
[Sir Edward Fry, judge and zoologist.] Autograph Letter in the third person, asking Bernard Piffard, microscopist etc, to send him a 'Micro-slide'.

Sir Edward Fry (1827-1918), judge and zoologist, Lord Justice of Appeal [Bernard Piffard (1833-1916), entomologist and microscopist]
Publication details: 
14 November 1885. On letterhead of 5 The Grove, Highgate [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. From the Piffard papers. 1p, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Reads: 'Lord Justice Fry would be obliged if Mr Piffard would send him a Micro-slide of Conidia bearing Hyphae of Eurotium repens, isolated & stained by a new application of Iodine Vapour. He encloses 2/- in stamps.'

[Yves Delage, Professor at the Sorbonne, French zoologist who believed in the authenticity of the Turin Shroud; critic of Darwinism] Printed publishers? catalogue, headed by Delage's ?La Structure du Protoplasma et les Th?ories sur l?H?r?dite?.

Yves Delage (1854-1920), French zoologist who discovered the function of the canals in the inner ear and believed in the authenticity of the Turin Shroud [Librairie C. Reinwald & Cie, Paris.]
Publication details: 
Librairie C. Reinwald & Cie, 15, rue des Saints-P?res, Paris.

A scarce piece of scientific publishing ephemera. No other copy traced. 8pp, 8vo. Aged, worn and spotted, with staples rotted away. The cover is headed 'Librairie C. Reinwald & Cie, 15, rue des Saints-P?res, Paris / Derni?res publications / relative aux sciences m?dicales et naturelles.' Delage's work ('Vient de para?tre') is noticed on the cover, with an 'Extrait de la table des mati?res' extending to the end of the second page. Other many other publications noticed are 'L'Embryologie compar?e par Le Dr Louis Roule'. and 'Trait? d'anatomie compar?e pratique par Carl Vogt et ?mile Yung'.

[‘Our Government will stand in a sad position amongst the nations’: Sir Edward Fry on non-ratification of the London Declaration concerning the Laws of Naval War.] Autograph Letter Signed to W. H. Dickinson, on the ‘disgrace’ that would result.

Sir Edward Fry (1827-1918), judge and zoologist, Lord Justice of Appeal [Sir Willoughby Hyett Dickinson [latterly Lord Dickinson] (1859-1943), Liberal and then Labour politician]
Publication details: 
25 February 1911. On letterhead of Failand House, Failand, near Bristol.

See Fry’s entry in the Oxford DNB. Dickinson was an influential proponent of the League of Nations. The present item concerns the London Declaration concerning the Laws of Naval War, an international code of maritime law, following on from the second Hague Conference. Great Britain, as the world’s chief naval power, had felt that such a court should be governed by defined principles, and had convened an international concerence in London in 1908. The Declaration that was issued three years later comprised 71 articles. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once.

[ William Benjamin Carpenter, physiologist, author of one of the first temperance books. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('William B. Carpenter') to the mathematician l'Abbé Moigno

William Benjamin Carpenter (1813-1885), Registrar of the University of London, zoologist and physiologist, temperance advocate [ François Napoléon Marie Moigno [ l'Abbé Moigno ] (1804-1884) ]
Publication details: 
375 Hotel du Louvre [ Paris ]. 8 April 1863.

Carpenter's most famous work is The Use and Abuse of Alcoholic Liquors in Health and Disease. The first printing of the first edition was published in London by Charles Gilpin in March 1850. It was one of the first temperance books (Washingtonian Movement) to promote the fact that alcoholism is a disease. He was also one of the founders of the modern theory of the adaptive unconscious. 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn. He reminds him of his 'kind promise to procure for me an invitation to M.

[ Alfred Brown, Scottish conchologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Dr. O. A. L. Morch of the Zoological Museum, Copenhagen, regarding a possible exchange of shells with a 'Danish Collector', containing long lists of bivalve and univalve specimens.

Alfred Brown, Scottish ship-owner and conchologist [ William & Alfred Brown & Co., Glasgow; Dr Otto Andreas Lowson Mørch [ Morch ] (1828-1878), Danish zoologist ]
Publication details: 
28 Burnbank Gardens, Glasgow, Scotland. 8 February 1873.

Brown's collection of shells is now held by the Kelvingrove Museum in Glasgow. 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. The text of the letter is on the verso of the last leaf and recto of the first, with the central two pages each carrying a neat list, in double column, the first of 'Bivalves' and the second of 'Univalves'. Pinned at the head of the first page of the letter is an advertisement cut from a newspaper, reading: 'A DANISH COLLECTOR OF SHELLS | wishes to exchange Fine Specimens of Land and Freshwater Shells from Denmark, with Specimens from England and other places. Refer to DR. O. A. L.

[ Sir James Gray, zoologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('James Gray') to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, explaining why he cannot chair 'Dr. Cole's "Cantor" Lecture'.

Sir James Gray (1880-1975), British zoologist who helped establish the field of cytology [structure of cells etc]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of King's Field, West Road, Cambridge. 31 January 1962.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, lightly-aged, with small pin-hole at top left and Gray's signature underlined in red pencil. He would have 'loved' to chair 'Dr. Cole's "Cantor" Lecture on 22 May, but has to 'attend at [sic] series of meetings in Ireland during the whole of that week'. He has written to Cole on the matter.

[ E. A. Smith of the Natural History Museum, zoologist and malacologist. ] Autograph Card Signed ('Edgar A. Smith') to fellow-malacologist Rudolph Bergh of Copenhagen.

E. A. Smith [ Edgar Albert Smith ] (1847-1916) of the Natural History Museum, zoologist and malacologist [ Ludvig Sophus Rudolph Bergh (1824-1909), Danish physician and malacologist ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London. 11 May 1905.

In good condition, with stamp and postmarks. Addressed to 'Dr Rudolf [sic] Bergh | 6 Malmogade | Copenhagen | Denmark'. Reads: 'Dear Sir, | I have no record of any account of the soft parts of Amathina tricostata since the time of H. & A. Adams. I remember your visit to us many many years ago. With kind regards | Yours v. truly | Edgar A. Smith'.

[ E. A. Smith of the Natural History Museum, zoologist and malacologist. ] Five Autograph Letters Signed and two Autograph Cards Signed to H. J. V. Lynge of Copenhagen

E. A. Smith [ Edgar Albert Smith ] (1847-1916) of the Natural History Museum, zoologist and malacologist [ Herman Johannes Vilhelm Lynge (1862-1945), Danish antiquarian bookseller and zoologist ]
Publication details: 
Five on letterheads of the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London. Between 1903 and 1910.

The seven items in good condition, showing light signs of age and wear. Four signed 'Edgar A. Smith' and three 'E. A. Smith'. The letters totalling 10pp. A learned correspondence, with Smith attempting, not always successfully, to identify Lynge's specimens, passing comment and suggesting publications.

[ William Bernhardt Tegetmeier, naturalist. ] Secretarial Letter, Signed 'W B Tegetmeier', to Charles Collette, thanking him for his 'friendly reception of me at the Club' [i.e. the Savage Club].

William Bernhardt Tegetmeier (1816-1912), naturalist, friend of Charles Darwin, natural history editor of 'The Field' magazine, London [ Charles Henry Collette (1842-1924), actor ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 'The Field', Windsor House, Bream's Buildings, London, E.C. 21 January 1903.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with slight damage to second leaf caused by removal from mount. The letter is in a secretarial hand, with Tegetmeier writing the valediction: 'Very sincerely Yours | W B Tegetmeier | C Collette Esq'. He thanks him for his 'exceedingly kind and friendly reception of me at the Club last night', and encloses 'a slip of what I wrote in the Queen, as it may interest you'. He asks to be sent a post card to confirm receipt, 'as I am not quite certain whether you have any letters sent to the Club'.

[ Adam White, Victorian zoologist praised by Charles Darwin. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Adam White: Assistant Zool Dept Brit. Mus') to his relation Martha [Dewar], regarding family history, and his friend the author and botanist Rev. James Hamilton.

Adam White (1817-1878), Scottish zoologist in the Zoological Department, British Museum, praised by Charles Darwin [ Rev. James Hamilton (1814-1867), Scottish minister, author and botanist ]
Publication details: 
3 Albion Grove West, Islington. 22 February 1849.

1p., 4to. 31 lines of text, written in a neat and close hand.

Autograph Letter Signed ('D. J. Scourfield') from the biologist and microscopist David Joseph Scourfield to 'Dr. Crow' [William Bernard Crow], describing a 'living specimen from Eagle Pond, Epping Forest, of a species of Volvox'.

David Joseph Scourfield (1866-1949), ISO, FLS, FZS, FRMS, biologist and microscopist [Dr William Bernard Crow (1895-1976), biologist and occultist]
Publication details: 
63 Queen's Road, Leytonstone, E11. 26 September 1927.

3pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper, on two leaves pinned together. He begins: 'I am sending herewith living specimens from Eagle Pond, Epping Forest, of a species of Volvox without protoplasmic connections between the cells. If you have not had it before you will no doubt be interested. If you have, I should be glad if you could tell me what you think it ought to be called. It is evidently close, if not identical, with V. Monona Gilb. Smith recorded by Pearsall as British from the Lake Dist. But it may also be V. tertius Meyer (cf.

[Pamphlet, Inscribed by author] Notice sur Deux Livres Rarissimes qui font partie de ma Bibliothèque [continued in description.

[NICOLAS JOLY] M[onsieur] N. Joly (1812-1885), book-collector, scientist (professeur de zoologie à la Faculté des Sciences)
Publication details: 
Toulouse, Imprimerie Douladoure, Rouget Frères et Delahaut, successeurs, Rue Sainy-Rome, 39, 1870.

36pp., 8vo, green paper wraps.frontispiece (portrait of La Baumelle), chipped and stained, sl. hinge strain, contents sl. foxed but mainly good condition. Titlepage continued: "[...] Accompagnés de Pensées inédites de la Beaumelle, et d'une lettre autographe de La Condamine, relative a la première incarcération de l'auteur des Pensées a la Bastille." "Extrait des Mémoires de l'Académie impériale des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de Toulouse. 7me sè, To.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F Barham Zincke') from the antiquary and radical Foster Barham Zincke to 'My dear Mr Flower' [Sir William Henry Flower], regarding the latter's five-month stay in Egypt.

Rev. Foster Barham Zincke (1817-1893), English antiquary and radical pamphleteer, educated at Wadham College, Oxford [Sir William Henry Flower (1831-1899), Director of the Natural History Museum]
Publication details: 
Wherstead Vicarage, Ipswich. 28 May <1874?>.

4pp., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of stub adhering to margin. He has received Flower's 'catalogue'. 'I was sure you wd. be delighted with Egypt. It has so much to tell us about man & nature. The early stages of mans progress, & the variety of nature.' Zincke would like 'time to look into things & to think about them': he was in Egypt 'only as many weeks as you were months'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E Ray Lankester. | MA. FRS. Professor of Zoology in University Coll. London.') from Sir Edwin Ray Lankester, requesting a copy of Sedgwick's translation of Claus from the publishers [Swan Sonnenschein & Co, London].

E. Ray Lankester [Sir Edwin Ray Lankester] (1847-1929), Professor of Zoology in University College, London [Adam Sedgwick (1854-1913); Professor Carl Claus]
Publication details: 
11 Wellington Mansions, North Bank, N.W., on cancelled letterhead of the Savile Club, Piccadilly; 20 January [no year]

3pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper with a thin strip of glue in gutter from previous mounting. Lankester complains that he has 'not received a copy of Mr. Sedgwick's translation of Claus' Handbook of Zoology'. He has 'a large number of students (annually over 60) at University College' to whom he would recommend the book if he had it. 'I should wish to be able to place it on the lecture table for them to see.' He claims that it is 'usual for publishers to enable teachers to do this kind of thing - by sending them copies of works likely to be recommended'.

Contributions to the Fauna and Flora of Southwestern Asia

R.A. Blakelock and others
Contributions to the Fauna and Flora of Southwestern Asia
Publication details: 
Florida : [... distributed privately by the author], 1955 (COPAC Entry; another adds Coconut Grove))
Contributions to the Fauna and Flora of Southwestern Asia

With Papers by R.A. Blakelock, Robert H. Kanazawa, Arthur Loveridge, A.L. Rand and Staff of British Museum (Natural History). [22; 24; 6 inc. blanks and outside pages], 4to, unbound, stapled, p.12 inserted upsidedown, outside pages grubby, good condition. Four copies listed on COPAC (BL, Natural History Museum, SOAS, Oxford; four also listed on WorldCat (Harvard, Paris, Geneva, Basel).

Signature and subscription from Autograph Letter, signed W.B. Carpenter, zoologist etc.

William Benjamin Carpenter MD CB FRS 813–1885), English physician, invertebrate zoologist and physiologist.
William Benjamin Carpenter MD CB FRS 813–1885), English physician
Publication details: 
No place or date surviving.
William Benjamin Carpenter MD CB FRS 813–1885), English physician

Paper, 11 x 5cm, faint traces on reverse of its origin in an album, 99 in bottom corner in another hand (number in collection), mainly good. Believe me to be, Dr Sir, yours most sincerely WB Carpenter.

Autograph Note Signed ('Richard Southwood') to 'Mr Ladkin'.

Sir Richard Southwood (1931-2005), Professor of Zoology and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford
Sir Richard Southwood, Professor of Zoology, Letter
Publication details: 
10 October 1986; on letterhead of the National Radiological Protection Board.
Sir Richard Southwood, Professor of Zoology, Letter

8vo, 1 p. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with a couple of punch holes to the left margin (one through a word of text). Thanking him for his 'kd letter of appreciation of my work as chairman of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution'. He now has 'another public duty concerned with the same field'.

Autograph Signature ('J Arthur Thomson').

J. Arthur Thomson [Sir John Arthur Thomson] (1861-1933), Scottish naturalist and author whose writings sought to reconcile science and religion
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On slip of paper, roughly 2.5 x 10 cm, cut from a letter for an autograph hunter. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Reads 'Yours sincerely | J Arthur Thomson'.

Trade catalogue, in French, of books in 'Anthropologie et Zoologie', sold by H. Welter, 'Export-Agent and Dealer in Second-Hand Books'.

H. Welter, Paris and Leipzig bookseller ('Librarie universitaire française et étrangère, ancienne et moderne') [bookselling; trade catalogues; anthropology; zoology]
Publication details: 
Catalogue Mensuel No 61. - 1893'. Paris: H. Welter, 59, Rue Bonaparte, 59. ['Imp. Mazereau. - Tours. - E. Soudée, Successeur.']

12mo, 32 pp. Stapled. Text clear and complete. On aged and worn paper, with rusted staples causing the outer bifolium to detach. Items 2067 to 2786, with 'Supplément. Deutsche Werhe.' (Items from the firm's Leipzig branch.)

Autograph Signature.

Paul Belloni Du Chaillu
Publication details: 
26 June 1901; on letterhead of the Auguste Victoria (Hamburg-Amerika Linie).

French-born American traveller in the interior of West Africa (1831-1903). On piece of paper roughly 4 1/2 inches by 7 inches. In good condition although somewhat grubby and creased. Reads 'Yours very truly | Paul Du Chaillu | June 26th 1901'. Letterhead, with vignette in gold, gray and blue, reading 'Au Bord | des Schnelldampfers "AUGUSTE VICTORIA" | den ........ 19 | Hamburg-Amerika Linie'.

Autograph letters signed (x 3) to Clement Shorter, editor The Sphere, etc.

E. Ray Lankester
Publication details: 
no year given

Zoologist. 2pp. each, 8vo. He talks about proofs of his articles,giving instructions, discusses a manuscript he has submitted and congratulates Shorter on photographs of a Siberian mammoth. 3 items,

Autograph Postcards Signed (x 3)2 initialled, to C.H. Grinling, labour activist

J. Arthur Thomson
Publication details: 
1905 (1), 1918 (2)

Zoologist (1861-1933). Two of the cards say very little. The third is as follows: "'Nature' remains, more or less wisely, on an altitude. Books brought ot the altar will be reviewed. Others won't. If Prof. Carr sends a copy to 'Nature', as surely should have been done on publication, the all-highest Editor may send it to me for review, and for return therafter to the alter (sic). As far as \i know, this is the invariable rule. Of course I shall be glad to call attention to first-rate work." 3 items,

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