[Henry Williamson, author of 'Tarka the Otter'.] Typed material prepared by his daughter-in-law Anne Williamson, intended to provide 'background information for an outline for biographical television treatment'.

Henry Williamson (1895-1977), English novelist, naturalist and ruralist, author of ‘Tarka the Otter’, his daughter-in-law and biographer Anne Williamson, wife of his youngest son Richard Williamson
Publication details: 
Undated [1970s?]. From Anne Williamson's West Sussex address.

Anne Williamson, author of two books on Henry Williamson and of his entry in the Oxford DNB, was married to his youngest son Richard (1935-2022). The present typewritten material (88pp, 8vo) consists of several drafts and duplicates of material intended for circulation to production companies she hoped to interest in a television documentary on Williamson. It is in good condition, with each page printed on a separate leaf of A4 cartridge paper.

[Henry Williamson, novelist and ruralist, author of ‘Tarka the Otter’.] Long typewritten description of his farm, Bank House, Botesdale, Suffolk, with autograph emendations, intended to aid its sale, but surprisingly readable.

Henry Williamson (1895-1977), English novelist, naturalist and ruralist, best-known for his book ‘Tarka the Otter’
Publication details: 
No date or place. [1950; Bank House, Botesdale, Suffolk.]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. According to Anne Williamson’s 1995 biography, Williamson decided on the spot to purchase the farm at Bank House, Botesdale, Suffolk, when his car broke down across the road from it in July 1945. The purchase price was £1700. Five years later he decided that the farm ‘could be honourably sold and he could become a full-time writer again’. It was sold in September 1950 for £2,600, although, as Anne Williamson notes, and the present item makes clear, a higher price had previously been considered. The present item is a 3pp, 4to.

[ William Gerhardie, novelist. ] Typed Letter Signed to 'Miss M. Moseley' [ the novelist Maboth Moseley ], concerning Lord Beaverbrook and the publication of her articles and novel.

William Gerhardie [ William Alexander Gerhardie ] (1895-1977), novelist [ Maboth Moseley (1906-1975), Yorkshire novelist ]
Publication details: 
28 Dean Street, W1. [ London ] 14 September 1927.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. He apologises for his 'long silence', having been 'troubled by several things not connected with literature'. He expresses a desire to call on her 'some time later'. He has not been successful with her articles with Lord Beaverbrook, and thinks 'the most effective step to take would be to publish your novel first'. (Her first novel 'Cold Surge' was published by Hutchinson & Co. in 1929.) He has signed her copy of his novel 'The Polyglots', which he is returning separately.

[Walter Farquhar Hook, Dean of Chichester.] Three Autograph Letters Signed (one in full and two 'W F Hook') to the wife of the Birmingham attorney Josiah Corrie.

Walter Farquhar Hook (1798-1875), Dean of Chichester, Tractarian and ecclesiastical historian [Josiah Corrie of Woodford, Moseley, Birmingham attorney]
Publication details: 
First letter from Spark Brook, 26 July 1828; second letter from St Nicholas Place, Coventry, 16 April 1829; third letter without place or date [1871?].

The three items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, the second letter having a few very short closed tears on fold lines. The first two signed 'W F Hook' and the third 'Walter Farquhar Hook'. ONE (26 July 1828): 2pp., 12mo. Apologising because 'waiting upon' the Corries will now be impossible, as 'Sir Robert and Lady Wilmot intend to come on a Visit': His Mother will not be able to see Sir Robert, so Hook will be 'compelled to stay at home to entertain him'. TWO (16 April 1829): 2pp., 4to. On gilt-edged bifolium.

Typed Letter Signed ('O Locker Lampson') to unnamed female correspondent.

Commander Oliver Locker-Lampson (1880-1954), Conservative MP for North Huntingdonshire (1910-22) and Handsworth (1922-45) [Hands Off Britain "Clear out the Reds" Campaign; communism; anti-communist]
Publication details: 
Undated; on letterhead of the 'Hands Off Britain "Clear out the Reds" Campaign', St. Stephen's House, Westminster.

4to, 1 p, 9 lines. On behalf of his 'Committee' acknowledging his correspondent's 'kind letter with its generous contribution to the funds of our Campaign', adding 'a message of individual thanks from myself to you for your mostt encouraging support'. 'Our Campaign is prospering, and we hope soon to complete our success by the early expulsion of the Reds.' His correspondent's 'welcome help' is of 'great value'.

[Sir Henry Taylor, poet etc] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Moseley'.

Sir Henry Taylor
Publication details: 
7 January 1878; The Roost, Bournemouth.

English poet, essayist and civil servant (1800-86), author of 'Philip van Artevelde' (1834). Four pages, 12mo. Very good, on somewhat grubby paper. He is glad that his correspondent's aunt 'is getting so well thro' the seventies of this winter & the changes, which are perhaps more trying than a constancy of coldness. Indeed what were in my time the established notions about the evil effects of cold weather seem to be subverted, & not without reason.

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed clergyman, on the back of a printed handbill.

Sir Oswald Mosley (1848-1915), 4th Baronet [Victorian Temperance Movement; John Garrett, D.D.; Robert Whitworth]
Publication details: 
Letter: Rolleston Hall; 15 December 1866. Handbill: '43, Market Street, Manchester, December 12th, 1866.'

On a leaf roughly 17 x 12 cms. A small strip is missing from the foot, but this does not appear to affect the texts. Aged and ruckled, with a little staining from previous mount at head and foot of printed side. In the Letter Moseley opines that 'the closing of Public Houses during the whole of Sundays would be attended with great inconvenience to the public, and I cannot therefore agree to the object of Promoters of that scheme'. Docketed in the top left-hand corner 'Mark name on list as unfavourable'. The handbill, signed in type by John Garrett, D.D.

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