
[Admiral Albert Hastings Markham; Navy. China, Arctic] Autograph Letter Signed with his usual squiggled Initials to Dear Fletcher, saying he can't support his wish to be Chief Fire Officer despite his naval association.

Admiral Albert Hastings Markham [Admiral Sir Albert Hastings Markham KCB (1841 – 1918) British explorer, author, and officer in the Royal Navy.]
Publication details: 
[Embossed] Paddockhurst, Worth, Sussex. 13 Nov. [no year given].

Two pages, 12mo, bifolium, good condition. Your letter has just been forwarded to me. I am afraid I cannot assist you in yur wish to be selected as the new Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade, as I have already promised to do all I can in the same direction for another naval officer. | I do hope a naval man will succeed in getting the appointment, and that he will do credit to it. Note: The Google list of Chief Officers comprises several naval appointments.

[British civil defence, 1950.] Autograph Notebook, with 'G. Reeves Atom' on cover, containing notes made at civil defence meetings (Home Office, Army or Fire Brigade?) in preparation for nuclear and biological warfare.

G. Reeves [Home Secretary Planning Committee, Regional Office, Div, S/DO; Fire Services; British 1950s civil defence; nuclear war; atom bomb; biological warfare; atomic warfare]
Publication details: 
[London.] Notes made at meetings between 30 March to 25 June 1951.

37pp., 12mo (including two irrelevant pages at the rear), of pencil notes, with some diagrams. In a spiral-bound 'No. 430 Reporter's Note Book' by Brown Knight & Truscott, Ltd, London. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. On cover: 'G. Reeves Atom'. The notes were made at meetings or lectures held at roughly fortnightly intervals. (The last page records 'No meetings' on 9 and 23 June.) Topics include: 'Types of Shelter', 'Refuge Room', 'Long range rocket', 'Antipersonnel Bomb' ('When a bomb is found a red flag in a stick is to be placed 3 paces to the North so that B[omb].

[The Spenser Society, Manchester.] Autograph notes by John Leigh, first Medical Officer of Health for the City of Manchester, of 'Works by John Taylor not yet issued by the Spenser Society' and 'George Wither | Works to be printed | June 1876'.

John Leigh (d.1888) of Sandiway House, Whalley Range, Manchester, first Medical Officer of Health for the City of Manchester [The Spenser Society, Manchester; George Wither; John Taylor]
Publication details: 
[Manchester.] The notes on Wither dated June 1876, and those on Taylor from around the same period.

6pp., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with slight damp damage to one corner. The section on Taylor covers the first two pages, with the first page is headed 'Works of John Taylor not yet issued by the Spenser Society | The numbers on the left hand are those in Hazlitts Handbook under the head of Taylor. The numbers on the right hand are those of the number of leaves in each work to which the left hand number refers.' No titles are given, only the number in Hazlitt. The rest of the document is devoted to Wither, this time with titles given.

Lithographic coloured London Fire Force plan, indicating the wartime Emergency Water Supply to the Trafalgar Square and Whitehall area of London, headed 'E. W. S. No. 284 | Plan referred to on Sheet No. 10 Water Unit Maps | re Government Buildings'.

[London Fire Force; Metropolitan Water Board; Fire Fighting in the Second World War; maps and plans]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. (London Fire Force, circa 1943.)

On one side of piece of 41 x 20.5 cm paper, with lines and indications in light and dark blue, red and green. In fair condition, on aged paper, with creasing and one closed tear towards the head. The map has Trafalgar Square at its head (with the note that the two 'Basins' carry '40,000 Galls. each') and Parliament Square at its foot. Whitehall and Parliament Street connect the two on the right of the map, and to the left of the map is the lake in St James's Park: '200000 Galls Underground Tank | Pumping Station 1400 Galls | Pump | 15 foot Gravity Main from Serpentine'.

[Frederick Gorringe's Department Store.] Manuscript subscription list of donations by staff to the Daily Telegraph fund for 'the Sufferers' by the Edgware Road Fire, giving more than 200 names and sums. With two press cuttings.

[Frederick Gorringe (1831-1909), draper; Frederick Gorringe's Department Store, 75 Buckingham Palace Road, London; the Daily Telegraph; the Edgware Road Fire, 30 May 1888]
Publication details: 
[London. May and June 1888.]

4pp., foolscap 8vo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper. First page headed: 'The Edgware Road Fire | The proprietor of "The Daily Telegraph" have as hitherto on similar occasions opened a Subscription list for the Sufferers and it is estimated that £3,000 will be required to meeet the urgent claims for relief which are already too well known | I shall be glad to receive any donations you may be pleased to give on their behalf | (JNER.)'. Arranged in eight columns, two to a page, with running totals and a grand total of £16 1s 0d. The first donation is for 10s 6d from 'Mr.

Printed First World War circular from the 'British Repatriation Committee Lucerne, Organisation for the Assistance and Return of British Subjects', with form filled in by 'Mr & Mrs R. Haward Ives', giving 'reasons for urgency'.

British Repatriation Committee Lucerne, Organisation for the Assistance and Return of British Subjects [Richard Haward Ives, Assistant Secretary, Essex and Suffolk Equitable Fire Insurance Society]
Publication details: 
Circular dated 'Schweizerhof Hotel, Lucerne, 13th August 1914.'

1p., 4to., with vertical perforation dividing the circular (upper part) from the form (lower part). Fair, on lightly-aged and creased paper. The fourteen-line circular begins: 'It is appreciated that every British Subject wishes to return at once, but all will not be able to get in the first train. | The British Committee will have to select the order of going by the various degrees of urgency. [...] Persons in Government service, men going to mobilisation, and persons in distress, have special claims to priority.' The form, completed in pencil by 'Mr & Mrs R.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J Crowe') by John Crowe, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Norwich Union Fire & Life Insurance Societies, to Major-General John Hall, regarding 'the misconduct of the Secretary Mr Thos Bignold Senr.'

John Crowe, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Norwich Union Fire & Life Insurance Societies [Major-General John Hall (1770-1823) of Park Hall, Mansfield Woodhouse; Thomas Bignold (1761-1835)]
Publication details: 
16 November 1818; Union Office, Norwich.

Folio, 2 pp. On the rectos of the two leaves of a bifolium. On laid paper watermarked 'Gilling & Allford 1816'. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The first page contains a letter addressed to 'General Hall' from 'Union Office | Norwich 16th Novr. 1818', forty lines long and signed 'J Crowe'. The second page is headed 'Norwich Union Life Insurance Society | Statement of the particulars of the misconduct of the Secretary Mr Thos Bignold Senr.' It contains a six-point indictment of Bignold, totalling thirty-seven lines.

Autograph Note Signed "Chris. Hodgson" to the Rev. R.H. Barham, minor canon of St Paul's and author of the "Ingoldsby Legends".. With the text for a memorial stone.

Christopher Hodgson, "Chapter Clerk", Secretary of Queen Anne's Bounty [
Publication details: 
Bounty Office, Great Deans Yard, 26 November 1824.

Two pages (of a bifolium), folio, one page with the ANS, the other with the text for the memorial stone, grubby, fold marks, text clear and complete. Hodson informs Barham that he is "desired by the Dean & Chapter of St Paul's to inform you that they give permission to the Parishioners of St Gregory to put down a plain flat stone in front of the West Entrance of St. Pauls in the manner proposed by them". The text is in Hodgson's hand and consists of a series of statements about Churches destroyed or damaged by the Great Fire of London of 1666.

Liverpool Fire Prevention. An Act For the better protection of Property in the Borough of Liverpool from Fire. [ROYAL ASSENT, AUGUST 24th 1843.] 6 Vict. - Sess. 1843.

Liverpool Fire Prevention [Act of Parliament, 1843; British Fire Brigade]
Publication details: 
London: J. B. Nichols and Son, Printers, 25, Parliament-street. [1843.] [Radcliffe, Town Clerk, Liverpool. Burke and Venables, 44, Parliament Street, Parliamentary Agents.]

Folio: ii + 59 + [1] pp. Unbound. Stitched as issued. Text clear and entire, but in poor condition: on creased, discoloured and stained paper, with wear to extremities. Begins 'WHEREAS fires in warehouses in the borough of Liverpool have of late years been of frequent and alarming recurrence, and have been attended with considerable loss of life and property.' 124 clauses, followed by seven pages of 'Schedules referred to by the foregoing act'.

Printed letter about the Chicago Fire attached to autograph letter signed "Horace".

Publication details: 
Chicago, Oct. 10th [1871]

Printedletter, one page 12mo, with Autograph Letter Signed "Horace" attached by paper clip (I have replaced the rusty old clip with a new one). The printed letter as follows: "[COPY]/ Chicago, Oct. 10th/ My dear Father,/ Do not fret as I shall be O.K.; our poor Town all burnt to the ground EXCEPT A FEW WOODEN SHANTIES; about 150,000 people without shelter; I have saved my clothes and am under shelter. DO NOT FRET as I am not the WORST OFF BY FAR; hundreds of people burnt and all business places. They are giving free passes everywhere.

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