
[Admiral Albert Hastings Markham; Navy. China, Arctic] Autograph Letter Signed with his usual squiggled Initials to Dear Fletcher, saying he can't support his wish to be Chief Fire Officer despite his naval association.

Admiral Albert Hastings Markham [Admiral Sir Albert Hastings Markham KCB (1841 – 1918) British explorer, author, and officer in the Royal Navy.]
Publication details: 
[Embossed] Paddockhurst, Worth, Sussex. 13 Nov. [no year given].

Two pages, 12mo, bifolium, good condition. Your letter has just been forwarded to me. I am afraid I cannot assist you in yur wish to be selected as the new Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade, as I have already promised to do all I can in the same direction for another naval officer. | I do hope a naval man will succeed in getting the appointment, and that he will do credit to it. Note: The Google list of Chief Officers comprises several naval appointments.

[Admiral Albert Hastings Markham] Autograph Letter Signed [squiggle] Markham] [see Image], to A.W. a Beckett (see Notes), listing Admirals, Vice Admirals, Rear Admirals, Captains active or an the retired list. for a circular (Empire Day).

Admiral Albert Hastings Markham [Admiral Sir Albert Hastings Markham KCB (1841 – 1918) British explorer, author, and officer in the Royal Navy.]
Admiral Albert Hastings Markham
Admiral Albert Hastings Markham
Publication details: 
[Embossed} 65 Linden Gardens, W., 9 May 1899.
Admiral Albert Hastings Markham
Admiral Albert Hastings Markham

Three Pages, 12mo, bifolium, good condition. Dear Mr. a Beckett | I haved sent the circulars you forwarded to me to the under-mentioned Naval Officers, and hope some of them (they all reside in and about London) will respond[.] | Believe me | Yrs v. truly A| [squiggle] Markham. He begins his list of thirty (30) names of Admirals, Vice Admirals, Rear Admirals, Captains. creating separate lists of Active and Retired officers. SEE IMAGES of all three pages. Note: a.

[Admiral Albert Hastings Markham; Navy. China, Arctic] Autograph Letter Signed with his usual squiggled Initials to Dear Mr Hart, anticipating a visit by an artist and printer with reference to the poster depicting a line of battle ships.

Admiral Albert Hastings Markham [Admiral Sir Albert Hastings Markham KCB (1841 – 1918) British explorer, author, and officer in the Royal Navy.]
Admiral Albert Hastings Markham b
Publication details: 
[Embossed] 73 Cromwell Road, S.W., 10 December 1904.
Admiral Albert Hastings Markham b

Three pages, 12mo, bifolium, good condition. Docketed top left corner (see Image of first page). As the Artist & Printer are coming to see me here [underlined] on Monday forenoon next, with reference to tthe poster depicting a line of battle ships &c, will you kindly send me 'Nelson's' signal [England Expects] (which I sent to my Hartley) so as to be here at the same time? I received your letter last night, and at once wrote off to Admiral Fremantle, but he would only receive my letter this morning. I see his [underlined] is in today's Times.

[August Courtauld, Arctic explorer and yachtsman.] Autograph Signature from the end of a letter.

August Courtauld [Augustine Courtauld] (1904-1959), British Arctic explorer and yachtsman, solo meteorologist of Icecap Station, Greenland
August Courtauld
Publication details: 
No place or date.
August Courtauld

On 5 x 13.5 cm piece of paper, cut from the end of a letter and laid down on one side of part of a leaf from an album, the mount carrying a cropped cartoon on the other side. In good condition, lightly aged, with the mount a little ruckled. Simply reads: ‘Your sincerely / August Courtauld’. Captioned on mount: ‘August Courtauld - explorer’. The cartoon is intriguing.

[William Scoresby, Arctic Traveller] Autograph Signature with place and date, Willm Scoresby, || [Pollec?], Oct.2.1847.

William Scoresby, Arctic Traveller.
Publication details: 
[Pollec?] Oct.2. 1847.

Small piece of paper, 9 x 4.5cm, laid down on slightly larger piece of paper. See Image. Scoresby set sail Liverpool to America two days later (4th Oct. 1847).

[ Hubert Wilkins, Australian Polar Explorer ] Newspaper Article by Wilkins, AND signed by him, entitled North Pole Submarine for London

Hubert Wilkins [ Sir George Hubert Wilkins (1888–1958), Australian polar explorer, ornithologist, pilot, soldier, geographer and photographer. ]
Publication details: 
Unknown Newspaper [1930 or 1931]

Substantial Article extracted from a newspaper, 38 x 29cm, good condition, in which Wilkins discusses his project of taking a submarine (the Nautilus of course) under the Arctic. His signature Hubert Wilkins appears top left, probably in pencil.

[ Vice-Admiral Philip Howard Colomb; naval tactician, inventor, Arctic explorer, etc ] Two Autograph Letters Signed P H Colomb, both to an Editor, unnamed, about his article on Colomb lights for naval vessels.

P.H. Colomb [Vice-Admiral Philip Howard Colomb, RN (1831–1899), Royal Navy officer, historian, critic, and inventor.]
Publication details: 
18 Edith Villas, Fulham, S.W., 29 Jan and 4 Feb. [no year given; 1867]

Two ALSs, four pages each (an expansive hand), 12mo, bifoliums, fold marks, good condition. LETTER ONE: I have sent you by Book Post an article on Griffons loss. | To show that I do not speak at random in this article, I should tell you that I have private letters from the Commodore ([Hornby?]) saying 'I wish you would hasten ... the supply of your Lamps. Griffons [see note below] loss bears on the subject.'...| I wrote in August begging that all vessels coming out here might be supplied with Colomb's lights. I find the [last?] comers are not so blessed.

[Vice-Admiral Sir George Strong Nares, Arctic explorer and commander of first ship to pass through the Suez Canal.] Autograph Note Signed ('G. S. Nares.') regarding his 'delicate instrument for Alert or Discovery'.

Sir George Strong Nares (1831-1915), Royal Navy Vice-Admiral, commander of first ship to pass through the Suez Canal, Arctic Explorer with Challenger Expedition and British Arctic Expedittion
Publication details: 
No date or place [1875?].

See Nares' entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded three times. Clearly and boldly written, reading: 'Please give the bearer my delicate instrument for Alert or Discovery | G. S. Nares.' (Wikipedia) "Because of his previous experience in the Arctic, he was summoned from this assignment to take charge of another Arctic voyage in search of the North Pole in Discovery and Alert in 1875, the British Arctic Expedition."

[Polar Exploration ] Three Famous Polar Explorers (Illustrated). The 'Grosvenor' Seies of Suplementary Readers, no. 10

Anonymous [ Polar Exploration ]
Publication details: 
Charles & Dible, London & Glasgow 1912?]

64pp., 12mo, soft cover, beige, sl. marked, mainly very good condition. Small square school library stamp on title and inside back cover. Scarce. No other copy currently on the Market (viaLibri).Only one copy recorded, at Birmingham University, whose entry in COPAC suggests a publication date of [1912?], perhaps because the final page mentions that a memorial tablet for Scott in St Paul's Cathedral and a "sculptured bronze monument in London" are "proposed". An early attempt to glorify polar explorers.

[Admiral Sir George Back, explorer of the Canadian Arctic.; his Arctic Mission; Ross] Autograph Letter Signed ('G Back') to 'Captain Maconochie' [Alexander Maconochie], regarding packing for a journey.

Admiral Sir George Back (1796-1878), explorer of the Canadian Arctic, naturalist and artist [Alexander Maconochie (1787-1860), Scottish naval officer, Governor of Norfolk Island, penal reformer]
Publication details: 
8 February 1833. No place.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. Addressed on blank reverse of second leaf to 'Captain Maconochie'. In good condition, lightly aged. Begins: 'My dear Maconochie | I have not yet done packing - Have they sent the Books &c from the Ad[miralt]y.?' He next refers to 'the Almanack for 34', and his plans for the following day's 'Journey' [to Arctic - see NOte below]. From 1830 Maconochie was the first secretary of the Royal Geographical Society. In 1833 he became the first professor of Geography at the University College London.

[Sir William Edward Parry, Arctic explorer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W E Parry.') to unnamed recipient, soliciting a vote in a charity election for a 'poor girl' named Maria Jones.

Sir William Edward Parry (1790-1855), Royal Navy Rear Admiral, celebrated Arctic explorer who made attempts on the Northwest Passage and North Pole
Publication details: 
Admiralty [London], 12 August 1828.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with small spot of discoloration. He explains that he is 'requested by a particular friend' to solicit the interest of the recipient 'in favor of the poor girl mentioned in the accompanying note, who was an unsuccessful Candidate at the last Election'. He knows that 'the applications in such cases are extremely numerous', but hopes that the recipient 'can give Maria Jones your vote on the ensuing occasion'.

[Sir Allen Young, Arctic explorer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Allen Young') to society homeopathist Dr Chepmell, conveying a message regarding an appointment.

Sir Allen Young [Sir Allen William Young] (1827-1915), English master mariner and Arctic explorer who searched for Sir John Franklin [Edward Charles Chepmell (1820-1885); Lillie Langtry (1853-1929)
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Turf Club, Piccadilly [London]. 'Wednesday Evg' [no date].

In addition to his achievements, Young is remembered for holding a dinner party in 1877, at which the Prince of Wales arranged to sit next to Lillie Langtry while her husband was discreetly seated elsewhere, thus beginning their affair. 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and ruckled, with two small pinholes at head of first leaf, and traced of mount on blank reverse of second leaf. The letter begins: 'I have just got note from Mrs Langtry saying that she will have to go out of Town tomorrow morning and asking me to write to you to tell you'.

[Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Canadian Arctic explorer, regarded by Roald Amundsen as 'the greatest humbug alive'.] Typed Letter Signed ('V. Stefansson') to English author Clifford Bax; regarding plans for a meeting in New York.

Vilhjalmur Stefansson [Vilhjálmur Stefánsson] (1879-1962), Canadian Arctic explorer of Icelandic extraction, ethnologist and archaeologist [Clifford Bax (1886-1962), English author; the Harvard Club]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, 67 Moreton Street, New York. 25 March, 1935.

Stefansson was involved in two disasters: the loss of the Karluk during the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913–1916 to explore the regions west of Parry Archipelago for the Government of Canada, which he led; and the Wrangel Island fiasco, 1921. 1p., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. He writes to Bax 'c/o Hill & Peters'. The letter begins: 'Just as I am starting on a lecture tour, a letter comes from Marjorie Humphreys saying you are about to arrive and asking that I do something for you.

[ William Scoresby junior, Arctic explorer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W Scoresby') to Edward Magrath, Secretary of the Athenaeum, correcting his address.

William Scoresby junior (1789-1857), Arctic explorer, scientist and clergyman
Publication details: 
Torquay. 11 February 1852.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with small tape stain at head. Reads: 'Dear Sir, | Will you be so good as to have my address registered in the Athenaeum books as above, which is my place of residence & not Whitby - from whence I have just recd. a circular about the payment of a subscription, which I had ordered to be made some days ago.'

[ Admiral William Parry, Arctic explorer. ] Autograph Note Signed ('W E Parry') to 'Mrs. Martineau' ('Caro' = sister?), explaining why he cannot accept an invitation.

William Parry [ Rear Admiral Sir William Edward Parry, RN, FRS ] (1790-1855), Arctic explorer
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight loss to one corner. Reads: 'My dear Caro | I cannot go, having an engagement at Greenwich - I will answer for you also. | In haste, | but ever yrs, | W E Parry'. Note: A letter from Parry to "Joseph Martineau, brother-in-law" appears in a Parry archive - perhaps Caro was his sister.

[ Hand-coloured series of images ] "Phenomena of Nature"

[ "Whimper"; Josiah Wood Whymper ]
Publication details: 
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; S. Bentley, printer, [1846 ]

Thirty plates Illustrative of Natural Phenomena, with a short description annexed to each hand-coloured plate, 4to, 35 x 28cm, hf.bound, green cloth, black cf corners and sp., worn, gt bands on spine, 30 engraved plates with fine original hand colour (some spotted, one with small closed tear not affecting text), MS. list of images on verso of front free endpaper, with attractive MS. title "Phenomena of Nature"on recto of second free endpaper, images mostly by Whymper if not all.

Autograph Note Signed 'G.S. Nares' to "Mr [Daniels?]'

G.S. Nares, Arctic Explorer and naval officer [Vice-Admiral Sir George Strong Nares KCB FRS]
Publication details: 
Small decorative monogram showing two ship, ice floes, and Neptune rising from the sea and headed by the Plough (stars), with banner below saying "ALERT DISCOVERY" (his former exploratory ships) in gold and blue

Two pages, 12mo, fold marks, good condition, saying, "Admiral Elliott [Royal Navy flag officer and politician] is the head man - Lord [Henry?] not being a cabinet minister. However - I have asked the Admiral & he has submitted the question to high authority - I will let you know the result as early as possible."

Autograph Letter Signed ('I. I. Hayes') from the American arctic explorer Isaac Israel Hayes, providing an autograph for the stock broker and journalist John H. Gourtie.

Isaac Israel Hayes (1832-1881), American arctic explorer [John H. Gourtie, stock broker and journalist]
Publication details: 
20c East 15th Street, New York. 15 June 1869.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of mount to blank second leaf of bifolium. Good, firm signature, with flourish. The letter reads 'Dear Sir | I have recd your favour of April last & am glad so easily to oblige you. - | Truly yours | I. I. Hayes'. Gourtie contributed stock exchange reports to the New-York American.

Autograph Note Signed "Richd King", traveller, to unnamed correspondent, [James Wyld, cartographer], applicant for membership of the Ethnological Society

Richard King, surgeon, Arctic traveller, later of the Ethnological Society
Publication details: 
[Embossed stamp of the Ethnological Society] 4 Piccadilly, [London], 28 Feb. [no year].

One page, 12mo, embossed stamp slightly damaged, some staining but text clear and complete. "I perceive by your card that you were present & I much regret I did not know you. However I find you had some communication with Dr. Hodgkin & I am delighted to hear that we shall have you as a Member. I now return the charts & beg to return my sincere thanks for their use." This letter is from a colelction of letters addressed to James Wyld, cartographer. The Ethnological Society evolved from the Aborigines Protection Society and later evolved into the Royal Antropological Insitute.

Autograph Note, Third Person, "Lord Dynevor", politician to "Mr Andrews", bookseller, about books on arctic exploration.

George Rice Rice-Trevor, fourth Baron Dynevor (1795–1869), politician (DNB)..
George Rice Rice-Trevor, fourth Baron Dynevor
Publication details: 
Dynevor Castle, 20 Oct. 1833.
George Rice Rice-Trevor, fourth Baron Dynevor

One page, 8vo, sunned and grubby, two small chips, small closed tear, spike-hole (loss of two letters), text legible and complete bar two lost letters. A large cross in the white space means perhaps that the bookseller has dealt with the enquiry. "Lord Dynevor begs Mr Andrews will send him the first Voyage of Discovery by Captain Parry in Quarto, (he has got the second - but has lost the first) & whenever any account comes out of Captain Ross's present Expedition to send him a Copy directed to Dynevor Castle, Lan[?] S Wales, by the Paul Pry Gloucester Coach-| Half Bound in Linnen."

Autograph Letter Signed Wm. H. Dall, naturalist and explorer, to Mrs Geo. R. Parks [née Elizabeth Robins, author], 24 Iverna Gardens, Kensington, W [London] about Mrs Pennell and the Yukon.

William Healey Dall, American naturalist, a prominent malacologist, and one of the earliest scientific explorers of interior Alaska.
Autograph Letter Signed  Wm. H. Dall, naturalist and explorer
Publication details: 
[Headed] Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum, Washington, DC, 12 Feb. 1907.
Autograph Letter Signed  Wm. H. Dall, naturalist and explorer


[Autograph Manuscript] A Little Romance of 'P.W.' ['P.W.' = Pearson's Weekly]

William Le Queux, novelist
William Le Queux, novelist
Publication details: 
No date.
William Le Queux, novelist


Manuscript Notebook (Home Exercise Book, imprint Liverpool)) listing, with narrative, the order of lantern slides in a show.

[Lantern Slide Shows, 1890s]
Lantern Slide Shows, 1890s
Publication details: 
Lantern Slide Shows, 1890s

Green printed paper wraps, 40pp. used, 8vo, contents detached and loose, but complete. First page headed Programme followed by (1) Puss in Boots, with brief narrative with dialogue of nine slides, 2.5 pp.

'Storyteller' magazine, containing the article 'Arctic Hunter' by Edward Shackleton

Edward Shackleton [Arctic hunting; polar exploration; Eskimos; G. K. Chesterton; Hermann Goering]
 Article 'Arctic Hunter' by Edward Shackleton
Publication details: 
Vol. I. No. 6: April 1937. London: The Amalgamated Press, Ltd.
 Article 'Arctic Hunter' by Edward Shackleton

4to, 112 pp. Stapled. In original printed wraps. Fair, on aged and lightly-discoloured paper. In creased, worn and discoloured wraps. 'Arctic Hunter' by Shackleton covers pp. 33-38. With four photographs (three captions: 'A Herd of Musk-Oxen', 'An Arctic Switch-Back' and 'Eskimos in their Hunting Kayaks'). Shackleton's article reads as an original not an extract. Begins 'THE Arctic is thought by many to be a dead and sunless world, largely devoid of life.

Itemised financial accounts, in Shepherd's hand and initialled by him ('C. Wm. S.'), for the expedition described by him in his book 'The North-West Peninsula of Iceland'.

Rev. Charles William Shepherd, of Trinity College, Cambridge, and the Alpine Club [G. G. Fowler; H. M. Upcher; Iceland]
Publication details: 
Dated from 14 June to 7 July [1862].

4to, 5 pp, on five loose and uniform leaves. Very good, on lightly aged paper. The first leaf is headed 'C. W. S. Acc' and is initialled at the foot 'Rt C. Wm. S.' The second is headed 'Sheet (2)', with the rest numbered 3 to 5. It is clear from sheets 2 to 5 that one leaf - what should have been 'Sheet (1)' - is lacking.

Historical Account of the most celebrated Voyages, Travels, and Discoveries, from the Time of Columbus to the Present Period. [Vol. XV, including de Pagès' arctic and antarctic voyages, and Thunberg's 'Travels in Japan and other Countries'.]

William Mavor [Pierre Marie François de Pagès (1748-1793); Carl Peter Thunberg (1743-1828), Swedish naturalist and explorer; Texas; Japan; antarctic; arctic exploration]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for E. Newbery, St. Paul's Church-yard. 1797.

12mo: 284 pp. Frontispiece ('Humanity of an Indian to his Ass') and two plates: 'A Cape Planter attacked by a Lion' (facing p.174) and 'Seizure of the Dutch Governor of Formosa by the Japanese' (facing p.240). In original pink wraps, half-bound with cream spine. Good, on aged and lightly-foxed paper. Wraps stained and worn, with loss to spine. Slight foxing to plates. Contains five chapters: 'Travels round the World, performed by Sea and Land, in the Years 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, and 1771, by M. de Pagès, Captain in the French Navy, &c.'; Voyage of M.

The Strand Magazine [containing 'Mr. Andree's Balloon Voyage to the North Pole' by Alfred T. Story]

Salomon August Andrée [Andree] (1854-1897) [Strand Magazine, arctic exploration, Conan Doyle; William Le Queux; Alfred W. Porter]
Publication details: 
London: George Newnes, Ltd. July 1896.

8vo: xxiv + 120 + viii pp. In original blue printed wraps. Good, in grubby, lightly worn wraps. Thumbprint in margin of one page. Numerous illustrated advertisements at front and rear. Front wrap headed 'TO THE NORTH POLE BY BALLOON! Special Interview with Mr. Andrée.' Many illustrations. Story's piece on Andrée's balloon voyage covers fifteen pages (77-91) and features 25 illustrations and diagrams. Among the other contributions are an installment of Conan Doyle's 'Rodney Stone' and an early illustrated article on X-ray photography, 'The New Photography' by Alfred W. Porter.

Autograph letter signed to John Wilson Croker, Secretary to the Admiralty

Edward Sabine
Publication details: 

(1788-1883) Arctic explorer, soldier, astronomer and magnetic surveyor. Three pages, 8vo, good condition, date "1825" written in pencil. Text as follows: "Copies of my book have been ordered by the Board of Longitude to be sent to Members of the Board, and to Institutions, in different parts of the United Kingdom. Perhaps if the eleven copies, addressed as on the following page, are sent to you, you will have teh kindness to frank them to their several destinations. I shall call at the Admiralty myself with this note to spare you the trouble of writing an answer.

[Antarctic] Autograph Postcard signed "Charles Rabot" to [Marin?]

Charles Rabot, French geographer, glaciologist, traveler, journalist, lecturer, translator, and explorer [ AMUNDSEN ]
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] Societe de Geographie . . . ., no date [1913]

Two sides of postcard, in French, in a difficult hand, probably sent in 1913, the year in which this French Societe awarded a medal to Amundsen (GRADE MÉDAILLE D'OR DES EXPLORATIONS - of the south), text clear and complete. He is discussing the arrangements for the visit of Amundsen, saying initially that they cannot be changed (date, hour, "sejour"). He refers to the receptions involving "les membres du gouvernement" ("sont ]prevues?] du 22 [jour?] de son arrivee . . . Peut-etre le 29 deviendra-t-il libre, maiscela depend ni de la Societe de Geo.

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