
[A young Englishman in 1960s Japan.] Typescript of an untitled novel by an unnamed individual, regarding the cultural and personal adventures in Japan of character Christopher Peter Butterworth, with numerous emendations, additions and corrections.

[Japan in the 1960s; Japanese culture; English expatriate; unpublished typescript of novel]
Publication details: 
No place or date. But clearly written by an English writer, and containing references dating it to the late 1960s.

The present item - presumably autobiographical and definitely unpublished - is in a disordered state, and certainly not in the best of condition, with some parts apparently missing; but it is certainly worthy of attention, as a well-written production over which the author has taken some pains, with numerous manuscript additions and emendations in green and black felt-tip pen, describing from the point of view of a young Englishman 1960s Anglo-Japanese culture shock. 239pp, all but two of which are 4to, the two being foolscap.

[Anti-Vietnam War movement, UK.] Mimeographed pamphlet issued by the ‘Committee for Communist Unity & Vanguard’, titled ‘Vietnam’.

[Anti-Vietnam War, UK.] Committee for Communist Unity; ‘Vanguard’ edited by Arthur Henry Evans (b. 1902), Anti-Revisionist Maoist Welsh communist and poet, proprietor of David-Goliath Publications
Publication details: 
No date [1964 or 1965]. ‘Issued by the: - / COMMITTEE for COMMUNIST UNITY / & / VANGUARD. / Flat 3, 33 Anson Road, / London. N.7.’

The Committee for Communist Unity and Vanguard were both mouthpieces of the Maoist Welsh Communist A. H. Evans, who was born in the village of Aber Clydach, near Talybont on Usk, Breconshire. He gives biographical information in his ‘English Historians and Welsh History’ (1975). The only copy of the present item traced is at the British Library, which dates it to 1964 or 1965. 8pp, small 4to. Mimeographed on two bifoliums, one loosely inserted in the other. A lo-fi production. The full title reads: ‘VIETNAM / OPPOSE “NEGOTIATIONS AT ANY PRICE!” / OPPOSE A CEASEFIRE WHILE U.S.

[Mimeographed pamphlet.] No Right to a Hearing. The Deportation Proceedings Against Bert Bensen. By Bert Bensen.

Bert Bensen, American psychology lecturer and supporter of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Publication details: 
'Published by: Friends of Bert Bensen, Top Flat, 127, King Henry's Road, London NW3'. February 1965.

16pp., 4to, with additional yellow cover leaf carrying title, with 'Introduction' on reverse. In good condition, on aged and worn paper, with slight damage to the fore-edge of the cover leaf. Neat ownership inscription of John H. Shaw. According to the introduction 'Bert Bensen's account of his attempts to stay in Britain - and of the determination of two successive Home Secretaries that he shall not - reads like something out of Kafka. The Sense of unreality that permeates the Bensen affair should not be allowed to hide the serious questions it raises. Why was Mr.

Original 45rpm record of 'South African Freedom Songs', sung by Pete Seeger, Robert Harter, Garrett Morris, Guy Carawan, Ned Wright, with booklet of words and music, with 'Notes by Peter Seeger'.

Peter Seeger; Folkways Records, New York [South African; Pete Seeger, Robert Harter, Garrett Morris, Guy Carawan, Ned Wright]
Publication details: 
Folways Records and Service Corp., 117W. 46th St. NYC USA. [1960.]

In black 19.5 cm square sleeve, with striking cover design showing the aftermath of Sharpeville, and notice 'The American Committee on Africa receives royalties from the sale of this record.' The four songs are Tina Sizwe (We, The Brown Nation); Nkosi Waqcine (God Save the Volunteers); Asikatali (We Do Not Care If We Go To Prison); Liyashizwa (Pass-Burning Song). Very good, lightly-aged, with the record itself (in brown paper sleeve) seemingly unplayed. The twelve-page booklet is stapled, with illustrated cover and three photographs of the Sharpville Massacre.

Contracts, agreements and Autograph and Typed Letters Signed relating to the publication of "The New London Spy", including twenty-one contracts with the Autograph Signatures of most of the contributors.

The New London Spy, ed. Hunter Davies
Publication details: 
London, 1965-71.

Most of the documents are typewritten on A4, some are creased and torn but the overall condition is good. A fascinating glimpse into the world of sixties publishing. Three-page typewritten contract between Hunter Davies and Anthony Blond Ltd initialled on each leaf by Davies and with his autograph signature on the last leaf, together with agreements relating to foreign and paperback rights with Holt-Blond Ltd, Corgi and Bantam Books, Sugar Editore and Editions Robert Laffont. Five Autograph Letters Signed, Three Typed Letters Signed and twenty-one contracts.

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