[John Cooke of Hendon, English cartographer.] Engraved map of Cairo, Egypt, titled 'Plan du Kaire et des Environs', including plan of the 'Chateau du Kaire' and key to 'Ghize'.

John Cooke of Hendon (c.1765-1845), English cartographer, successively of Mill Hill, Hendon, Middlesex, and (from 1799) Howland Street, London [Cairo ('Kaire'), Egypt; Pierre Didot, Paris publisher]
Publication details: 
[Paris: Pierre Didot, 1802.] Engraved at bottom right: 'John Cooke, sc. 50 Howland St' (London).

Thirty-six works by Cooke are listed between 1790 and 1843. The present item, along with its companion piece ‘Carte de la basse Egypte: dressée d'après les observations astronomiques de C. Nouet, et les reconnaissances des ingénieurs et officiers employés à l'Armée d'Orient’, appeared in ‘Planches du Voyage dans la Basse et la haute Egypte, par Vivant Denon’, published in Paris by P. Didot in 1802. Both have the engraved signature ‘John Cooke, sc, 50 Howland St.’ The dimensions of the map are approximately 31.5 x 23.5 cm.

[John Pye, line engraver.] Autograph Letter Signed, offering the artist William Carpenter his vote ‘at the forthcoming election for Sec[re]t[ar]y of the Artists’ Annuity Fund'.

John Pye (1782-1874), line engraver, praised by Turner, promoter of professional associations and co-operative movements [William Carpenter (1818-1899), painter; Artists’ Annuity Fund, London]
Publication details: 
21 June 1839. 42 Cirencester Place, Fitzroy Square. [London]

Pye was an active figure in nineteenth-century British art. According to his entry in the Oxford DNB he was the engravers’ ‘best spokesman’, hoping ‘to raise the fortunes, status, and public profile of engravers by means of professional association and co-operation’. He was the author of a number of works, including 'Patronage of British Art' (1845). His collection of prints after Turner was acquired by the British Museum in 1869, and the proofs of Turner's ‘Liber Studiorum’ followed in 1870. His notebooks are in British Library.

[General Edmund Boyle, 8th Earl of Cork and Orrery.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Cork') to 'Mr: Vuillamy' [i.e. Benjamin Lewis Vuillamy, Clockmaker to the Crown], regarding a broken watch. Also franked by him, as 'Boyle'.

[General Edmund Boyle, 8th Earl of Cork and Orrery (1767-1856), Irish peer and soldier, styled Viscount Dungarvan, 1768-1798 [Benjamin Lewis Vulliamy (1780-1854), Clockmaker to the Crown]
Publication details: 
Marston. 25 November 1814.

1p, 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Franked on reverse of second leaf, with seal in red wax broken into two pieces, and franking postmark: 'Frome – November twenty fifth 1814 | Messrs: Wulliamys | Watch Maker's | Pall Mall | London | Boyle'.

[Enid Bagnold, author and playwright, to celebrity wig-maker Stanley Hall.] Nine Autograph Letter Signed, written in ebullient tones to 'Dear Stanley', discussing dramatic failures, Lady Diana Cooper, Harold Pinter, Dame Sybil Thorndyke, and others.

Enid Bagnold [Enid Algerine Jones, Lady Jones] (1889-1981), author and playwright [Stanley Hall (1917-1994), celebrity wig-maker]
Publication details: 
On letterheads of North End House, Rottingdean, Sussex. Two from 1965, the others from 1967, 1968 and 1969..

The nine letters are in good condition, lightly aged. They total nineteen pages, on a mixture of 4to and 12mo leaves, and cards. A chatty and gossipy correspondence, written in a flowing loose hand, going well beyond business matters. The first letter, 9 May 1965, is signed 'Enid B.', the others being signed 'Enid'. It is the only letter in its envelope, which is marked 'Private' by EB and addressed by her to 'Stanley Hall Esq | Wig Creations | 25 Portman Close | Baker Street | London W.1'. The tone of the first letter is representative.

[ William Tranter, gunmaker. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('William Tranter') to attorney Richard Harington (the future 11th Baronet), providing a report on 1560 guns, in a dispute between 'Mr. Goldsmidth' [ for 'Goldschmidt'? ] and 'Mr. Meadows'.

William Tranter (1816-1890), Birmingham gunmaker, inventor of the Tranter Revolver [ Sir Richard Harington of Ridlington, 11th Baronet (1835-1911) ]
Publication details: 
'Birmingham May 4th. 1871'.

2pp., 8vo. On aged and worn paper, with slight chipping at foot. Addressed 'To Richard Harrington [sic] Esqr | 2 Hare Court | Temple | London'. He has 'seen the guns sent by Mr. Meadows to Mr. Goldsmidth' and furnishes Harington 'with the particulars respecting them'. Of 1600 guns, 40 have been returned to Meadows 'untouched', and Tranter proceeds to give a breakdown of the whereabouts of the other 1560, beginning with '580 guns now at Mr. Goldsmidth's in the cases as they were delivered to him not opened and consequently untouched'. Other guns are at different finishers ('Messrs.

[ Andrew Varick Stout Anthony, American wood engraver. ] Autograph Note Signed ('A. V. S. Anthony') to W. E. Ambler.

A. V. S. Anthony [ Andrew Varick Stout Anthony ] (1835-1906), American wood engraver
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the St Botolph Club, 2 Newbury Street, Boston. 8 January 1889.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'Dear Sir: | I have nothing at present except some note book sketches, otherwise I should be pleased to acceed to your request. | Yours truly | A. V. S. Anthony'.

[ Jean Hyacinthe de Magellan, natural philosopher. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Magellan'), in English, to the Earl of Buchan, on topics including Adair Crawford's 'new theory of heat in general'.

Jean Hyacinthe de Magellan [João Jacinto de Magalhães] (1722-1790), Portuguese natural philosopher, latterly based in London [ David Steuart Erskine, 11th Earl of Buchan; Adair Crawford (1748-1795) ]
Publication details: 
London. 21 September 1780.

3pp., 4to. Addressed, with black wax seal, on reverse of second leaf to 'The Earl of Buchan at Kerkhill | by Edinburgh'. In fair condition, lightly aged. He is 'hardly relieved' from 'a very distressing ophthalmy withh great head-ackes [sic]', but thanks the Earl for 'sending the pamphlet of Dr. Homes on the Croup, for my friend Monsr. Le Roy, one of ye. Members of ye. Royal Acady. at Paris'. He is sending him the Philosophical Transactions, 'as regularly as they come out, by the indicated way of Mr. Donalson'. The 'Medal of ye late Captn. Cook [...] has not yet been distributed to ye.

[William Ford, Birmingham gun maker.] Manuscript letter from the firm to F. Gardner, giving the cost of improving the shooting of his 'little .410'. On letterhead with much text as advertisement.

William Ford, Gun Maker, "Eclipse" Works, 15, St. Mary's Row, Birmingham
Publication details: 
Letterhead of William Ford, Gun Maker, "Eclipse" Works, 15, St. Mary's Row, Birmingham. 21 February 1907.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged paper with wear to extremities. Addressed to 'F. Gardner Esq | Little Coggeshall | Essex'. The letter is signed 'Wm Ford | Per Pro' and reads: 'Dear Sir | In reply to your kind enquiry the cost to improve the shooting of your little .410 would be about 10/- if a double gun as near as I can tell without seeing it. | Trusting to be favoured with your kind command'. The letterhead contains a mass of text at the head and filling the left-hand margin.

[Trelawney Saunders, cartographer and map seller.] First part of long Autograph Letter to Commander James Mangles, RN, discussing his 'Illustrated Geography & Hydrography' and other works, and his desire for a London 'depot' for the sale of maps.

Trelawney William Saunders (1821-1910), FRGS, book and map seller, 6 Charing Cross, London; Geographical Assistant, India Office; cartographer [Captain James Mangles (1786-1867); Edward Stanford]
Publication details: 
6 Charing Cross [London]. 14 May 1846.

Four pages, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper, with small pinholes to both leaves and slight loss at the head of the second. Substantial first part of long letter, and hence lacking the signature. BBTI has Trelawny [for Trelawney] William Saunders at 6 Charing Cross between 1846 and 1853, and Edward Stanford's entry in the Oxford DNB records that he was an apprentice there, returning as partner in 1852 ('The partnership was dissolved by mutual consent in July 1853.'), and that it was Saunders who proposed Stanford for membership of the Royal Geographical Society.

[John Campbell, 2nd Marquess of Breadalbane.] Autograph Letter to him from John Wilson, on behalf of the estate of the London coachbuilder William Honeywell, offering terms for the settlement of the bill for the 'Job Chariot'.

[John Campbell (1796-1862), 2nd Marquess of Breadalbane, Lord Chamberlain, 1848-1852); William Honeywill of Berners Street and Oxford Street, London coachbuilder; John Wilson of 29 Oxford Street]
Publication details: 
London. 24 April 1841.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Addressed, with postmarks and red wax seal, to 'The Most Honble | The Marqss. of Breadalbane | Taymouth Castle | Perthshire'. Docketted: 'Honeywell coach | to be attended the beginning of May - 1846'. He writes that the trustees and executors of Honeywell's estate are handing in 'the remainder of their account for work done since the delivery of the last account to May 20th 1840, in which they have not included the amount of Interest due on purchase of the Job Chariot'.

Typed Letter Signed ('Oliver G. Pike') from the ornithologist Oliver Gregory Pike, offering his services as a lecturer.

Oliver G. Pike [Oliver Gregory Pike] (1877-1963), FZS, FRPS, British ornithologist, wildlife photographer and documentary pioneer
Publication details: 
On his letterhead of 'The Birdland Lectures, The Bungalow, Leighton Buzzard.' May 1925.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, aged and lightly-creased. The letterhead includes fourteen endorsements from newspapers in the left-hand margin, with Pike described as 'Author of the Birdland Books. | 100,000 copies sold.' Although bearing a genuine signature, the letter may be a circular. Pike is enclosing 'a copy of my Lecture Prospectus for next season' (not present). He goes on to discuss his 'new Lecture entitled: - "BIRDLAND CAMEOS"', before concluding: 'If your Society should decide to engage me, I can promise them a thoroughly interesting evening.'

Manuscript logbook, with diagrams, specifications and 'Diary of Way', of a First World War sailmaker in the Royal Navy's 3rd Cruiser Squadron.

J. Ryan, AB, sailmaker [3rd Cruiser Squadron, Royal Navy; Battle of Dogger Bank, 1915]
Publication details: 
Government stamp: 'Supplied for the Public Service'. Diary entries dated from 29 July 1914 to demobilization on 31 May 1919.

Landscape, with leaf dimensions 19 x 10.5 cm. The diary covers 48 pages at one end of the notebook, with the diagrams and specifications over 32 pp at the other end. In original sturdy brown leather binding, with brass clasp, empty wallet at front and pouch for pencil. Marbled endpapers. In good condition. Text clear and complete on lightly-aged paper. Binding worn and with split hinges. In pencil on fore-edge: 'J. RYAN.

Autograph Letter Signed to Don Wauchope.

General Sir George Keith Buller Elphinstone
Publication details: 
10 January 1891; on letterhead '86, CANONBURY ROAD'.

Engineer (1865-1941) whose inventions include the speedometer for motor-cars. Two pages, 12mo. Good, though slightly grubby. Docketed on reverse. Small ink smudge beneath letterhead. Reads 'Dear Don Wanchope | Thanks for your letter. My full name is/ | George Keith Buller Elphinstone and by profession I am an Electrical Engineer & Maker of Electrical Instruments | So I hope that will be full enough information for you'. Signed 'G K B Elphinstone'.

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