[Francis Chantrey, sculptor] Autograph Note Signed F Chantrey to Sir Martin, excusing himself from a social arrangement since it's the last day of the pheasant shooting season.

Sir Francis Chantrey [Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey] (1781-1841), English sculptor.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

One page, 12mo, laid down on sl. larger piece of card, probably trimmed with loss of address and date[?], good condition, boldly written. Unluckily I am engaged to Breakfast at the Black Bull [underlined] Hodedon[?] on Wednesday tthe 29th & shoot pheasants [underlined] the remainder of the Day in the Park - I am very sorry: I have fixed the day myself & it is the last this season so pray forgive me & excuse me.

[ The Earl of Albemarle, as Lord Bury. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Bury') to 'Major Richardson', regarding the arrangements [ by the National Rifle Association ] for the visit of the 'Belgians' [ Belgian Volunteers ] to Wimbledon.

[ Lord Bury ] William Coutts Keppel, 7th Earl of Albemarle (1832-1894), styled Viscount Bury between 1851 and 1891, British soldier and politician [ National Rifle Association ]
Publication details: 
8 St Martin's Lane [ London ]. 10 July 1867.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. On behalf of 'the Executive Committee', he thanks him and 'the Sub Committee' for the letter 'reporting the conclusion of the arrangements for Reception of the Belgians at Wimbledon', and declares the arrangements satisfactory. The letter concludes with a resolution of the Executive Committee, requesting the Sub Committee 'to continue their labours in this department until after the Departure of the Belgians from Wimbledon'.

[ Mandela; Sir Ronald Harwood, playwright and screenwriter. ] Shooting Script, with numerous pages of amendments, of the British television drama film 'Mandela'.,directed by Peter Saville and starring Danny Glover.

Sir Ronald Harwood (born South Africa, 1934 as Ronald Horwitz), Oscar-winning playwright and screenwriter [ Peter Saville (1930-2016), British film director; Nelson Mandela ]
Publication details: 
[ TVS Limited, Shepperton Studios. ] Dated 9 September 1986.

Typed screenplay, 103pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Paginated to 99, but with the pagination heavily disrupted by the addition and removal of a large number of pages of revisions on pink or blue paper, each amended leaf dated at the head. Held together with two metal studs, in yellow card binding with windowpane for title. Title-page states 'MANDELA | by | Ronald Harwood | 9 September 1986', without further details. Loosely inserted is a six-page 'Call Sheet No.

[ Edwardian shooting journal by British Army officer in Balistan, India (now Pakistan). ] Autograph 'Shooting Journal' by Lt Walter Edwin Beazley of the 54th Sikhs (Frontier Force), containing accounts and lists of kit, clothes, crockery, stores.

Lt-Col. Walter Edwin Beazley (1886-1969), MC [ 54th Sikhs, Frontier Force ]
Publication details: 
Balistan, India (now Pakistan). Dating from between 5 April and 2 May 1908.

A recipient of the Military Cross, Beazley was educated at Rugby and Sandhurst.

[ Booklet celebrating 150th anniversary of the celebrated Birmingham cartridge makers.] The Eley Story 1828-1978.

Dorothy Thomas [Eley, Witton, Birmingham cartridge makers] [ C. Harry Lawrence (c.1900-1984), managing director, James Purdey & Sons Ltd, London gunsmiths ]
Publication details: 
Eley, P.O. Box 216, Witton, Birmingham. [Kynoch Graphic Design, Printed at IMI Kynoch Press, Birmingham.] 1978.

[36]pp., 8vo. Stapled in red card wraps with circular cartridge design in silver. An attractive and glossy production, profusely illustrated. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with dink to spine. Section titles read: '"Who is this C. Eley?"'; 'The Brothers'; 'Together now for 40 years'; 'New Century, new problems'; 'Crisis and congratulations'; 'Pastures new'; 'War and Peace'; '"A policiy of enlightened self-interest"'; 'Eley at 150 years old'. From the papers of the noted gunsmith C.

[William Ford, Birmingham gun maker.] Manuscript letter from the firm to F. Gardner, giving the cost of improving the shooting of his 'little .410'. On letterhead with much text as advertisement.

William Ford, Gun Maker, "Eclipse" Works, 15, St. Mary's Row, Birmingham
Publication details: 
Letterhead of William Ford, Gun Maker, "Eclipse" Works, 15, St. Mary's Row, Birmingham. 21 February 1907.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged paper with wear to extremities. Addressed to 'F. Gardner Esq | Little Coggeshall | Essex'. The letter is signed 'Wm Ford | Per Pro' and reads: 'Dear Sir | In reply to your kind enquiry the cost to improve the shooting of your little .410 would be about 10/- if a double gun as near as I can tell without seeing it. | Trusting to be favoured with your kind command'. The letterhead contains a mass of text at the head and filling the left-hand margin.

[Thomas Francis Kennedy, Scottish Whig politician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. F Kennedy'), as Chief Commissioner of Her Majesty's Woods and Forests, to Mayow W. Adams, JP, regarding a 'warrant' for the killing of a 'Buck from The New Forest'.

Thomas Francis Kennedy (1788-1879), Scottish Whig politician [Mayow W. Adams, JP, of the Old House, Sydenham, Kent]
Publication details: 
Dalquharran Castle, Nr. Maybole [Ayrshire], Scotland. 25 August 1851.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He requests him to have 'a warrant issued, in my favour, for a Buck from The New Forest, as soon after this letter reaches you, as may be convenient - and that you will give the instructions for its disposal'. He gives three numbered instructions regarding the warrant's packing and dispatch, adding 'going by the Luggage train is essential, in order that the expence may not be excessive'. In a postscript he asks that the buck be 'killed & dispatched ' when the weather is 'suitable'.

Contemporary manuscript copy of letter to the writer Henry William Herbert ('Frank Forester') from 'Titrao Cupido' on 'the Primated Grouse'. With pencil signature 'Jno. B. Hearsh', and note describing this as 'a pseudonym of John H. Beardsley'

'Titrao Cupido' [John B. Hearsh; John H. Beardsley; Henry William Herbert ('Frank Forester'), sportsman and author]
Contemporary manuscript copy of letter to the writer Henry William Herbert
Publication details: 
Undated, but contemporaneous with the letter, which is dated 'Cleveland, March 17th. 1857'.
Contemporary manuscript copy of letter to the writer Henry William Herbert

4to, 2 pp. On bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Text clear and complete. The letter, of 39 lines, requests Herbert's opinion of 'the feasibility of a plan for the domestication of the Primated Grouse of the western prairies in this section of the country'. He writes because 'some few passages in your own writings have led me to know that one who has the heart of, and a desire to be a true sportsman, would not, if requesting a favor at your hand be overlooked'. Signed 'Titrao Cupido | Box 841 O.O. | Cleveland Ohio'. This has been lightly crossed-out in pencil, with the signature 'Jno.

Rifles for Large Game. The Trajectories, Time of Flight, Remaining Velocities ., and Striking Energies of Bullets Fired from Large Bore and Express Rifles.

Major W. McClintock, R.A.
Publication details: 
Woolwich: Printed at the Royal Artillery Institution, 1884

Reprinted from "Proceedings, Royal Military Institution," No. 11, Vol.XII. 4pp., with two folding plates, tall 8vo, original blue printed wraps, sunned at edges, mainly good, remnants of album page on back cover. Inscribed "With the Author's Compliments." From an album created by the engineer son of Montgomery C. Meigs, engineer, sometime distinguished Quartermaster General for the Union Army.

Experiments with Small Shot

Major W. McClintock, R.A.
Publication details: 
Woolwich: Printed at the Royal Artillery Institution, 1883

Reprinted from "Proceedings, Royal Military Institution," No. 6, Vol.XII. 19pp., tall 8vo, original blue wraps, slight;y chipped, and sunned at edges, worn at bottom of spine, mainly good.remnants of album page on back cover. Inscribed "With the Author's Compliments." From an album created by the engineer son of M.C. Meigs, engineer, sometime distinguished Quartermaster General for the Union Army. No copy on COPAC or WorldCat.

Autograph Letter Signed to Edward Draper.

Byron Webber, English novelist and journalist [The Sporting Gazette, London]
Publication details: 
15 September 1871; on letterhead of The Sporting Gazette, 135 Strand, London W.C.

12mo, 2 pp. Text complete and legible, on grubby and creased paper. Trace of grey paper mount adhering to blank verso of second leaf of bifolium. Crude caricature of a man's face in top left-hand corner of first page. Draper 'bolted from the Club last night' - Webber can 'guess the cause' - 'thereby depriving the committee of the unit necessary to form a quorum'. Had he not done so 'Marks would have shown you the drawing which he had brought down, finished, for your inspection.' Webber will 'bring it with me to the Circle to-morrow.

Printed bank instructions, with autograph additions and signature.

Publication details: 

Dimensions: 5 inches by 7 inches. Somewhat grubby and with ink stain at foot. Headed 'THE MASTERS OF FOX HOUNDS ASSOCIATION, | TATTERSALLS, ALBERT GATE, LONDON.' Standing order to Dalkeith's bank, Coutts & Co of 59 Strand, to make an annual payment on 1 May to the Herries Farquhar branch of Lloyds one pound, as his subscription to the association. Signed 'Dalkeith'. Docketed by the bank and pinned to a 'Tattersalls' letterhead, roughly 5 inches by 7 inches, carrying a note which reads 'With the Secretary of the M. F. H. A's compliments.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

[BIG GAME HUNTING] Sir Edmund Lechmere, 4th Baronet
Publication details: 
No date (but docketed 'Letter of Mch 30' [1928]); on blindstamped letterhead 'Flat 2, | 45, Braham Gardens, | S. W. 5.'

2 pages, 16mo. Somewhat grubby and creased, and obtrusively docketed in ink, with the phrase 'Sent off | 10th 28' written across the text on the recto. Reads 'Dear Sir, | You hoped to return my book (album) last week but no doubt the holidays interfered. I am just sending a line to say I am leaving Town for the Country for the summer early on Monday next so hope it may be returned this week | Yours sincy | E Lechmere'.

The Language of Field Sports

C.E. Hare
Publication details: 
London, revd ed. 1949

Pp.xvi.276, v.g. in worn dw.

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