[Sir David Chadwick, Indian Trade Commissioner.] Thirteen Signed Letters, eight Typed and five in Autograph, to Sir H. T. Wood and G. K. Menzies, Secretaries of the Royal Society of Arts, mostly regarding membership business.

Sir David Chadwick [Sir David Thomas Chadwick] (1876-1954), British colonial civil servant, Secretary of the Imperial Agricultural Bureaux [Royal Society of Arts, London; Sir H. T. Wood; G. K. Menzies
Publication details: 
Between 22 December 1916 and 11 June 1930. Eight on London letterheads of: Indian Trade Commissioner, Department of Commerce and Industry, Government of India (5); and Imperial Agricultural Bureaux (3). Two from Beckenham, Kent.

See his entry in Who Was Who. The thirteen items in good condition, lightly aged, most with RSA date stamp and annotations. A total of 12pp, 8vo, in autograph; and 5pp, 4to, typed. The first ten signed ‘D T Chadwick’ and the last three ‘David Chadwick’. The earliest letter, to RSA Secretary Sir Henry Trueman Wood on 22 December 1916, deals with the publication of Chadwick’s remarks ‘at the discussion on Prof. Todds paper before the Indian Section of the Society of Arts’.

[Charles Vandeleur Creagh, Governor of North Borneo and botanist.] Autograph Note Signed, requesting a price list for ‘Teacher’s Patent Lantern Microscope’ from Manchester maker of optical instruments W. J. Chadwick.

Charles Vandeleur Creagh (1842-1917), Governor of North Borneo and botanist who donated his collection of Borneo plants to Kew Gardens, London [W. J. Chadwick, Manchester maker of optical instruments]
Publication details: 
25 December 1890; on letterhead of Government House, Sandakan [North Borneo].

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded three times. In order to mark the request as dealt with, the recipient has written a thin ink line across the page. Reads: ‘W J Chadwick Esqre / Sir / Please send me price list of your Teacher’s Patent Lantern Microscope / Yours truly / C. V. Creagh / Governor of North Borneo / Address / Sandakan / North Borneo / via Singapore’.

[Sir Charles Oman, military historian.] Three Autograph Letters Signed (all ‘C. W. C. Oman’), as Librarian of All Souls College, to ‘Mr Harlow’ of Rhodes House Library, regarding his proposal about ‘the long series of Cape Parliamentary proceedings’.

Sir Charles Oman [Sir Charles William Chadwick Oman] (1860-1946), English military historian and Librarian of All Souls College, Oxford [Professor Vincent Todd Harlow, Keeper, Rhodes House Library]
Publication details: 
2, 7 and 21 June 1937. All three on the letterhead of the Library of All Souls College, Oxford.

See Oman’s entry in the Oxford DNB. Each letter 1p, 12mo. Each folded once. All three in good condition, lightly aged. The correspondence concerns Harlow’s proposal, according to the letter of 2 June 1937, ‘that All Souls College should present to the Rhodes House Library the comparatively few yearly numbers of the Cape Parliamentary proceedings 1875-1910 which are not already in either the Bodleian or the Rhodes House shelves - keeping for the College the residuence, a broken set of about 200 volumes’.

[Sir Charles Oman, military historian, and the English archers at Agincourt.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'C. Oman') to George Townsend Warner, summing up the battle and giving a detailed description of the set up of the English archers.

Sir Charles Oman [Sir Charles William Chadwick Oman] (1860-1946), military historian [George Townsend Warner (1865-1916), historian; Battle of Agincourt; archery; toxophily]
Publication details: 
One: 17 October 1902. On letterhead of 39 St Giles', Oxford. Two: 12 March [no year]. 39 St Giles, Oxford, on letterhead of New College, Oxford.

Both letters annotated in pencil in contemporary hand 'To Townsend Warner Historian'. (Warner was a history master and head of the ‘modern side’ at Harrow School, and co-editor of one of the most popular British history textbooks of the period. His only child was the novelist Sylvia Townsend Warner.) Both letters in good condition, each with pin hole from former attachment.

[ William J. Collins; Pamphlet; inscribed ] Lecture to the Congress BY [...] On the Chadwick School of thought. (An Appeal from the New Sanitarians to the Old)".

Sir William J. Collins (William Job Collins)
Publication details: 
The Royal Sanitary Institute, London, 1913.

Excerpt from Vol. XXXIV., No. 7 (1913) of the Journal of The Royal Sanitary Institute. Paginated 315]-337, printed illus. grey wraps, sunned, good condition. Officers of the Institute listed on back cover. INSCRIBED by author, "With the author's compts", on front wrap. Copies listed at the BL and McGill only (WorldCat/COPAC).

[ Printed item. ] Annual Circular To the Churchwardens, Overseers, and other Officers required to account for the Expenditure of Poor Rates. 1840.

Edwin Chadwick, Secretary, Poor Law Commission [ London ]
Publication details: 
Poor Law Commission Office, Somerset House [ London ]. 1840. [ 'By Authority: - J. Hartnell, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street.' ]

7pp., folio. An unbound and unopened half-sheet. Facsimile of Chadwick's signature at end. An interesting document, in twenty-six numbered sections, laying out the duties of the parish officers with regard auditing of the quarterly Poor Rates accounts.

[Sir Charles Oman, military historian.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. W. C. Oman') [to H. E. Wortham], offering to act as guide to 'King Edward's very archaic Oxford abode'.

Sir Charles Oman [Sir Charles William Chadwick Oman] (1860-1946), military historian [Hugh Evelyn Wortham (1884-1959), biographer]
Publication details: 
'As from Frewin Hall, Oxford', and on letterhead of the House of Commons Library. 3 October 1931.

1p., 12mo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. 'If you would ever care to look round King Edward's very archaic Oxford abode, I can shew you it, with engravings of its details in his day - coloured and otherwise. It is a nice old house - half Elizabethan, half Queen Anne.' He concludes by explaining that he is 'at Westminster all the middle days of the week, save in the recess', and so requires notice. From the H. E. Wortham papers.

Autograph Letter Signed from the historian Sir Charles Oman to the antiquary Major Norman George Brett-James, regarding his 'Extents and Surveys of Hendon', All Souls College, and Tudor coinage.

Sir Charles Oman [Sir Charles William Chadwick Oman; Sir C. W. C. Oman] (1860-1946) historian, of All Souls College, Oxford [Major Norman George Brett-James (b.1879, fl.1955), FSA]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Frewin Hall, Oxford. 3 April 1934.

1p., 4to. 12 lines, in close, neat hand. Good, on aged paper. He received Brett-James's paper that day, and 'read it through all except some of the statistics'. He discusses the 'exceptional' nature of Middlesex, college maps and the difference between the estates held in Hendon and Edgware by Alls Souls College, and 'some of our Midland estates'. In the second paragraph he comments on 'letting values in Tudor times', 'the effect of the depreciation of coinage' and 'the awful meddling with currency between 1543 and 1548'.

Offprint of paper entitled 'The Magnetic Spectrum of the [beta]-Rays Excited by [gamma]-Rays'.

C.D. Ellis [Charles Drummond Ellis (1895-1980), FRS, nuclear physicist [Ernest Rutherford; James Chadwick; Cavendish Laboratory]
Publication details: 
From the 'Proceedings of the Royal Society', A, vol.99, 1921, pp.261-271. Harrison and Sons, Ltd., Printers in Ordinary to Her Majesty, St. Martin's Lane.

8vo: 11 pp. One diagram. Text clear and complete. In original printed wraps. Aged and in grubby white wraps with printed details of the paper. Two punch holes in inner margin. With ownership inscription by Ellis's father Abraham Charles Ellis: 'A. C. Ellis, 40 Belsize Park Gardens, NW3'. Ellis was co-author, with Rutherford and Chadwick, of 'Radiations from Radioactive Substances' (CUP, 1930), a work said by A. R.

Offprint entitled 'The [gamma]-Rays of Radium (B + C) and of Thorium (C + C')'.

C.D. Ellis [Charles Drummond Ellis (1895-1980), FRS, nuclear physicist; Ernest Rutherford; James Chadwick; Cavendish Laboratory]
Publication details: 
From the 'Proceedings of the Royal Society', A, vol.143, 1934, pp.350-357. Harrison and Sons, Ltd., Printers, St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C.2.

8vo: 8 pp. With tables. In original green printed wraps. Lightly aged, but good, with two punch holes in inner margin. 'With the author's compliments' by Ellis on front wrap. Brief calculations in pencil at foot of last page. Ellis was co-author, with Rutherford and Chadwick, of 'Radiations from Radioactive Substances' (CUP, 1930), a work said by A. R.

Offprint of paper by Ellis and Aston entitled 'The Absolute Intensities and Internal Conversion Coefficients of the [gamma]-Rays of Radium B and Radium C.

C.D. Ellis [Charles Drummond Ellis (1895-1980), FRS, nuclear physicist; G. H. Aston
Publication details: 
From the 'Proceedings of the Royal Society', A, vol.129, 1930, pp.180-207. Harrison and Sons, Ltd., Printers, St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C.2.

8vo: 28 pp. Four figures and two tables. Lightly aged, but good. In original green printed wraps. Two punch holes in inner margin. 'With the compliments of the authors' by Aston on front wrap. Ellis was co-author, with Rutherford and Chadwick, of 'Radiations from Radioactive Substances' (CUP, 1930), a work said by A. R. Mackintosh ('The Third Man: Charles Drummond Ellis, 1895-1980', Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, July, 1995) to have been 'often referred to as the "Bible" of nuclear physics', with Ellis's contribution to the work placing him 'third among equals'.

Offprint of paper by Ellis and Aston entitled 'The Dependance of the Photographic Action of [beta]-Rays on their Velocity'.

C.D. Ellis [Charles Drummond Ellis (1895-1980), FRS, nuclear physicist; G. H. Aston
Publication details: 
From the 'Proceedings of the Royal Society, A, vol.119, 1928, pp.645-650. Harrison and Sons, Ltd., Printers in Ordinary to Her Majesty, St. Martin's Lane.

8vo: 6 pp. In green printed wraps. Lightly aged, but good. Two punch holes in inner margin. Ellis was co-author, with Rutherford and Chadwick, of 'Radiations from Radioactive Substances' (CUP, 1930), a work said by A. R. Mackintosh ('The Third Man: Charles Drummond Ellis, 1895-1980', Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, July, 1995) to have been 'often referred to as the "Bible" of nuclear physics', with Ellis's contribution to the work placing him 'third among equals'.

Offprint by Ellis and Mott entitled 'Energy Relations in the [gamma]-Ray Type of Radioactive Disintegration'.

C.D. Ellis [Charles Drummond Ellis (1895-1980), FRS, nuclear physicist; Sir Nevill Francis Mott (1905-1996), winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics
Publication details: 
From the 'Proceedings of the Royal Society', A, vol.141, 1933, pp.502-511. Harrison and Sons, Ltd., Printers, St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C.2.

8vo: 10 pp. Three figures. Lightly aged, but good. In original green printed wraps. Two punch holes to inner margin. 'With the compliments of the authors' by Ellis on front wrap. Ellis was co-author, with Rutherford and Chadwick, of 'Radiations from Radioactive Substances' (CUP, 1930), a work said by A. R. Mackintosh ('The Third Man: Charles Drummond Ellis, 1895-1980', Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, July, 1995) to have been 'often referred to as the "Bible" of nuclear physics', with Ellis's contribution to the work placing him 'third among equals'.

Offprint of paper by Ellis and Wooster entitled 'The Photographic Action of [beta]-Rays'.

C.D. Ellis [Charles Drummond Ellis (1895-1980), FRS, nuclear physicist; W. A. Wooster, crystallographer
Publication details: 
From the 'Proceedings of the Royal Society', A, vol.114, 1927, pp.266-276. Harrison and Sons, Ltd., Printers in Ordinary to Her Majesty, St. Martin's Lane.

8vo: 11 pp. Five figures. Good, on aged paper. In original green printed wraps. Two punch holes in inner margin. 'With the authors' compliments' by Wooster on front wrap. Ellis was co-author, with Rutherford and Chadwick, of 'Radiations from Radioactive Substances' (CUP, 1930), a work said by A. R. Mackintosh ('The Third Man: Charles Drummond Ellis, 1895-1980', Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, July, 1995) to have been 'often referred to as the "Bible" of nuclear physics', with Ellis's contribution to the work placing him 'third among equals'.

Autograph Note Signed ('Charles Oman') to unnamed correspondent.

Sir Charles William Chadwick Oman (1860-1946), British military historian and Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
1 April 1930; on embossed letterhead of the House of Commons Library.

One page, 12mo. Good but with paperclip spotting at head (not affecting text). Three-line quotation clearly sent in response to a request for an autograph. 'Broadmindedness, so called, is generally no more than the silly fear of being thought narrow-minded - | [signed] Charles Oman'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed and two Autograph Card Signed (all 'W J Collins') to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, with offprint of lecture to Royal Sanitary Institute: 'The Chadwick School of Thought. (An appeal from the New Sanitarians to the Old.)'

Sir William Job Collins (1859-1946), English ophthalmic surgeon and Liberal politician
Publication details: 
The letters and cards, 1914, 1915 and 1916; the offprint, 'Excerpt from Vol. XXXIV., No. 7 (1913) of the Journal of The Royal Sanitary Institute.'

The collection is in good condition. Three of the communications bear the stamp of the Royal Society of Arts, of which the recipient Wood was the Secretary.

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