretary, Royal Society of Arts ]
Publication details: 
Both from Dalkeith House, Cambridge Park, Twickenham (one on letterhead). 25 January and 12 June 1901.

Both items in good condition, on grey-paper bifoliums, the first with the Society's stamp and both docketed. ONE: 25 January 1901. 1p., 12mo. Concerning the binding up of his copies of the Society's journal, and the supply of missing parts. TWO: 12 June 1901. 3pp., 12mo. Concerning his 'promised letter' for 'Friday's Journal': 'I cannot hope to have a proof sent me, but if you accept the letter & should be correcting a proof yourself & would, when ordering a proof, order a spare copy for me to see at your office, I shd. be greatly obliged & wd. call in tomorrow afternoon to look through it'.

[ William Hamilton Gibson, American illustrator and naturalist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W Hamilton Gibson') to 'Mr Skinner', thanking him for a notice of a lecture

William Hamilton Gibson (1850-1896), American illustrator and naturalist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 132 Lincoln Place, Brooklyn. 6 March 1894.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He thanks him for a notice of his lecture which is 'sympathetic and in every way adequate and helpful'. He is accustomed to reviews 'which however kindly and appreciative have nevertheless so woefully manipulated my facts'. He gives as an example his 'good friend Baker of the Union', who 'in the kindliest & most cordial spirit put words in my mouth, statements of scientific fact [...] But it is as you have so often told me. The only way to establish a truth is to pound away at it, iteration and reiteration.'

[ John George Wood, naturalist and author. ] Autograph Signature ('J. G. Woods') on conclusion of Autograph Letter

Rev. J. G. Wood [ John George Wood ] (1827-1889), English naturalist and author
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On one side of piece of 13.5 x 8.5 cm piece of paper. Aged and worn. Reads: 'know when I shall have an evening to myself, for in the last fifteen days or so, I have only dined at home twice, and as far as I see, that much of vagrant life seems rather on the increase than otherwise. But the first evening that I have, I will dedicate to you, & give you notice thereof | Best remembrances to your family - | Yours very sincerely | J. G. Wood'. On reverse, in another hand: 'J. G. Wood | the great naturalist'.

[G.B. Sowerby ] Autograph Letter Signed "G.B. Sowerby", son of G.B. Sowerby, to a "Mrs Wynne", with prospectus for the "Illustrated Index of British Shells£.

G.B. Sowerby [ George Brettingham Sowerby II (1812–1884), naturalist, illustrator, and conchologist ].
Publication details: 
9 Pembroke Square, Kensington, 10 August 1857.

Two pages, 12mo, good condition. Her letter was passed on from his old address but "persons are still thgere falsely carrying on business in my name or that of my late father. | Balls dredge being comparatively light will probably answer your purpose. I can supply it at £1.0.0. | A hand-net with telescopic handle at 9/6 | A lowing net of fine muslin for small floating objects 8/6 with a geological hammer for shore collecting 5/- will complete your apparatus.

[ William Bernhardt Tegetmeier, naturalist. ] Secretarial Letter, Signed 'W B Tegetmeier', to Charles Collette, thanking him for his 'friendly reception of me at the Club' [i.e. the Savage Club].

William Bernhardt Tegetmeier (1816-1912), naturalist, friend of Charles Darwin, natural history editor of 'The Field' magazine, London [ Charles Henry Collette (1842-1924), actor ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 'The Field', Windsor House, Bream's Buildings, London, E.C. 21 January 1903.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with slight damage to second leaf caused by removal from mount. The letter is in a secretarial hand, with Tegetmeier writing the valediction: 'Very sincerely Yours | W B Tegetmeier | C Collette Esq'. He thanks him for his 'exceedingly kind and friendly reception of me at the Club last night', and encloses 'a slip of what I wrote in the Queen, as it may interest you'. He asks to be sent a post card to confirm receipt, 'as I am not quite certain whether you have any letters sent to the Club'.

[ Alfred Grandidier. ] Calling card, carrying autograph message thanking 'Dr. Forsyth Major [the zoologist Charles Immanuel Forsyth Major] for 'his important discoveries at Malay'.

Alfred Grandidier (1836-1921), French naturalist and explorer [ Charles Immanuel Forsyth Major (1843-1923), Scottish zoologist and vertebrate palaeontologist ]
Publication details: 
Grandidier's address given on the calling card as 6, Rond-Point des Champs Elysées [Paris]. Autograph message without place or date [circa 1896].

The calling card is 5.5 x 9.5 cm, with 'Alfred Grandidier, | Membre de l'Institut.' in copperplate in the centre and his address '6, Rond-Point des Champs Elysées' in the bottom right-hand corner. In good condition, lightly-aged, with remains of stub adhering to the reverse. Grandidier has written across the bottom of the card: 'Very grateful to Dr. Forsyth Major for having sent him two so interesting pamphlets, sends him his best thanks and renews his heartfelt compliments for his important discoveries at Malay.'

[Alfred Grandidier, explorer] Autograph Note, in third person ("Monsieur Alfred Grandidier présente [...]")

Alfred Grandidier (1836–1921), French naturalist and explorer.
Publication details: 
[In another hand, "International Geographical Congress London 1895". 2 August 1895"]

One page, 12mo, small closed tear on fold, ow good. "Monsieur Alfred Grandidier présente ses compliments au Secrétaire de Savage Club et accepte avec plaisir l'invitation qui lui a été faite pour demain samedi à 9h1.2 [9.30]."

[Charles St John, sportsman and naturalist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Charles St. John') to 'Miss Orret', regarding the rescheduling of an engagement.

Charles St John [Charles George William St John] (1809-1856), sportsman and naturalist
Publication details: 
19 Rutland Street [Edinburgh, Scotland]. 'Tuesday' [no date].

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with closed tear along gutter and traces of mount on black reverse of second leaf. He fears she will think him 'but faithless' when he asks that she does not wait for him that day, 'as if Lord B. comes in to Edinbh. as I expect him to I cannot depend on getting away from home as early as 2'. He suggests that they go to Arthur's Seat the following day, and in a postscript explains that his sons have delivered the present letter 'en passant to school', and that they will wait 'for a verbal answer' on their way home.

[Edmond de Sélys Longchamps, Belgian scientist and politician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edm. de Selys Longchamps'), in French, to 'Monsieur Stevens', regarding a collection of specimens he has offered him.

Baron Michel Edmond de Sélys Longchamps (1813-1900), Belgian liberal politician and scientist, a great authority on dragonflies
Publication details: 
Liege. 26 March 1866.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. He writes that he has received the collection of specimens safely, and that there are several that are new to him. He would like to make a selection, but pressure of work makes that impossible, so he is taking the lot at £8 18s 0d. He concludes by expressing pleasure at the news that 'Monsieur Dale' still enjoys good health.

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