[USS Nautilus, the world’s first nuclear submarine.] Typed Letter Signed written from the vessel by its commander Captain W. R. Anderson, to J. G. Gillman, following its transit of the North Pole.

Captain William Robert Anderson (1921-2007), United States Navy, commander of the world’s first nuclear submarine USS Nautilus, which he took under the arctic icecap, and a Democratic congressman
Publication details: 
20 August 1958. On letterhead of ‘U.S.S. NAUTILUS (SSN-571) / Fleet Post Office / New York, New York’.

1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Addressed to ‘Mr. J. G. Gillman / 50 High Street / Chislehurst, Kent / England’. Good firm signature, ‘W R Anderson’, with ‘Commander, U.S. Navy / Written following the Nautilus’s arctic transit, 3 August 1958: ‘Thank you for your letter and kind appreciation. The people of England have given us a truly wonderful welcome and we are all deeply appreciative.’ He asks him to accept the signature that he is attaching, for his autograph collection. See Image.

[‘100% Socialist but disrespectful to Marx’: Sir Richard Acland, Labour politician and a founder of CND.] Typed Letter Signed to Philip Dosse, publisher of ‘Books and Bookmen’, describing his self-published book ‘The Next Step’.

Sir Richard Acland [Sir Richard Thomas Dyke Acland, 15th Baronet] (1906-1990), Common Wealth Party and Labour politician, a founder of CND [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher ‘Books and Bookmen’]
Publication details: 
8 February 1974; Sprydon, Broadclyst, Exeter.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. This item is 2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with the two leaves attached by a slightly rusty staple. Folded twice for postage. Large sprawling signature ‘Richard Acland’ above typed name ‘Sir Richard Acland’.

[The South African Peace Council; 1960s anti-nuclear movement.] Carnet of 12 stamps (one missing) issued by the SAPC, with mottos ‘Outlaw Atomic Weapons’ and ‘One Year of Negotiation is better than one Day of War’.

The South African Peace Council [1960s anti-nuclear movement; Hilda Bernstein (1915-2006) Marxist anti-apartheid campaigner]
Atom Bomb
Publication details: 
No date [early 1960s]. The South African Peace Council, P.O. Box 10528, Johannesburg.
Atom Bomb

A nice piece of anti-nuclear war ephemera. A 19 x 6.75 cm block of perforated stamps with gum on reverse. The block originally had twelve stamps, but the one at top right is lacking. Printed in blue on white with a simple design of a dove with an olive branch in its mouth, encircled by the words 'THE SOUTH AFRICAN PEACE COUNCIL.' Stapled between two 19 x 6.75 pieces of paper: the one behind the stamps blank and grey, the one before the stamps being the cover, on which is printed: ‘OUTLAW ATOMIC WEAPONS / THE SOUTH AFRICAN PEACE COUNCIL / P.O.

[ College of Aeronautics, Cranfield. ] 'Secret' typed thesis, with 71 diagrams, on the interception of atomic bombers, titled 'Turning Performance and Manoeuvrability of Aircraft at Supersonic Speeds by Lieutenant (E) R. A. Langley, Royal Navy'.

Lieut-Commander R. A. Langley, Royal Navy [ College of Aeronautics, Cranfield; Nuclear War; Atomic Weapons ]
Publication details: 
The College of Aeronautics, Cranfield. May 1952.

The problem with which the thesis deals is summed up at the start: 'If war broke out in the near future, attack by atomic bombers would become an immediate possibility, and one of the biggest problems would be the defence of this Island, which, with its areas of dense population, particularly around its essential industries, would present many ideal targets to the enemy. It would, therefore, be essential to destroy, or attempt to destroy, each enemy bomber before it reached the coast.

[ A. E. Glennie, computer pioneer. ] Article titled 'A. E. Glennie describes Electronic Computers' in 'AWRE News | The Journal of the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment'. With photographs of the IBM 7090 at Aldermaston.

A. E. Glennie [ Alick Edwards Glennie ] (1925-2003), British computer scientist, developer of Autocode, colleague of Alan Turing [ Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, RAF Aldermaston ]
Publication details: 
A.W.R.E. News, vol. 8 no. 5. March 1961.

44pp., 4to. Stapled. The complete magazine, in printed wraps with green masthead, on shiny art paper, with attractive 'modern' layout and numerous illustrations. Incongruous image on cover of girl and lamb. Glennie's article is on four pages, with a photograph of the author accompanied by a brief biography (ending 'He came to Aldermaston in 1955 and is now in S.S.C.M.') and three photographs of the 'IBM 7090 Electronic Data Processing Machine', one of them small, and the other two each half-page, and accompanied by a lengthy caption.

[British civil defence, 1950.] Autograph Notebook, with 'G. Reeves Atom' on cover, containing notes made at civil defence meetings (Home Office, Army or Fire Brigade?) in preparation for nuclear and biological warfare.

G. Reeves [Home Secretary Planning Committee, Regional Office, Div, S/DO; Fire Services; British 1950s civil defence; nuclear war; atom bomb; biological warfare; atomic warfare]
Publication details: 
[London.] Notes made at meetings between 30 March to 25 June 1951.

37pp., 12mo (including two irrelevant pages at the rear), of pencil notes, with some diagrams. In a spiral-bound 'No. 430 Reporter's Note Book' by Brown Knight & Truscott, Ltd, London. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. On cover: 'G. Reeves Atom'. The notes were made at meetings or lectures held at roughly fortnightly intervals. (The last page records 'No meetings' on 9 and 23 June.) Topics include: 'Types of Shelter', 'Refuge Room', 'Long range rocket', 'Antipersonnel Bomb' ('When a bomb is found a red flag in a stick is to be placed 3 paces to the North so that B[omb].

[Printed 'RESTRICTED' British Civil Defence pamphlet with enamel 'I.C.D.S.' (Instructor Civil Defence School) badge.] Civil Defence. Notes for Volunteers. [With sections on 'Atomic Warfare', 'Chemical Warfare' and 'Biological Warfare'.]

[I.C.D.S.; British Civil Defence, 1955; Civil Defence School; Atomic Warfare; Biological Warfare; Chemical weapons; nuclear war]
Publication details: 
At foot of final page: '(1204) WT. 39620. [number of copies:] 22,500 [date of publication, i.e. July 1955:] 7/55 [printer:] D & G Ltd.'

39pp., small 4to. Stud-bound in brown card printed wraps. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with crease to front cover, to which the enamel badge is also attached, beside the ownership signature of 'E J Sayer' (Downing Street secretary Elizabeth Sayer, later Cooper.). First page dated in pencil '8th Sept', and pencil note in text of the 'permitted dose' of radiation.

[Mimeograph or similar; Civil Defence] A Collection of information sheets concerning action in the event of Atomic War

[Atomic/Nuclear War Preparations; Civil Defence]
Publication details: 
[Civil Defence, 1964-1965]

Five items, 1-26pp., folio, most undated, but one 1964, another 1965, staples rusty, minor damage to one with no loss. Item I: 26pp., with diagrams, "Layout of an Emergency Kitchen" with sub-headings Site, Layout of Cookers, Layout of Swill area, General, Food Untensil and Fuel Storage, Food Preparation Facilities, Cooking Apparatus, Serving Arrangements, Improvised Washing Up Arrangements, Disposal of Fouled Water, Disposal of Swill, Latrines; Item 2; 5pp., inc. A form headed Council | Civil Defence Department | Emergency Meals Service | Goods Received Book (Site...

[Mimeographed pamphlet.] No Right to a Hearing. The Deportation Proceedings Against Bert Bensen. By Bert Bensen.

Bert Bensen, American psychology lecturer and supporter of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Publication details: 
'Published by: Friends of Bert Bensen, Top Flat, 127, King Henry's Road, London NW3'. February 1965.

16pp., 4to, with additional yellow cover leaf carrying title, with 'Introduction' on reverse. In good condition, on aged and worn paper, with slight damage to the fore-edge of the cover leaf. Neat ownership inscription of John H. Shaw. According to the introduction 'Bert Bensen's account of his attempts to stay in Britain - and of the determination of two successive Home Secretaries that he shall not - reads like something out of Kafka. The Sense of unreality that permeates the Bensen affair should not be allowed to hide the serious questions it raises. Why was Mr.

[Printed pamphlet.] Cataclysm Has Begun! [With covering Typed Letter Signed from Williamson to George H. Brook.]

J. J. Williamson [John Jacob Williamson], Founder-President, the Society of Metaphysicians Ltd, Hastings, Sussex [Nuclear proliferation; Cold War; Atomic Bomb]
 Cataclysm Has Begun!
Publication details: 
Pamphlet: 1955. The Society of Metaphysicians Ltd. Letter: 19 February 1955; on letterhead of the Society of Metaphysicians Ltd, Archers' Court, Stonestile Lane, Hastings, Sussex.]
 Cataclysm Has Begun!

4to, vii + 21 pp. Stapled pamphlet, on two different paper stocks (white and grey), front cover detached Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper, with crease to one corner of title-leaf. Title leaf printed, the rest mimeographed. Pp. v-vii consist of an appendix at the rear of the volume. Occult pseudo-science (the Society's logo is a pentacle), presaging the hippie 'retreat from reason' in the face of Cold War realities. Begins 'For ten years the Society of Metaphysicians has worked in the interests of human unity at all levels.

Folder compiled in 1958 by William E. Appleby, containing a plan, a list, photographs, and newspaper cuttings, relating to Appleby's model for the U.K. Atomic Energy Authority of the 'Zeta' fusion device at Harwell, for the Brussels Fair.

William E. Appleby [ZETA nuclear fusion device; Harwell; U.K. Atomic Energy Authority; Museum of Model Engineering & Science, Westcliffe-on-Sea]
A plan, a list, photographs, and newspaper cuttings, relating to Appleby's model
Publication details: 
1958. All items laid down on pages headed 'Museum of Model Engineering & Science, Westcliffe-on-Sea'.
A plan, a list, photographs, and newspaper cuttings, relating to Appleby's model

The collection is laid down on the rectos of 43 leaves of a 4to folder, on pages printed with borders and headed with the name of the Museum. Items in good condition, with the usual aging to newspaper cuttings, in worn folder. Folder in original buff wraps with, printed on front wrap, 'Compiled and Edited by WILLIAM E. APPLEBY', and with the subject given in manuscript as 'Atomic Models & Machines (MEL) Zeta.' Last page with note by Appleby: 'Zeta | Science Museum | Made by | [signed] William E Appleby'.

Offprint of paper entitled 'The Magnetic Spectrum of the [beta]-Rays Excited by [gamma]-Rays'.

C.D. Ellis [Charles Drummond Ellis (1895-1980), FRS, nuclear physicist [Ernest Rutherford; James Chadwick; Cavendish Laboratory]
Publication details: 
From the 'Proceedings of the Royal Society', A, vol.99, 1921, pp.261-271. Harrison and Sons, Ltd., Printers in Ordinary to Her Majesty, St. Martin's Lane.

8vo: 11 pp. One diagram. Text clear and complete. In original printed wraps. Aged and in grubby white wraps with printed details of the paper. Two punch holes in inner margin. With ownership inscription by Ellis's father Abraham Charles Ellis: 'A. C. Ellis, 40 Belsize Park Gardens, NW3'. Ellis was co-author, with Rutherford and Chadwick, of 'Radiations from Radioactive Substances' (CUP, 1930), a work said by A. R.

Offprint entitled 'The [gamma]-Rays of Radium (B + C) and of Thorium (C + C')'.

C.D. Ellis [Charles Drummond Ellis (1895-1980), FRS, nuclear physicist; Ernest Rutherford; James Chadwick; Cavendish Laboratory]
Publication details: 
From the 'Proceedings of the Royal Society', A, vol.143, 1934, pp.350-357. Harrison and Sons, Ltd., Printers, St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C.2.

8vo: 8 pp. With tables. In original green printed wraps. Lightly aged, but good, with two punch holes in inner margin. 'With the author's compliments' by Ellis on front wrap. Brief calculations in pencil at foot of last page. Ellis was co-author, with Rutherford and Chadwick, of 'Radiations from Radioactive Substances' (CUP, 1930), a work said by A. R.

Offprint of paper by Ellis and Aston entitled 'The Absolute Intensities and Internal Conversion Coefficients of the [gamma]-Rays of Radium B and Radium C.

C.D. Ellis [Charles Drummond Ellis (1895-1980), FRS, nuclear physicist; G. H. Aston
Publication details: 
From the 'Proceedings of the Royal Society', A, vol.129, 1930, pp.180-207. Harrison and Sons, Ltd., Printers, St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C.2.

8vo: 28 pp. Four figures and two tables. Lightly aged, but good. In original green printed wraps. Two punch holes in inner margin. 'With the compliments of the authors' by Aston on front wrap. Ellis was co-author, with Rutherford and Chadwick, of 'Radiations from Radioactive Substances' (CUP, 1930), a work said by A. R. Mackintosh ('The Third Man: Charles Drummond Ellis, 1895-1980', Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, July, 1995) to have been 'often referred to as the "Bible" of nuclear physics', with Ellis's contribution to the work placing him 'third among equals'.

Offprint of paper by Ellis and Aston entitled 'The Dependance of the Photographic Action of [beta]-Rays on their Velocity'.

C.D. Ellis [Charles Drummond Ellis (1895-1980), FRS, nuclear physicist; G. H. Aston
Publication details: 
From the 'Proceedings of the Royal Society, A, vol.119, 1928, pp.645-650. Harrison and Sons, Ltd., Printers in Ordinary to Her Majesty, St. Martin's Lane.

8vo: 6 pp. In green printed wraps. Lightly aged, but good. Two punch holes in inner margin. Ellis was co-author, with Rutherford and Chadwick, of 'Radiations from Radioactive Substances' (CUP, 1930), a work said by A. R. Mackintosh ('The Third Man: Charles Drummond Ellis, 1895-1980', Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, July, 1995) to have been 'often referred to as the "Bible" of nuclear physics', with Ellis's contribution to the work placing him 'third among equals'.

Offprint by Ellis and Mott entitled 'Energy Relations in the [gamma]-Ray Type of Radioactive Disintegration'.

C.D. Ellis [Charles Drummond Ellis (1895-1980), FRS, nuclear physicist; Sir Nevill Francis Mott (1905-1996), winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics
Publication details: 
From the 'Proceedings of the Royal Society', A, vol.141, 1933, pp.502-511. Harrison and Sons, Ltd., Printers, St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C.2.

8vo: 10 pp. Three figures. Lightly aged, but good. In original green printed wraps. Two punch holes to inner margin. 'With the compliments of the authors' by Ellis on front wrap. Ellis was co-author, with Rutherford and Chadwick, of 'Radiations from Radioactive Substances' (CUP, 1930), a work said by A. R. Mackintosh ('The Third Man: Charles Drummond Ellis, 1895-1980', Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, July, 1995) to have been 'often referred to as the "Bible" of nuclear physics', with Ellis's contribution to the work placing him 'third among equals'.

Offprint of paper by Ellis and Wooster entitled 'The Photographic Action of [beta]-Rays'.

C.D. Ellis [Charles Drummond Ellis (1895-1980), FRS, nuclear physicist; W. A. Wooster, crystallographer
Publication details: 
From the 'Proceedings of the Royal Society', A, vol.114, 1927, pp.266-276. Harrison and Sons, Ltd., Printers in Ordinary to Her Majesty, St. Martin's Lane.

8vo: 11 pp. Five figures. Good, on aged paper. In original green printed wraps. Two punch holes in inner margin. 'With the authors' compliments' by Wooster on front wrap. Ellis was co-author, with Rutherford and Chadwick, of 'Radiations from Radioactive Substances' (CUP, 1930), a work said by A. R. Mackintosh ('The Third Man: Charles Drummond Ellis, 1895-1980', Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, July, 1995) to have been 'often referred to as the "Bible" of nuclear physics', with Ellis's contribution to the work placing him 'third among equals'.

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