[John Cooke of Hendon, English cartographer.] Engraved map of Cairo, Egypt, titled 'Plan du Kaire et des Environs', including plan of the 'Chateau du Kaire' and key to 'Ghize'.

John Cooke of Hendon (c.1765-1845), English cartographer, successively of Mill Hill, Hendon, Middlesex, and (from 1799) Howland Street, London [Cairo ('Kaire'), Egypt; Pierre Didot, Paris publisher]
Publication details: 
[Paris: Pierre Didot, 1802.] Engraved at bottom right: 'John Cooke, sc. 50 Howland St' (London).

Thirty-six works by Cooke are listed between 1790 and 1843. The present item, along with its companion piece ‘Carte de la basse Egypte: dressée d'après les observations astronomiques de C. Nouet, et les reconnaissances des ingénieurs et officiers employés à l'Armée d'Orient’, appeared in ‘Planches du Voyage dans la Basse et la haute Egypte, par Vivant Denon’, published in Paris by P. Didot in 1802. Both have the engraved signature ‘John Cooke, sc, 50 Howland St.’ The dimensions of the map are approximately 31.5 x 23.5 cm.

[ Edward Hogg, doctor and travel writer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edwd. Hogg') to 'Dear Dyer' [ George Dyer ], written while en route to 'Mr. Fry's'.

Edward Hogg (1783-1848), English doctor and travel writer, a friend of poet laureate Robert Southey [ George Dyer (1755-1841), author and political reformer ]
Publication details: 
'Hendon, Saturday.' No date.

16mo. 1p. In fair condition, with slight traces of glue from mount. He has received Dyer's 'parcel p[er] Coach', and informs him that his party is 'expected at Mr. Fry's' on the following day. He is returning with the letter 'all the Books you first forwarded for Mrs Jacksons inspection'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the historian Sir Charles Oman to the antiquary Major Norman George Brett-James, regarding his 'Extents and Surveys of Hendon', All Souls College, and Tudor coinage.

Sir Charles Oman [Sir Charles William Chadwick Oman; Sir C. W. C. Oman] (1860-1946) historian, of All Souls College, Oxford [Major Norman George Brett-James (b.1879, fl.1955), FSA]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Frewin Hall, Oxford. 3 April 1934.

1p., 4to. 12 lines, in close, neat hand. Good, on aged paper. He received Brett-James's paper that day, and 'read it through all except some of the statistics'. He discusses the 'exceptional' nature of Middlesex, college maps and the difference between the estates held in Hendon and Edgware by Alls Souls College, and 'some of our Midland estates'. In the second paragraph he comments on 'letting values in Tudor times', 'the effect of the depreciation of coinage' and 'the awful meddling with currency between 1543 and 1548'.

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